Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Second Amendment Denied is A Crime of Enslaving Citizens

 Abuse of power is reason to remove from office everyone involved willfully, purposefully attempting To injure and endanger the lives of the citizens,

Bringing them under slavery to the State: where they are unable to be safe and secure in the lives, liberty and personal property.

The idea claiming this will lead to "Salem Witch trials" is if you allow one Christian action they will take the whole gov. The truth if you bow to these evil people without God they will be openly molesting children, drag queen time gay parades teaching perversion of sex in school it is all against the law, molesting children.

18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.

20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

All trouble, wars diseases are from witches, wizards, alchemist, for the last 100 years. Witches are doing this: murdering the entire earth. It isn't Christianity, she is admitting it. She is the witch and  killing everyone.​ NWO, UN are all KKK, witches wizards, worshipping the devil.

the more H2O the bigger ad better the food and our bodies. It is murder to reduce carbon, nitrogen is very good it should be natural farm animals. Stop using tractors increase animals use horses, more nitrogen not less

I can eat most of the weeds in our yard. Most are herbs and very good for you, I ate them playing out side as a kid, hibiscus, violets, roses, most flowers, grass tips, wild onions, so much more.  If animals eat it is ok to eat. Not grass, clover, Alfalfa!

PG here. You'll have to read a lot into this that is not written. Nicotine gum, patches and melatonin for long haulers because venom can stay in your body for 10 years. Countries around the world are making nicotine illegal? Why? GA Guide stones? Virus Latin for toxin or venom. Witches and Wizards choice since the beginning of time. Jesus said if you drink anything poisonous it shall not harm you. I'm pretty sure he was speaking to this problem. Paul just throw off a viper into a fire. He was suppose to die and he didn't.  B2T SHOW JUL 12, 2022   

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