All men must look to God
Jesus their Savior for the
right answers and to be right.
For only God is right!
Do not follow men
Each of us must look to God for the right
and to know the right way.
Isaiah 58 Ministries May 10, 2014
Pastor: Leah Svensson
Scriptures: see below
We at Isaiah 58 Ministries love to converse with people. It brings out the best in all of us. No comment is rejected. All comments are received gratefully bad or good. (exception: swearing, cussing, or when the comment is perverted)
A conversation asking us to explain ourselves.
The Constitution was amended after the Fore Fathers were dead.It did not include Africans until 1865. This means that Black, Brown and Red
skinned people were not included in the original, signed document. We must
always confront the truth in order to separate the falsehood of
(Men do not die nor their work established by God's hands.)
Response in order of importance to the reader:
Amen! Only
through Christ are we free! If you understand the Declaration of Independence
in the light of Christ's Freedom and the Constitution in the light of
Christ's Freedom it changes your perspective about everything. President George
Washington, John Adam, etc. declared that this country was founded on the "fact" that all
men must submit to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and acknowledge Jesus and the
Supreme Being- God Almighty- who is the Creator of All Men and That all men are
equal before God. When you mediate on gold and silver being used as currency
you will find that your whole mind, the state of your mind changes, to know God
is the Creator of all and that all men are created equal. Lies blind and bind our minds
to see what evil men would have us see. Illusions, we lose the power of God,
the Holy Spirit which liberates all men. All your great schools like Harvard, in it's conception, stated that all men must know the Bible backwards and forwards (in several
languages), before they could qualify to even put an application in to attend
the universities. John Adams stated that the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution are the embodiment, the expression of men, of their faith in
God and the power of Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Look around today, did Martin
Luther and his scarifies or did JFK's sacrifices bring men closer to God?
NO! Absolutely not! People are immoral- more corrupt- today than in the
time of Sodom and Gomorrah! Vile, Vile, Vile! Americans today are the most
perverted, vilest people on the face of the earth! The Founding Fathers bring men closer to God- to Jesus Christ- not to love them,(men worship),- but God! We are not allowed to worship men but God only!!! The Congress in the 1700's had Bibles printed and gave them out throughout the land! They wanted everyone to know their Savior and Lord to know his word, his will, which is to love one another, to treat everyone with the highest of respect, that all men are eternal beings, live forever and will judge them when they sin. They wanted Justice for everyone! You will not find better men than the founding Fathers, or their supporters like John Locke- preachers who were filled with the fire of God Almighty! JKF, Martin Luther... fought for paper money but it has no value, doesn't even exist except in the mind, in the imagination. We have to overthrow FDR before any of us are free from the tyranny of the "State". Social Security insults all men and takes our freedom to farm and own land from us. He stole all our gold! He was a very evil man! Look to God- for the "root" of all problems is the "love of money".
Isaiah 58:
Isaiah 58: hey there! I beg to differ. I think you may have been brainwashed by the very same secular/revisionist theory that you really do abhor!
Isaiah 58:
me but for a moment. If, perchance, the Constitution was written by men of God
who truly got on their knees and prayed holy and righteous prayers so that they
would be directed by God to "form a more perfect union," what would
the devil want to do?- he would DEMONIZE THOSE MEN- he would twist the truth-
the easiest way to do this is to take a small portion of truth- in this case,
slavery in the United States, and twist and construe it in such a way that the
very issue
obliterates all the wonderful things God HAD DONE!
Isaiah 58:
Now, let's take Abraham Lincoln who did NOT BELIEVE THAT THE CONSTITUTION CONDONED SLAVERY. He said that the words "slavery, slave, African, or Negro" were no where mentioned in the Constitution and that in and of itself was a very very powerful admission that the Founders were ashamed of it's existence- and remember, it only came into existence because the EVIL king of England they wanted to get rid of! And also remember, there would be no slavery if evil Africans had not been keeping slaves themselves and joined with evil men to capture people of their own country. The whole institution was evil, evil, evil. But the Constitution is good!
