past tense: disguised; past participle: disguised
- 1.give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity."he disguised himself as a girl"
synonyms: dress up as, pretend to be, pass oneself off as, impersonate, pose as
Can or Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Now, I'm not here to bash Hindus. I actually have had a wonderful friendship with one and deep discussions about God and morality with him. But for Christians, and anyone else who takes yoga, it's important to know the meaning of the moves and chants- you are being a Hindu when you do them. If that is what you choose- okay, but the god of Yoga is not the God of the Bible. Christians need to know this- when you enter a room full of non-Christians -or young or weak Christians- opening themselves up to their 'inner god self'- they are opening a door to let the demonic realm in- A Christian may say prayers during this time- but, in essence, you are surrounded by the spiritual forces of "the other team."
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This photo was taken from a website "world religions for kids" ergo, at least schools teach that Yoga is a religion |
Yoga is bound up in Eastern religious metaphysics and is not an innocent form of relaxing the body and the mind. The goal of yoga is the same as that of Hinduism, which is realizing that one is Brahman, the underlying impersonal God of the Universe in Hinduism. According to Psychic Forces and Occult Shock (Wilson and Weldon): "The physical exercises of yoga are designed to prepare the body for the psychospiritual change vital to inculcating this idea (the realization that one is Brahman) into the consciousness and being of the person. Hence talk of separating yoga practice from theory is meaningless. From a Christian perspective, whether the two can safely be divided is doubtful. 'I do yoga, but Hinduism isn't involved,' is an incorrect statement."
Now, most Christians will tell you that they "just do the exercises," or that the yoga they do is mostly exercise but not spiritual. But is it possible to divide the exercise from it's spiritual origins? Let's take a deeper look at what yoga- even the exercise parts of yoga- really is. This gets really deep and kinda hard to understand, but that's the point. Would a Christian really want to do something unless they were 100% sure it was not of the occult?
This is Shiva-The Destroyer
This is Shiva, the lord of Yoga... every form, even supposed "exercise only yoga. Shiva is the god of yoga- Below is a link to yoga's explanation of their god with some excerpts here:
1."Probably, the simplest and most common explication of Shiva, which one finds in the traditional literature, is that there is a trinity of divine forces governing the process of time in the universe with Brahma as the Creator, Vishnu as the Sustainer, and Shiva as the Destroyer."
2.We live in a magical and mysterious universe pervaded by an unseen intelligence and subtle energies, which reach far beyond the merely human concerns that dominate our minds today.
Did you read that- Shiva is the lord of yoga and he is known as the Destroyer. Does that sound really awesome to true Christian believers? I didn't think so. What do you think of when you hear the word "destruction?" Those are the forces you are bowing down to- or stretching to.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. "John 10:10
Magic? Christians need to steer far far away from anything that has "magical" components.
Deuteronomy 18:14 (NAS) "For those nations, which you will dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do so."
Now here's where it gets kinda mumbo jumbo-y, but that is just the point. All that "controlled breathing"- all the "stillness" and "balance" and "peace"- the foundations of even the "exercise only" yoga- it all originates in the bowels of Hell, don't take my word for it, read the yoga handbook for yourself: But hold your breath...ha, just kidding...no, really, to go forward in yoga you've got to hold your breath...
"Yoga as a sadhana or spiritual practice rests upon cultivating the Shiva consciousness of the highest awareness and bliss. This reality of Shiva is the power of silence, stillness, and non-doing, not the ordinary power of self-assertion and aggression. It works through inaction, peace and balance, in which one is centered in one’s own being and grasps the entire universe as a manifestation of one’s own thoughts. This power of Shiva is not the outer force that displays itself for personal gain, nor the outer effort to control that makes a show of itself to gain adulation. It is the spiritual force that turns things around, draws things within, and takes them back to their source, in which a deep unity remains. Shiva symbolizes this balancing and calming effect of all Yoga practices.

