Thursday, October 28, 2021

blog 4 video 8 and 9 The Glory of God series "Life and Death are in the Power of the Tongue"

 Read Out Loud on video 8 :

Kicked off Facebook for this comment. My offensive post: Everything men do is twisted, not created by God, not real. A lie to kill steal and destroy by evil men and to enslave our souls to be dependent on other men.

Previous comments: 
The New Jerusalem is within us, the Kingdom of God is within us, Jesus is within us Revelation 21

This is Jesus work in man on the earth. Man can not take the glory. It should cause people to think of Jesus glorifying God. Jesus Holy Spirit

It isn't about man but one man Jesus!  People should leave, after hearing a Preacher, (men of God); their words should cause everyone to  think about Jesus!

We have a new covenant with God. Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not murder. God's laws are self evident to all men.

You'll notice the really bad guys: break all the Commandments: lie, murder, steal

The Bible is all the wisdom men will ever need when read correctly. I'm always getting set free by Jesus revelation toward my soul and I end up saying It's True! Over and over again!

Which is a horse? Iron horse, horse power? Which did God create? Jesus comes on a white horse or a donkey, not an Iron horse, horse power

Which is money? Gold and Silver coins? Fiat paper backed by gold and silver? crypto bitcoin which looks like a gold coin?

Everything men do is twisted, not created by God, not real. A lie to kill steal and destroy by evil men and to enslave our souls to be dependent on other men.

King, Pope, Federal Reserve, Manufacturers etc. Government

Men should always and only be dependent on Jesus, the Holy Spirit. All men are created equal to each other, no one is above others, no one is above the laws of God.

The Declaration of Independence is the Gospel of Jesus Christ All men must submit to him.

It is scripture, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is America and gives fullness to the Declaration of Independence. It is scripture!

Doing the same thing, saying the same things expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Life and death are in the "POWER" of the tongue!!! 

Fauci, NWO are all the Grimm Reaper are using your tongue to bring: Death! So stop talking about them. You want people to rise up? 

Talk about LIFE....JESUS, God the Father,
The Holy Spirit. Without knowledge of God the people parish! No one knows anything about God that is why this continues. 

People talking about God all Day in Public discussion, at work on alternative news is the only way to Stop it.
VOW TO NEVER STOP> DETERMINATION TO DESTROY THESE WICKED MURDERERS> Watch Resistance Chicks video blogs. People in one voice, all around the World up lifting Jesus Christ. Hungary did it, Poland did it. Other countries have done it. One Voice to Triumph! Persistence Right Hooks, Knock Out Blows Prize Fighter 2

IT'S A GLOBAL INTEGRATED CAPSTONE EVENT -- SOFIA SMALLSTORM  SGT Report and the mind behind the documentary '9/11 Mysteries' Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to expose what she believes to be a 'global integrated capstone event'; Global lockdowns, global vaxx mandates and the transhuman transformation of the world's population

Does the Bible say talk about what evil is doing all day long? It says: it is shameful to even mention what they are doing in secret. We need to get sin out of our own lives. Did you pay your electric bill. With what? Money they gave you. God gives people gold and silver coins. So you all are redistributing their money. You are helping the bad guys. 

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. 

The Gospel on the tongue is the power of God to Salvation from Evil and oppression. When I started your show I had just been spending time alone with God and he was healing my mind as I repent of using their fake phony counterfeit funny money. 

Catherine Austin Fitts  teaches this also. You have to Love Catherin Austin Fitts. More than President Trump Seriously. Nothing fake about her. Not a game player! "A Women President" this is it right here! She is a World Wizard. As in Highly intelligent. Was running a Department of Government in 1989! World leaders, Billionaires, seek her out for advice. Very Street Smart. A real life Saint! Love to interview this Giant on the World stage! Quote "We have the power to stop this!" "Just leave this control system start using only gold and silver coins." "Silver and gold calculator". "You are paying taxes to a criminal system" 

The Spirit of the Lord rose up in me and I stated that is unjust, unfair system on money. Only gold and silver coins are money. In that second I was able to rise above my enemy and convict men of their sins. That is what the Holy Spirit does. Why don't you get back to what you are gifted at by God: attacking the counterfeiters. 

