Saturday, August 2, 2014

Public Schooling... You've Been Had, and It's Worse Than You Can Imagine....Part I

If this quote doesn't get your attention, you are too far gone in the mental abyss that is public school brainwashing. If it tickles your ears for more, keep reading, it only gets better!!!
"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you teachers to make all of these sick children well by creating the international children of the future." - Dr. Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry, Medicine and Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, address to the Association for Childhood Education International in Denver (1972)

"I've since come to understand the reason school lasts thirteen years. It takes that long to sufficiently break a child's will. It is not easy to disconnect children's wills, to disconnect them from their own experiences of the world in preparation for the lives of painful employment they will have to endure."- Derrick Jensen

 Are these people for real? Yes, absolutely. You are, were, and will be forever stuck in a place of painful employment with only a few lucky ones reaching the top or the bliss of entrepreneurship our country was founded upon- the latter severally restricted by regulation.

"Free education for all children in public schools. Combination of education with industrial production." - Point 10 Communist Manifesto


I read an article today about why American's brains are wired to get bored so easily, to mortgage out their homes for the latest Ipod or video game. Now, the root of it is evil, obviously. But the devil is a charlatan, one who uses magic and parlor tricks to get your attention off of what he is really doing.
This is the article:
Shocking Origins of Public School

 Everyone is up and arms over Common Core, and rightfully so, but they are batting the air because there have been several waves of Common Core since the inception of compulsory education. Notice the word compulsory.


: required by a law or rule
: having the power of forcing someone to do something

An Education for An Empire: The Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations- 
Using education as a means to control society for the benefit of industrialization

With the freeing of slave labor during the Civil War, man being evil, will always find a way to enslave other men to do his work for him. Men like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford did just this. They poured millions upon millions into a public education system that they touted to the "little" people as a gift- much like Margret Sanger touted birth control as a gift to black people (in the guise of getting rid of "degenerates" as she called them. She single handedly brought about the legalization of birth control which led to legalized abortion which has led to the genocide of millions of Americans...yay... I digress) 

Once you force someone to do something for you, that is slavery. What is worse is that the very founders and proponents of said slavery were not exactly silent as to what they were doing. 

Between 1906 and 1920, a handful of world famous industrialists and financiers through their foundations spent more attention and more money toward forced schooling than the national government did. Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller alone spent more money than the government did between 1900 and 1920. In this fashion, the system of modern schooling was constructed outside the public eye and outside the public's representatives. Were these guys just being nice? No way, they needed a nation of workers, docile, and obedient. How to go about getting these docile drones? You've got to get ahold of the children and the only way to do that was to revamp the teacher's colleges. 

I can't stress enough the push made by Rockefeller and his industrial cohorts. For further study, please read this or many one of John Gatto's indepth books. : John Gatto Weapons of Mass Instruction, A School Teacher's Guide to the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling

here is an excerpt online to the absurdity that Rockefeller's foundation pushed through

There were those who wished to stop this takeover of our minds but they were not heard over the sound of millions of green pieces of paper...

 In the Congressional Record of January 26, 1917, for instance, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon entered these words:
They are moving with military precision all along the line to get control of the education of the children of the land.
Senator Poindexter of Washington followed, saying:
The cult of Rockefeller, the cult of much to be guarded against in the educational system of this country as a particular religious sect.
And in the same issue, Senator Kenyon of Iowa related:
There are certain colleges that have sought endowments, and the agent of the Rockefeller Foundation or the General Education Board had gone out and examined the curriculum of these colleges and compelled certain changes....
It seems to me one of the most dangerous things that can go on in a republic is to have an institution of this power apparently trying to shape and mold the thought of the young people of this country.
Senator Works of California added:
These people(Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford) ...are attempting to get control of the whole educational work of the country.
In 1890 Andrew Carnegie wrote a series of eleven essays called "The Gospel of Wealth", a treatise which essentially stated that free enterprise and capitalism no longer existed in the United States, because he and Rockefeller owned everything, including the government, and that competition was impossible unless they allowed it. Eventually, says Carnegie, the young children will become aware of this and form clandestine organizations to fight against it.

Carnegie proposes that men of wealth form a synthetic free enterprise system based on cradle-to-grave schooling. The people who advanced through schooling would be given licenses to lead profitable lives. All licenses are tied to forms of schooling. This way, the entire economy can be controlled and people have a motivation for them to learn what you want them to learn. It also places the minds of all children in the hands of a few social engineers.