Shiva is the lord of cosmic sound or the cosmic music, particularly the great mantra OM from which all the Vedas and all mantras are said to derive, and the entire universe generated. The Sanskrit alphabet is said to arise from the beating of Shiva’s drum, whose resonance pervades all space. He has other important bija mantras of Hum and Haum or Haum Joom Sah. Hum represents the cosmic fire or Agni. Haum represents the Cosmic Prana, two important aspects of Shiva energy. Haum Joom Sah reflects the speed and power of his energy moving into us and taking us beyond from the standpoint of this Cosmic Prana.
Okay, so most this doesn't make a lot of sense, but in layman's terms... a god named Shiva, who is known as the Destroyer- he invented all those yoga chants- hey, he is said to invent the entire yoga derived alphabet. All the chants summon up forces...and they are not Christian or from the God of the Bible.
Okay, so this isn't going to make a lot of sense if you don't do yoga, or even if you do, but you need to understand the meanings and stories behind the poses, behind the chants. It is all based on Hindu's gods, and Hindus are quite proud of this. It's Americans who like the "cool" parts of yoga that keep trying to cut away the spiritual aspects from the physical. Which, is physically and spiritually impossible.
Here is an example of a chant. Notice the worship here:
Perhaps most notable for dealing with all of life’s difficulties and dangers is Shiva’s aspect as Tryambakam, the Three-Eyed One orMrityunjaya, the one who takes us beyond death, as the rishi Vasishta lauds in the Rig Veda.
Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam; urvarukam iva bandhanat, mriyor mukshiya mamritat.
We worship the three eyed one, who is fragrant and increases nourishment. As a gourd from its stalk, may he release us from death but not from immortality. (By the way, this is exactly what Jesus does!!) The worship of Shiva pervades the Yoga tradition from the most ancient to modern times. The Nath Yogis who gave us Tantric Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Siddha Yoga, were followers of Lord Shiva who is Adi Nath or the original Nath guru. This includes the great teachers Goraknath and Matsyendranath, who still have wide followings in India today.
As Christians, we know that our Lord, Jesus Christ- He has truly done for us what the Hindus believe Shiva has done for them- but our Lord and Savior GAVE HIS LIFE SO WE MIGHT OVERCOME DEATH! We will still pass away one day but never die. This is our religion- the Hindus are worshipping their god through yoga just as we worship the ONE true God.
1 Peter 2:24 "He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed."
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if the tent which is our earthly home is destroyed (dissolved), we have from God a building, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. vs 15 15 And He died for all, so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake. vs 17 Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!
Now, let us continue with the yoga handbook here. You see, as Christians we know that God trancends all. In this Yoga and Christianity are very similar. One is the truth, the other is a lie. I don't wish to harm or put down Hindus but we serve the One True God.
Return to Shiva
Our return to this original clear light of reality, which is Shiva, is the essence not only of yogic spirituality, but also of all true science, art, philosophy and psychology.
You may wish to only "exercise" but those stretches originated in a religious form that leads to higher and higher states of "awareness." If you travel to India, you will see the god of yoga EVERYWHERE. Yoga is a religion. Just like if you were to visit a church with a cross on top, you would know that that is a Christian church. Hindus believe their god, Shiva, is the lord of all yoga. Separating yoga from it's spiritual aspects is like separating a Christian church with a cross on it from Christ, (which, sadly, some try to do).
