Matthew David Stoskopf For President!!!
I'd like to introduce to the world a renaissance man. His name is Matthew David Stoskopf. He is 36 yrs old and hails from south central Kansas. He's called Ohio is home since 2012. Born and raised to be a hardworking self made man, he grew up working on his grandad's roughly 2,000 acre cattle ranch in the flint hills of Kansas. Matthew's work ethic took him to Wichita State University to earn a degree in business, but his heart has always led him back to agriculture and the art of husbandry. He purchased a 15 acre farm which he owned for 7 yrs before selling it and 2 of his 4 rental houses to move to his new Ohio home. He has since given his life completely over to Christ and his heart is for his country to turn back to the principles that once made this nation great. If ever there was a time to elect young fresh blood, it's NOW! This man has Jesus Christ running through his veins and our nation needs men in office who will say what Matthew has written below. Read this and I'm sure all God fearing people will cry Matthew David 2016!!!!Presidential Platform:
I beseech you to look inwardly for the answers you seek. The basis for your arguments have no basis in factual history, nor are they scripturally based. They are based in the world, by humanists, by secularists, the list goes on and on. However at their root, at their core is the devil, the demonic. They seek to cheat, steal, lie, deceive, destroy, to change, to pervert, to distort, to divert attention to their leading not Christs.
I spent five hours yesterday typing a message from God on here, but the world kept it from going through. No worries, I will type another one. As many of you know, I am not shy about stating my background of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual abuse. As a small child I was forced to dub pornography for my dad. Looking back, one in my situation might wonder why didn't the church help me? Where were they at? The answer is simple, I had no idea of who Jesus was, and He isn't in the church. The minister's children were abused, if not molested. I distinctly remember one Sunday the minister's son walking through service drunk wearing a spuds McKenzie shirt. Case in point here. My spell check knows “spuds mckenzie,” yet doesn't know the word “scripturally.” Everything we see in the world is completely devoid of God. God's Word specifically states that a man is to be the spiritual head of his household before he can lead others. If he cannot keep his own house in order, he is not fit nor qualified for a role in ministry. It is not to say that they are not ultimately called upon by God to be ministers, they are just not ready to take that position yet. Kirk Cameron in his film unstoppable asked the question why do bad things happen to good people? The answer is simple, the church is not following, nor is it an example of Christ, His teachings, His leading, His healing for the week and needy. Revisionists in this country want you bound, yoked to these institutions, because they know it is how real change is made in a country. They realized a long time ago that you can argue against the church from the outside and only get the cold shoulder. On the other hand, if they were to infiltrate these institutions from within, they can systematically through steady calculations, rudder the entire ship to alter the course. Paul says that the tongue is a tiny little member,and if it is bridled, it can preach the oracles of God. However, if it is not, it is the fastest way to alter one's course away from God in a hurry.
One of the biggest problems in our society is perversion. The devil uses it because if men are looking to pornography, women, and other men even. They do not have that agape love for their future spouse. If God says to be fruitful and multiply, the devil is going to come in and say “do not be fruitful.” He loves homosexuality as no children are possible. To desire children, to be a “hopeless romantic” to Him, your spouse, those in the body of Christ, is to be a man of His own heart like David. God killed Onan because when He instructs a man to bring a child into the world, the most evil thing you can do is to block or prevent that from happening. This is why all birth control pills, condoms, spermicides, and on down the line must all be banned in this country. It isn't just abortion that is evil. Trying to kill the children God wants brought forth must stop. With Him, men are of pure, sound mind. They only have eyes for their wife, and know that their ultimate reason for being created was to bring forth more children.
If God states that children are a blessing and like arrows in the hand of a warrior, to bring strength to one's family, the devil is going to say that they are expensive. The devil will say that they will be a hindrance. Children are only expensive if you desire the world, to do worldly things. Junky plastic toys are expensive. Not only do men have to slave and toil to earn worldly money to purchase them, they emphasize witchcraft, video games, not things of the Kingdom. These toys inherently break down a child's mind to violence. Not a violent manner, it starts in the mind. Video games are desensitizing, and at their basis, violent. They train children to be violent without a Godly reason behind the action. God states that we are to love one another, and thou shall not commit murder. Joshua, a hardened battle soldier killed at the direction and words spoken by God. Without God these actions are merely violence. In a Godly context they are referred to as justice, retribution, rebuke, or punishment.