Check out This Video!!!!! 
..What Could POSSIBLY wrong with foundations, they do so much good?
 Here is a link to the transcript of the Norman Dodd Interview with Ed Griffin

 It starts out like this: W
elcome to the Reality Zone.  I am Ed Griffin.  The story we are about to hear represents a missing piece in the puzzle of modern history.  We are about to hear a man tell us that the major tax-exempt foundations of America, since at least 1945, have been operating to promote a hidden agenda.  That agenda has nothing to do with the surface appearance of charity, good works or philanthropy.

This man will tell you that the real objective has been to influence American educational institutions and to control foreign policy agencies of the Federal government.  The purpose of the control has been to condition Americans to accept the creation of world government.  That government is to be based on the principle of collectivism, which is another way of saying socialism;  and, it is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which control the tax-exempt foundations.

Norman Dodd was a banker/bank manager, who worked as a financial advisor and served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations; he was primarily known for his controversial investigation into tax-exempt foundations. He provided evidence that the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Endowment were using funds excessively on projects at Columbia, Harvard, Chicago University and the University of California, in order to enable oligarchical collectivism. 

Dodd was given access for an aide of his, Katherine Casey,  to look over the minutes  of the Carnegie Endowment and bring them back on dictaphone belts. What was found will set your hair on end...
start around the 17 min markAround  my heart stops...yes, they said it... and right now I'm telling you you can through your high school degree, your college degree OUT THE WINDOW... for any knowledge based on  LIE is worth NOTHING!


"Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of the entire people?"
Answer: We know no other means than war to alter the entire people

"How to we involve the United States in a War?"
Answer: We MUST control the state department

"How do we do that?"
Answer: We must control and take over the diplomatic means of this country- and they resolve to aim at that as a directive....then we enter WW1

 Minutes recorded (min 6:49) saying they dispatched to President Wilson NOT to end the War too quickly

They shift their efforts to keep a "reversion" to pre 1914, pre War state...

They arrive at the conclusion "To prevent a reversion, we MUST control the education of the United States...

To them that is way too big to do on their own so they approach the Rockefeller Foundation,
 "that portion of education which can be considered domestic should be handled by Rockefeller and that portion which is international should be handled by the Endowment. 

Now, at this moment in the interview, I, Leah Faith Svensson, literally begin to cry. "I've heard this, read quotes, but there is nothing more powerful than this spoken word. A man who saw the corruption with own eyes and lived to tell about it. "

LET....THAT....SINK... IN. this whole article, everything you have read or will read is summed up with this:

The nation's industrialists set about to fundamentally CHANGE the fabric of America by LYING  to EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL CHILD IN AMERICA... Why? Because, if you believe in the "good guys", the founding fathers, if you believe that God makes heroes out of mere mortals, if you believe that in Christ you have ALL YOUR NEEDS MET... These industrialists cannot take their money and make their Utopian universe. For, they NEED you to depend on them... and they use the government as their guise...They say "YOU need the GOVERNMENT, the GOVERNMENT does not need you!!" This is fundamentally Un- American and goes against the very foundation that we are a government OF  the people BY the People and FOR the people... but instead, the people live to serve the government and whoever controls the government at that moment. Today, you can see this played out in Bill Gates as he pours millions into Common Core to shape his next Utopian society.

Mr. Dodd's Interview Continues...
 "So they approach 4 of the then foremost teachers of American History in the country...teachers like Charles and Mary Beard... They ask them,  'Will they alter the way American History is taught?' THEY GET TURNED DOWN FLAT..." 

  So, they
 then decide it is necessary as they said "build our own stable of historians... Approach the Guggenheim Foundation which specializes in fellowships..When we find  young men that are  in the process of obtaining a doctorate in the field of American History and we feel they are the right caliber will you grant them fellowships on our say so... the answer was yes..."

 Toward the end of the 1920's, the Endowment grants to the American Historical Association $400,000 for a study of our history in a manner which points to what can this country look forward to in the future. That culminates in a seven-volume study, the last volume of which is, of course, in essence a summary of the contents of the other six. The essence of the last volume is: The future of this country belongs to collectivism administered with characteristic American efficiency. "

Again, The future of this country belongs to: collectivism administered with characteristic American efficiency." 