To achieve this higher state of awareness, we can practice Shiva Yoga or the Yoga of Shiva, of which there are many varieties in many Shaivite traditions. Shiva is the great deity of the Himalayas with many forms from Amarnath in Kashmir, to Kedarnath near the origin of the Ganga, to Pashupati Nath in Nepal, and Mount Kailas in Tibet. His great city is Kashi (Varanasi), but also has Uttar Kashi in the Himalayas. There are many famous Shiva Jyotirlingas or lingas of light, mainly in Central India, like Omkareshvara, and a number of Shiva sites in the South like Tiruvannamali, the fire linga of Lord Shiva, where Ramana Maharshi, regarded by many as a modern incarnation of Lord Shiva, has his ashram located. This worship of Shiva has gone global as in the example of the Kauai Hindu temple in Hawaii of the Hinduism Today magazine and its powerful crystal Shiva linga
In Psychic Forces and Occult Shock Wilson and Weldon state, "Yoga is really pure occultism, as any number of yoga and occult texts prove (R.S Mishra's Yoga Sutras and Fundamentals of Yoga , J. Brennan's Astral Doorways and H. Chaudhuri's Philosophy of Meditation are footnoted). Occult abilities are very common from yoga practice, and the numerous dangers of occultism are evident from many studies (K. Koch's Christian Counseling and Occultism is footnoted).
The yoga scholar and Sanskrit authority, Mishra, states: 'In conclusion, it may be said that behind every psychic investigation, behind mysticism, occultism, etc., knowingly or unknowingly, the yoga system is present. (Mishra, op.cit.)'"
Kurt Koch in his various excellent books correlates delving with the occult with subsequent experiences of anxiety and depression sometimes resulting in suicide.
The Bible informs us that God created Adam of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Man is a created, separate being. Man can have a relationship with the Living God by accepting His Son, God's physical incarnation, Jesus Christ. The Bible does not teach that through yoga man can attain progressive higher levels of consciousness so that man will realize he is one with God and merge with Brahman as Hinduism teaches or that man's personality can be extinguished as a flame is extinguished as Buddhism teaches. The Bible does not mention or recognize yoga or any system where man can become one with God.
Below are some comments from my facebook post on yoga. I really like how many Christians are thinking this thing through. Knowledge is power. Jesus will always speak the truth and the truth will set us free. One thing we shouldn't do is ignore the facts when they are right in front of us just because we enjoy something doesn't mean it's right to do or pleasing to the Lord. Worse yet, many people have gotten caught up in the very real demonic world that is opened up when you mess with any part of the occult. God Bless ya'll and I hope this helps some.
Jason: I do yoga. It's very good for your health. Ive never heard any chants though?
Me:I know you are into all natural ways of healing/living and that is great! For my part, so am I but as a Bible believing Christian I steer clear of anything connected to occultic practices. I really had no inclination to study up on yoga but the Lord put it really heavy on my heart and a couple days ago spoke to me and said "yoga is a spiritual path that is not of Me." I've been doing some research lately and found the physical poses are themselves worshipful to the gods of Hindu. I just put this stuff out there and if it speaks to someone great!!! I also don't have anything to do with Halloween either and while St. Nick was a real person, I cannot condone when parents lie to their kids that he is coming to their homes. There are many things with cultic natures and yoga just so happens to be king of cults here in America right now.
Jason:i do agree with most of what you say here, especially that many people do take it to far (yoga) and use it as though it were a religion (if that makes sense - basically putting such importance to it that it becomes worship)
Amy C: I have to agree. Last year, i've found the yoga as exercise was super beneficial. It helped me get my body strengthened after a time when I was going through a lot of back pain. But I did encounter with the spirit behind yoga and I would agree, it can seem safe, but the Spirit of God is against all other spirits. It's hard to explain it, but I've encountered the Ganesh/Shiva spirit a few different times. And it is a very antagonistic towards the Spirit of God. Once it was in the home of a practicing hindu family (landlords to my MIL's basement suite). We ate dinner with them. That night I felt a dark spirit was trying to enter my MIL apartment. I began to pray and felt we had angered their gods by "stepping on their stronghold." A second time is after my cousin's hindu wedding. Hard to explain, but again darkness and confusion filled our families cabin last summer after the wedding was over. Both my friend visiting our cabin with me felt this darkness/confusion. Then the last time I ever had a yoga class was when my instructor came in wearing Ganesh on her clothing, yoga matt and water bottle. It's weird she was so aggressive with me. I've never had an instructor keep badgering me about form before. And then all of a sudden she locked eyes with me and I realized it was the spirit behind her antagonizing me. I knew it was because of my faith. — That was last time I'll do a yoga class. Now I have rented a few Yoga dvds to practice in my own home. otherwise if I want a good stretching/strength class I just go to Pilates classes. Anyways, that's my story. we have to be careful to not be desensitized to the spiritual life around us.
