Monday, August 19, 2024

August 18th 2024


Do not work for businesses or counterfeit money. You need gold and silver coins, a farm, and a horse for transportation. Take the founding Fathers as your example, just like the Amish, Menonites, and Homesteaders do. Live according to the whole Constitution, whose foundation is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Declaration of Independence due to God our Father, and Jesus Christ his son. We obey God and God alone, who provides for us off our own land and the work of our own hands.

August 18th 

LIVE Premiere! 8/19/24 8:00pm EST TheOutliers - Today's World Changers: Peter St. Onge - #ProfStOnge just gets it. He gets all the things - all the things we talk about on Resistance Chicks anyway, especially when it comes to the economy! He also has a side of sarcasm that makes the medicine of analyzing our crazy times go down a heck of a lot easier. He also has a fantastic shirt game, which we found out his wife helps with. There is more to Peter than his shirts though - join us as Dr. St Onge breaks down the most important topics of our day... gender nonsense, the dark origins of public schooling, and of course, how we can return to sane soundmoney - with GOLD. You don't want to miss this jam-packed, informative super fun hour as we go to school with the Prof! Watch!!! 👇👇👇#economy #EconomicCollapse #markets #goldandsilver

1 Thessalonians 5:11-13

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
Daniel 2:44

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

PG here. This is a thread on obeying the Law! 1.) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is almost a commandment from the founding fathers. Men who were extremely close to God. As servants of God they were preaching the Gospel out loud with their "Declaration of Freedom," We are "Free Men," and "Independence". We have no other God, government, leadership but the one true God. All men must turn to God and be led by his holy, pure, clean Spirit of Truth, which is in all men. Men must live by having a clean conscience before God and follow his 10 Commandments! 

PG 2.)The Public School System is in complete opposition to the Gospel. To the Law! It denies every child, every person the right to be led by God's Holy Spirit, and it causes everyone to be breaking the law. It leads to evil, and to sin. We have the absolute right, but duty and responsibility before God and our fellowmen; to have Life that comes from God, his Holy Spirit living within us. to have Liberty, which Jesus Christ sets us free from sin, and to pursue this with all our might, all that is in each of
us.To live holy, sacred lives without sin. To throw off this tyrannical system and obey the law. Obey the Declaration of Independence. Obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Build your home and your barn with your own 2 hands.

PG 3.) 1st Thessalonians 4:11–12 Be Make it your goal to be independent! Why? No one is a slave to provide for other men. A Gold piece is equal to 10 silver dollars. Honesty! No man is a slave, and no man can use counterfeited fiat dollars! You do not have the right. Horses are transportation. No one is a slave to provide cars, perfect roads, or labor for you to sin. This is not Rome. We are Freemen! This is Christ's kingdom on earth, where all men are freed by God's Holy Spirit.

August 17, 2024

Hello Bo, PG here Patriot Gallery Resistance Chicks Mom! How are you?
​ You use to always say, and still do, 4-2-1. I woke up one day and heard try 5-2-1??? A prophet voice was on Elijah Streams and he said 5-2-1. What? Matthew the story of the talents.Eden had gold in it for Adam and Eve. Where there is gold there is also silver and copper! 2nd chapter of Genesis! Great is the gold thereof!  God created in Genesis gold and silver as money. To be used between each other. In Revelation 6:5-6 the black horse. Men will buy wheat and barley, bread with a silver dime. Flour sacks! And use real Horses for transportation. I know Jesus, he spoke this to me. He created this land for horses, Horses are our transportation.

Johnny Enlow had the 5-2-1. On Elijah Stream.

I left this comment  on Bo Polny:

Most people have marriages by the state, to be honorable, or to lust after someone. Only God, by his spirit, can lead someone to whom they should marry, and it is honest, innocent, holy, pure, and clean. It is a true miracle, an anointing, the love is 
without sin. God's power!

God instituted Marriage to be like him Holy. Holy matromony. God instituted, created government to also be holy, justice, fairness is/are holy acts. Without God you have no government. Men can not make law for others. Men are accountable to God only. 
And must obey him. To be good, honorable, honest men, leaders.

PG here I'm getting bay, red, and brown horses for transportation.

Taylor Kenney is a new spokesman for ITM Trading. Replacing Lynette Zang, which is important. No one can replace Lynette, but Ms. Kenney has her own ways of teaching the very important information we all need to cover our ass.....ets! BAIL-INS: How Real Is the Threat of Banks Freezing Your Assets?Very Important. Your money can all be taken from you. Your bank accounts can be frozen. It is happening all around the world. The bad guys take care of themselves first. Here is an easy way around that!

Resistance Chicks

🚨👀 LIVE! SATURDAY 8/10/24 7:00pm EST FULL FILM World Wide Premiere: 🔴 #AlfredKinsey & The #MonstersofAmerica 🔴 If you saw Parts 1 & 2 NOW is the time to SHARE the FULL FILM & the hardest hitting production we have ever done with everyone you know!! Help us make the push to SPREAD this message around the WORLD! Who were the masterminds behind children mutilating their bodies & men in women’s bathrooms? What is with the explosion of perversion, porn, molestation, & abortion in the past 7 decades? A satanically crafted agenda set forth by the most perverted monsters America has ever seen! Join with us in exposing the darkest kept secret in our past... UNTIL NOW! WATCH LIVE! 👇👇👇

***WEF Globalists are ACCELERATING the Great Reset*** ITMTrading shared this video to give you answers and the power to help yourself, your family, and your state/nation!  Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ***www. learn. ITMTrading. com/chicks*** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!New Date July 29, 2024

Global Market MELTDOWN (this is just the beginning). Black Monday August 5, 2024 A very, very delayed reaction. The fake money scam is waking everyone up. Only gold and silver coins are real money. Did A.I. do this? Was it a tech company crash? Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ****** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

Lynette Zang reacts to the market crash today. She can help you write a strategy to protect what you have. Tell her Resistance Chicks sent you. No, we are not partners. We are friends and part of a community. Working towards each state making gold and silver coins legal tender, we, the people, have all the power instead of the Banksters. We are partners with ITM Trading for now. But tell Lynette Zang Enterprises that the Resistance Chicks sent you.

