Friday, June 9, 2017

World Leaders Gather Together! Bilderberg, Illuminati, Globalist, Nationalist, Elitist, Spirit Cooking, Jihad, Voodoo, Witch Doctors, Leads to Human Sacrifice

Fallen Angels Speak To  Men
Today's World leaders are no different than leaders thousands of years ago!
What do they all have in common?
Fallen Angels speak to Men!  Dreams, Consciousness, Visions, Telling the Future, Dark Deep Magic

Isaiah 58 Ministries
June 8th, 2017
Pastor "Faith"

          Living In The Past With The Spirits of The DEAD
Question: Who is right Comey or Trump? 
Answer: Thanks, but both are wrong. The government is using paper dollars printed out of thin air. We the people are slaves to them. 
     The government grows and grows taking all the real assets, all the land, our "rights", real justice! We have judicial tyranny, Congressional, and Executive tyranny. 
    This is what the Senate is doing here! They pick and choose discriminately what to talk about investigate keep themselves in power. 
     No equality, no justice! We can "name" a million crimes Bush, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Obama and all the intelligence agencies with tons of court cases, crooked judges, lawyers, etc. There are crimes committed on record! Abortion and gay marriage are "miscarriages" of justice the courts do not have the legal authority to make laws nor overturn laws the Congress makes. It takes 2/3 of the States to agree to overturn a law of Congress! Serious laws like these! 5 people on a court cannot do that! Only 40 to 50 million Americans can! ******* No one in Congress has called for grand juries or impeachment or sentences for the past 10 Presidents who are traitors to their country, proven! Traitors!         ****   Along with all the media brainwashing the American people! *****
      Fake dollars are why "the people have no power". As long as corrupt people can "buy" with made out of thin air wealth, printed dollars in their basement, as long as they can BUY: justice, power, people with fake wealth the people will not have any say! We the people can not elect our own representatives, but big business, which gets "share the wealth cards," decide who we vote for even- Who they want to be elected. We the people always end up with no choice, but their choice between two evils! We the people can't compete. unless we printed our own fake money. We can't go to a sugar daddy like the Federal Reserve and get trillions of dollars out of thin air!
                           Every  Problem has  a  solution!
                   World leaders solutions are all Spiritual!
                             Doesn't seem to be working! Why?
                Deuteronomy 28   Blessings and cursings of God. 
              This is what world leaders are doing. Your leaders:

Former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King.  Zachary  was an average boy from an American neighborhood who grew up in a Baptist home. He began practicing magick at 10, joined a satanic coven at 13, and had broken all 10 Commandments by the time he was 15 years old. From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and actively pushed satan’s agenda including ritualistic abortions. Zachary is currently writing about his experiences in a new book titled, “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice.”

6-7-17  at 45 minutes  
Curtain and veil are interchangeable,
 having the same meaning

David Knight had a freudian Slip on InfoWars Nightly News 6-7-17. time 45 minutes into the show. Twice he said, "Veil of Tears".   When God reveals himself the veil, the curtain is rent down the middle, an apolcolyspe and revelation..  It is a revealing of the "Truth", a discovery, revelation, disclosure!
   Within minutes David Knight said "Trail of Tears".
he was trying to correct his mistake but his point was incorrect in the first place.
David Knight was saying; Paraphrased;
"Trump thinks of President Andrew Jacksons administration when he compares his Presidency with other Presidents.  Andrew Jackson did a lot of good but he made a mistake with the *Veil of Tears.*

APOC'ALYPSEnoun apoc'alyps. [Gr. from to disclose; and to cover.]
Revelation; discovery; disclosure. The name of a book of the New Testament, containing many discoveries or predictions respecting the future state of Christianity, written by St. John, in Patmos, near the close of the first century.

   President Andrew Jackson was able to gain Congressional passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the government to extinguish Indian title to lands in the Southeast.
 George Washington and Henry Knox thought  the Indians could be Christianize.  America had good relationships with the English people So they thought the Indians would have good relationships with them also. But the Indians were not Christians. The Indians wanted their land back and they had hatred in their heart for all "new Americans".  After the war George Washington wanted peace with the Indians. The new Americans wanted all Indians removed after winning the wars with the Indians. The process of "cultural transformation," of the Indians was proposed by George Washington and Henry Knox
  Andrew Jackson a Christian man Andrew Jackson did what he had to do to protect the "new owners" of America.   "The meek inherit the Earth!"

The Indians of the early colonial period and Federal period, etc.; worshiped and still worship spirits of animals and other dead spirits. 
African Genocide
These Indians of America were the neo-cons, Illuminati, terrorist Jihadist, of that time period.  Today, they are stuck blaming White man for taking their land. Some Indians can not move on and politicians won't let them move on. 

Some African Americans are stuck worshiping the dead, the past, and some politicians will not let them move on!  Hillary is stuck and won't move on! 

Click for Indian-Massacres of American Settlers
American and Nato countries,  Deep State started wars since 9-11 and forced war upon the Middle East and Muslim countries. "5 Countries over thrown in 5 years", is/was their goal. And their goal was to "force the relocation" of millions of Muslims into Europe and America!
The United Nation purposefully caused this problem and they know Muslims mixed in different societies will disrupt everyone's lives! Muslim just disrupt lives.

They are violent with each other, it's their way of solving disputes with violence and their disputes are never solved. Insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Europe and Americas leaders are flat out lying when they say they are trying to integrate Muslims into these different countries. Of course they are not!  Brainwashed people don't heal over night! They know it is impossible.  It can not work. Why?
To Be Continued!

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