Friday, April 28, 2023

I Am Charles, Easter April 9th, 2023 Pentecost May 28, 2023

On Video:

Be led by God! PG here. There was a wonderful Event Wednesday this week. April 26, 2023. Leah and Michelle were invited. They did not feel called by God to go! Thank God! They followed the Lord. Patriot Gallery here. Australia just murdered to murder by starvation their population: millions, I mean millions of Bees. God balanced it out. We are booming with bees. Trust the Lord. Always be led by God. The entire World depends on men following God. Michelle received the gift of a new hive, her hives have had 4 to 6 new queens. Which means 4 new Hives. She lost one, that flew away. But I could not do this. 🥶

10-hour live stream broken down into 5 different Parts watch at your leisure. Every Word is inspiring. A Team organized called by God to the re-dedication of America back to God. Declaration of America's Covenant Part 5 Glenn Beck Joined the Team last Week with David Barton remembered their plans years before but had forgotten. Glenn Beck Tag Teams with David Barton as Keynote speakers fulfilling a plan they had together for 5 years. Their original Plan was to be implemented in 2020 when everything was locked down. Nothing seemed to work out. It was to take place On the 500 anniversary of the Pilgrims Landing. A whirlwind tour starting at Gettysburg.

 In order to obey God we need to stop using counterfeited paper dollars. If you break one commandment you break them all. Only gold and silver coins are money! We are lying to each other every day! We are slaves to the Fed and disobeying God. There is no love without honest money. Honest people love each other dishonest people hate one another. God's laws do not apply in a corrupted immoral society. Everything is a lie, everything is wrong and abusive.1 Timothy 4:3 “They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth.”

There is no marriage unless it is Holy Matrimony. Most people are not joined by the power of God's Holy Spirit but by a government certificate with witnesses. That is not a covenant before God witnessed and miraculously joined by the love and power of God. Honest people have the Holy Spirit, and the Truth is honesty comes from God. People living by the Bible the Holy Spirit.

Navigating Current Challenges for a Self-Sustainable Future

With trillions of dollars on earth, there is no reason for any child to go hungry. Why? Greed. PG here There is no reason for anyone to go hungry with all trillions of acres of Land on the earth. 126 billion acres plus 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans, while 29% is land. Many people worldwide live on the water.
***NEW*** Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ****** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

A question? Is a man going to Save men from the Hoard of satan's people?  Who is going to save them from Satan's power over their minds? Who is going to deliver them, liberate them?  Jesus Christ the head of his Body.  The body of Jesus Christ. You and I. God's spirit ruling and reigning in each of us. We will by every word of God has written in our hearts and minds. Without numbered verses. 

Do not be deceived but think. Everyone is lifting up "Tesla", not God, not Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived. PG here, everywhere I turn I hear about Nikola Tesla. Not Jesus Christ or God. (UN, CIA, and Rockefeller's men are introducing a false Savior.) You know who got his things, all his information? CIA. The Deep State. MIT. No one is quoting God when quoting Tesla because Tesla was not a Godly-inspired man. Most of your information can be found in Nazi's science, China's Forbidden City. Occult practices. Based on observation of the Universe but not based on the Word of the Creator. Not based on Faith in God. Or America would be Christian. Based on "Frequencies" which again is Buddhist Monks. CHINA. People looking for an Ascension into higher beings transformed beings, Transcendental meditation. This is all Eastern Religions. Quantum is Also. All Demonic, wizardry, witches, psychics, mystics. I read a comment, "that once God does this we will be reading each other's minds, mind reader, telepathy is how we will communicate." Mind reading is the occult. Dimensions, Portholes, all Satanism. Not in the Bible. So if you are going to do "a psych op" on the people you would use Tesla information. So if the CIA wants to pull off a false ***End Times, Revelation, false anti-Christ*** you would make it awe-inspiring. Good Guys, bad guys. And Elon Musk New car is a "Tesla". Yes, this is planned out not by God but by the Military Industrial Complex. All on Jewish Holidays or mathematically precise? None of God's old testament prophecies are fulfilled with the watching eye. Elon Musk is the biggest defense contractor surrounding the globe with satellites to enslave the world. "Tesla" is how they are deceiving the people. Not good, morals, honest money, good works, etc.

