Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Dr. Frank Gives Inside Baseball On Cyber Symposium!

The build up to Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium has been epic in proportion- there were 40 million unique viewers who tuned in, eager to see the evidence of what most people around the world suspect happened in the 2020 US Presidential election. For three days, millions of us were glued to as the evidence was presented in a cohesive way for everyone to finally see. But what happened BEHIND the scenes is a story that only the Providential hand of God could have ordered.

Kathy & Ina of Ohio Battleground
Alliance with Dr. Frank & Nellie

The amazing women at Ohio Battleground Alliance hosted Dr. Frank at a church in southern Ohio where he spoke publicly about the Cyber Symposium for the first time since last week. He kept us all captivated the entire evening! Mike Lindell and his team had a plan in place for those three days, but as Dr. Frank laid out so clearly: God had another plan entirely. And in the words of Dr. Frank, the outcome of this event truly spells the beginning of the end for the battle we've been fighting since November of 2020. Likely it also spells the beginning of the end of the spiritual battle we've been fighting in our nation and around the world for far longer!

We had the opportunity to interview Dr. Frank after he spoke, in what could be, one of the most powerful interviews we've done on the election. If you're looking for hope, look no further, we're in for a heaping dose! We win if we don't back down, and folks- Dr. Frank is not backing down and neither are millions of Americans- we're only growing in our numbers and that's why these criminals are so scared!  

Check out BOTH Dr. Frank's Speech AND our interview with him in the videos below!

Dr. Frank takes his amazing daughter
 Nellie with him everywhere he goes and 
she is a constant ray of sunshine to all who meet her!

"Ops" By Dr. Douglas Frank
To my knowledge, I have never been involved in military ops before.

Well, last week was baptism by fire.

And I have a new appreciation for the training and tenacity of our military folks. God bless them.

There were ops, counter-ops, *multiple* teams, canary traps, poison pills, PsychOps and SecOps.

One Op I haven't heard much discussion about, I will call "SpirOps."
Short for spiritual operations.

Unbeknownst to most folks, there were individuals backstage, teams in back rooms, and teams and individuals Across the country praying aggressively for us. In real time. Spiritual warfare. The real deal.

Prayer warriors wielding powerful spiritual weapons against the forces of evil.

After this ordeal, I am convinced that the SpirOps were the most important Ops of the week.

Make no mistake, my friends. This is not merely a battle for our country, for liberty, and for the Truth, this is a Spiritual battle for the souls of a nation and the entire world.

And the SpirOp is ongoing. If you are not yet engaged, I encourage you to bring your spiritual weapons to the table.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."-- Ephesians 6:12

EPIC Interview with Dr. Frank on HOPE and how we are WINNING!

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