Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day! Red Pill=Truth, Truth Comes From God! 2/14/18

Isaiah 58 Ministries February 14, 2018
Pastor Leah "Faith"
Michelle Ann Svensson Faith 3
Resistance Chicks

James 4:7-8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.
Come close to God and He will come close to you.  
Lionel Nation did a vlog trying to give his audience some peace. All of us are starting to feel the stress of Winter and weather modification. It is meant to wear us down. The constant non-stop of Democrats, Rhinos, the mass media attacking us night and day. When they attack Trump they are attacking you! It wears on you over time. It's time for a vacation.

Valentines Day reminds us that Spring is right around the corner with plenty of Sunshine!

Lionels Vlog:

In the War for Truth There's No Such Thing As Good or Perfect: It's 

In the War for Truth There's No Such Thing As Good or Perfect: It's Nuance, Perspective and Context

We also have a structure in our family, in our minds to "explain" mankind's troubles. 3 levels of existence: 3. Level three you've given up, hopeless, just go with the flow give in to the "strongest," loudest, meanest, toughest, etc.

2. Level 2 Lionel"s answer. No such thing as as perfection. There are some answers in the world, without going to God, or God and the worldly mixed together. Vegetarian is an answer, not perfect. Government may help people, community services, church. There is help, you are not alone.

1. Level 1 is: Perfection is Being in One mind, one heart, one Spirit joined together with God! A perfect Marriage to God!

Some things are absolutely perfect: Arithmetic is perfect. Whole 1 + Whole 1 will always equal Whole 2! We travel to the moon and at the speed of light due to the perfections of Arithmetic and the perfection of Mathematics, the perfections of the Universe, "sciences". Gravity, E=Mc2, etc.

**The Law! Lionel the law can be perfect.
The Ten Commandments are perfect laws!**

I look out my window I see a Maple Tree. It is perfect, It isn't a mix of Sycamore and maple. It is perfect! Daffodils are coming soon, they know exactly when to come up and no one helps them! They are perfect! It is our view of perfect that makes a difference. Our view of pretty. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are ugly, what is in them and what comes out of them makes their beauty actually ugly. Someone might be considered ugly but their love and kindness makes he beautiful.

A Mother can say, "I have the most beautiful child I hav ever seen!" and it is true for her. I hope all Mothers see there children with the eyes of God's love and say and believe the very same thing! It's the "Truth" for each Mother! They are not lying!

Our view changes according to what we "believe".
Men have spent Trillions of dollars to shape our perspectives, our beliefs, Our view on matters.

Why? Why? Why did Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Morgan spend millions in "Gold," "real Gold" to start Federal Public Schools and hire 100's of historians to change textbooks, to rewrite history ,etc?
Why go to all that trouble?

To brain wash America and steal the whole country. Evil men helped FDR steal all the gold in American's hands, then stole all the land, A few evil blood thirsty mass murdering Savages became rulers of the entire World!
These men, through the minds and fears of people, made every one slaves without holding a gun to our heads! Public School was the way they have innocent, mold-able, naive children to "Train the way they want their slaves, he calls Workers, Laborers, etc."

James 1:27 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

27 External religious worship religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted anduncontaminated from the world.

When these children, our parents, then us, are old they won't fight it. That is what the mass media is there for to "calm away our sensibilities", our common sense, our rights that come from God! Our sense of right and wrong that is born by God in our Conscience!

Which is what Lionel is trying to do.
A great example that we can all relate to is when you were told Santa Claus was real. As you got older you realized there were some engineering problems, "What if there is no snow?", What if you don't have a chimney?" Every time you ask someone explained all these problems away until one day you stopped listening. Stop believing n Santa Claus. You knew it was a lie!

That is what is happen around the world. People are not listening any more. When people stop listening to the liars, people start turning to the Truth. People are seeking the Truth. God is all "Truth". So we, all around the World are seeking God. People are being "Drawn Closer to God!" Even Lionel!

Those Jesuits/evil men got to Lionel at an early age. Its possible Lionel did the worldly thing and started debating everyone!! I am sure Lionel's got a good heart because his Mother Loved God deeply!

Our conscience is where God dwells in us, loving us, speaking to us. Jesus is perfect, The Bible is perfect and men when they "love one another with the love of God are perfect."

Read John Locke, William Penn, William Blackstone, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution is where you will find perfection, perfect Documents! It isn't mere men but men led by Almighty God. It's the perfect "Holy Spirit" it is the Whole Truth!

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