As a side note, the poor gal who had to take these minutes via dictaphone was so upset by what she found out she literally went crazy... Yeah, when you find out first hand the reality of the spread of Communism and Anti-Christianity via the most powerful men in the'd go crazy too. Unfortunately Dodd was shut down in his Congressional Investigation and Carnegie and Rockefeller got off scot free to continue with their new order- and subsequent control of your life, your parent's life, and your grandparents. 

You can scroll down to the bottom of this blog to see the pages from this study yourself or you can click here

The text he (Dodd) was referring to, the American Historical Association’s Report on the Commission on Social Studies[4], supports these claims. 
“The Commission is under special obligation to its sponsor, the American Historical Association. Above all, it recognizes its indebtedness to the Trustees of the Carnegie Corporation, whose financial aid made possible the whole five-year investigation of social science instruction in the schools, eventuating in the following Conclusions and Recommendations.” – p. xi

—-“Organized public education in the United States, much more than ever before, is now compelled, if it is to fulfill its social obligations, to adjust its objectives, its curriculum, its methods of instruction, and its administrative procedures to the requirements of the emerging integrated order.” – p. 35

–“the Commission could not limit itself to a survey of textbooks, curricula, methods of instruction, and schemes of examination, but was impelled to consider the condition and prospects of the American people as a part of Western civilization now merging into a world order.” – p. 1

“The Commission was also driven to this broader conception of its task by the obvious fact that American civilization, in common with Western civilization, is passing through one of the great critical ages of history, is modifying its traditional faith in economic individualism, and is embarking upon vast experiments in social planning and control which call for large-scale cooperation on the part of the people.” – pp. 1–2

Listen, when you read this summery, you'll find that this is EXACTLY what we have today and it was created by men who decided THEY WANTED TO PLAY's a link to the full Dodd interview and how the White House stopped his investigation

ED GRIFFIN: How do you see that the purpose and direction of the major foundations has changed over the years to the present? What is it today?
NORMAN DODD: Oh, it’s a hundred percent behind meeting the cost of education such as it is presented through the schools and colleges of the United States on the subject of our history as proving our original ideas(foundation of America... Constitution, Declaration of Independence) to be no longer practicable. The future belongs to collectivistic concepts, and there's just no disagreement on that.
ED GRIFFIN: Why do the foundations generously support Communist causes in the United States?
NORMAN DODD: Well, because to them, Communism represents a means of developing what we call a monopoly, that is, an organization of, say, a large-scale industry into an administerable unit.
ED GRIFFIN: Do they think that they will be the ones to benefit?
NORMAN DODD: They will be the beneficiaries of it, yes.

When Michelle was homeschooled, she was blessed with an American History book that touched on this subject that people with Communist ideals had taken over and rewritten American History. I remember her saying as a senior in high school 'It's the Commies...It's all the Commies...they've taken over America!!" Well, all this time I thought that Russia had secretly been trying to infiltrate American politics and education. Not so, Communism is just a demonic means to destroy what God has built up and the men who brought about this change were not Russians, they were Americans- who should have been hung for treason!

America BEFORE the Re Writing of America History Was AWESOME!!!

America was great because God was loved, honored, and obeyed. People were free to be individuals and find out GOD'S purpose and plan for their lives, not what the "state wanted of them for a collective society." Early Christians came together and giving was not of necessity, but of a cheerful heart! 2 Corinthians 2:9 

Anyway, listen to this quote from a REVEREND who was an adviser to Rockefeller "In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."- Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913 [1]

What were those "present educational conventions," that the Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford set out to get rid of (re write so you would have NO KNOWLEDGE OF IT)? 

Education 1800's Timeline

ONE NATION UNDER GOD...With Liberty and Justice for all 

Well, they were the McGuffy reader 

The McGuffey Eclectic Readers sold 120 
million copies between 1836 and 1920. These sales are comparable only to the Bible and 
Webster’s Dictionary.

He was a brilliant educator who set about to find a way to help children learn to read better. What he found was that scripture, above all, made for the most apt readers and intelligent students..go figure

Bible stories and passages of Scripture were prominent throughout the Readers for salvation and righteousness were central themes. Secondary themes were piety, kindness, and patriotism.

McGuffey adeptly weaved the values of loving God, your neighbor, and your country throughout his textbooks. Children were continually being 
taught honesty, obedience, industry, cleanliness, forgiveness, gratefulness, cooperativeness, curiosity, self-control, meekness, independence, courageousness, frugality, punctuality, truthfulness, perseverance, responsibility, and honesty.

