The Blog starts after the
John Locke FRS (/ˈlɒk/; 29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism". Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon, he is equally important to social contract theory. His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American revolutionaries. His contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence.
John Locke FRS (/ˈlɒk/; 29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism". Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon, he is equally important to social contract theory. His work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American revolutionaries. His contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence.
Locke's theory of mind is often cited as the origin of modern conceptions of identity and the self, figuring prominently in the work of later philosophers such as Hume, Rousseau, and Kant. Locke was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He postulated that, at birth, the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa. Contrary to Cartesian philosophy based on pre-existing concepts, he maintained that we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead determined only by experience derived from sense perception.
Isaiah 58 Ministries Summer Solstice, 2016
Pastor Faith
Reference: Two Treaties of Civil Government,
The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence sets the stage for the American revolution and it's indispensable reliance on the laws of God, the Creator. It declares:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
By invoking the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” the 56 signers of the Declaration incorporated a legal standard of freedom into the forms of government that would follow. The theory of freedom adopted was simply that God’s law was supreme and gave freedom. The phrase “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” referred to the laws that God in his capacity as the Creator of the universe had established for the governance of people, nations and nature. These laws are variously described as the laws of Creation, God’s Creation laws or as the framers elected to refer to them, as the laws of nature and of nature’s God. This body of law, whatever it is called, can be ascertained by people through an examination of God’s creation, the text of the Bible, and to a certain degree, instinct or reason.
Monetary thoughts
Locke distinguishes two functions of money, as a "counter" to measure value, and as a "pledge" to lay claim to goods. He believes that silver and gold, as opposed to paper money, are the appropriate currency for international transactions. Silver and gold, he says, are treated to have equal value by all of humanity and can thus be treated as a pledge by anyone,
while the value of paper money is only valid under the government which issues it.
Religious Beliefs
He retained the doctrine of the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. The miracles were proofs of the divine nature of the biblical message. Locke was convinced that the entire content of the Bible was in agreement with human reason (The reasonableness of Christianity, 1695).
Although Locke was an advocate of tolerance, he urged the authorities not to tolerate atheism, because he thought the denial of God's existence would undermine the social order and lead to chaos.That excluded all atheistic varieties of philosophy and all attempts to deduce ethics and natural law from purely secular premises, for example, man's "autonomy or dignity or human flourishing".
In Locke's opinion the cosmological argument was valid and proved God's existence. His political thought was based on "a particular set of Protestant Christian assumptions."
Locke's concept of man started with the belief in creation. We have been "sent into the World by [God's] order, and about his business, [we] are his Property, whose Workmanship [we] are, made to last during his, not one another's Pleasure." Like the two other very influential natural-law philosophers, Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf,
[All of modern science rests in the belief that rational laws, exist in the universe. The main category of modern scientists who propelled exploration and discovery of these laws were men and women who believed in the existence of an all-powerful God. The universe follows laws in keeping with the rationality and majesty of God the creator. Just as God is consistent, unchanging, there is a constant nature of science. God made the universe to operate lawfully, according to divine reason and with glorious beauty.][Scientists today take for granted the idea that the universe operates according to laws. All of science is based on what author James Trefil calls the principle of universality: "It says that the laws of nature we discover here and now in our laboratories are true everywhere in the universe and have been in force for all time."]
since in their view both had originated in God and could therefore not contradict each other. "As a philosopher, Locke was intensely interested in Christian doctrine, and in the "Reasonableness of Christianity" he insisted that most men could not hope to understand the detailed requirements of the law of nature without the assistance of the teachings and example of Jesus."
Locke derived the fundamental concepts of his political theory from biblical texts, in particular from Genesis 1 and 2 (creation), the Decalogue (Exodus 20), the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), the teachings of Jesus (e.g. his doctrine of charity, Matthew 19:19), and the letters of Paul the Apostle. The Decalogue (Ten Commandments) puts a person's life, his or her honorable reputation (i.e. honor and dignity), and property under God's protection.
Freedom is another major theme in the Old Testament. For instance, God's actions in liberating the Israelites from Egyptian slavery in the Decalogue's prologue (Exodus 20:2) were the precondition for the following commandments. Moreover, Locke derived basic human equality, including the equality of the sexes ("Adam and Eve") from Genesis 1:26-28 the starting point of the theological doctrine of Imago Dei.
To Locke, one of the consequences of the principle of equality was that all humans were created equally free and therefore governments needed the consent of the governed.
