Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Trump's Executive Order To Block Personal Property, The Constitution

Hi jc here, I wrote this please, please if there are any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me I might have to rewrite it or give a broader explanation. I tried to keep it short. Simple is impossible! 100 years of misdirection, lies, corruption is hard to comprehend. And Trump correcting these corruptions is hard to understand where he gets his rights from.    Remember  "He gets his rights from the consent of the govern.  ("Declaration of Independence") Those who elected him is where he gets his rights. It's actually our God rights. "Declaration of Independence"
According to the Declaration of Independence, the government gets its power to govern from the people that it governs. As the Declaration says, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
According to the Declaration of Independence, where does - eNotes.com

Nothing Trump does is legal under the Constitution.

Nothing the Presidents have done since 1913 when"Woodrow Wilson" was fraudulently, and illegally 
elected  has been legal under the Constitution!
There are 535 members o Congress 100 members are Senators.
Only They have the right to make laws, rules, decisions, regulations.
It s easy for 5,10, 20 people to be corrupted but it is very hard to corrupt 535! The Supreme can not even decide whether the laws written by Congress are Constitutional or not. Why? It's easy to corrupt 5 to 9 people. They can only apply the laws as intended. They can not over throw laws made by elected officials.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Edward_Griffin
Wilson was a Democrat, a Communist and he  discriminated against Black people. He loved the KKK.  All his decisions, all the decisions his wife who fraudulently signed bills into legislation with her husbands name illegally for him once he was physically and mentally incapacitated were legal, it was all illegal!. Woodrow Wilson was a President only by a cheating election fraud. Designed by the creatures of Jekyll Isle, his wife and a fake Doctor, who together turned America into a Communist country. The American people did not willingly vote for Woodrow Wilson as President. These evil dictators "Destroyed all Constitutional Rights".
 FDR Ratified this communist dictatorship with the "New Socialist New Deal!"
Destroyed America as a Republic. Bankers, stole the Wealth of the people ~gold was confiscated, people taxed off their family farms. The government now owned everything, every person's land, labor and children through the Compulsory Education act. We were no longer sovereign people, we were government indenture servants. wards of the State, who took over the government.
The Greatest Bank Robber
Stole All Americans real Money
Stole their right to have money!

The Federal Reserve and the IRS became an illegal foreign occupying enemy who went to work over throwing and destroying all laws made from the Constitution.. Printing their own made up wealth into existence. Printing press was a money maker. Need some money? Just print it up! Instant Wealth out of thin air with a printing Press  They said "it was back by gold." They told the entire world that. They lied! It was never backed by gold. They just kept printing fake dollars. While they told people no one could audit them!  The gold wasn't theirs to make these promises. It's the people's illegally confiscated money!

  The Constitution doesn't give the Federal Reserve or the IRS any rights to exist! FDR had no right to take the personal property of the people, their gold coins! The FED and IRS are completely illegal under the Constitution!  They are, to this day a Foreign Enemy, an Army pointed guns at us every day. We are their slaves as long we live by their made up man made laws center around their banking rules, regulations and laws based on fake printed unreal wealth.: At the cost of the freedoms  of all American citizens! They Incorporated America under themselves! We are not living under the Constitution.
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), the 28th U.S. president, served in office from 1913 to 1921 and led America through World War I (1914-1918). An advocate for democracy and world peace, Wilson is often ranked by historians as one of the nation’s greatest presidents. Wilson was a college professor, university president and Democratic governor of New Jersey before winning the White House in 1912. Once in office, he pursued an ambitious agenda of progressive reform that included the establishment of the Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission. Wilson tried to keep the United States neutral during World War I but ultimately called on Congress to declare war on Germany in 1917. After the war, he helped negotiate a peace treaty that included a plan for the League of Nations. Although the Senate rejected U.S. membership in the League, Wilson received the Nobel Prize for his peacemaking efforts.http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/woodrow-wilson
The Constitution was written by Honest Christian men who held God, the Bible and nature as the Only or Final authority to justify their right to self government!  Governments are ordained not by man but by God! 
   No one can just decide to be a leader but must be called by God as a minister or a servant for the goodwill, the cleanliness of mind the wholesomeness of the heart people which brings people  peace and prosperity abiding by the Ten Commandments of God.
  Now the only way for President Trump to be Constitutionally Legal; his intend must be to destroy everything done by the illegal Corporation of United States of America  since Wilson.
If his intent is the "throw off" such a tyrannical government then he will be legally correct having all powers provided in War against a foreign
enemy usurping the rightful government of the American People.

If these ruthless, evil, traders are any where in the government, outside the government, in Foreign countries; he can arrest them as soldiers on a battle field. As enemies they have no Constitutional rights. Rights are for those who believe "in rights."
Our enemies do not believe in individual rights they believe in slavery which is War and Unconstitutional.   They are at War with us. As traders they must be held accountable under a Military Tribunal as War criminals. 
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text - USHistory.org


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