They steal everything using the FED. Attacking the counterfeiters, That is your gift and calling. With the Holy Spirit, God himself with you . You could stop a lot of this crime. Return to your first love. When it comes to that subject you can pull the rug right out from under these wizards, witches, Satan worshippers and stop their witchcraft, spells. What you all call science God calls witchcraft, spells, potions. We the body of Christ can stop evil Easily when we Give God are attention and when people come here to hear, to listen Your words because they remind them of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.. So men put their faith in God in them can easily take these guys/gals out with our Faith in God and confess God set us free from Satan's power: potions, spells, concoctions of poison.  

We are absolutely ***not feminist!*** left out the NOT. We butcher our own pigs and chickens on a little over an acre, rise a lot of food, can, store water etc. Michelle had to slit the throat of a deer once she accidently hit with a jeep. She carries a switch blade at all times. We are not wimps either.
@GeorgeRowe took me a while to understand what you are critiquing. PG here Leah and Michelle's Mom. Tech support and Public Relations. You seem like a very passionate man. Thank God for men like you. Not all people can run from trouble. To Mexico. This is our great grand daddies land. We hold up our flag here and claim this land proudly. If trouble comes for fighting with guns and amo, we are going to need the people, friends, family Twp all around us to stand and fight together. They aren't abreast of everything but if UN comes down are street they will not hesitate to fight them.

So we stay in contact with them on Facebook. In War the troops matter not the the enemies face: like Zuckerberg. This is our own government attacking us: Darpa Lifelog etc. We know. PS we are not feminist we are "ladies" Please talk that way towards us, like a gentlemen. The evil people in society "far left" democrats "broke down the morals of society," time to rebuild morality, stop the perversion. Or we are no better than the child molesters, child sacrificers, just a moral step away. It's hypocritical to be really evil, sexually and verbally perverted then call others evil. Thank you for reposting.

I complete agree about vaccines but also so many other things cause people to be crippled and cause death that you use everyday. Do you think of the people dying because of your comforts? Even the internet people are enslaved in China, others murdered for organs other reasons. But do not throw out the baby while he is in the bathtub! He just had his eyes open! In May! 2021. But he is still in the bathtub! You will be very disappointed if you expect people to change over night. PS It is only by the grace of God you know what you know! Be grateful to Almighty God you are free!***(I just went through this with God he help me realize this. I was mad at my parents since 3 or 4 years old. They should have known better. But they were lied to. I'm 61! almost 60 years of anger for something with God's help I could have seen my parents free from the lies instead of anger did nothing but keep us separated.***)

Progress and Capitalism! New Technology needs the vax! Millions died, were disabled for telephones, automobile, electricity etc. Every new invention Railroads, telegraph telephones, automobiles all cause millions of deaths.
     This is why the Declaration of Independence said      "The Laws of Nature and Nature's God!" Natural things help men unnatural kills men.
Gold and silver coins, horses!  

Trust The Plan!

Remember evil invented the whole thing for new technology. The future digital everything. So unhealthy for mankind! For the planet!   

Brighteon.Situation Update, Oct 12, 2021 - PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION will lead to humanity's resurrection and unstoppable awakening 
Health Ranger Report
A lot of Youtubers are putting this out there. It isn't from God. Is it in the Bible?

Not one word was inspired by the Holy Spirit from the thrown of God? ***You have to die to yourself*** and ***let Jesus Christ live through you.*** ***All wisdom must be revealed to the soul by God the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit***. That was inspired by the Holy Spirit. ***Divine Vengeance is coming on those who invented automobiles, cars, engines, to destroy the earth*** Michigan. Ford and co conspirators.  God's Holy word says, "God will destroy those who destroy the earth." That was inspired by God's Holy Spirit.***"God created the earth for Horses."*** *** Horses are our transportation***. Inspired by God. ***Only Gold, (power of God to make wealth), and silver coins are money,*** no backed by paper or cryptos etc. 
James 5 Counterfeiters.  Inspired by God's Holy Spirit.  

I knew I heard Jesus because he is the very word of God
. Besides his sinlessness, his perfect love, his gentleness, yet his power, I could see his name, I could see the name of the Holy Spirit I just knew them and who they were. There are people out their that has soon has you get a word from God they want to lead you astray. Persecutions comes for the word sake. The cares of the world, the deceit fullness of riches etc. lead men astray. As soon as a seed is sown the devil comes to take it away.
  Odysee    Reformation video A lot of things you say are true and are the Holy Spirit but not everything. . 
Wood Burning Stove
Hot Water Heater

