Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sweden Feminist proof God is right! Jimmie Åkesson - Next years election

If you are not of Scandinavian  Blood, DNA you will be deported! It's the only way to keep the country safe! Swedish must take back their country from migrants!
Each country is only responsible to deal with their own population. Not the entire population of the world! God's responsibilities are small. God doesn't make us responsible for all the suffering in the world just what happens in our countries.Evil  people who are irresponsible push their responsibilities on others. All people must stand against this insanity. Jesus doesn't give us the responsibility of those who are irresponsible in their own countries.. Jesus said my yoke is easy, my burden is light!

Sweden, Christianity, Jesus God, being responsible, migration, foreigners must go home to their own countries, Jimmie Akesson, Swedish Elections, Women are horrible as leaders, God did not call women as leaders, Swedish women leaders prove God is right!
Scripture "Women should be keepers at home". That is their gift from God to raise children and manage the home, farm!

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