Don't take my word for it- Fredrick Douglas also emphasized that "NOT ONE WORD WOULD
HAVE TO BE CHANGED in the Constitution if ONLY the states would follow
George Washington's example and voluntarily give up slavery!"
Madison said that there was no mention of slavery in the Constitution precisely
because the framers would not admit in a federal charter that there could be
property in men.
The devil, through evil people has been doing his best to try to
rip apart the holiest governmental document ever
created- the Constitution.
created- the Constitution.
Most of the framers were anti Slave Trade. I have read countless Jefferson writings and he ABHORS SLAVERY TO IT''S CORE AND denounces it's 'execrable traffic" in his first draft of the Declaration of Independence. But South Carolina and Georgia would not go along!!!!!
they WERE able to get into the original Constitution a provision which allowed
Congress to ban the Slave Trade in 20 yrs!!! As President, Thomas Jefferson
urged Congress to act BEFORE Jan 1, 1808, and he denounced slavery in his
strongest language yet!!! He called it a 'violation of the humans rights of
unoffending Africans" William Wilberforce would NEVER HAVE been able to
get his banning of slavery through had not America been acting in tandem!
Now, remember, the way people settled America- those coming
for religious freedom- the Puritans, Pilgrims, Quakers, etc. who loved God and all of their fellow mankind, landed in the northern states- the "kings'men" of England landed in the southern states. Money and power took root and began to corrupt evil men just like today. McDonald's, Walmart, grocery chains- they all employ slaves- sure they can go and come as they please...or can they? I have to fight for my right to even hold chickens so I am SLAVE to the grocery store- with evil laws outlawing true freedom. I cannot have a cow on my land- I HAVE to go to the grocery store. I cannot buy regular, raw milk in 10 of the 50 states- how is this even possible. It certainly was never the founder's intention!
men have done much to malign our founders!
I have so much more to say on this but need to go to Teen Challenge to help set free some young men who are held slaves to heroine, cocaine, meth, and pot! I leave you with these words from and ex slave named Phillis Wheatley On Being Brought from Africa to America," she wrote:
mercy brought me from my Pagan land Taught my benighted soul to understand That
there's a God, that there's a Savior too: Once I redemption neither sought nor
knew. Some view our fable race with scornful eye, "Their color is a diabolic dye." Remember, Christians, Negroes black as Cain, May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train.
In 1775, when she had traveled to England, and while the siege of Boston was
underway in America, Phillis wrote a letter to the new Commander-in-Chief,
General Washington, containing a special poem she had written for him:. . .
His Excellency George Washington…….
Thee, first in place and honors, - we demand The grace and glory of thy martial band
Fam'd for thy valor, for thy virtues more,
Here every tongue thy guardian aid implore! . . .
Proceed, great chief, with virtue on thy side,
Thy every action let the goddess guide.
A crown, a mansion, and a throne that shine,
With gold unfading, Washington, be thine. . . .
Washington was touched by the poem; and when Phillis returned to America,
Washington invited her to his military camp at Cambridge to honor her before
his staff.
I am saddened by slavery but God has used this horrid thing to bring so many
wonderful friends- black people, Africans- to America, to make this country
great!! I think of the Jewish people who have been held slaves numerous times
through history but as they turned back to God the power of God set them
{Side Note: My Mom has been treated as a slave by her very own family her entire life.
And so was Matt, we understand slavery, yes we have live in horrid places without food, without any rights, with no justice,
battered torn apart mentally, forced to say master, jump when someone told us to jump, laugh when being beaten, say it all our own fault, I know girls who's fathers and other relatives raped them their entire childhood, we've been lied about, maligned. Not just black people have been slaves. Saints and Sinners are black and white, all colors]
One more interesting tid bit just to show that our founders did NOT want slavery in
the documents of this country and wanted to be rid of it:
Douglas was pointing out the fact that the
Constitution did not need to specify race if the Statesman (government)
included non whites in perspective. But since they didn't then change it. God
fearing men stand in jeopardy without concession, as did MLK, sacrificing his
own life, wealth, position and future. Nonetheless, it was 80yrs after the
signing that slavery was abolished. The Constitution was written to expressly
unite the states, and was so established in the midst of slavery Regardless of
those peoples who were undeniably excluded. Any God established thing needs no
without the Constitution we are all in essence, you believe in slavery... you don't have a government
without the Constitution, we can't have rights without government. side note: How long will we let the "the catastrophe" of abortion go on it's been 41 years! 50 Millions lives hung by the neck, by the hands of vigilantes! KKK members, people who murder the innocent drag them out of the safety of their mothers womb in the middle of the night?