Amy O: There is a Christian yoga movement as much of it focuses on stretching. It is called Holy Yoga.
Me:Thanks so much for sharing Amy Crissman!!! What a powerful testimony! You have always been in tune with the spirit realm. Praise God you are able to recognize these spiritual attacks and combat them for you and your family. When I read your story I got goosebumps! I have only had a couple run ins with leaders who told me to open up myself spiritually and clear my mind. Once in school and the other time when I was taking Taekwondo. I am so grateful for having a Christian mom who told us NOT to let our minds go blank when the leader told us to, but to pray. In fact, having known Jesus since a small child, I could sense that this was not a Godly thing but rather a Satanic thing- it was described as a yoga-esk exercise and that we would not be able to advance in class without this spiritual exercise. There are alternatives to yoga if someone feels they need it- one is called Praisemoves and another is called Holy Fit. Both call themselves alternatives to yoga but not Christian Yoga because they say it's impossible to separate yoga from Hindu. It is so important for people to know the principalities and rulers in different areas- such as Hinduism. When a yoga center moves into a neighborhood so do the demonic forces invited in by this spiritual practice just like when a truly Spirit filled church moves into a neighborhood so does the Spirit of God!! http://praisemoves.com/
Thanks for sharing Amy O
Mom:Someone told me, who is not a devoted Christian, that they went to a yoga class and was so freaked out by it they'll never go back. This person does any kind of exercise. This person is devoted to exercising.
Jason:Just to clear things up. I've never been to a yoga class. I just know some yoga stretches which help to stretch tendons and muscles and align the back. Maybe that is the difference. I'm probably doing them wrong anyway lol
Amy C: Jason I also don't think using the poses are worship. Jesus says we worship in spirit and in truth. If someone attends a yoga class it isn't sin, just as if someone attends church doesn't make them born again. I do think it is good to be aware of spiritual influences. The encounter I had actually showed me how people's behaviors are influence either by God's kingdom or the devil's. I have no conviction on using the poses. My conscious is clear. But the pursuit of yoga and the idea that being spiritual in any form is good enough is a lie. I think the Hindu spirituality interests a lot of people cause it sounds cool and tolerant of many types of faith. Jesus is the only way.
Me:Ha,Jason,having read your last comment in light of your first one I had to laugh,"no chanting though"...most people don't look up yoga poses and then try to simulate yoga chants. The thought just was humorous to me. Also, having been in gymnastics and tons of sports as well as having back problems, I've stretched unknowingly in yoga like poses- I wouldn't go looking for them to repeat personally but the body can only move in so many ways and exercise in and of itself is not evil. God is very gracious to those who really want to do the right thing. If and when we find out something is wrong or "food sacrificed to idols," then it's important to re-examine our actions. He is so great to help us make things right!
Elizabeth:Interesting discussion. I am Amy Crissman's MIL..I appreciate the prayers ofPhil & Amy, binding the spirits and praying protection..they worked. I lived there for another 14 months and while I had challenges, as we all do, I also grew much in my relationship with the Lord and had ...many opportunities to pray over that family. We live in the world but need not be prisoners to the spiritual darkness that is still present here. As believer's we can expect to overcome every spiritual influence that is not of the Holy Spirit. See Psalm 91.
Me:Thanks for sharing Elizabeth! The enemy has no power over real Christians who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We don't need to be afraid of the occult or any other evil practices but we do need to be aware of the spiritual world around us!