Human rights on the biblical belief in creation: "All men are created equal, (...) they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, (...) life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Locke's doctrine that governments need the consent of the governed is also central to the Declaration of Independence.
Only when Locke had derived the fundamental aspects of his concept of man and ethics from the biblical texts – life, equality, private property, etc. –, did he examine as a philosopher which consequences they had in the above mentioned way. Following Locke, the American Declaration of Independence was founded
John Locke is one of the most important people to your Christian walk. He is God's gift, God's sword against tyranny and corruption in Government. God tells us to pray for our government that we might live quiet peaceful lives. By studying, meditating on, and understanding John Locke's words and principles you will be set free and have a wisdom that no one can stand against.
1 Timothy 2:1-3 (NKJV)
Pray for All Men
2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions,and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
The Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood God will lift a standard against it.
Romans 13:14Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision
for the desires of the flesh.
for the desires of the flesh.
John Locke The Most Dangerous Man in the World!
When immorality, corruption, greed, tyranny, oppression abound and evil is tolerated--- people suffer! (Declaration of Independence 2nd paragraph line 8)
Who profits from the suffering of the people? Evil people with no conscience.
John Locke was a Christian in the making. He was raised one way by an oppressive government but he had humble beginnings. He became a Doctor of Medicine and his desire was to heal people and end their suffering.
Sinful, evil, tyrannical oppressive leaders, rule, dominate, collect taxes, control the masses through fear. As God was delivering John Locke from oppressive leadership he had to face the fear, caused by lies he had been told holding him in bondage. These lies manifested as panic attacks or what men call asthma. Epilepsy is also a severe panic attack.
John Locke is the guy in the Bible who sold all he had to buy a field.
He sought God with all his heart, mind, soul. Seek and you shall find.
Ask and you shall receive.
Knock and it shall be opened.
Have Faith in God.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.
13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will release you from captivity and gather you from all the nations and all the places to which I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to be carried away captive.
In the
"Two Treaties of
John Locke expounds on
the "revelation"
he received from
God and of God's
Will for All Men!
God has gifted each
man a piece of land on
the earth and no one
can stop it!
It's an unalienable gift and
right from God.
Why? This is how God provides for
everyone and keeps them healthy.
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Men are at War with Each other! Jesus is Faithful to make War! War is righteous! |
1.Land is a free gift from God.
2.Food is supplied by God and is a free gift from God!
3.Life's necessities are supplied by a free from God.
4.God created the earth and it's belongs to everyone in common. Genesis!
5. Everyone's life is a gift of God. Man is born Free, stays free, it is written in each person like instincts what their responsibilities, laws, rules are and they come from God.
6. People do not own others!
Men become sick and ill due to this oppression. Jesus died to set all men free from sickness, infirmities caused by living in cities, in cramped quarters, heartbreak, bruised, mentally ill, oppression.
It's obvious John Locke was raised with slavery and peasantry and saw the corruption and abuses with the illnesses that followed. Somewhere towards the middle of his life John put his "Faith" in God!
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Everyone is equal, All laws come from God. No one has to obey another, or another group All men are owned by God to obey him. To obey God only in conscience! |
this great work of Literature
and Evangelist Weapon
to conquer the World. To
destroy tyrants, mankind's
slavery to the strongest, the wealthiest, and the
fittest. God gave him another
15 years after this work for
God was accomplished. His Maker and Savior, Jesus Christ
came and took him to heaven in 1704.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
The Two Treaties is so powerful it causes every one in America to confess and agree that it is true! 56 signers, State Representatives, of the Declaration and 40 State Representatives, All States and all the people there in, signed that John Locke told the truth and bound themselves their lives, their fortunes, their families as slaves to this covenant: Truth. These signers also signed our lives and our children's lives to it. These men had to bow to the name of Jesus Christ. Everyone agrees these Truths are self-evident; everyone knows, it's obvious!
The Bible says we are MORE than conquerors. John Locke conquered this country! Who in turn conquered the British Empire. So, in the proper perspective John Locke with the help of the Holy Spirit, God's help, conquered the British Empire. "After he had died!" First he conquered America, then America, a follower of John Locke, a follower of Jesus Christ, Conquered the British Empire!
God calls people for certain needs other people have for leadership. John Locke is an apostle to the Church. He is so close to God; so intimate with God, anointed and ordained minister, servant, in the will of God, he had so much Faith in God that everyone had to start listening and hearing him, understanding him and being just like him!