PG Leah and Michelle's MOM. Every Protestant Church I know has the exact same sins the Catholic's fell into. You don't know real Catholics. I met Jesus through a wonderful Catholic Mother! Jesus turned me into a Saint and I knew it was his power of his Holy Spirit did this. I see absolutely no Holiness in Protestants Churches. Satan is always the same power, corruption. Faith in Jesus Christ people are lead by the Holy Spirit of God, a Saint. Holy, pure minded, clean soul and consciences before God, living by every word of God. You words have nothing Holy in them. I do not hear the Holy Spirt nor when done reading do I think God loves me. When you hear a Saint you walk away thinking God loves me, I've been forgiven, God is so good. Thanks for the comment.
If someone says to you, "I'm no saints" The conversation stops there. Don't listen to sinners. They will lead you astray. 
  Odysee   You missed the point of the video.. How many people here on Odysee are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ? When America was founded everyone talked about God and Jesus Christ. Go point your finger at Americans not talking about God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Where the Spirit is there is Liberty. Americans must return to their first love Jesus Christ, God Almighty's Liberty and love through the Holy Spirit

  Pimpy Investment    Chat

NESARA / GESARA - the truth about the QFS system

Globalist love it! They gave a wikipedia fact check **for** the system. Should I trust a fact checker that loves the system? If it was "Good" would they not call it misinformation? They always lie for their father the devil. If it looks to good to be true it probably is. I saw this list a couple years ago. It goes along with 5G and with 47,000 satellites it is all DARPA! Complete surveillance system. Humanitarian reasons. Did you know the Catholic Church started Humanitarisme? It is one of their "Sects". It is in the video about 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. What are they holding against you? Your stash? Your children? All of it traceable. You don't own it if they can track and trace it. **This Changed Everything (2016) 500 Years Since Protestant Reformation**
| Full Movie | David Suchet | Dr. John Armstrong on Youtube.         

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA)

This system Changes the Constitution which is completely Biblical! Directly !It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Obedience to God. It is scripture.
Men obeying the Word of God? Reformation: Man shall live by Faith alone, By grace Alone, By the Word of God alone. "Protestant.
Evolution of Man
Evil wicked people call

This changes the Government from Protestant to "Catholic.".
Law and religion our twin sisters.
Jesuits. How many Supreme Court judges did Trump put on the Supreme court that have a High School or college that was run by Jesuits? 3! Plus himself and Mike Pence. Catholics have planned this since Martin Luther. To shut down the Protestant Reformation.

Take back power and control of the People. Just saying. So much more to it.
Stick with the Coinage act of 1792. For God to be with you and protect your family. If they promised you something, as soon as they don't need you any more all promises are off.

Gold 2020 Forecast

GREATEST WEALTH TRANSFER in Human History! You PREPARED or Sitting on the Fence? END of the WORLD!!

Preface: Love Bo Polny but in the last few months all his information comes directly out of The Nesara Gesara playbook plus The Movie "Thrive" by evolutionist. Made by the children and grand children of the first Elitists. Procter and Gamble for one. Keeps them in power. Everything he says has a lot of truth to it. Is it God's will?
Did Tesla get his info from the Holy Spirit or another spirit?

America's laws are for farming. God called men to be caretakers of the earth: clear the land, domestic animals, take good care of it. Love the land, the earth: Farmers. When you enter "The land I give you." 1 Thessalonians 4:11 Build your own house, barn with your own two hands. Deuteronomy 28 Blessings of God: for obedience: Dig a well, drink water out of your own well, plow the field. Raise animals, raise children, grow crops. God gives the increase. The church spread by people's homes. Home to home. When you enter a house if it is worthy let your peace come upon it.
***God reserved the power of electricity for himself. People start getting ill and cancers increased when they start using electricity. Is it in the Bible?***
New Technology, MIT= Tesla's discoveries are owned by DARPA. Quantum knowledge is an Eastern/Chinese religion. Military Industrial Complex. Joint Chiefs of the Military.


Sodom burning, fire, washed with the word of God. Men's minds cleansed. Working of the Holy Spirit. People have their heads in the clouds. Internet is in the Clouds. Sodom is sexual perversion, in the imagination. Take captivity every imagination that lifts itself above the Knowledge of God. Second Salvation similar to Noah's Ark. Satan's Kingdom wiped out. It's in the souls of men. Lies will not lead men but the truth. Jesus' Kingdom ruling men's minds. Light: God's wisdom and truth of the Word of God, Jesus is the Truth, the Word of God. All men being very much appreciate and understand the value of having their minds renew by every Word of God.

