Sunday, September 19, 2021

bHoly Ground Sacred Sukkot September 21, 2021

Read Out Loud on video

September 17, 2021  Friday
 Jesus is Holy. Everything Jesus touches becomes clean, holy, sacred. Jesus cleanses our minds, bodies and thoughts of all defilement. Jesus cleanses the land of all defilement of man kinds sins upon the earth.

link  1599 Geneva Bible Great Study Notes

Saints: Sacred, set apart for the Holy God!

Free From Darkness, Full of Life, Light and sound minded. 

God is their Light, Peace, Forgiveness, Health, Holiness.

Full of Jesus: Truth, Knowledge of God's love and power.


September 18, 2021 Saturday 
Jesus Destroys counterfeiters.  Horses are returning to the land Again!. It is over. 
The attack on Liberty, America, Happiness, Freedom That Jesus our Savior paid for with his death on the cross. He bought our freedom for sin, from Satan's power, from tyranny, oppression, with his very blood.   
The Ten Commandments are written within us by God!
Jesus destroyed Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford and The Rothschild's.  

Expedient that I go away so the comforter can come.  

Sunday September 19, 2021
Men are Freemen. God is sovereign over their lives again. 
Horses are returning to the land again.  God created the earth. God created Ohio Foundational Documents.
God is just, God is Fair

Jesus showed me to use his money silver dollars, gold coins!

Holy marriage is a gift of God to man! Producing children. 

"Ohio"   Men know God's laws are in their minds again. Men are punished when they break the law in Ohio Again. God is sovereign over Ohio Again. 

Men can not usurp my power, my authority to punish men when they sin. The Holy Spirit the anointing, the power and authority of God liberates men from tyranny. Ohio is a Sovereign Country. Our laws come from God's word written within us, The Holy Spirit, The Ten Commandments

Tishrei 5782 Chalkboard Teaching by Christine Vales

From the year before 2020

Crimes committed against people will be punished.  Ohio's Power and Authority convict men of their crimes. Punishes men when they break//broke the law.

Our laws come from God written within us. We live in a free country. Where the Spirit of God is there is Freedom, Liberty.  

Those not sacred, not Holy, not Set apart for the work of the Lord: Stop Lying you have no power , no authority in Ohio.  

The anointing. I am anointed by God. God works through me!

No one can make "them" sin against one another. (Ohio's people)

12:40 video  repentance, cleansing. When government using God's power and authority, the anointed, God given power and authority a person in Ohio must repent, caused to turn to God obey God's sovereign Laws. Men must turn to God and be healed.  Men must confess their crimes. Ohio we use Jesus' money. Jesus Created the Land For Horses. We use Jesus Transportation:  Horses. 

The Courts of Heaven #Donaldtrump #robinbullock President uncovered truth

Timothy Dixon Timothy Dixon P O Box 417 Midland city Alabama 36350

Coming in the future: Angel caught on video, a person crippled, twisted healed., straightened.
Courts of Heaven Robin Bullock Timothy Dixon,  Bare Foot, alters, a scroll rolled up,  then rolled out into a Holy Place, a place of power. Where prayers and petitions were offered to God. The prayers of America, the signatures were tears.  You had to be bidden to come, God allows you to come in.
"Lord give us our country Back", The Lord ask what would you have me do for you? The scroll that was signed by tears was rolled out. "I want my country back".
The Lord said  "Granted"

God has heard the prayers and cries. Standing at a doorway.  "It's time", "I'm fixing to give you your country back,"  A  Demonic oppression took over the Military,   Take the country threw fear, all man  made.  evil attack to get our eyes off the Lord's hand moving
"A Time of revival"   Demonic Terrorism to destroy our freedom and go into darkness.  People fall like trees like something cut them down. God will cut Down the false media.

September 20, 2021  Monday
Power to do the Right thing. 

God gave me, you his power to do the right thing.

"I am not a part of any labor "force"." Think crew of men 1930's or 1940's going around the country string telephone and electrical wire. "Spider Web". 

I will use the "Life" Force God has given me: To destroy what Satan's Army did. To fix, and make things "right" Again!

Make sure men in Ohio are/were treated Fairly and Justly.  I am not afraid of men who put their feet on other people's necks.

I will not be pinned down by evil men any longer!

20th Full Moon, 21, Sukkot,  22 Fall Equinox,

Sukkot 2021 began in the evening of
September 20
and ends in the evening of
September 27

Sukkot 101

Beginning five days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot is named after the booths or huts (sukkot in Hebrew) in which Jews are supposed to dwell during this week-long celebration.

Sukkot History

The origins of Sukkot are found in an ancient autumnal harvest festival. Indeed it is often referred to as hag ha-asif, 
The Harvest Festival.” Much of the imagery and ritual of the holiday revolves around rejoicing and thanking God for the completed harvest. The  represent the huts that farmers would live in during the last hectic period of harvest before the coming of the winter rains. As is the case with other festivals whose origins may not have been Jewish, the Bible reinterpreted the festival to imbue it with a specific Jewish meaning. 

In this manner, Sukkot came to commemorate the wanderings of the Israelites in the desert after the revelation at Mount Sinai, with the huts representing
the temporary shelters that the Israelites lived in during those 40 years.

Power of "Right"

Righteous Light of Jesus Crist shines on People's faces. So they can come to his light.

Cashless Society is a moral society. A society of good men. Our "power" Is the light of "Right" Gold coins.  Lynette Zang ITM trading repeatedly says:  Gold coins" are our Power".  She , I think, has had this revealed to her by the Holy Spirit. 

Just weights and Balances.   We are not being enemies of God but on God's side.  On the side of the Truth. Honest people. 

Our Power that comes from God is Gold coins, Silver coins. Personal Power! It is God in you!

This personal power destroys the Federal Reserve Bank, Governments, The Cabal: The Banksters. 

Men have to go back to a society where they have to be good honest People. 

God set us Free!

Power of God with
Gold and Silver coins
to Heal!

Ohio is a Free Country. I am free. 

Sukkot Sept 21 through 29 is a Celebration  of Health, laden with wealth. Another Exodus Coming. They came out of Egypt laden with gold and silver, wealth and not one of them was ill. Not a feeble one amongst them. 

This is God, he saves America.  God destroys the evil people. We overcome evil with Good!

Plymouth is a Platform a Podium to Preach the Gospel throughout America.  Declaring Salvation To Heal America. 

Plymouth was over run by evil.

We went there broken. Met our enemy the enemy of America. Business, commercialization, over the top immorality.  Harvard over run with the CIA, Evil corrupt people.  All these places have
succumb to the evil of society. 

To Go back, Finish our journey, calling is to Go back healed, clean full of power.

Go back to clean, heal, restore Plymouth, Boston, Massachusetts. Harvard becomes what it is a Beam of The Righteous Light

of The Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

Going back only in Victory Triumphing over Evil! 

You don't have Freedom without The Gospel Jesus Christ or without the Pilgrims. 

They came to America for Liberty. Religious Liberty. To live by every Word of God. To form their own government based on the very words of Jesus Christ. The Bible.

To create a society with
God helping them, inspired by his spirit in them and the written word of God.  To create 
a good very moral society.  That is their right, our right. The right of All men. To live and walk amongst Honest Good highly moral Good men, women and children. 

A society free from corruption, free from criminals, free from bad immoral People!

To Freely Love and Worship God, to live by God's Highest Moral Standards! By the Holy Spirit of the Living God! 

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