John Locke is an example to follow even submit to and obey!
A very "Good" Man.
Holy, pious
hosios: righteous, pious, holy
Original Word: ὅσιος, ία, ιονPart of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: hosios
Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-ee-os)
Short Definition: holy, pious
Definition: holy, pious, godly, beloved of God.
Englishman's Concordance
Strong's Greek 8 Occurrences
Acts 2:27 Adj-AMS
GRK: δώσεις τὸν ὅσιόν σου ἰδεῖν
KJV: thine Holy One to see
INT: will you give the holy one of you to see
Acts 13:34 Adj-ANP
GRK: ὑμῖν τὰ ὅσια Δαυὶδ τὰ
KJV: you the sure mercies of David.
INT: to you the holy (blessings) of David
GRK: ὑμῖν τὰ ὅσια Δαυὶδ τὰ
KJV: you the sure mercies of David.
INT: to you the holy (blessings) of David
Acts 13:35 Adj-AMS
GRK: δώσεις τὸν ὅσιόν σου ἰδεῖν
KJV: thine Holy One to see
INT: You will let the Holy One of you to see
GRK: δώσεις τὸν ὅσιόν σου ἰδεῖν
KJV: thine Holy One to see
INT: You will let the Holy One of you to see
1 Timothy 2:8 Adj-AMP
GRK: τόπῳ ἐπαίροντας ὁσίους χεῖρας χωρὶς
NAS: lifting up holy hands,
KJV: where, lifting up holy hands, without
INT: place lifting up holy hands apart from
GRK: τόπῳ ἐπαίροντας ὁσίους χεῖρας χωρὶς
NAS: lifting up holy hands,
KJV: where, lifting up holy hands, without
INT: place lifting up holy hands apart from
Titus 1:8 Adj-AMS
GRK: σώφρονα δίκαιον ὅσιον ἐγκρατῆ
NAS: just, devout, self-controlled,
KJV: sober, just, holy, temperate;
INT: self-controlled righteous holy disciplined
GRK: σώφρονα δίκαιον ὅσιον ἐγκρατῆ
NAS: just, devout, self-controlled,
KJV: sober, just, holy, temperate;
INT: self-controlled righteous holy disciplined
Hebrews 7:26 Adj-NMS
GRK: ἔπρεπεν ἀρχιερεύς ὅσιος ἄκακος ἀμίαντος
NAS: a high priest, holy, innocent,
KJV: us, [who is] holy, harmless,
INT: became a high priest holy innocent undefiled
GRK: ἔπρεπεν ἀρχιερεύς ὅσιος ἄκακος ἀμίαντος
NAS: a high priest, holy, innocent,
KJV: us, [who is] holy, harmless,
INT: became a high priest holy innocent undefiled
Revelation 15:4 Adj-NMS
GRK: ὅτι μόνος ὅσιος ὅτι πάντα
NAS: For You alone are holy; For ALL
KJV: for [thou] only [art] holy: for all
INT: for [you] only [are] holy for all
GRK: ὅτι μόνος ὅσιος ὅτι πάντα
NAS: For You alone are holy; For ALL
KJV: for [thou] only [art] holy: for all
INT: for [you] only [are] holy for all
It is a requirement of God that every American study and Know:
Government must be servants of God, acknowledging God!
"Two Treaties of Government".
John Locke is a man God chose to care for your soul!
The Lord, in bestowing the gifted men, determines, providentially (e.g.) Acts 11:22-26 or directly through the Spirit (e.g.) Acts 13:1,2 16:6,7 the places of their service. "Some" (churches or places) need one gift, as, (e.g.) evangelist; "some" (churches or places) need rather a pastor or teacher.
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Leaders bring unity! |
Absolutely nothing in Christ's service is left to mere human judgment or self-choosing. Even an apostle was not permitted to choose his place of service Acts 16:7,8.
Unity. John Locke equips the saints of
all denominations, from all over
the world brings Unity.
all denominations, from all over
the world brings Unity.
Hebrews 13:16And do not neglect to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. 17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account. To this end, allow them to lead with joy and not with grief, for that would be of no advantage to you. 18Pray for us; we are convinced that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.…
Romans 13:3-5Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
3 For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval andcommendation.
4 For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore one must be subject, not only to avoid God’s wrath and escape punishment, but also as a matter of principle and for the sake of conscience.
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