Thursday, May 23, 2024

Invest in Oil, or Piglets, God, Liberty, and True Happiness

​Rumble:  Pt 1

Bitchute: Pt 1

Rumble: Pt 2

Bitchute: Pt 2

Follow Along:

May 21, 2024 Piglets were born!



46:46 mins.


13:06 mins



May 23, 2024 

 PG here. A man who never worked but invested his entire life. Quoted that it pays to counterfeit money out of thin air? Produce Black Satanic Illusions around the world? Only gold coins and silver coins are money. No exceptions! It is the Truth. This Poor Man died, went to hell never had salvation, and never had the truth. The lesson here is written in the Bible. Crime does not pay because the wages of sin is death. His legacy is that he brought a lot of death to a lot of people who suffered because his wickedness was tolerated and supported. The people died because of his game, the illusion of wealth. Real wealth comes from God to those who work with their own two hands and live a life of obedience to God. The Pilgrims, William Penn, and the Founding Fathers were those who liberated men from tyranny, slavery. This man enslaved others, causing all the people to be working for Satan, the Federal Reserve Banks, fake Fiat, deceiving himself, deceiving each other, and all around him.

Trump is a gangster. Counterfeiter, all money is counterfeit. Bible James 5:6 everyone in America must, has to, are commanded by God to repent for using the Fed's counterfeited money.

Timothy Dixon "It Is A Time of WarIn The Kingdom of God." 

Sodom and Gomorrah.  
Slavery, sexual abuses, making women  sexual objects. Stop innocent women who are worshipping God freely. 
Sexual harrassnment and abuse is going to be exposed. 
DC Thieves of the office. 
Floods, Floods, Floods, The city State Becomes Desolate.  Wicked judged, the righteous shining as the  sun.
 Timothy V Dixon Ministry
P O Box 417 Midland City Alabama 37350

HUGE Prophetic Word For America After Trump Conviction! It's against the law to not use gold and silver coins. In your subconscious, you know you should be in jail for counterfeiting. For obeying counterfeiters, the Federal Reserve, an antithetical, (enslaving enemy), regime to America. Stop disobeying the law.

It isn't what you eat that defiles a man; it is what you say because you believe it. PG here. The country is repenting of the crime of using counterfeit money. Only gold and silver coins are money. Tell the truth. This is a list of mere symptoms of the root of the problem, a leaky gut. Counterfeiting money leaves all men with a guilty conscience. Causes internal stomach and digestive problems.

PG here, I have been suffering from severe digestion problems. It comes from the words "I hear." You are responsible to love God and your neighbor. Who is your neighbor? Those who obey God. Make everyone tell the truth about money. It is our God-given right to hear only the truth. Jesus does not lie! Hear him today and be healed. Get rid of all other voices, even your own. Start healing your friends, loved ones, and neighbors, and take every opportunity to tell the truth. Only gold and silver are money. I look around at heavily populated areas, the pandemic, et cetera. I see hospitals out there on every corner now instead of churches. Lies have replaced the truth.

@resistancechics What do you mean Tell the Truth?
This is the truth
Yes, Stress, all kind of stress causes digestive issues
BUT, until the USA fixes their evil doings we need to protect ourselves and not let gut issues get worse.
I woke up this morning to a blue sky and now after they sprayed chemtrails we have a "cloud covered" sky.
I grow vegetables, do you think those are organic? Not anymore with what falls from the sky. Those chemicals ruin the gut lining and therefore I need to protect myself with probiotics that do not get killed in the stomach, amino acids that provide the building block of the mucosa in the gut and prebiotics that only feed the keystone bacteria and nothing else.
This is the control I have right now and am offering to everyone else as well.
Until we root out the evil doers WE NEED TO PROTECT OURSELVES.
Gold and silver, yes, to preserve what we have but it doesn't matter how much money you have when your health fails.

@WST Jesus words can heal your crops. I just planted thousands of plants. Jesus said to pray over our food. Nothing poisonous shall harm you if your are obeying God. The chemicals can be rendered harmless when our lives are right with God. Add epson salt to your garden. Epson salt is a cleanser 2 Kings 2:20-22 Think according to the word of God; don't lie to yourself or your neighbor. Ask yourself: Where is the gold and silver you used to buy your land?  It isn't yours until you use gold and silver coins or inherit it from your great-grandfather, who did use gold and silver coins.  We inherited our land from our great-grandfather, who did buy his land using gold and silver coins. Repent before taking probiotics. Our house is full of probiotics, essential oils, herbs, and healing herbs. That is a waste of time and money. I'm letting God protect me. With that, I have the power to stop criminals, that comes from God.
Jeremiah 2
 20 “Bring me a new bowl,” he said, “and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him.

21 Then he went out to the spring and threw the salt into it, saying, “This is what the Lord says: ‘I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive.’” 22 And the water has remained pure to this day, according to the word Elisha had spoken.

 board or playing with lighting.) Sooner or later God is going to cut you down. You are opening your mind to demonic forces. The only way to protect yourself is to preach the Gosple,  you must be preaching against technology and stand for Jesus Christ.
Luddite is  Standing up for Liberty.

Against Technology

From the Luddites to Neo-Luddism 

Fall of the Soviet Union  Hyper-inflation

35:00-40:00   All songs stop. The music stops. Musical chairs. When the song stops! What did people do. Families stuck together. Children, Parents, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, grandparents, with good morals. Went back to their Great Grand Fathers land. Their Grand mother still owned the land! 

Arpad   Star Path Academy
Fitting into a small house with a cast iron stove. Pulling together resources, hand skills, talents skills, intelligience. Working skills! Physical skills. Come to people naturally. 
42:00-46:51 The second best time is now! Give away homemade bread. Volunteer to work for eggs. Honesty, being straight forward, only gold and silver coins are money. A silent revolution. Where gold comes from verses where does paper fiat come from. 
50:46- Great ending statement. 

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