The Preface of the Fourth Eclectic Reader states:
From no source has the author drawn more copiously, in his 
selections, than from the sacred Scriptures. For this he certainly 
apprehends no censure. In a Christian country, that man is to be pitied, who 
at this day, can honestly object to imbuing the minds of youth with the 
language and spirit of the Word of God.

The Preface to the Third Eclectic Reader states:
The time has gone by, when any sensible man will be found to object 
to the Bible as a school book, in a Christian country, unless it be on purely sectarian principles, which should never find a place in systems of general education. 

Read about the Amazing McGuffy Here

The New England Primer was the very first education book to the American colonies

Praising God ALL DAY LONG!! This is God's desire for Children and the Public School Under The Revision of American History Will not Allow this praise!!!
The 1777 edition of the New England Primer started out like this: A Divine Song of Praise to GOD, for a Child,
by the Rev. Dr. Watts.
HOW glorious is our heavenly King,
Who reigns above tha Sky!
How shall a Child presume to sing
His dreadful Majesty!
How great his Power is none can tell,
Nor think how large his grace:
Nor men below, nor Saints that dwell,
On high before his Face.
Nor Angels that stand round the Lord,
Can search his secret will;
But they perform his heav'nly Word,
And sing his Praises still.
Then let me join this holy Train;
And my first Off'rings bring;
The eternal GOD will not disdain
To hear an Infant sing.
My Heart resolves, my Tongue obeys,
And Angels shall rejoice,
To hear their mighty Maker's Praise,
Sound from a feeble Voice.

New England Primer 1777
WWJD? Would Jesus want children in a Godless vacuum all day? Stuck hiding or praying in a corner?

Who would want to keep children from Jesus for 8-10 hrs a day? The devil, not God. 
God is VERY CLEAR, In James we read about how teachers will be held to a MUCH STRICTER JUDGEMENT

James 3  Not many [of you] should become teachers ([a]self-constituted censors and reprovers of others), my brethren, for you know that we [teachers] will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity [than other people; thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation].

The Bible is not just talking about school teachers but ANY TEACHERS who proclaim to have knowledge. When we lift up any knowledge above God or think we can obtain knowledge without him, we become fools. God can use anything to teach us but it must all be filtered through him. Children are to be taught to filter ALL knowledge through Christ and the Word of God. I repeat, this does not come naturally and a child left to his own devices will bring disgrace to his mother Proverbs 29:15. Or rather, a Christian child sent to a godless school will not bring forth the good fruit of God. Why? Public education is Earthly, Unspiritual, and even Devilish: Don't take my word for it, this is James talking James 3 15 This [superficial] wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual (animal), even devilish (demoniacal). 

17 But the wisdom from above (Godly education) is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned (free from doubts, wavering, and insincerity).

THESE were the tried and true educational concepts that they wished to get rid of. Now, after the black slaves were emancipated, they began to read and write in great numbers. Once educated, and that with the scriptures they were unjustly denied, there was not longer a "stupefied" class of people to control anymore. 

Ha, the joke is, that public school education, is by design, a tool to make ignorant the self able, the self taught. Public education, by design, makes people afraid to do anything on their own. A few might venture out but laws and restrictions stop the self made man from turning his bit of paradise into his own making, but restrictive building codes, excessive taxes, and government regulation- all in the guise of the "good of the people." 

Here is a very simple timeline  of the breakdown of public schooling

William Torrey Harris, US Commissioner of Education from 1889 to 1906, wrote:

Ninety-nine [students] out of a hundred are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual."

Slaves slaves slaves...see the "upper class" will always need slave labor and they have to keep some people dumbed down (the people are not themselves dumb) 

Several years later, President Woodrow Wilson would echo these sentiments in a speech to businessmen:

We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class of necessity to forego the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.

