Sunday, April 14, 2013

Michelle's parable of sowing and reaping

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! For God so loved the world (& ME!) that he GAVE His only begotten Son – that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal Life!

Eternity is forever and it starts that moment you believe in Him!

Life- what is life? When something is alive- it grows- it increases. When something is dead, it stays the same or decreases. (Michelle definition here, not Webster’s… ;) It’s GOD who gives the increase! We shall have eternal increase when we believe in Him starting today!

As we get ready around here to start this garden season (and already have with our little seedlings!), I know that no matter how much we water, cultivate, plant, fertilize, or weed- nothing grows without God giving the increase.

In my own life, I know nothing grows without God giving the increase! But wait! I’m promised ETERNAL life- this Eternal Increase- because I believe in Him.

So what shall I do? What is my job or my duty once I have this gift? I plant- I cultivate- I water- I fertilize and WEED out my garden as well as own life! I show God that I rejoice in this day that He has made and am glad in it, by taking special care of the life and job He has given me!

I read His Word to cultivate and plant beautiful things in my soul- I water and fertilize by speaking of and praising His wonderful works! I weed out the things and people in my life that would choke these beautiful plants inside of me! And what does God do? He gives the increase! Amen!

Some people wonder and ask why we put so much effort into gardening? Why do we want chickens or dream of living a self-sufficient life? Kroger is right up the street and after all the work and toil, in the beginning we break even on the cost (except tomatoes, if you have ever bought them, they are expensive, you will always come out ahead growing tomatoes even with a bad crop!)…  Why do it? It’s hard work! Because I find as I do these things in the physical, and I watch what a miracle it is to see the multiplication of sowing and reaping, my faith is then multiplied by watching this stunning work in action! I can see just how God wants to increase me and my life! I can see generations and fruit increasing from me, from my family. I can see happiness, joy, life. LIFE! That increase of why we are here! God wants to increase His family! I can see why we were put here, I can in a very small way, see how our Father looks at us, wanting us to the best He created us to be. If I represent a stalk of corn, God the ultimate Farmer, wants me to be the biggest, tastiest, healthiest stalk of corn that can grow! He wants the very best for me and has given me all the tools and ability I need to be that prize winning ear of corn!

We do it because like all children, we look to our parents, we admire, we want to please and most of all we want to be like them. I want to care for a flock, I want to care for crops, I want to care for children, because… well because that is what my Father does.   

Much love yall

~ Michelle


Isaiah 58 Ministries said...

how beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Helen said...

Very well stated Michelle! What a beautiful picture.