1.) A Defense Against Tyranny Borders, Boundaries, Sovereignty, The Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyoA5va2Dsk&t=3s
2.Despair, Sociopaths, Hope Borders, Boundaries, Sovereignty The Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIj9XNtFN2s
3.CONVICTION Limitations, Borders, Boundaries, Sovereignty, The Children
2 written blogs
White Pill Boundaries Borders Sovereignty The Children? Part 1 https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2019/11/what-about-children-boundaries-borders.html
White Pill Boundaries Borders Sovereignty The Children? Part 2
What happens? When Good or Evil men turn from the paths their great great grandfathers laid out for good to walk in. Godly men helping men to find true honest living. Healthy and happy lives.
What happens? You go insane, crazy, you become a sociopath a psychopath. Why Path? You are on the wrong path! Harming yourself and everyone around you! That is life without God's Spirit, power, love, law, justice, kindness, wisdom, knowledge. You just reasoning things within yourself and make things up like Evolution. It looks reasonable?
Evolution was made up by Satanist. It is just made up to enslave Black people. Over turn God's sovereignty on the Earth: The Bible's power, authenticity and authority.
Jeremiah 6:16
16 Thus saith the Lord,
Stand ye in the ways, and see,
and ask for the old paths,
where is the good way, and walk therein,
and ye shall find rest for your souls.
But they said, We will not walk therein.
What About The Children? Boundaries Borders Sovereignty
Charles meaning Freeman.
We are Freemen and we raise are children through Jesus Christ to be freemen! #usetheGospelofJesusChristfor protection.,
The Gospel, the very words, God loves us, sent Jesus to earth to suffer, shed his blood, die for our sins and by the power of his Divine Holy Spirit he rose from the grave.
That power now lives within us. By using the words of the Gospel We are healed by God's Divine Holy Spirit.
The End Part 1
Kanye West is now Saving the Children with....
The Sword and power of God's righteous Holy Spirit:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The children are hearing a voice behind them saying
"Here is The Right Way"
White Pill Boundaries Borders Sovereignty The Children? Part 2
Constantine heard the Gospel, then he heard the voice of God saying "Conquer in this Sign."
Kanye heard the Voice of God, "Use the Gospel for protection.
Both men faced an army of demonically possessed people They all worship False gods, or Satan in one form or another. They love to break all the Commandments of God.
Both faced tyrants! Constantine faced wild savage armies trying to physically kill him. Kanye faces wild savage armies trying to take over his soul. To enslave him to them. They are trying to kidnap his soul, his entire life! They want to make him conform to what they believe.
In America or modern, (1900's to present), day: armies come after your very soul to make you conform. To them, You can not have Faith in God or Become a Christian, obey the Commandments of God written in the Bible. You have to swear Allegiance to serve Lucifer. It's true: Lie, cheat, murder, steal!
A culture of mental emotional, spiritual
Instead of there just being one God. Jesus Christ King and Savior of all mankind.
Example: 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, Feminist took control, demonically took control over everyone's minds in the country. Politically correct... It's all made-up.. A bunch of lies based on fake fiat dollars!
Excerpt from Part 1.... I harp on Gold and Silver coins because I can see these evil murderous Satanist savagery, barbarism, pain, the overwhelming suffering they cause every day world wide. It is all do to the unlimited printing of fiat paper dollars, money.
Unlimited means to unlimited corruption, unlimited, power, pain, murder, sickness, diseases, death, endless pit of living in HELL ON EARTH! Lucifer, Satan reigning over the hearts, minds of all men!
Gold and Silver coins were created by God as honest money. A neccessary limitation for a very happy and healthy society! A society Full of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! end of excerpt.... Like eating candy with no calories for your bodies growth, good health, causes diabetes, you go blind and eventually die of it.
They are demigod's. Using demoniacal power, spiritual power to make you serve them and their desires, their agendas.
We are human beings and we do not want to be slaves to wild savages. We also need a "voice", a word from God telling us Conquer or protect. Like Constantine and Kanye. It is personal according to your vocation, your calling what God tells you to Conquer with!
Last night I prayed the prayer of All Saints since Jesus died on the cross...
"God give me the land!" What does that mean?
To spread "like a wild fire a crossed California with 60, 70 mile hour winds":
The Gospel of Jesus Christ!. People every where turning to God like Kanye. Repenting, their minds becoming clean and free from perversion, evil wicked savagery, wizardry, barbarism. Free, clean minds. Free from demonic spells, illusions, delusions, lies binding their minds like puppets on a string.
All men hearing the voice of Jesus behind them saying, this is the right way to talk, this is the right way to treat others, this is what you should be doing every day.
From Part ! Why we have good wholesome laws That come from God |
Everyone with their minds healed, free. Souls at peace and their bodies are healed by the power of God's Holy Spirit.
This is why this is a Christian country. Men did pray for the land! The people came to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
Boundaries are good.