Without the constitution we are all slaves." ? Starting from the GARDEN we
travel into the temporal for a season until the spirit is poured from on high
and the vessel is cleansed whereby the spirit rest inside.... Forever! Only
without God are we slaves.
I bow to! Amen. Constitution I stand reserved.
Kennedy didn't want paper
currency it was his avenue to reverse the concept of value from material to
creature, ie, living beings.
I truley Love you and
Michelle. As long as I live I will place you two as God sent. Hear me!
They quoted Lyndon B. Johnson to show the evil of the Democratic Party against black people. (slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, literacy test, etc.) The page was blocked by Facebook. This is the quote with the offensive word removed. “I'll have those “n……”, (n……:using the derogatory Spanish word for black, meaning African Americans), voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”
Isaiah 58 is not politically affiliated with any party.
We posted this awhile back. But first I hope you don't mind if I leave your name off of it. I am doing a blog using this conversation. People don't seem to comment much for fear we might get angry. Actually we love corrective criticism, you can not grow without it. So some republicans were saying that the Republican Party was started by black people and white people to end slavery. The first black congressmen and Senators were republicans. They quoted Lyndon B. Johnson to show the evil of the Democratic Party against black people. (slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, literacy test, etc.) The page was blocked by Facebook. This is the quote with the offensive word removed. “I'll have those “n……”, (n……:using the derogatory Spanish word for black, meaning African Americans), voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]” While Christian hate speech by democrats and atheists is not removed even though in contains very foul language. Watch out your speech is being censured.
Isaiah 58 Ministries:
Kennedy's father was a very sinful, womanizing man. One of the
men who caused the great depression and put FDR in power to steal the gold
system from the people. The Father Kennedy helped destroy the family,
Christianity, and the family farm, men's independence. All of the Kennedy money
was illegally gotten through corruption. I need to explain when I talk about
money with JFK or Martin Luther. Men need farms to provide for their families,
not jobs, not dependency on government to fix things, for only God and men
turning towards faith in God can heal any problem. Men are happiest working for
themselves. Men do not like having a "boss". God gave this country to
men who would ""take dominion" and subdue the earth by farming.
People came to this country for land, they didn't want others to provide for
them. Men want to provide for themselves. Healthy healed men are very
"independent". God commands men not to be dependent on others! What
if the person you work for sins and
loses everything? You lose everything also. Corporation corrupt the law, they
steal, lie, etc. so if you work for them their sins become your sins because
you are helping them sin by working for them. No one can work for someone else
unless they have the highest of piety and moral standards!1 Thessalonians 4: 9
Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you
yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 10 And in fact, you do
love all of God’s family throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers and
sisters, to do so more and more, 11 and to make it your ambition to lead a
quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as
we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so
that you will not be dependent on anybody.
1Ti 2:1 I urge you,
first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their
behalf, and give thanks for them. 1Ti 2:2 Pray this way for kings and all who
are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by
godliness and dignity. 1Ti 2:1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all
people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for
them. 1Ti 2:2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we
can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. Love you, we
listen diligently to your very passionate, and well thought out words knowing
you desire as we do, the truth in all things for Jesus is the truth. We desire
Christ to be glorified in the hearts and minds of all men that we all may live
in Christ peace, and prosperity with one another.
Isaiah 58: Why haven't good men like yourself, and the church, myself included, ended the slavery and holocaust of infants to the abortion? It is clear in the Constitution that it is illegal! We need God! We can not judge the founding fathers for not stopping slavery sooner, until we have done a better job ourselves. We are far more sinful than the Founding fathers ever thought could happen. 50 million Americans murdered! Targeted mostly at black girls! Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood and hated black people. She was a follower of Hitler, an carried out his plans here in America.
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