Recently I felt sleepy after 12 hrs of being awake. Of course. I'm low on something right?. I remembered Alpha! It is the Father of All Foods, containing everything anyone needs for a healthy life!! But it's for horses! It's a "hay",. You can get it in capsule form or in powder. We happened to have the powder. After two days of one rounded heaping spoonful mixed with 4 oz of raw milk A DAY! Now, I can't seat still! 17 hours of being awake! You would think it was chalked full of caffeine or GINSENG
Quick comments, a lot of errors, my computer is slower than my fingers and I leave out "negatives" like no, not, didn't. So if it doesn't me sense turn it into a negative! WHAT IS A TOUCHBACK? Think! How did they get this info you are using: SIN! They experimented n Human beings, murdered, Stole, ruined lives, child sacrifices to their gods! You can actually use technology and Space knowledge "knowing a child" was sacrificed to this god! Not just "a child" millions of infants hundred of thousands of children! Mass graves like they find in orphanages, Nuns, church yards, Abortion included. You and Trump are being pushed into the End Zone of the Luciferians! Romans 2:1 Whatever you accuse someone else of is what you are guilty of. (Paraphrase) Just now you said the globalist have to go into the past because we are going, we are Warping into "light Speed".
You know who else did that in 1911: The "Creatures of Jekyll" Island. In 1913 men came up with an idea to have ***"unlimited" resources, "unlimited wealth", Nothing can stop them.*** You just said that with Zach yesterday. You talk about God yet talk about the Devil, Lucifer. NASA: Space Jack Parson's; "PAN" is on all their patches a mythological God! Dimensions: CERN They preach all these Dimensions and the worship Lucifer and Shiva! You love Rock n Roll: Aliester Crowley turning America into a drug addicted, sexual revolution is fueled by the beat, the loud electric guitar, Rock n Roll, immoral, perverted mess. DESTROYS minds, the family! DESTROYS Faith in the one True God! Divorces everywhere, Not even married now just baby Daddy's, Sexually transmitted diseases epidemic. Touch Back! Your goal post is their goal post: Not God's! God's goal post is that the gospel is spread around the world so men live n peace with one another. Competition is Capitalism, growth is to. God blesses your animals, food as you obey him. Competition is not of God. It's a worldly sinful act! Microwave is killing people. I could give you a thousand list of the sicknesses and diseases caused by "the invention, of competition has brought about because people don't test things, they cheat! Turn to greed which is a huge Sin! Jesus came to stop sin, they he heals. Stop sin, you stop illness, sickness, diseases, hardships, suffering. The disciples asked Jesus who sinned? Jesus finds the sin, "who broke the law" punished the sin, healed, forgave. Justice brigs healing! You don't need technology to heal. It causes more harm than good. Read the Declaration of Independence. The King Sinned, they told him his sin, they separated fro fellowship with them. They wrote people suffer when evil, sin is tolerated! So they turned from sin would not tolerate the King's sinning against them. They stood up for their right to live free!
Jesus said come out from amongst them have nothing to do with them or their idols they sacrificed "BLOOD" to! art of your mind is spiritually dead! Electricity itself cause America t become Spiritually dead! When you depend on others and not God. In a constant state f Debt to someone else depending on them you are spiritually dead! If I'm right Go will confirm it! Watch for God!
They already plan for another government, a different Constitution. According to Alex we are going into another dimension!
Agenda 21 Infiltrator Spills NEVER Before Heard Secrets—An Invasion Has Kicked Off!
Red Pill Expo! Alex Jones, Trump are pro-Technocracy, No freedoms, Social Engineering! Pro-UN Gun Control!
Can Trump fight God? Chem Trails, DEW, Darpa, Harpa, GMOs: it's all technocracy!
Can Trump fight God? Chem Trails, DEW, Darpa, Harpa, GMOs: it's all technocracy!
EPISODE 5: Is Trump a Puppet, or Leading the America First Revolution? | Wayne Jett
Motivating factor: GREED, GREED, GREED! i guess this means Elon Musk gets off the hook for all his crimes? I wondered about that!Just to let you know Alex we aren't sheep any more! We want Elon in jail just like all the other traitors! God is no respecter of persons! The American people done being slaves to those who technology. Now it makes sense that Trump is behind the DEW attacks to California making room for the tech companies to take over California. We area nation of laws! Laws that come from God! Don't double cross the American people you will be sorry! We are stronger than you think! God is with us! He can use you and Trump but if you go this direction God will cut your life short!
just like he used Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar. The Jews were free! We the people will be free from you social engineers! With God we will determine our own future, or should I say God will determine our future. You can not say Space without demons, you can says Space and God's will at the same time! You are CIA, right? Alex! Globalist using fake dollars did a space programs behind the backs of the people.
We are Christians there is not unlimited resources! You' ll be fighting God and real True Christians. The idea of going to space is Satanic! All the info came from demonic places! God will stop you! You are not unstoppable! We have power of Satan and his power! God struck down the tower of Babel for men trying to go to the heavens! Don't take God's patience as a sign of weakness! Space travels are the enemy of mankind! People don't want this to happen. Can Trump fight God? NO!BOMBSHELL! ZACH: SETH RICH, TRUMP, MARINES, INTEL INSIDER! - ALEX JONES INFOWARS
Close Public Schools IMMEDIATELY! Send the money to the parents. A Mother or Father will stay home educating their children. Less unemployment, Less traffic on over crowded highways, less highway deaths, Less depressed Mothers, less children with mental problems due to never being loved ; due to never seeing or being with their parents. More Godly Christian children learning to love your neighbor, love God, all the Ten Commandments, The law of Jesus Christ is called the law of "KINDNESS". More time spent on education less time spent on proselytizing children. It's against the law to use education to Proselytize Children.
1ST amendment that is what is meant by Congress shall MAKE NO LAW respecting religion, religion meaning a widely held "belief" of an "established organization", shall not establish a religion. Feminist, Satanist, Islamist, Capitalist, Communist, Globalist, Elitist, Dems. Rep., Teachers Unions, Transvestites, and Homosexuality won't be the building a child's foundation and basics for education according to "their own personal beliefs!!" "Like this pronoun mess". We the people 'VOTE" on laws schools don't make laws! Judges, courts don't make laws!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Destruction, Judgement of Satanic Temples Where children Are Sacrificed to The Devil!…/q-destruction-jud……/q-destruction-jud…
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