The devil wants our society devoid of God and fixated on idols in the sporting world. Whether it is football, basketball, or wrestling, or even marching band, sports encourage workers not thinkers or the Godly anointed. Sports encourage perversion through dirty advertising (sex sells), drunken women, and cheerleaders. Our government wants you addicted to sports as it is like a drug. All things of this world create very short “experience.” Regardless of what it is, we are essentially going into the world to “get high.” I used to buy cars, trucks, and guitars just to get high. Almost as soon as I got home the brainwashing, the allure lost its luster and without God I was left empty again. All these things got little or no use and just collected dust. God is about frugality, He is about neatness and organization. He is about knowing we always have our needs met. The government has a vested interest in keeping you bound, in keeping you in bondage. They seek to keep those money multipliers, to keep the velocity of money moving. The Holy Spirit moves in our lives, in the lives of loved ones, the world moves in money.
Everything of the world is a temporary “experience,” designed to tingle our senses. Not only that, when we listen to music we are filled with satanic words, visions, and imagery even if we consciously do not realize it. It is all about sex, drugs, and rock n roll. I am attempting to no longer tell lies, even in sarcasm, because the devil is the father of them all. When I go to a movie, I do not get the satisfaction of a Godly job well done. I feel violated, I feel like I have been mentally on guard, as their basis is intrinsically evil. We must go into these things with the knowledge that we worked hard at a particular task and deserved to be paid a legal, biblical wage, of wheat, lumber, or gold and silver. We spend this worthless cash money on things that hurt our minds, not to cleanse or heal. When I go to the mall, when I go to a movie, now I go in realizing that there might not be one truth there, that it will most likely be a complete lie. I used to, I thought, like to go to rock n roll concerts. Every single time I went home unhappy and disappointed. I thought to myself I was obedient. I did as the world wanted me too. I was a good listener. I am a good follower of instruction. Why does my life feel like I am headed for destruction? Sometimes I would lie and say that I loved the show, that I had a good time, but I really didn't. The bands always make a big spectacle, and without a Godly calm direction for their singing, for their playing, it just seemed like ants screaming. If Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, right now I can see the red demonic sound waves shooting out into the audience, demons breaking the decibel barrier. Christian music loses its true power when they seek reliance on the power of those amplifiers and electricity based instruments rather than the Power of God.
In the bible if God directs someone to go to another's house, they grind the wheat, bake bread, slaughter the cow for meat. All of this God provides. The world likes to move fast, almost as if it is on speed. We need fast cars, we need fast food, we need anything we desire at our fingertips fast! But is this God? We have a do what thou wilt society. But that is what satanist Aliester Crowley, and Kenneth Anger, writer of the satanic bible preach. I ultimately desire to only eat on my farm, or at the very least cook my own meals. I used to love restaurants, but if you look to the not so distant past they were a rarity, if not a scarcity. We pay money for a fine dining experience, but once that last bite is ingested, once we take that last sip of pop, tea, or water, we are out the door, it is over. Meals for a lot of people, a big family does get expensive. But when we read the bible, God wants to be the one to provide our food. He wants to get the glory for feeding us. The world states that children eat a lot of food. Yes they do, but God provides that food.
We think of our world of sports stadiums and million dollar athletes as something new, something awesome, something now, but it really isn't. God has seen it before. Just look at the Greek and roman empires. These cultures were very perverted, very open to homosexuality, very into sports. They were once, and then through God they were no longer. I know from experience the world sees the remnants, the left overs of the destruction, the devastation, and thinks wow! They look not to God, to His commands, His Kingdom, they think wow, look at this earthly world, these temples, high places, these sports stadiums they created. They say wow, just look at the coliseum! I wish I could have seen it in all it's glory! They fantasize about all the man made abominations, the man made “wonders of the ancient world” such as the colossus of Rhodes that are still talked about today. Just turn on the tv and you will be bombarded with shows on ancient Egypt, the pyramids, the Spinx, and the study, the worship of them. We become obsessed with the worship of these false gods like former Egyptian antiquities director Hawass. I loved talking to Matthew Taxcollector Thomas about this because he understands it like I do, having been there in it.
Most of these athletes are non believers and dirty perverts. Dr. Hawass is an evil man, and his workers call him pharaoh. On one program a woman was assaulted verbally, so brutally, she wet her pants in a pyramid. Then she was kicked off the property because she desecrated holy ground, this temple. It might seem as though I have gone far off topic and I praise you if you have made it this far. Why do I preach on my business schooling, my background in the worship of Egyptian culture and its accompanying soundtrack, secular music? Why do I preach on the normal every day things of this world?
Because my testimony is the glory and power of Christ to change hearts and minds. It is the power to change lives. I was once dead, but am now alive, but only through Christ. I speak these things because I was brutalized and led a tortured life, was a slave, still unable to leave “home” in my 30's due to the church not having Christ. They might talk about their social programs, they might be able to teach you to play rock and roll guitar, drums, or bass, but do they actually lead people to Christ? Look at their fruit. Do they continually develop new disciples, or are people living in stagnant mire and misery, unable, and without Christ unable to change their lives? Do they get into the meat, or stick with the milk. I dearly love Leah and Michelle for leading me to God. I dearly agape love Miss Leah Faith, whom you have insulted and verbally chastised and rebuked without due cause. I came to know God in a mighty way by her leading me to merely read and listening to the bible on my own. The exact same thing is true for my dear brother in Christ Justin. On my own God told me that the church today interprets the whole new testament wrong and to start in the beginning in the Old Testament. Every church must preach Jesus Christ came to reconcile us back unto the Father. Without the Father, we still have no idea of exactly who God is. God was, is and always will be the same. He never changes. He is the exact same now as He was in the Old Testament. I say this as to me it warrants a heavy weight, a real truth. It breaks the yoke, the bonds, the brainwashing on most of our society today.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. How is a mere child supposed to stand weak kneed with one foot in a partial presentation of God and His Kingdom, while the other 5 days a week they hear about everything to the contrary of God? I preach on the normal things of the world, because they keep your mind filled and busy on things, but are they earthly and sensual, or of the Kingdom? If men are bound with sin and drunken sports viewers... if women are broken down and berated, if they are led to pride and arrogance in working... in all these things, vanity, vanity, all is vanity, all comes to NOTHING without God. Our pilgrim forefathers were directed to found this nation for God because being around the worldly children in Leiden Holland was corrupting the youth. William Bradford writes that the children were falling away from their parents, up to the detriment of their very souls. This is why our nation was founded. This is why anyone who abused a child in such a manner as our society does now by placing our “blessings” in a lions den would have been shot, burned at the stake, or hanged.
2 Corinthians 5:4-8
4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
6 So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Many are deceived and just do not know the real truth. They are like the drug addicts and homeless people I know. They are hungry for the Word, and boy do they eat. The fact is most will be shocked to see just who is or isn't in Heaven. I will go out on a limb that the big name ministers I have known with abused wives and children will not be there. The homeless will be. It is not that they are homeless, it is that their lives shine of Christ. When I was in the world, worshiping money, being abused, they would pray for me. They would wake up in the middle of the night and do my work for me because they felt sorry for me. A prostitute God was setting free from her enslavement to pimps was preaching to me about deliverance from abusive people and how she was led to follow Christ across the country to start over. I felt sorry for her, but her agape love, her heart cried out for me and the abuse I was suffering. The near homeless man who fishes every day to provide food for his wife, children, and grand children will be there. That man knows God loves him and takes care of him. When I look around in the church though, they preach “lean not on your OWN UNDERSTANDING and acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
The last time I was in a church I just had to shake my head in disbelief. God is everywhere. Is this really a house of God? Why is it most of what they preach aligns with my worldly public and business schooling? I grew up hearing about how democrats like the welfare state and live off the government while the republicans are the ones who create jobs. Only God can tell us where to work, what to do, and for how long. I am now against the republicans because they actually believe the exact same things as the democrats. Unless Christ anointed, all politicians are corrupt. The poor are the workers, the slaves. The republicans are the evil tyrants, the worshipers of money, would sell their souls to receive it, and would stomp across the backs of any necessary to accomplish it.
They are evil and are lazy. I have corporate executives in my ex family. They are all lazy, scoff and reject any opportunity for real work. I saw a link online for a YouTube video by Robert Kiyosaki, founder of the “rich dad” books, sermons (it is a religion), dvd's, training sessions, etc. Guys like this all preach the same thing as I heard in college. Make money using other people's money. You do not work, you have others work for you. Your goal is to become a tyrant, a ruler, who commands other for a living. Compare the thought process behind these two. The Gospel is free, we love, and submit to God and He provides all our needs. The evil men of the world are like Kiyosaki, who has a candy land, monopoly game (evil on steroids), that costs hundreds of dollars. He says flat out that he is selling (evil and worldly) wisdom for people (to sell their souls), to get rich quick. His purpose of this is to get you out of the low level “rat race” of worldl
Right now there is no way he is going to heaven, but his teachings are in the church. Dave Ramsey is said to be a Christian and is in a lot of churches, but I listened to him “religiously” when I was was of corrupt and unsound mind while in the world. Some of what he says has a basis in truth, but the way he approaches it is all wrong. Its hard for me to call someone a Christian when I have heard them for hundreds of hours and never heard the names God, Yahweh, or Jesus. I know these teachings because this is the background I come from. You can choose to accept or reject this message, but flee, flee, as far and as fast as you can from all appearances of evil. Beware the devil roams about seeking whom he may devour. There is a new “rich dad, Robert Kiyosaki video now on how God “wants us to use silver and gold.” Beware of these men. Flee from their teachings. The devil knows scripture. Just look at the interactions with Jesus. He takes truth, the Will, the Word of God, and twists it, perverts it, manipulates it in any means possible to keep you from the truth. The only weapon you have is your own personal relationship, your own holy communion with God, in secret behind closed doors for yourself.
Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller as well as the rich elite like them, the big business men of the world are republicans. I'm not going to look up those three, but I can tell you most of them are. I remember the Reagan elections, President Bush 41, President Bush 43, I remember Newt Gingrich and the republican congress of the early 1990s. I remember thinking why do they have no backbone? Why do they always cave in to the democrats? Why are they two faced liars? Why do they never get all the issues right? Why do they campaign for one thing and then vote for another? Why do I listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, and Glenn Beck, yet only turn off the radio hours later, hours wasted, dejected and depressed. I can no longer take their verbal onslaught. They play audio clips all day long of democrats like John Kerry saying “I actually voted for the $87 Billion before voting against it.” Why is the political process so meaningless? It is because none of these people have God. All these people want your votes, your slavery. They want to keep the fighting, the bickering going as long as possible as to keep your children in bondage, in the slavery of public schools.
They want your children in schools so that they can become as mindless and insane as I once was. If your child is in public school, they are being taught to conform to the world, the devil, and his ways. Christians say my child can be the shining light in that room for Christ. Children have the right to be protected. They have the right for their voices to be heard. I speak now for those children who God has spoken of to me, but are as of yet unseen. I speak now because every single day they will be free to follow God in every single way. PERIOD. Any real man would say the same. Public school dad's cannot say that. It is an excuse, a cop-out. I speak for the abused, the molested, the prostitutes, the drug users – who numb the pain of that “schooling,” that “learning,” every single day. We were once ignorant to this truth. It is what we choose to do with it now that defines a man, as a leader of his family, as a follower of Christ.
We as a country are in debt to communist countries like China. Who you are indebted to, you are a slave too. Our country is a slave to China. As a follower of Christ, I am no longer a slave. To those who conform, you are in fact a communist, in a communist country.
Proverbs 22 Amplified Bible (AMP)
22 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.
2 The rich and poor meet together; the Lord is the Maker of them all.
3 A prudent man sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished [with suffering].
4 The reward of humility and the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.
5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the obstinate and willful; he who guards himself will be far from them.
6 Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.
7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
8 He who sows iniquity will reap calamity and futility, and the rod of his wrath [with which he smites others] will fail.
9 He who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor.
10 Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out; yes, strife and abuse will cease.
11 He who loves purity and the pure in heart and who is gracious in speech—because of the grace of his lips will he have the king for his friend.
12 The eyes of the Lord keep guard over knowledge and him who has it, but He overthrows the words of the treacherous.
13 The sluggard says, There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets!
14 The mouth of a loose woman is a deep pit [for ensnaring wild animals]; he with whom the Lord is indignant and who is abhorrent to Him will fall into it.
15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.
16 He who oppresses the poor to get gain for himself and he who gives to the rich—both will surely come to want.
17 Listen (consent and submit) to the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge;
18 For it will be pleasant if you keep them in your mind [believing them]; your lips will be accustomed to [confessing] them.
19 So that your trust (belief, reliance, support, and confidence) may be in the Lord, I have made known these things to you today, even to you.
20 Have I not written to you [long ago] excellent things in counsels and knowledge,
21 To make you know the certainty of the words of truth, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?
22 Rob not the poor [being tempted by their helplessness], neither oppress the afflicted at the gate [where the city court is held],
23 For the Lord will plead their cause and deprive of life those who deprive [the poor or afflicted].
24 Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate,
25 Lest you learn his ways and get yourself into a snare.
26 Be not one of those who strike hands and pledge themselves, or of those who become security for another’s debts.
27 If you have nothing with which to pay, why should he take your bed from under you?
28 Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set up.
29 Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.
