Sunday, January 4, 2015

How to deal with Rage

Isaiah 58 Ministries                                                     Sunday,   January, 4,  2015

Pastor: Leah Svensson 

Question from a friend?     "Ask God to forgive you for ever going to public schools?" 

What child has a choice where he/she goes to school? 

This friend wrote this comment concerning a post about repenting from going to Public Schools. Copied and Pasted below

How to Deal With Rage

Human are not slaves to one another.  We have been given "freewill".  Because of this quality in human beings it is against God's law to "make" another person do anything.  No one can "make" you do anything.

No one can ask more of you than 

God does. 

God does not "make" people obey him.  God gives us his law the Ten Commandments. If someone disobeys one of God's commandments it is societies responsibility to punish the person, justly, who broke God's law. That's it!

     Rage happens inside a human being when "someone forces themselves" on them and makes makes them do something that "God did not command" them to do.

An example is public schools.  Bad kids and good kids have rage about being "made" to go to school.  God commanded children to obey their parents, parents are commanded by God to teach and uphold the Ten Commandments.  

 Any change from this path "enrages"  our eternal souls because it is "unjust", "not fair".

Answer to question: Great Question! You didn't have the choice. It isn't your fault, but you need God's help to turn and come out it. Let me give you a different example. Rape. When someone is raped they do not want it to happen. But it did. They need to go to God turn from their own feelings of fear, rage, helplessness, etc. A rape victim needs to turn from the rapist's feelings of laughing at her, feeling all powerful, He has to do it etc, she wants it. All this is going on inside each person, "They know each other". You need to turn from it all and look at God. You know God, you know what he looks like, you can see him when you think about him. God forgive me, help me, God you are beautiful, God are Holy, God you are light, God love me,etc. You have to "know God" then he is able to deliver you, when you go to him, and see him, turn look at God, when you see his love it heals you soul! Seeing God heals your soul! God fixes your mind so well it is like it didn't happen. Public school is a rape of the soul-- it is a Godless vacuum where His light is forced to be shut out. While in public education, children have to "know" their teachers, and people at school like a person knows their rapist, you do not have freewill choice." You have to "love" them instead of God. It is a sin. Always love God first above everything else! 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight! Proverbs 3:5-6

This trust is something that need to be taught 24/7 to public schools children are taught to lean on their teacher's understanding... on their own understanding, and on the understanding of atheists who have written curriculum specifically to undermine a child's faith in God. 


Another comment from someone concerning Vets protecting murders, that infants lives are sacrificed for BMW, shopping, McDonalds. You should than an unborn murdered infant not a vet for Freedom to sin. See post copied and pasted below.

Comment: "Dude, abortion is an awful, horrible thing, but to say "don't thank a vet for their sacrifice: because the are protecting planned parenthood, murderers" , that is ridiculous. Your whole comment is ridiculous. It cost 56 million lives to go to McDonald's? Does it cost 56 million lives for you to drive down the road to go to church? Does it cost 56 million lives to go to the movies? Does it cost 56 million lives for you to have a facebook account for you to say something so stupid? I will always thank vets for their sacrifice, but if I had your mindset it would be more like don't thank a vet for their sacrifice because they are protecting people like you who say such crap and take away from them protecting the United States of America and everyone in it. The good and the bad."

(To the Point: Military personal are carrying out the death penalty:  You better make sure the person is absolutely guilty before you inflict the death penalty on a person. Abortion: Murdering innocent babies in fear they "might" harm someone is against the law. The child is entitled to due process and is innocent until proven guilty)

Answer: Follow the money! From 1800's through today. There is a commandment that says "do not steal." Vets have to make sure they are "killing" because it is right before God or they are just murdering innocent people. You have to be perfectly sinless yourself before you judge others to the point of the death penalty which is what "war" is about. Being in the military is a huge responsibility, to carry a gun and kill. There is a fine line between defending yourself and country and murder. Why are you not defending the babies with your guns? Why are you defending them and protecting them ? Whoever isn't with God is fighting against God. So vets are oftentimes, unwittingly, defending and protecting murderers! jc

Repent, (turn away from, look in another direction), ask God to forgive you for ever going to public schools. It is a cult. What you learned there, they taught you using cult practices on your mind.They taught you what their "god" says to do to be sound minded, saved! Jesus came to save our minds, our souls! Study from the bible what a false prophet is. A false prophet is someone who teaches and tells the future. But their words are not from God. They promised you Salvation through them and their cult "religion" Do this, do that, learn this, learn that, then you will be perfect and smart, intelligent.Everyone falls short of their perfection asked of you. It is Only through God and learning from real prophets of God that your "soul, mind" is saved!.

 Have no other God says the Lord! I could give you 100 examples, but I believe you can remember and see them for yourselves. "Raise you hand when you get the answers!"
Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

When you go out today, in your sub conscience you know what it cost to shop and go out to eat: it isn't money! It cost 56 Million infants lives and freedom. Thank them today for sacrificing their lives so you can go shopping and eat out at McDonalds. Don't thank a Vet for their sacrifice: they are protecting Planned Parenthood, murderers. Try swallowing your food and thank defenseless infants who never had a choice.

Click link to read blog explaining the obey statement.

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