(Pic to right link to reference)
Part 1 What About The Children? Boundaries Borders Sovereignty
https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2019/11/what-about-children-boundaries-borders.html![]() |
There is only one voice you hear, which Jesus promised. The loving kind but powerful voice of Jesus Christ. The Truth!
Word from God... Men own their own land again and Walk upright on their own two feet again! Free from dependence on any other man.
Random thoughts... Jesus is the greatest leader. Jesus is my leader. The rewriting of history will be healed. Sarai became Sarah, Mother of all nations because she put her faith in God. Representing the anointing of a Mother's love for her children. Abram became Abraham because he put his faith in God. Representing freemen.
God created the nations. God created boundaries, borders, sovereignties and separated the nations. The people.
God gave them different languages to know and communicate and understand one another.
God gives us his spirit and tells us to go into all those nations and preached the gospel. God gives us power, the the ability, gifts, to share the love and power of God with others. Speaking in tongues glorifies God because people hear men glorify God in their own language.
All nations can hear God speaking the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their own minds speaking to them: "This is the Way, this is the right path, here go this way!
Men repent by the power shared with them from the person speaking the Gospel. The God's spirit within them teaches them everything they need to know in their own language. By the anointing of God's spirit. God fills men with his wisdom, word, knowledge, power but most importantly with HIS DIVINE LOVE! THE LOVE OF GOD! Christianity around the world with true believers is always the same. God's Spirit teaches them the same thing.
God empowers men to do the right thing.
Men in their sin show their weakness!
Without the anointing of God no one can do the right thing. It does take the power of God to do the right thing. You could be doing the right thing on the wrong land. You could stay married but be married to the wrong person. Without the voice of God you may think you are a really good person and you do not sin, with one thing wrong. Usually: the simplest easy explanation is, or wrong way is are you NOT using gold and silver coins. Then everything right you do is wrong. Jesus said if you break one commandment you've broken them all.
All men must call of God, On Jesus to save them and deliver them from all evil, from all temptations to sin. First sin is to think you can live free, liberated lives without the power of God's holy Anointing, his holy spirit, without the Gospel..
Religion isn't just for women. IT IS For real strong powerful men!
Religion does not make you weak it makes you strong. Mightily strong internally and externally.
It's The power of All Mighty God dwelling in you! There is nothing more powerful!
Jesus said, 'who are my brothers, sisters, Mother? Those who do the will of my Father." You are Jesus brothers, sisters, Mother when you are empowered by God, his spirit dwelling in you, and you do God's will. You share the Gospel "to yourself"; every minute of every second then you automatic tell others what you tell yourself. Abraham put his Faith in God, in God's words. Abraham acted upon them and is was accounted to him has righteousness. He was doing the right thin.
Freemen - Mother's love for her children. Men and women are separate but are equal. The anointing.
Freeman, is an anointing. A Mother's love for her children is another anointing.
Going back to the right paths to walk in. The love for our forefathers, to turn back to the ancient ways, is where Jesus spirit leads us. To love our family great grandparents.
To walk in that path.
They knew how to use horse for their heavy lifting, burdens, loads, work. They use gold and silver coins as commanded by God to buy, sell, and trade with other men.
Word from God, from Jesus. Our transportation is Horses. God created the earth for horses.
You are Freemen!
Repent turn to God. Justice is done. The evil men who worked in your life, soul, that work will be destroyed by the gospel that separated generations from teaching each other. Stop grandparents from passing on their knowledge, experience, wisdom is destroyed by the power of God's Spirit dwelling with in you, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your Great Great Grandparents taught you how to use horses for your heavy lifting, burdens, work load and honest work, honest gold and silver coins money.
By the Holy Spirit of God's Power and authority men confess their sins before God, Men ask God to forgive their sins. God helps them make amends for their sins. Then walk on the path God has established for men to walk in!
Good Godly rant. God loves us. He filled us with himself! We love God; Jesus, the Holy Spirit, our great great grandparents, our Father, our Mother, those who do the Will of our Father in heaven. We love, reference, Worship, God together. Jesus is there!
We use horses, we use only gold and silver coins. We walk in these paths established by God that men have used since the beginning of time. We appreciate the creation of elephants, oxen, donkey's Mules, horses and we multiply them, use them, enjoy the fruit of their efforts, strength! We love them, care fore them and they care for us! God put man in a garden!
God did not tell man to kill off all the animals on the earth and replace them with machines! That is Satan, demonic, very very evil!
Telephones, electricity, corporation, cars, tractors, Fiat fake dollar bills, pharmacy, TV, radio, internet, offices, construction, highways, expressways, etc. All Satanic, Devil worshiping. evil, murderous.
What About The Children? Boundaries Borders Sovereignty
Charles meaning Freeman.
Mother's love for her children.
We are Freemen and we raise are children through Jesus Christ to be freemen!
#usetheGospelofJesusChristfor protection., The Gospel, the very words, God loves us, sent Jesus to earth to suffer, shed his blood, die for our sins and by the power of his Divine Holy Spirit he rose from the grave. That power now lives within us. By using the words of the Gospel We are healed by God's Divine Holy Spirit.
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