Vince Lanci: Why Gold & Silver Have Been Selling Off Since Election
Vince points out that the criminals, The fake American Government, The Satanic Kingdom cannot have gold competing with their lies about money. The Gold country, nation Kingdom means their downfall.
We are a different country, A different nation our money is gold and silver coins. It is our Constituion Our Declaration of Independence. It dosn't belong to their Satanic Kingdom.
Things are not always what you perceive them to be. Ron Paul is explaining the new government. ***The Great Reset.*** Trump's Shocker SecDef Pick! 1. Who is going to run the Defense Department? Hegseth is a political commentator, soldier deployed in Iraq, and activist. (Maybe he was flipped there?) 12:00 min. A Warhawk who aligns with John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and his co-conspirators, ISIS, in dealings with Iraq. 2. 20:00min. Pro Israel for Ambassador to Israel, saying, "There is no such thing as a Palestinian, Mike Huckabee, growing the deep state." 3. 21:30 Expanding government like Jimmy Carter. TRUMP is creating a department to make government efficient using modern technology. ( Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and JP Morgan used efficiency.) Made all Americans communist workers ***who used to own land, provide for themselves independent of government, corporations, and counterfeit money launderers, bankers.*** Elon Musk is using 47,000 satellites to surveil everyone on earth using the military. Elon Musk wants everyone hotwired like a car engine into this technological network.
@ResistanceChicks I thing you are extremely too simplistic in Your analysis
@JacquiJacq Pg here, I was writing what Ron Paul had in his video. You think he a man who has been fighting the government slavery of counterfeit money, dishonest corruption throughout the world is being too simplistic. Sin and evil complicate matters with lies to deceive. The simplest answers are from people who know only gold and silver coins are real money. Honest money. God and Constitutional money. The simplest answers come from those who obey the Ten Commandments. Deception is at the heart of those who complicate matters. trump has broken all Ten Commandments without repentance. let me know when he has turned from sin to follow God through Jesus Christ and has ceased from sin to obey Almighty God. When he is no longer a role player, a place card, an actor on the International Stage.
Horses help us become better at EVERYTHING!
Bitcoin is buying the US debt! It is the new Federal Reserve. Digital currency is made out of thin air. This week everyone wished they had some bitcoin. It isn't what it appears to be. What good is it to gain the world but lose your soul? Do not fall into this Satanically demonic psychological trick, con, or deception. I have seen it a lot of times. Men Become demon possessed, greed takes over, and they become a colaborator, a traitor, a Benedit Arnold, a turncoat? You are joining the Deep State with Bitcoin. Criminals are buying men off. Bribes.
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Pastor Niel Petersen.
Patriot Gallery, PG here, Leah and Michelle's Resistance Chicks, Mom, Jeanne. Time to clean ourselves, clean Ohio. With the love and power of God. The covenant between God and men. The Ohio Constitution: We are to keep Ohio from all filthiness; Ohio is clean, pure, and sound-minded, I declare in Jesus Christ's name! The purpose of the government of the people, the church (God's kingdom, government on earth), is to keep everything clean, holy, pure, safe, and at peace with our neighbors. Public school indoctrination into communism, Marxism, human disrespect, and indecency! Total immorality, so corrupt, causing children to abound and weaken all men in their souls, minds, and emotions. Men become women; women become men. What else would we expect from criminals? Counterfeiters, reprobates? Men love your wives, A married man must take care of his wife's desires. It is better to be single. If a man does not plow his field, he will go hungry. Keepers of the earth. Good works. No, on where does it say to cooperate with those counterfeting money: a paper dollar bill? That is a sin. We are to convict men and tell them to use gold and silver coins according to the Bible and constitution. PATRIOT GALLERY! PG: That is doing good works. Tell and preach the gospel of repentance: Stop sinning. Obey God first; Only use gold and silver coins, dig a well, and use water you collect on your land. Farming is Genesis 2 Till the soil, take care of the earth. Do not help those raping the earth using counterfeit money. The disciples, the Sants, were falsely accused of burning Rome. Persecuted, fed to the lions, crucified, PG here! because iCaeser's money was a sin! They brought down Rome! America, Ohio, and all 50 states were founded so men could own their land and farm. Look at William Penn. The city of brothrly love, The Quakers, Amish, Mennonites, the Founding Father's, the Pilgrims. All farmers using gold and silver coins. Not getting into debt. Early Ohioans, Americans, are FREEMEN. Using horses and working to build their homes, barns, store storehouses with their own two hands. DO NOT STAY SLAVES AND BE DOMINATED BY THE VILEST, EVILEST OF MEN. you can not serve them; serve two masters. You can only serve God. Merry Christmas!
Israel - Hezbollah Ceasefire - Trudeau Meets with Trump - UK Farmers Roll On World News 12/1/24 mak in a chatroom used a swear word, cuss word: pg here my response. Rockabillyguitar Great comment, please refrain for swearwords, children watch with their parents. Family Friendly speech is free speech that is clean, no swear words, cuss words, nothing perverted.
Free speech does not defile someone else's soul, mind and emotions. Meaning does not break down the high Moral goodness of society which makes our bodies ill, and corrupts society.
TRUMP PUuuUMP !!!!!!! 1000X ALT SEaZoN HAS JUST BEGUN !!!!!!!! 🐿️✨💎💎💎💎🥜🥜🥜❇️❇️❇️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
PG here I left this comment:
An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two words or phrases with opposite meanings to create a new idea or meaning: Christians do not counterfeit money. The US Constitution is written by Christians from the Bible; "only gold and silver coins are money." I heard this from Jesus Christ himself. I saw him; he talked to me. I know him; he knows me. Article 1, Section 10, Constitution from the Bible James chapter 5 and the whole Old Testament, "Just weights and balances." Jesus will say depart from me; I never knew you."
If you continue and keep the property gotten from ill-gotten gain, from counterfeiting money. There is no such thing as getting rich quick. It is a scam. Hell is a wide door, and crypto, (as in a crypt, a grave for death burial ), Hell and the grave are wide open, swallowing everyone whole. In the gospel, Zacchaeus paid people back doubleIwhat he robbed them of; in the Old Testament, a person must pay back 7 times. The rich young ruler had to show his love by selling all he had and giving it to the poor; Abraham had to offer up his only son. I have given everything up 4 times in my life. I'm 64.
What Trump Knows About the Coming Financial Reset

Christians do not counterfeit money. The US Constitution is written by Christians from the Bible; "only gold and silver coins are money." I heard this from Jesus Christ himself. I saw him; he talked to me. I know him; he knows me. Article 1, Section 10, Constitution from the Bible James chapter 5 and the whole Old Testament, "Just weights and balances." Jesus will say; Depart from me; I never knew you." NEW!!! Resistance Chicks are proud to partner with Zang Enterprises as the new official gold and silver company of Resistance Chicks! Learn more: