Friday, November 5, 2021

blog Part 2 videos 4 and 5 The Glory of God "It Will Go Well With you!" Prophecy

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Pt 2a It Will Go Well With you! Prophecy The Glory of God 2nd blog, 3 blog Series

EPt 2b It Will Go Well With you! Prophecy The Glory of God 2nd blog, 3 blog Series


All governments are working outside the Law

Working illegally. The purpose of government is the protect and secure the Blessings of God. The Blessings of Jesus Christ Liberties. When anyone does that they are enemies or domestic terrorist of the people.  

At War with the People. 

Allegedly: The NIH band government Contracted financially with Hospitals to Refuse Life Saving Medical Treatment. Millions have died purposefully. Hospitals Used known medical drugs that would cause harm, hiding what they were doing. The effects made it look like pneumonia. Put people on ventilators and drugging the person so they could not wake up. The person drowns in fluids in their lungs. 

   Personally my father died this way. 

Revelation 21:11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

The New Jerusalem. The Kingdom of God

21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Ephesians 6:1-4 AMP

Children, obey your parents in the Lord [that is, accept their guidance and discipline as His representatives], for this is right [for obedience teaches wisdom and self-discipline]. HONOR [esteem, value as precious] YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER [and be respectful to them]—this is the first commandment with a promise— SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY HAVE A LONG LIFE ON THE EARTH. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to the point of resentment with demands that are trivial or unreasonable or humiliating or abusive; nor by showing favoritism or indifference to any of them], but bring them up [tenderly, with lovingkindness] in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
LAND God gives you.



Amanda Grace prophesied in her last video 10-21,2021 
21:28-22:27 Use your authority
 "You shall plant your flag next year."  
THIS IS MY LAND. .24:00  24:27  24:52  "Law lay claim for me the areas  I have given you."

Law Lay Claim:  To demand or assert as a right
Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action
turn the tables
phrase of table
  1. reverse one's position relative to someone else, especially by turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage.
  2. Steep dip: collapse of Dollar. Fake fraudulent counterfeit phony funny money  fiat 

Oct. 15, 2021 

Do not turn your back on the needs of your own flesh and blood.  Isaiah 58  Each person is to love your Mother and Father, Grandmother, Grandfather with God's love, power, and authority. The love of a child.  Honor them and respect them.

The love of God is so powerful, a love of a child "with that" powerful love. As your stand with God in you honoring, respecting these Mothers and Fathers" they, (Mom and Dad, Grandparents,),  stay or become sound minded: Happy, full of Joy. Knowing the Joy of motherhood and Love of a Father.
      No guessing.  You can see and feel this love and it's power. It is NOT the love of the world.  A Love that comes from God. A love that believes the best of your parents and knows that God will use his love to  bring the truth and the Gospel to their minds. "God loves me"The gospel is the power of God that heals any brokenness and fills a person with the Truth that sets them free from any lies.  

When God sets us free we are happy and full of love. We are able to love because our minds are full of peace, contentment, joy. Brokenness and lies keep everyone "not" sound minded, angry, mad, weak, stupefied, doing  everything the wrong way, and saying the wrong things.
    I was frustrated for hours trying to figure out how to type this up. It is easy to say.  I wrote it down with understanding, wisdom and  knowledge from the Holy Spirit.  How to accomplish this task was stopping me.  I prayed. Within an hour I was given wisdom of my on mind. I learned how to get "unstuck", "A rut," from my own failings, darkness, brokenness, weaknesses.  ***It isn't my fault.*** When someone has you go to school, or get a job, a drivers license. I had baton lesson, clarinet lessons, going to the swim club filled up the  summer time. Things that I didn't ask for or want. Counterfeit fake phony funny money.

I didn't have enough knowledge to know whether they were ok before God or not. They were not.  When we do things that are created, built by, encourage by the wicked people of the world our morals, minds and will are broken. "It's fun".  "Sin is fun." 
      Today with new information, I just have to go back and say NO. Repent.  Tell those there and myself why it is wrong and then stand my ground. The "practices" were coming from evil men and women who are wicked in one way or another. 
  God created the land for horses. Horses are for transportation. God created gold and silver coins for money. God created men to be tillers of the soil, milk cows, grow food, own land, raise children and women to be mothers, keepers at home. 

Evil men wanted all of us to be "Workers." Dependent on them. Resistance Chicks  do what we can to be Free from the system. Raise chickens, for eggs and meat. Bee keeping for pollination and Honey. Raise Kune Kune, a type of pigs, grow our food, save water and a lot more.


  Farming as G Edward Griffin said on the interview Oct. 18, 2021. "You are independent". 


Once I started on this journey HOME. Home to Great Great Grand Daddies Land I inherited from God. I realized my older Bothers and Sisters would verbally assault my parents to get their own way. We have individual power within us, without God. A force. Which is not from God. Harmful to those around us. When we submit to God we receive is power to bring Life, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness, love  and kindness.
My Siblings used this bad personal  power, forces and pressures against their parents. They  always said NO still in  the terrible two's and three's, (years old),  mentality to this day. 
   Every time they were  ask to do something the "right way."  You would hear a scream, "NO "you can tell me what to do." They learned to yell and fight even if it takes weeks, eventually I'll get what I want. The Negative side: My older brother figured it out around 14, 15 years old. He broke his parents over 15  years of 3 children doing this to their Parents. Not Able to face his personal failure due to vanity and arrogance, this problem he caused was their own fault plus He convinced himself to be  proud of it. It was a very good thing. He was a HERO! 
They were changing their parents from healthy good honest happy people to broken alcoholics: constantly becoming more physically ill, depressed, oppressed, mentality and emotionally in constant pain; broken hearted, low self esteem, disrespected, weak, degraded and  full of anger people. Could not love any more with the Love God had given them. 

 Feminist, progressives, communist, socialist, capitalist, other evil people in society did this to all of us! Severely verbally abused their parents.  ***They broke their parents.*** The "wicked", "the evil", criminals, con artist, haters of God, America and haters of good morals in society broke everyone.. Abuse of parents by their children. . Especially the Wicked, the  Evil who sought positions in the government in a relationship with cartels, counterfeit money creators. 

 They decided to change all people, world wide. Stop us from being independent free farmers; stop us being Mothers and Fathers. Stop us using real gold and silver coins because it is God's money, it is honest money, and most people are honest people.  Separated people from God. The knowledge of God to make everyone slaves to them.  
       They gave us counterfeit money and make us go to work for them. Slavery. Then all the money you made you had to give it back by buying from them. They did not do any work all of us slaves do all the work. They owned everything Electric Companies, Telephone, Automobile companies.  This enterprises were monopolies. In their "nature" they must be monopolies. Why you know it isn't from God. God did not give anyone the right to be that powerful over their fellow men. 

I blamed my parents for a long time. Do not blame them. Corrupt people especially who took over our country: Government has been breaking them down since they were born. Same with you and every good person on earth.

The bad people and children see what is going on and they have signals. "Eye looks" they give each other are the most obvious, then hand signals, key words, etc. Secrets they keep from the rest of us. 

When healing my own Mother and brother starting in 2004, Using the love and power of God. I heard Rumor my one sister was so mad. I was destroying all the hard work she did in her childhood, to change me, my brother and my Mother. From whom God had created, happy, well, Saints full of Life and Happiness. With brokenness comes mental damage and extreme health problems. A very kind person becomes violent, self harmful, self condemning, low self esteem,  and can be very  harmful to others. She had broken all of us. God was fixing the people she had broken. 
    But God's love heals and restores. People can recognize the love of God and feel God's wonderous Holy Spirit working with in them. 
  Changing people that is what happens when the wicked attack the "Good" by "doing the wrong thing. (Falsely accusing, lying, so much more. Consistently.  It is witch craft. Rebellion to God.  This is why The Bible says to not suffer a witch, Warlock to live. They harm everyone, break people. Cause great suffering. The Declaration tells us: History has proven when evil is tolerated the people suffer. Meaning we throw off witches, warlocks: tyranny. 

We need to go back repent stand up and say NO! I will not Help evil wick people continue breaking me or others. For this reason God gives us "Power" to stop Wicked people harming us and others. They do not have the Right to effect people in this way.  It takes being lead by God's Holy Spirit."  Using the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit to convict them of their crimes. See someone doing some thing wrong say so. 
    ***Honor your Father and Mother and it will go well with you.*** Y
Remember, go back to your childhood and love your parents with God's love, God's power and Authority that heals. You will learn things about your parents you didn't know. God will give you Words of wisdom, knowledge, understanding. 

No.  You can not go back in time and do it over. It is in your thoughts you need to repent, tell God you are sorry. Ask God to help you. Loving your parents with the goal For your life to be used by God has his servant, submitted to his Holy Spirit. The HOly Spirit's goal in your mind should be fro God  that of each person you know is only  hearing God's voice within them.  To know God's will for their lives, to find out their  "calling" from God. God will restore: Their gifts, their morals, learning having knowledge of God's ways and principles.  

Not your voice, not others, not their own Mothers and Father's, not teachers voices. All of us  a Community, a State, a Nation should have one goal...  the direct opposite of the social engineers, psychiatrist, etc. America, the goal of the Declaration of Independence of our Founding Fathers, our Great Grandparents. They wrote the Constitution for the goal that all men hear God's voice in all things. You can Know for sure what God started he will finish. He will continue being God. God doesn't change. God will clean your life, your parents and memory of your life with them.  They will be healed and love you the way God intended. They will be FREE. 

 Real America Life, Liberty and Happiness. Everyone is loved and respected. Head of every man, woman and child is God. Jesus Christ spoke and talked to me 2, 3, 4, years old up until I was lied to and told public school was good for me and the right thing to do. I believed that lie and became separated from my self, my love for God, lost my peace of mind, no longer free. 
  God teaches us everything we need to know as small children. It is called an anointing.  
God's intention that all men are "gentlemen" and "Ladies" lead by God's love which is "gentle".  

Either men will be obeying God; domesticating the land, plow the fields, tame horses, rustle cows, train hunting dogs, herd animals, Clear the land, Grow your own food. Using horses. Not bull Dozers. Build your own houses, barns, fences. Raise your own children. 

 Or men belong to Satan. The one that is the most evil are the owners, tyrants, all  men become like the tyrants, animals in a zoo. Tyranny being provided for. Instead of God being our  provider. 

Ruled by God and his holy Spirit,  Free.
or Ruled by tyrants always fighting for your personal rights, freedoms, belongings! 
When did tyranny start? When FDR stole all Americans gold coins from them. 
The Constitution represents  Free men walking and talking to God. God is the Head of every man. Every man living by Every Word of God. Owning land, farming women staying home raising their children. 

Men must be equal with the government. Government has gold coins, the men in America have gold coins,               The government employees need to know their place. Especially to day. they are equal or less than the people. Never above as "Lords". 
   Because of these tyrants, our inheritance was stolen.

The Land, the gold, the right to Independence, Mother's celebrating every day: the joy of Motherhood! "Due to the slavery of the masses, The people." Fiat, even backed by gold,  is slavery. Do not celebrate "Middle Class". There is only suppose to be equality." All men treated equally.   It is a God given right according to the Bible to live in a society where all men use gold and silver coins only. 
James 5 and Amos 8 
God given right to prosecute swindlers,
scam artist, cons scoundrels.  
These wicked evil people 
 definitely do not run the government!  

FDR stole, Husbands, Fathers then the children,  then the Mothers. The Elite stole everyone's Life! Liberty! and Pursuit of Happiness. Oppressed people are not happy, nor free, nor having "A Life". 
   It is touted as "Freedom from God's" calling of domestic life on the farms. Living a free life of Farming the land. A life, bring forth Life. A life of kindness and love.
In a free society men are lead by the Holy Spirit and everyone's goal is to help each other hear and obey God's spirit. Women with God can "know" "Their husband and children respect them and love each other." Vice a Versa
  When men Obey the Ten Commandments, Honor their Mothers and Fathers, meaning Mothers and Fathers honor their Mothers and Fathers... 
I learned this from the Pilgrims.
This is a law in Plymouth,

The promise of God. ***Is it will go well with you.***  It will go well with all of society.  In the old testament if a son rebels against his Father and Mother he is to be put to death. Or we have what we have today. 
   All these criminals, gangsters, cartel hated their parents, rebelled against their parents. They  especially the Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers. 
With God in Society, everyone does well for generations because  men Fear God. The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. Wisdom.   

Wisdom is the entry  into the Pearly Gates of Heaven. Through these Pearls of Wisdom. Jesus said a wise man went sold everything to find a pearl of great price: Wisdom!  
Over come evil with Good!  Wisdom from God. Reverence of God's Holy Word.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God. God loves me, I will turn to him and ask him to help me. 

God set America free from England, from oppression with the Gospel of Jesus Christ: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.   
America needs to respect Jesus Christ, reverence Him, know him. Honor him! Reverence him as the High Priest over America. As you would reverence a much older man full of great wisdom. The Kingdom of God is within.  God and the Lamb  are the temple of the City. We ae the temple of God. 
Now we the People need to hear. Listen, sit before and humble ourselves to listen to the Forefathers. The Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers and it will go well with us. To listen to our own great great Grand Daddies who wrote our State Constitutions.

 Brush, Push,  to the side this "Incorporated" so called governments. They are just another business like Burger King, Kleenex, Com Air, Toyota, etc.  . A business just as corrupt as the Federal Reserve itself. The are not President, Governors, Congressmen, Senators of our Federal Government ot State governments. Nor departments head, military of,  they are those "titles only"  to the Government, business stealing our names just  like the Federal Reserve does, "Incorporated".

We the people are not in that "Company", or "business establishment."  They broke from the US Government under the Pilgrims and Founding Fathers. 
     As God is my witness, they are foreign aliens to America!  Aliens!  Not space aliens. But traitors. Not loyal to the Declaration and the Constitution. They are vagabonds. Wanderers.  They are Squatters   on land that doesn't belong to them.

Everything they have and the Federal Reserve has, the Corporation, the military, It is all stolen! They used us as slave labor. They do not own a thing, they can not pass any laws. 
A squatter is a person who settles in or occupies a piece of property with no legal claim to the property. ... A property owner who does not use or inspect their property for a number of years could lose the title to another person who makes a claim to the land, takes possession of the land, and uses the land.
News Story : 


3 Ohio Judges Unexpectedly Die in 9-Day Period Following Vaccine Mandate in Cuyahoga County

Nothing to see here

with comment:   

Medical Tyranny

I guess the judges were on the wrong side of the law.  If they were on the "Righteous" side they would not have taking the ***"Transforming technology inserted into their bodies."***. 

It is a State of the Art Classified Weapon of Mass Destruction owned by the US military. Made to protect their cryptological Quantum Financial System. All people must now be transhuman.. Connect to machines for monetary technological advancements.  
They are Experimenting
 on people.

We are the experimental unit to work out the bugs in the programming of human beings merging our minds, bodies with computers.