The other day I was speaking to a very intelligent young man name Johnathan. He is 24 yrs old and was schooled heavily in this "worker" mentality. "We need people to do those jobs," he said. But the more I spoke to him about God having a calling for EACH INDIVIDUAL, how we are not born by God to fill a role for the collective as seen through the eyes of the government, but we are born to worship and praise God...ALL DAY EVERYDAY. We are to look to him as our provider and protector, and see what calling HE has for us. And I can tell you, he has not called a majority to forgo intelligence and work forever at a factory or behind a computer screen. No, before we do that, throw away the ipods and computers, we don't need ANYONE to just be a mindless drone or worker, hating their job or just barely getting by.
 My young friend began to see the difference between living a life for the "collective" as he was taught in public school, and living a life honoring and glorifying to God. One makes us a cheerful giver to the right people God puts in our path, the other makes us a slave to men who have no interest in honoring God but want you to be a worker for them so they can amass more and more wealth. In one way we look to God to provide, the other we rely, albeit in much fear, on other "workers."
The telephone company, the electricity company, the water company- we live in fear everyday of going without these things when God has provided everything we need. Instead of the government helping us, it makes us slaves by controlling our water supply (our water cistern was forcefully shut down by the government when water lines came down our street)or zoning restrictions that do not allow you to own a cow or chickens for your own food.

And I might add, RELYING ON GOD makes one truly God Sufficient!! 

I spoke earlier about John Taylor Gatto. He was an educator for 30 yrs and even won New York's Teacher of the Year Award...he was hog tied and pretty much told not to teach children to think for themselves. He began to research the foundation of American Public Education and found out what we've been learning in this article. The Compulsory school was never meant for the betterment of the individual student but for the "hive" as H.H Goddard is quoted saying below. Yay...I was born to be a bee... uh... no, that is both un-Biblical and unnatural.

Writes Gatto: “Another major architect of standardized testing, H.H. Goddard, said in his book Human Efficiency (1920) that government schooling was about ‘the perfect organization of the hive.'”

Who is H.H. Goddard? Well, none other than the author of American Intelligence Testing...Ever Heard of the IQ Test? Well, You can thank this guy and then he will measure you up to see if you are fit to reproduce... 

Men like Goddard  Henry Herbert Goddard (1866–1957) were the influences of the modern education system we have.

Goddard and many other "change agents" supported eugenics. He is responsible for all that name calling at school. Thank him for ever being called a moron, idiot, or imbecile...

Yeah, these guys didn't care to much for black people

At the May 18, 1910 annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-Minded, Goddard proposed definitions for a system for classifying individuals with mental retardation based on intelligence quotient (IQ). Goddard used the terms moron for those with an IQ of 51-70, imbecile for those with an IQ of 26-50, and idiot for those with an IQ of 0-25 for categories of increasing impairment. This nomenclature was the standard of the field for decades. A moron, by his definition, was any person with mental age between eight and twelve. Morons, according to Goddard, were unfit for society and should be removed from society either through institutionalization, sterilization, or both. What Goddard failed to see was that his bias against morons would greatly influence his data later.
This is H.H Goddard's View- Eugenics

Americans want to think the dark side of their eugenics history is dead, but in reality it was passed onto every portion of Public School education
Eugenics In America
Now, I want you to read what today's Universities say about a man who promoted recommendations of forced sterilization and segregation of the feeble-minded in isolated colonies but no worries, his ideas of segregation, racism and sterilization are to be ignored.Yeah...these are YOUR university professors who say "he really was a great guy..." 
are you lucky enough to be in the 4% who have the "ability to do creative work and are fit for leadership?" Or are you a moron or imbicile? 

"Henry Goddard made substantial contributions to American education, including the popularizing of mental testing, compulsory special education, and gifted education. His research into the hereditary nature of feeble-mindedness and related eugenicist activities, however, has helped to paint the rather negative picture many people continue to hold of Goddard and his work."---yeah, he went on to become a professor at Ohio University and many of his teachings are in use today... Public School at it's Eugenics finest. 

All of this goes against the Laws of Nature and Nature's God and Stems From Darwinism in the late 19th Century...
God's Blessings are in Children!!!! 

As the nation wondered farther and farther away from God they had to find ways to explain the Universe. Darwin's theories of Evolution fit right in with the Eugenics at the time and the desire of atheists to remove all knowledge of God and the Bible from the hearts and minds of the Godly men and women going about their daily lives enjoying their families and their hard work.

Boy this sure goes against the Word of God!! 

While President of Harvard from 1933 to 1953, James Bryant Conant wrote that the change to a forced, rigid, potential-destroying educational system had been demanded by “certain industrialists and the innovative who were altering the nature of the industrial process.” That means, they need YOU to screw their bolts on so they don't want you to be least not the majority of you.