The government wants you in fear of bearing children and the fear of teaching them yourself. It costs somewhere around $3,500 - $10,000 to have a baby born in a hospital, burdening you and enslaving you to insurance. Why is it that insurance calls weather damage “acts of God,” yet by owning it you do not have faith in God to protect you? By paying these costs you are a slave to money. I knew about how the government currency depreciates, and how they keep printing more of it. The question is, how do they get away with it? Birth certificates. They want hospital births to keep tabs, to keep track of everything. If you want to remodel your house without God and His provision, in the world you get a home equity loan. The house is the collateral for the home. If you cannot pay, the bank gets your house. In order to get loans from communist countries our government basically slips under the table to China our birth certificates as collateral for the loan.
The devil does not make sense. On the one hand (in their eyes), more children would mean more slaves, yet at the same time the devil wants all children killed through birth control and abortion. Stay strong. Stay on task for God. Do not get bogged down with the cares of this world. I have peace, I don't worry about those pieces of paper. Under God who created the whole earth, and all that is inhabited there, I see the debt and those certificates as worthless pieces of paper. This starts with you men. God doesn't care about our gross domestic product (GDP).
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of the goods and services from a nation in a given year, which is calculated as the population times market value of the goods and services produced per person in the country.
GDP estimates are commonly used to measure of the economic output of a whole country or region, but can also measure the relative contribution of an industry sector. This is possible because GDP is a measure of 'value added' rather than sales; it adds each firm's value added (the value of its output minus the value of goods that are used up in producing it). For example, a firm buys steel and adds value to it by producing a car; double counting would occur if GDP added together the value of the steel and the value of the car.
Only things of God are value adding. Most things in our country are value subtracting. Only God can see the value a particular act, service, or home made product will add unto your family. It isn't a number you can quantify. Make a change, become an act of God, but it starts with you, for your own family. Grow your own food. Pull your children from public school. When I told the public schools I wanted to ranch for a living, I got looks of shock, a brief glimpse of horror, then “come back when you really know what you want to do for a living.” Jacob lived under God. He lived for ranching his livestock and growing his own food, yet this is not an acceptable answer in our schools. Why?
Farming and ranching doesn't effect the bottom line. It doesn't raise that GDP. It doesn't create “jobs,” or big factories with assembly lines of parts. Living for yourself under God doesn't generate any tax revenue, so for the world, this is the unspeakable, unforgivable sin. Wealthy business men pay taxes. Wealthy real estate men try to avoid them whenever possible, but they say that “paying high taxes means you have made a lot of money.” That is what they call a paradigm shift, or a wow moment, a complete change of mind on a particular topic as the direct result of a new variable being entered into the equation. Well, here is a paradigm shift for you. We only need God, food, and water to survive. With the first one you don't even need the other two. We are to grow our own food, be fruitful and multiply, and love Him, seek Him in all things.
If like Abraham, like Issac, like Jacob God tells the righteous that they are to bring forth children, there should be no worries, nothing but excitement from then on. Being in fear of God not providing for children is to be selfish, to be evil in thought. When we look towards Heaven, children are the only things we can take with us, as they say in the Indoctrination movie. Poverty is not a sin, infact, both Paul and Jesus say that it is better to poor than rich, because the rich face many temptations and snares. Jesus loves the little children and prevent them not from coming unto Him. Many of the Old testament prophets would have been considered to have been in poverty.
Someone who is fully capable of working and contributing to society yet refuses to do so.
One who is fully enveloped in God, has no reliance on money or the world, and has complete faith for God to provide the needs for him and his family each and every day. It is the act, the walk, the nature of less your wife and children, having nothing, yet in God having everything.
Farmers for God who do not sell crops for worldly money, pay little taxes, and would be considered to be in poverty. The disciples were all in “poverty.” If poverty is the world's label for one who doesn't want their money, then that is a label I can live with. Give unto Cesar what is Cesar's. We don't want the world's money anyway. We only desire things of the Kingdom: one true match spouse, children, tomatoes, apples, pears, and wheat.
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Chicken Coop Chapel Kansas Designed and Built Himself |
If you cannot see the Christian founding to our nation, you are not loving God. If you cannot see systematic change, the indoctrination to our country, you are not loving God. If you cannot see the intrinsic evil in the teachings of our schools, you are not loving God. God is mighty to save and deliver through all things, ourselves, the country, the world, but it starts with loving Him.
When I came to know God I was shocked to find that there are few in the church who have had the revelation of Him that I had. This is why I speak, because you may not understand me, you may not understand Michelle, Justin or Leah, but I speak because when I look at the church I am shocked at what I am seeing.
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Matthew as a young Kansas boy already working the farm |