This is For the united States of America ***QFS*** Quantum Financial System: This is why you have to have the transforming technology to have a job. Saints use gold and silver coins according to the Constitution. We can farm provide for ourselves we do not need them to provide for us.
This gets back to the Amanda Grace prophecy. 24:27 "Next year you will plant your flag and claim the land."
 "For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:21)
"...the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation." (1 Corinthians 14:3)

Prophecy Vs. Prophesy    Prophecy is the noun, and to prophesy is the verb. To prophesy is simply to pronounce prophecy. Prophecy at its most fundamental meaning is “a message from God.” Hence, to prophesy is to declare a message from God.  Prophecy: Noun "a prediction; the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying. "ProphesyVerb "to utter by or as if by divine inspiration; to predict with assurance or on the  basis of mystic knowledge." In short, we can describe prophecy as the message and prophesy as delivering that message.

William Blackstone

BLACKSTONE’S COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND was a hugely influential treatise on English law that methodically rendered that massive body of statutes and legal decisions called the “common law” into a coherent system of legal principles intelligible to the lay-person. The Commentaries was the paramount authority on the common-law in the eyes of the American Founders. Its articulation of the logic of the common law was one of the reasons that they chose to establish the American legal system on its basis. Blackstone is still cited today by lawyers and judges in their efforts to articulate the meaning of American laws and the Constitution.

Under God, By God's Word

Common Law

Men Obey Only God

Coins are silver Dimes
1 buys a sack of wheat
1 buys three sacks of Barley

***No one is Above God's Law***

Just Scales and Balances

Coins are silver Dimes

1 buys a sack of wheat
1 buys three sacks of Barley

Oct. 15, 2021  The Constitution Heals the Land! We the People Enter the Kingdom of God. Through the Pearly Gates of Great Wisdom from God. 
 Heaven on earth. The kingdom of God is within you.  Miracles will follow. God's Holy Spirit is opening the eyes of the people setting them Free. People Are no longer slaves but through Jesus Christ Freemen! 

L.A.Ships off shore, Grocery stores. It's God. Do not buy or sell with the wicked! Domesticate the Land. Do everything yourself with God helping you. Use only gold and Silver coins. It is the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence. We wrote those documents they are living and breathing. They came out of, were birthed out of our Love for God because we have a covenant with God. 

Our covenant isn't with men. It is with God.  
God reveals the Truth, his wisdom. Upon this rock I shall build my church. Revealed wisdom from God.
The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.  The revealed truth and wisdom of God. 

Gates of Hell --> the lies they tell over and over again in rebellion to God. To set up their lies as "Truth" in the minds of people. Worldly wisdom. Computers, AI, Monetary system. All based on lies.

The Rock, Jesus the very word of God. The Son of God.  His pearl,  wisdom revealed by the Holy Spirit breaks through the lies!
Jesus was born a man. Conceived by Mary his Mother, God his Father. Out of God's love for his creation. We are grateful to God, our Father, for his love and watchful eye over us. 

We build Statues, monuments to honor Great men and their sacrifices. Sacrifices their  dedication to God to liberate all men; to propagate the Gospel. Spread this wonderous great news of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins, power given to us by God, his very spirit to lead us every day.

Never be separated from God ever again. Reunited with him in Baptism of water, fire and the Spirit. Good men with God in them helping them Dominate the land again. Just like my family. My Great Great Grand parents, Fathers did before me.  


Sin’s Power Is Broken
1Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? 3Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? 4For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.
5Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was. 6We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. 7For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. 8And since we died with Christ, we know we will also live with him. 9We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. 10When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God. 11So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.
12Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. 13Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. 14Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.
15Well then, since God’s grace has set us free from the law, does that mean we can go on sinning? Of course not! 16Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living. 17Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you. 18Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living.
19Because of the weakness of your human nature, I am using the illustration of slavery to help you understand all this. Previously, you let yourselves be slaves to impurity and lawlessness, which led ever deeper into sin. Now you must give yourselves to be slaves to righteous living so that you will become holy.
20When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. 21And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that end in eternal doom. 22But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

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