Monday, May 29, 2017

Resistance Chicks On Polish National News! Thanks to Amazing Speech By P...

The problem is not Islamophobia or xenophobia. Liberty Freedom vs slavery, The problem is tyranny vs equality. Tyranny Globalism religious domination vs a republic and democracy. The problem is that the Quran teaches people to "abuse others"'Women children, everyone, your enemies must die! In America, we call that a dysfunctional relationship, an abusive relationship. An example is; a mother hits her child so hard the child's arm is broken. They go to the hospital and the child says it's my fault I fell down the stairs. Those who do nothing about men who abuse them in the name of religious freedom or culture are like this child. Not only abused by people imposing themselves on their land, personal property, country, but these evil people who use religion to give themselves unalienable rights to abuse people also abuse them mentally enslaving to them. People lie for these abusers. It is domination of one person or group of people over others or another person! It is a type of oppression, tyranny, That is what Muhammad is; a tyrant, so those who follow him are also tyrants!

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