Thursday, May 21, 2015

It is "Impossible" to take Christianity Out of Government! Christianity is woven into every fiber!

Sixth President of the United States John Quincy Adams Concerning the Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Principles of the gospel gave shape and fibre to our beginnings as a people. True Christianity was the exaltation of humanity, through that divine son-ship which sets the man above the priest and king and makes church and state no longer masters of his servile homage, but ministers to his dignity as a personal soul. That principle wrought into the life of people in time necessitated the American Revolution; "whose highest glory", said John Quincy Adams, was this that it connected with one in dissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity;" declaring that to secure the rights as based upon the laws of the Creator was the end for which governments were instituted.
So I just read something about a new currency. The dollar will be out. Those who suffer the most will be Seniors and those without land. Seniors you have been lied to your entire life: Social Security is a sham. You could never trust it. One politician changes everything. This is why the Constitution coupled with the Declaration of Independence use the Bible for continuity throughout any government. It is the job of the people to know the Bible and keep the government accountable to it that government is always consistent. The Bible and it's principles never change everyone must stick to it's laws, guidelines and principles for fairness, equality, justice. Things can not be subject to men, culture, society or fad. It's impossible. What is true in 1915 for law must be true in 2015 for law. It's honesty, and clean government instead of corruption. Get those Bibles out and start studying. Study the legal system prior to 1920 when corruption, gangsters, money mongrels, newspaper owners, greedy oil companies really took over the government.

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