Sunday, July 5, 2020

Blog Completing, Tweaking President Trump's July 4th, 2020 Speech

Presidents Trump's Mt Rushmore Speech seemed a little incomplete.
Tweaking President Trump's July 4th, 2020 Speech delivered at Mt. Rushmore. 

President Trump's Speech was a very good speech listing America's history with a big beautiful spotlight.  End with his creation of a New National Park full of some "dead" men's lives stories and how it effected the rest of the people.

No one is an island. One good deed will effect the entire world.  We have July 4th because we have the Bible that all men can read in their own language!
As it is with Martin Luther of the Reformation on October 30th, 1517.  The Next Day November 1st,  after this "eternal Declaration" is Now Known All Saints Day.  Christ Liberated all men and by his power, the gospel of Jesus Christ unto Salvation. Evil men are transformed from sinners to Saints.  2017 was the 500 year anniversary.
 Luther proposed an academic discussion of the practice and efficacy of indulgences in his Ninety-five Theses of 1517. His refusal to renounce all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Luther taught that salvation and, consequently, eternal life are not earned by good deeds but are received only as the free gift of God's grace through the believer's faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge,[4] and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood

So, too One bad man's greed, sin, will effect the entire nation even the world.

As it is with Woodrow Wilson.
   1st to introduce the Temptation to sin upon the American people. The X22 Report. "The Tell" Ford who wanted workers, "once they get the paper fiat counterfeit money, start using counterfeit money, buying with it." The America people will never go back to "obeying God's Word nor his Spirit; never go back to telling the Truth, honesty; The Constitution, Sound Money, their Families, marriages, farms and Love the Lord with all their hearts, soul, minds, and will.  Men's consciences will be gone or very  dull; they will love their sin, possessions, spending counterfeit money like water and be addicted to it.

Because of this man's sin, Woodrow Wilson and his co conspirators crimes, evil deeds against the American man; instead of driving horses:  Some men, these evil men started driving good men like driving Teams of wild horses, meant to be subdued, joined together into "TEAMS", made to heel!. "The Assembly Line!"

Men now joined the line, Went into the coal mines, etc. In teams like these horses pictured to the right. No longer farmers, no longer land owners, no longer Freemen. But YOKED! Bound, hands tied, mouth shut,  Men no longer: now no more than human resources. Employees, Social Security Numbers, tax Receipts to book keepers, Accounts. Just mere numbers like animals in a Zoo! Caught Tagged with "a Title, species name "A line man", "coal miner", etc.   And numbered.  Now if you don't have a name like this you are no one. Being human being a person A Mother, a son, a daughter or Father is meaning less.
 Robber Barons, Railroad men, Telephone Companies, Electric Companies, Oil Tycoons started enslaving All American men. These Evil men who never read a Bible unless to twist it, Who never were liberator by the power of God's Spirit, who who were slaves to Greed and wicked evil schemes and devices,
Put Billions of Yokes on the backs of the People.  Americans, human beings  became slaves " The Industrial Revolutionist", "The Progressives", "The Bankers"  their "fake wealth" called the fiat dollar or Petro dollar.

Jubilee.  God is Speaking SHHHHH! Let's listen.   Years of Jubilee:  2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 signs in the stars, Blood moons, eclipses, etc.
Jubilee is when all debts are canceled,  ALL YOKES are broken off. The Gold and Silver coins return to the People. The Land returned to the People.
People Yoke to Jesus Christ, their land, Their huge extended families.

The Bible is our example. Adam, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, David Solomon, Hosea, Malachi, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul,
  All apart of one family. We are adopted into God's family but Our own families history and names are very important. God will return us back to our huge extended families instead of being yoked to Machines;  Evil Task Masters, CEO's Supervisors, Tax collection Agencies, School levies, Governors, Mayors, Township zoning commissioners,  etc. who rule with Iron Fist of Fear that grips our souls.

They threaten to take everything, our land, our children, incomes, savings, HEALTH, FOOD,  if we don't obey their "made up power, authority, leadership, laws and rules!"
    America men are freemen. They build their own homes, build their own barns with their own hands. Get Married raise a family! Easy as that. The Liberation but responsibilities that comes from God. 

Evil men are lazy and are always trying to get someone else to grow their food for them, if not people, machines. God isn't with the invention of men, inventions of Wizards, witches, chemist, metal workers, people without God's Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit /Liberates men to love God, love the land, love their families, love their animals, etc. Who you love yuou are With, or married to 24/7/365.  WITH ALL DAY LONG IN A 24 HOUR DAY. YOU ARE WITH THEM 24 HOURS every day. BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM, CARE FOR THEM, WANT TO BE WITH THEM.   

Comment on X22 Report.  President Trump's Speech July 4th, 2020, General Flynn's family WWG1WGA, saying Oath, pledge. Not against Q, nor General Flynn nor President Trump but we have a Wall between us that seems can not humanly be reconciled. Jesus said you are either for me or against me.  I am a strong believer in Jesus Christ and will not denounce Jesus Christ nor his teachings of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness nor any other of his teachings nor will the Constitution.  It seems to be President Trump  is allowing Christian patriots statues who know Liberty only comes from and through Jesus Christ the TRUTH to be torn down from 1700's, 1800's  and he is replacing them with "progressive idols" statues of thee 1900's"?  As an on looker. It seems like antifa is doing the work of the CIA deep State and globalist.
President Trump's  one minute spot. Was done in the exact spot he gave his support to Bill Gates vaccine Company.
Q affirms the religious teachings of Ludwig Von Mises: a favored of Rockefeller. Humanitarianism. Freethought (or free thought)[1] is an epistemological viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed only on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a freethinker is "a person who forms their own ideas and opinions rather than accepting those of other people, especially in religious teaching."    Denounces the principles and precepts of  Christianity,  (the basic foundation of) there it denounces the  the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution   Double speak. Forked tongue. On one hand you vow to uphold the Constitution at the same time the basic philosophy of Q   denounces it."
Wikipedia:  Regarding religion, freethinkers typically hold that there is insufficient evidence to support the existence of supernatural phenomena.[9] According to the Freedom from Religion Foundation, "No one can be a freethinker who demands conformity to a bible, creed, or messiah. To the freethinker, revelation and faith are invalid, and orthodoxy is no guarantee of truth." and "Freethinkers are convinced that religious claims have not withstood the tests of reason. Not only is there nothing to be gained by believing an untruth, but there is everything to lose when we sacrifice the indispensable tool of reason on the altar of superstition. Most freethinkers consider religion to be not only untrue, but harmful."[10]

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