Then came along the Scope's Monkey Trial. The first public schools used all of these wonderful Christian books. Then one teacher wanted to teach the false "theory" of evolution and brought forth the "missing link" a tooth that was said to be both man and ape...whoa, really? Let's teach evolution then, based on a evolution is now taught in schools. The tooth? Was found to be a pig's molar...yay.. 
Scope's Monkey Trial

Alright Ya'll, if you stuck with me thus far, I congratulate you!! I hope you learned a lot. I sure did in all the research I've been compiling over the past several years. Stay tuned.. Part II delves into the social decay of the 60's and 70's as a result of this wild ride called Compulsory Education started in the early 1900's..
Indoctrination Movie

If you want to Dive into more right away, I suggest watching this movie. It's thought provoking and lays out everything I've said here in a very entertaining way!

American Historical Association New World Order:
 Excerpts follow:
–“The Commission is under special obligation to its sponsor, the American Historical Association. Above all, it recognizes its indebtedness to the Trustees of the Carnegie Corporation, whose financial aid made possible the whole five-year investigation of social science instruction in the schools, eventuating in the following Conclusions and Recommendations.” – p. xi
 –“the Commission could not limit itself to a survey of textbooks, curricula, methods of instruction, and schemes of examination, but was impelled to consider the condition and prospects of the American people as a part of Western civilization now merging into a world order.” – p. 1
–“The Commission was also driven to this broader conception of its task by the obvious fact that American civilization, in common with Western civilization, is passing through one of the great critical ages of history, is modifying its traditional faith in economic individualism, and is embarking upon vast experiments in social planning and control which call for large-scale cooperation on the part of the people.” – pp. 1–2
–“the Commission recognizes the further fact of the inter-relationship of the life of America with the life of the world. In all departments of culture-intellectual, aesthetic, and ethical – the civilization of the United States has always been a part of European, or “Western,” civilization . To ignore the historical traditions and usages which have contributed, and still contribute, to this unity is to betray a smug and provincial disregard of basic elements in American life and to invite national impoverishment, intolerance, and disaster. Moreover, the swift development of technology, industry, transportation, and communication in modern times is obviously merging Western civilization into a new world civilization and imposing on American citizens the obligation of knowing more, rather than less, of the complex social and economic relationships which bind them to the rest of mankind.” pp. 11-12
 –“there are certain clearly defined trends in contemporary technology, economy, and society of the utmost importance in creating new conditions, fashioning novel traditions, reorienting American life, and thus conditioning any future program of social science instruction.” – p. 13
 –“Under the moulding influence of socialized processes of living, drives of technology and science, pressures of changing thought and policy, and disrupting impacts of economic disaster, there is a notable waning of the once widespread popular faith in economic individualism; and leaders in public affairs, supported by a growing mass of the population, are demanding the introduction into economy of ever-wider measures of planning and control.” – p. 16
“As to the specific form which this “collectivism,” this integration and interdependence, is taking and will take in the future, the evidence at hand is by no means clear or unequivocal. It may involve the limiting or supplanting of private property by public property or it may entail the preservation of private property, extended and distributed among the masses. Most likely, it will issue from a process of experimentation and will represent a composite of historic doctrines and social conceptions yet to appear. Almost certainly it will involve a larger measure of compulsory as well as voluntary co-operation of citizens in the conduct of the complex national economy, a corresponding enlargement of the functions of government, and an increasing state intervention in fundamental branches of economy previously left to individual discretion and initiative-a state intervention that in some instances may be direct and mandatory and in others indirect and facilitative. In any event the Commission is convinced by its interpretation of available empirical data that the actually integrating economy of the present day is the forerunner of a consciously integrated society, in which individual economic actions and individual property, rights will be altered and abridged.” – p. 17
 —“While stressing the necessity of recognizing the emergence of a closely integrated society in America and the desirability of curbing individualism in economy, the Commission deems highly desirable the conscious and purposeful employment of every practicable means to ward off the dangers of goose-step regimentation in ideas, culture, and invention, of sacrificing individuality, of neglecting precious elements in the traditional heritage of America and the world, and of fostering a narrow intolerant nationalism or an aggressive predatory imperialism.” – p. 23