**Right Now! As America Wakes up from cold heartedness God has given us a warm blanket of his Great and Powerful Love.""" We are a Christian Nations! Our Foundation is the Very Word of God! Jesus Christ is our Savior! Isaiah 33 Acts 2 The Coming of the Holy Spirit 2 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested[a] on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

.....7 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. ***Right Now! As America Wakes up from cold hearted ness God has given us a warm blanket of his Great and Powerful Love.""" 22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— 23 this Jesus,

delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. 24 God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it....... 31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. 32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. 33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing

Constitutional Power and Authority only comes from God. All leaders in America must be lead by God's Holy Spirit. Free from Sin. Which means free from Corruption.
Honest men insisted, like God does, on Honest money.
Ron Paul, Lynette Zang, G Edward Griffin

Many people are slaves to sin, or blinded by being oppressed by evil wicked men so they Worship the Devil on this day. Oct. 31st. It is worshipping the devil when you obey him. Sin or the devil makes people take something that doesn't belong to them. Like taxes. Going door to door taking from everyone with giving nothing in return. by coercion force.
Halloween, opposite is Reformation Day
Teaching children to steal by threatening others if they don't give them something. "Trick or Treat."

God Forgive them. God heal them. Redeem their souls and set them free from FEAR! (fear of death)
Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, since [these His] children share in flesh and blood [the physical nature of mankind], He Himself in a similar manner also shared in the same [physical nature, but without sin], so that through [experiencing] death He might make powerless (ineffective, impotent) him who had the power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and [that He] might free all those who through [the haunting] fear of death were held in slavery throughout their lives. 16 For, as we all know, He (Christ) does not take hold of [the fallen] angels [to give them a helping hand], but He does take hold of [the fallen] descendants of Abraham [extending to them His hand of deliverance]. God created everyday for Liberty, freedom from the devil. Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil. Jesus Christ is Celebrated today for America's Independence from the tyranny, rulers of men. All men being Created equal before God. God through Jesus Christ is the RULER of All. No mere man is above the Laws of God. Reformation Day.

Excerpt from video: John Knox Father of the Protestant Movement. : As he told Queen Mary of Scotland later, "The sword of justice is God's, and if princes and rulers fail to use it, others may." The Parliament ordered Knox and five colleagues to write a Confession of Faith, the First Book of Discipline, and The Book of Common Order—all of which cast the Protestant faith of Scotland in a distinctly Calvinist and Presbyterian mode.

Knox finished out his years as preacher of the Edinburgh church, helping shape the developing Protestantism in Scotland. During this time, he wrote his History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland. Though he remains a paradox to many, Knox was clearly a man of great courage: one man standing before Knox's open grave said, "Here lies a man who neither flattered nor feared any flesh." Knox's legacy is large: his spiritual progeny includes some 750,000 Presbyterians in Scotland, 3 million in the United States, and many millions more worldwide.

Buckle Up! We’re Headed for a NEW Reformation!
Join the Resistance Chicks and the Kansas Cowboy tonight for a VERY special Resistance Chicks episode! How is it that we have the word of God in every known language in the world? Did you know that before the Reformation, the everyday man was not allowed to read the word of God in his or her own language? Much of what Christianity is today can be traced back to a very important time in history known as the Reformation. But who was behind it, how was it birthed?

On the Eve of the 504th anniversary when Martin Luther (the Father of the Reformation) nailed his 95 Theses to those great big wooden church doors in Wittenberg, Germany, we are going to take you down a journey of history you may not know. That day, October 31st, 1517, was pivotal in throwing off tyranny, of reviving the body of Christ, of a massive harvest for the Kingdom! The days were dark, the people were oppressed and weakened. They needed a revival. What does that sound like? It sounds like today. And my friends, we are headed for a new

Reformation that is going to accomplish the same leap for Christendom as the Reformation did then. We have our own BOLD men, willing to lay their lives on the line for the truth, just like these church fathers, and we can’t lose! You will laugh, and you will be in awe of what these men did and how so many freedoms we have today can be attributed solely to their bravery and commitment to God. It seemed impossible then, and their faith shows us that with God, nothing is impossible!

National ID's are a trap: Ask Europe and China, Russia. National ID for anything is how fascism starts learn from history. Absolutely no national ID. The Neocons Rhinos are trying to trap the people. President Trump needs your help to get him out of the weeds, not everything he does is prefect.

He still thinks the shots are great. He might find himself in Nuremberg trails. Why don't you work to save his life from this court case that will be used by the Democrats to really get President Trump. Death.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Looved reading this thanks