Monday, July 2, 2012

Boys Scout, Chuck Norris, President Obama, We are made in the image of God.

We will be putting this to video and reading it out loud; Please be patient.


       God has called all of us To be a reflection of himself. God made us in his image. All we have to do is look at him. Those who twist others around to look the way the want them to look are the thieves Jesus talks about who enter people lives without permission, God calls it trespassing. We can only forgive those who repent from their trespasses and have asked God to forgive them first. Then their change of heart must show in their lives by bringing forth fruits of repentance; These people have no right to do this, it is against the law. It is breaking the other person and entering into their lives,(mind control, brainwashing) wrongfully. All men have to reflect God in themselves. When we reflect God and are made in his image again, (born again), then we are reconciled unto God and have peace with God.
Wow wouldn't that be something.

        (The people who founded this country looked and talked as God would have them.  They are our example, they are our leaders, our elders, our parents in Government.)
     Our fore fathers chose Godly men to represent them and to bring forth the Declaration of Independence.   We hear of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, John Adams, etc.  But they were instruments of God and of the American People.  The people made the decision to follow God into bringing forth a country founded on the Principles of God.  They were very pious, very devoted to God and were very clean wholesome people who knew and wrote it down for all men to read that:

“all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable”

    As wholesome people they knew right from wrong. They were taught right from wrong from the Holy sacred Bible.  You will see God in everything they built or established from colleges to newspapers, libraries, farms, homes, etc. They were humble before God and did not boast or brag but gave all Glory to God. They were a God fearing, honest, God honoring people and we today are called to do the same for the same reasons.  It is only through following God and practicing religion that people can live with each other in peaceThese great people knew and supported teaching “good” to the people through teaching the “Holy Sacred Bible”.  Congress printed the Bible and passed it out to the people.  For 320 years the government of America taught the Bible. (from the time Christians stepped on the shores of America.)  Why?  Because people will always disagree.  We need a Father, a Creator, someone to settle disputes.  They used the Word of God, the Bible, which is known to all  honest people to be fair and just to all.  The Founding fathers and the Americans who they represented knew that people only suffer because  someone has done something wrong to them or they are doing wrong themselves.  People suffer when governments and people tolerate evil, (evil  according to the fair and just teachings of the Bible.) 

             The following article and the arguments in the media demanded this below blog to be written.  For The Gospel of Jesus is a gift of peace between men. All men must live in peace with each other and that can only be done under the Lordship, Leadership of Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings, and the Lord of ALL MEN!

Jesus  came to bring peace to earth through the use of truth and justice.
      Here at Isaiah 58 ministries use the “Science of Religion” to discuss matters of such importance.

   {Religion is the most important of all sciences. Religion is the foundation of law and order. Without it you have lawlessness. (War, riots,, empires fighting for power over masses of people, fuedalism ) If you haven’t done an honest, truthful, study of why religion is necessary and understood the importance of religion in law , in justice, in peoples lives then you cannot possibly think you can discern, deduct, or even comprehend right and wrong.  You cannot understand the difference between good and evil. You become confused and are very easily manipulated to follow anything that comes along. This is where America is today, easily manipulated and easily controlled and brain washed.}  Religion is the bedrock of Humanity at it's best!! Without it  mankind is nothing more than savages, wolves, animals!
     President Obama is quoted as saying that “Freedom of religion is paramount to America’s freedom”.  He said this concerning a dispute about the 9/11 site.  What he said in modern terms is: that if you take away freedom of religion you have taken away the foundation of this country which is the absolute truth.  What you do not know is that he was using an absolute truth to cover a crime.  Freedom of religion does not give someone the right to offend our country. 

   With a twist in this situation President Obama is showing his hypocrisy, his deceitfulness.  In this case President Obama is saying that “homosexuality is paramount to this country's freedom”.  This is an abomination.  This is what you get with an “Obama nation”.  President Obama swore to uphold the Constitution on the “Holy Bible” before God.  He lied.  He had no intention of upholding the laws of the Constitution. He had and has had the vision and determination to undermined and destroy the Constitution.  The Constitution safe guards our freedom of religion.

  The Boy Scouts are a religious organization and all boys and leaders must swear at every meeting to:

 Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

DUTY TO GOD AND COUNTRY: Your FAMILY and religious leaders teach you to know and serve God. By following these teachings, you do your duty to God. 

