Friday, August 12, 2016

Keeping your family Safe God's Way.

Word from the Lord:
When a child is born give them a birth Certificate after you've Baptized them. (Hebrews circumcise their children at 8 days and baptise people ceremonially cleansing for entrance into the temple and other things.

Through Jesus, we do what they did, but a little different.)

The birth Certificate states their "Christian" name. Date, weight, Father, Mother grandparents, etc.

Parents have a moral obligation from God and the American People to also write down the covenant we have with God and the covenant the American People have with God and each other. You cannot punish someone, get mad or angry until you have made them aware of God's help in the form of the Holy Spirit and the written Word of God in them and in the Bible. Then by verbally teaching them their responsibilities when they are old enough and cognitive enough, they can be held responsible for doing right or wrong ...

The new child will need a Bible, a copy of the Declaration of Independence along with a copy of John Locke's Two Treaties of government to explain it's meaning and a copy of John Bunyan's, Pilgrim's Progress. In addition they should be given a copy of the Constitution along with a silver Dime and a Gold Eagle $10 piece. The silver dime is the tithe, first 10th of everything goes to God for the furtherance of the Gospel of Independence and Liberty. The Gold Eagle is a reminder that all we have is a gift from God because he loves us!

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