Do you shop online for your groceries? Are you getting the same prices as others? You better check your receipt. PG here. A.I. 47,000 Satellites by Elon Musk, (the military complex that President Trump keeps very strong and powerful). They might take everything you have! Surveillance Pricing! The computer knows all about you. It gives one price to your friend for one reason or another, but they charge you more. Why, they know you have the money! And you will pay high prices!  All of Lynette's links are in her video description. Tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you. 

PG here. All money used in the last 100 years is counterfeit. Only gold and silver coins are money. All Americans are thieves, all using counterfeit money. Tell the Truth. US Constitution: Article 1 Section 8, 10: Only gold and silver coins are money. Written by the most honest men who ever lived. Devoted to the Highest moral standards. If you obey these men, then you are obeying God, who tells us to obey the government in Romans 13. Romans 13:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. If you are not obeying the Constitution, you are not obeying God. The government created and established by God. Based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Propagation of the Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ. Only through Christ is there Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Happy is the man who's sin have been forgiven and has been transformed by the Light of his Spirit.

Leah Harvesting pears off this pear tree. This is the first time this pear tree has produced fruit. "The Dangers of Harvesting Pears!" July 31, 2024

Tenth Amendment Center

PG Here, Patriot Gallery These men all knew government emplyees even Kings are servants of God for the working of the ministry and the propagation of the Gospel ofPeace; Gosple of Jesus Christ. It seems your research leaves out all Biblical references to our Creators and the laws of nature nd nature's God. Only men with the power of God's Holy Spirut can do this work of serving Has God's Hands, feet, voice on this earth. Please add this FACT into your commentaries. Patrick Henry, John Qunicy Adams, several others stated God created the States they are soverein nations/countries. God also created the Federal Government as a Union of these states against foreign enemies an to bring justice between states when injustice has been done. Government is all about the men who are high moral living in obedience to God and organizing as representatives they did form a government to protect God's relationship with each man: protect that right.

Indeed! That is the primary purpose of this entire universe -- our relationship with the Owner of this universe, and our journey to Decision, whether or not to return to Heaven. It seems that there were only a few Milestones on our journey, of note: * Adam instantiating this universe by consuming ("knowledge") the product ("fruit") of the matrix ("tree") of dichotomy ("good-evil," action-reaction). Benefit: A method of purification. * God forcing chemicals into the right configuration for the formation of the first life, with its built-in urge to survive. Benefit: A vehicle by which spirit could gain continuity of thought through physical matter. * God modifying one species to give it greater intellectual capacity and the ability to create speech. Benefit: A method by which the children of Adam could discuss the things of Heaven. * God destroying a competing species ("daughters") with the Flood (27,970 BC) so that man could have a chance to create civilization. Benefit: Protecting God's purpose for this entire universe. * God sending the First Graduate back to Earth in order to plant the seed of redemption, so that the descendants of Adam could be decided. Benefit: Using Responsibility to set men free. * God inspiring America's Founding Fathers to create the current Constitutional Republic so that we would have maximum freedom to pursue a spiritual breakthrough. Benefit: Giving men the final piece of the puzzle in implementing their Free Will -- to make that final decision: Whether or not to cling to Receiving (darkness) or to choose Giving (light). That said, we each do our part and choose our battles. We use the gifts given to us to help forward God's purpose. TAC has an honorable purpose in helping to restore the Republic.

June 30th, 2023

Without God, the Holy Bible, The power of the Holy Spirit giving all men the highest moral standards; madmen like The 13 gang, men filled  men filled with demonic beings. Run wild. Horrifying everyone. People stay cowering in their homes behind closed doors.

New Date August 7th, 2024  

 PG here I had a colonoscopy August 5th, 2024

Nigel Wins Seat In Parliament - LePen's Party Set to Win Election Today! Top World News 7/7/24


Gun control means, careful aim with both hands, and a firm grip

Response PG here, Very simple system, Own land, farm it God provides for everyone, dig a well, plow a field use gold and silver coins, get married, have children, build your own house, barn with your own hands.  
PG here The above Comment is The American dream, promise of the Constitution guaranteed God given rights.

Of course, without God, without repentance, without the Holy Spirit, and without the voice of the people telling all men: "Get your life right with God!" You have the opposite; men counterfeting money, which is gold and silver coins, with an unlit printing press. Facts tell the truth!

29 Minutes Long. Sums it all up

Cartoon, easy-to-watch, and humorous. Red Pill anyone! 

The History Of The Federal


Warning: There are swear words.

... Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ***www. learn. ITM Trading. com /chicks*** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today at 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation, and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you! For smaller orders, call Lynette Zang at dot com. Tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you. ITM Trading and Lynette Zang Enterprises used to work together on high-end precious metals and antiquities. Both are highly trustworthy. Lynette Zang Enterprises has a lower purchasing limit and a brand new identification system she invented herself for identifying coins.

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