    Homosexuals cannot do this.  They live in ways that  are morally not straight. Homosexuals are in rebellion to God. To be a homosexual means you refuse to have the knowledge of God, his savior Jesus to deliver you from sin, and God's ways even in their minds. Acts of homosexuality are  very dishonorable things to do to yourself and/or whoever may join with you or support you.  So it is impossible for them to be Boy Scouts or a part of an organization that teaches morality, honesty, honor and duty.
   I teach the truth according to the “Science of Religion”.  Every worthy religion teaches the same thing. It is an abomination.  The Boy Scouts have the right to their religious beliefs and teachings. The have the right to expel those who make oaths like the Boy scout Oath but do it dishonestly. 

   Taking an oath dishonestly is what President Obama did when he swore an oath before God and to us that he would uphold the Constitution. Right here he is showing his dishonesty.  He has no intention of upholding the Boy Scouts freedom of religion clearly written in the Bill of rights.  Rights that come from God Almighty.  Inalienable rights that no man or president can usurp authority over.
   President Obama cannot, like the founding fathers,  call on what "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,”   He has no depth of character, no morals to guide him which only  come from a life dedicated to God.  He cannot discern truth from lies, he  cannot understand what is evil and what is good.  He is trying to destroy what he hates, religion, morality.  Like the first paragraph President Obama is trying to break America and twist us to look the way he wants us to look.  America is not a people of degenerates and immoral reprobates.  We are wholesome, good, God fearing, Honoring God, pious, honest, truthful, etc
   We do not murder our children through the use of contraceptives, (Abortion is a contraceptive), We do not have mothers abandon their God given right, duty and responsibility to be at home raising their children. We do not have men abandon their right duty and responsibility to protect, provide and honor one wifethe wife of their youth and their children . 

     Evil men who have lived in corruption, have corrupted the good, wholesome, God given laws and morals in America and have broken the American people and twisted the people to look the way they want “Americans to look”

     This is illegal as you see in the first  paragraph it is the right of all men, it is the duty of all men, it is the responsibility of all men to be made in the image of God by turning to him and his laws. The reason is so  we all may live in peace with one another as virtuous, wholesome, honest, good citizens.  Oppression of the rights of mankind brings suffering, sickness, mental illness, dysfunction, poverty, child abuse, and parental abuse, (putting parents in nursing home just to get rid of them and not having to love them,) History has proven that oppressing the God given rights of people causes great suffering of the masses like we have today.

   Homosexuals just want to get their hands on a big group of young men to molest them, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  They want to make young men into what they want, the image they have for young men, which is perverted. They want young men to look the way the see themselves. Homosexauls want to break these boys from obedience to their oaths to God, country, religion and family and make them gay like themselves.   Just like they have done to public school children and the military.  They are a violent and unruly group of people who force themselves on the rest of America with no respect for our God given unalienable rights.  Oh, did I just say they are not Americans?  Yes.   Americans respect each others rights that come from ”God”  To live wholesome lives.