 —-“The Commission deems possible and desirable an enlightened attitude on the part of the masses of the American people toward international relations, involving informed appreciation of the cultural bonds long subsisting among the nations of Western civilization and now developing rapidly among all the nations of the world, and special knowledge of the increasing economic interdependence of politically separate areas and peoples, and of the emerging economic integration of the globe.” – p. 25
—-“The Commission, under the frame of reference here presented, deems desirable the vitalizing of the findings of scientific inquiry by the best social thought of the present and of the past, and the incorporation into the materials of social science instruction in the schools of the best plans and ideals for the future of society and of the individual.” – p. 27
 —-“The implications for education are clear and imperative: (a) the efficient functioning of the emerging economy and the full utilization of its potentialities require profound changes in the attitudes and outlook of the American people, especially the rising generation-a complete and frank recognition that the old order is passing, that the new order is emerging.” – pp. 34–35
 —-“Organized public education in the United States, much more than ever before, is now compelled, if it is to fulfill its social obligations, to adjust its objectives, its curriculum, its methods of instruction, and its administrative procedures to the requirements of the emerging integrated order.” – p. 35
 —-“If the school is to justify its maintenance and assume its responsibilities, it must recognize the new order and proceed to equip the rising generation to cooperate effectively in the increasingly interdependent society and to live rationally and well within its limitations and possibilities….” – p. 35
 —“The program of social science instruction should not be organized as a separate and isolated division of the curriculum but rather should be closely integrated with other activities and subjects so that the entire curriculum of the school may constitute a unified attack upon the complicated problem of life in contemporary society.” – p. 48
——Professor Harold Laski, a philosopher of Fabian socialism, said: “At bottom, and stripped of it’s carefully neutral phrases, the report is an educational program for a socialist America.”
 Dodd’s most controversial claim concerns the Ford Foundation president Rowan Gaither, who Dodd alleges told him off the record that “”all of us [Foundation leaders] that have a hand in the making of policies here have had experience, either with the OSS during the war, or the European Economic Administration after the war – we’ve had experience dealing with directives, and these directives emanated from the White House [...] we still operate under these directives. Would you like to know what the substance of these directives is? [...] Mr. Dodd, we operate under directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”
 Although this is an off record statement, and is a contemporary, not primary, source, the essence of this claim can be corroborated by looking at other evidence. In 1972, a White House conference led by Roy Ash pushed for the beginning of a World Economic Community around 1990 [5], and in 1985 the United States and the Soviet Union agreed on a merger of education systems, and continued further policy mergers until 1990. The title of the document corroborating this claim, signed by George Shultz, is The General Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Contacts, Exchanges, and Cooperation in Scientific, Technical, Cultural, and other fields.[6] Charlotte Iserbyt was fired from her position as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, for discussing this document.[7]
Final Excerpt From Norman Dodd Interview with Griffin
D GRIFFIN: How would you describe the motivation of the people who created the foundations, the big foundations, in the very beginning? What was their motivation?
NORMAN DODD: Their motivation? Well, let's take Mr. Carnegie as an example. He has publicly declared that his steadfast interest was to counteract the departure of the colonies from Great Britain. He was devoted to just putting the pieces back together again.
ED GRIFFIN: Would that have required the collectivism that they were dedicated to?
NORMAN DODD: No, no, no. These policies, the foundations’ allegiance to these un-American concepts, are all traceable to the transfer of the funds into the hands of trustees, Mr. Griffin. It's not the men who had a hand in the creation of the wealth that led to the endowment for what we would call public purposes.
ED GRIFFIN: It's a subversion of the original intent, then?
NORMAN DODD: Oh, yes, completely, and that’s how it got into the world traditionally of bankers and lawyers.
ED GRIFFIN: How do you see that the purpose and direction of the major foundations has changed over the years to the present? What is it today?
NORMAN DODD: Oh, it’s a hundred percent behind meeting the cost of education such as it is presented through the schools and colleges of the United States on the subject of our history as proving our original ideas to be no longer practicable. The future belongs to collectivistic concepts, and there's just no disagreement on that.
ED GRIFFIN: Why do the foundations generously support Communist causes in the United States?
NORMAN DODD: Well, because to them, Communism represents a means of developing what we call a monopoly, that is, an organization of, say, a large-scale industry into an administerable unit.
ED GRIFFIN: Do they think that they will be the ones to benefit?
NORMAN DODD: They will be the beneficiaries of it, yes.

2 Corinthians 2:9 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

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