Quote from the Declaration of Independence listing the abominations of the King of England and why we refuse to be his subjects, or submitted to him:
To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable
By Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris
Dallas, TX - -( A Boy Scouts of America national board member, James Turley, who is also global chairman and CEO of the accounting firm Ernst & Young, recently said he “will work from within to seek a change” to overturn the BSA policy that bans gay Scouts and leaders.
But is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors?
Is it a coincidence that Turley came out swinging against the BSA’s century-old policy to ban gays from leadership and that he has such close affiliations with the pro-gay Obama administration?
Is it a coincidence that Turley and his wife, Lynne, were just guests at a state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama in honor of British Prime Minister David Cameron at the White House on March 14?
Is it a coincidence that Turley was nominated to President Obama’s Export Council in 2010?
Is it a coincidence Turley was granted a seat on an investment advisory panel that met with none other than Vladimir Putin in Moscow in October?
Is it a coincidence that Turley has been a global cheerleader for Obama’s economic strategies and an economic ambassador of sorts to other mogul business leaders, as is clearly seen in his Bloomberg interview from the 2011 economic summit in Davos, Switzerland?
Is it a coincidence that Michael Mundaca, who was the assistant secretary of the treasury for tax policy from 2009 to 2011 and advised Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on all matters relating to taxation, recently joined the team of Ernst & Young?Is it a coincidence that, as the White House website explained, “Ernst & Young LLP will honor (the Obama administration’s Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship’s) youth entrepreneurs at regional Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award galas across the country, bringing important attention to the next generation of young entrepreneurs”?
Is it a coincidence that a couple of months ago, Obama reversed his position on marriage, extending the union to gay couples, and that Turley just came out of the closet in his position against the BSA’s position?
Is it a coincidence that in the same few weeks when Turley turned on the BSA with his pro-gay stance, Obama turned on the U.S. military and sent down a decree that the service branches must celebrate “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month”?
Is it a coincidence that Turley is in tight cahoots with the White House and that he is the only BSA national board member in 100 years to oppose its pro-traditional family stance?
Is it a coincidence that Turley just announced his resignation as CEO of Ernst & Young (effective June 2013) and that he now is offering the White House a parting pro-gay BSA gift in gratitude for all its presidential favors to him and Ernst & Young over the past few years?
These Turley-Obama cords, connections and correlations are only the tip of the iceberg.
Is it a coincidence, too, that on March 3, 2009, Obama became the honorary president of the BSA — a position proudly and publicly held and highlighted by all presidents since President William Howard Taft in 1910 — but that Obama’s induction was held behind closed doors in the Oval Office with seven or so Boy Scouts present and absolutely nothing noted in the White House daily briefing or any other official communication?
Is it a coincidence that Obama was unable to attend the 100th anniversary gala of the Boy Scouts of America in his own backyard (Washington, D.C.) Feb. 9, 2010, because he had to hold his first national news conference?

Is it a coincidence that as the honorary BSA president and a “constitutional lawyer,” Obama hasn’t had one minute in his schedule over the past years to defend or say anything about the series of lawsuits that have been levied against the BSA because of its First Amendment rights to stand against atheists, agnostics and homosexuals?
It is a coincidence that Obama will stand up repeatedly for the children of illegal immigrants (and grant them amnesty and taxpayer money) but that he will not once stand up for children in the BSA and the organization’s rights and freedoms to hold their own core values and beliefs?
For years, I’ve signed and sent out hundreds of Eagle Scout recognition letters. And I personally have known a host of Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts and BSA leaders. These individuals epitomize the best of America. Indeed, the BSA is as integral a part of American life and culture as hot dogs, baseball and Grandma’s apple pie.
Even President John F. Kennedy proudly proclaimed at the 50th anniversary celebration of the BSA: “For more than 50 years, Scouting has played an important part in the lives of the Boy Scouts of this nation. It has helped to mold character, to form friendships, to provide a worthwhile outlet for the natural energies of growing boys and to train these boys to become good citizens of the future. In a very real sense, the principles learned and practiced as Boy Scouts add to the strength of America and her ideals.”
Hasn’t America reached a new low in its history when its president (and the honorary president of the BSA!) distances himself and his administration from the Boy Scouts of America yet invites groups such as the Secular Student Alliance to participate in its faith and college missions?
I’ll ask once more: Is it a coincidence that BSA national board member James Turley came out swinging against the BSA’s century-old policy to ban gays from leadership and that he has such close affiliations with the pro-gay Obama administration?
How does the adage go?
If two people think so much alike, you can bet that one person isn’t thinking. Or maybe a more fitting adage here might be this: You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.
Building up the next generation is not only why I fully support the Boy Scouts of America but also why I started my own nonprofit organization, KickStartKids. My wife, Gena, and I consider it one of the greatest missions of our lives. You can learn more about the Boy Scouts of America by going to and more about KickStartKids by going to
Action hero and Second Amendment activist, Chuck Norris is one of the most enduringly popular actors in the world. He has starred in more than 20 major motion pictures. His television series “Walker, Texas Ranger,” which completed its run in April 2001 after eight full seasons, is the most successful Saturday night series on CBS since “Gunsmoke.”In 2006, he added the title of columnist to his illustrious list of credits with the launch of his popular Internet column. Now Chuck is a regular contributor to AmmoLand, click the following link to See more of 
Chuck Norris on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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