Marjory Wildcraft makes growing food EASY and PRODUCTIVE... for anyone (full interview)
Metal Garbage can be cheaper to keep bugs out of food, seal with chalking! She buys rice and beans in 50-pound bags for emergencies. Lynette Zang interviewed this lady. She had the rattlesnake bite she treated at home. With mustard plaster.

PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks mom, Patriot Gallery. 1.) This is Satan. Those who worship death. Lies deceit etc. How do they do it? Counterfeited money. There is not enough gold and silver coins for them to print whatever they want. Wake everyone up that "fiat is counterfeited" is not real money. James 5 tells everyone to repent and confess and ask God to forgive All Americas for using their counterfeited money. When in prayer plead the blood of Jesus. Jesus paid the price for all men to have life and life more abundantly. These evil people must stop. Satan must stop. He has no right to enslave or imprison anyone under him. It is in the mind. Jesus died to save our souls from the devil's lies and mind control. People have the right to live by the truth.

PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks mom, Patriot Gallery. 2.) Only gold and silver coins are money. Everyone needs to farm and use horses. Satan has no power when we stand in Jesus' Name pleading Jesus' death paid the price for everyone's sins and freedom from sin, from Satan. Satan must let people go. Evil men must let all of us go. They must cease and desist. When you confess or plead the blood of Jesus. In Jesus' Name. Jesus gave us all power over all the power of the enemy. ***A cease and desist letter is a written notice in which the sender requires the recipient to stop an illegal or allegedly illegal activity. The letter can come from an individual, an attorney, or it can be an order or injunction issued by a court or government agency (in which case it's considered to have legal power.)*** 

Catherine is focused on Tennessee her State. God told me I am responsible for my Country. Ohio is my State. We were hoping to interview Carolyn Betts from Ohio. We can connect with a lot of Ohio legislators. Ohio is my Country! We are a sovereign Country. All our laws come from God. It is actually in our States Constitution. Ends all corruption especially fiat fake counterfeited money. It isn't in the Bible. "Farms for everyone" is in the Bible. Good wholesome living like the Amish is in the Bible. A job or socialized education is not in the Bible. No country is sovereign without its own gold and silver coins. The authoritative reference is history. Every country, nation has always had its own money. I saw a vision from God. My small town has 3 banks protecting all our gold and silver money for the people here n my town. Gives more power than the "Federal business, incorporate government. "

The country and states with gun control laws were the most tyrannical during lockdowns. A good reason to destroy all gun control laws.

PG here. If I say something I received through the anointing of God, {you have no need for anyone to teach you, the anointing teaches you everything, it is true there is no lie in it.) I speak it out. It was God speaking, not me. God confirms his word. The word was sent out to set the person free, to heal, and deliver, bring someone back to God, and convict men of sin. Do not ever believe me. I am not God. But if my words are from God? He will confirm it is him, not me. I give the person time to receive it, let it do a work of God, a miracle in their souls. when the word of God is done that word will bear fruit in their lives. Americans were trained to be defensive against anything their programmers trained them to believe.

 I have been saying, "Horses are our transportation, Ohio is my country, our laws come from Almighty God who has set us free to obey and him only. Only gold and silver coins, especially a silver dime which means 10% or a tithe. "For a long time. It isn't my own words, God told me and I'm telling others what God said. I have an anointing from God as a Mom. Real simple until your read the Ten Commandments. Mothers and Fathers are given a place right under God. To show forth the glory of God on this earth. So God's son, Jesus Christ is glorified on the earth by all people.

How God created you to stay in mental and physical shape. Plus provide your own food yourself. God never provides Social Security or medical insurance. He gave everyone the commission to plow or till the soil. Not go to nursing homes. That was all the devil. Satan makes people weak in sin, and God strengthens a man's mind and body. Obey God. He created the land ***free*** for everyone. Satan created property taxes. Man put a price tag or value on land. How can you provide for yourself without land? That puts each other in poverty, slavery under other men, or indentured Servitude. That is illegal in Ohio's Constitution. Why Fiat counterfeited money or the Federal Reserve and the Corporation of America have no rights in Ohio? Nothing incorporated does. It's all fraudulent, not legal government or businesses.

476,680 views Feb 9, 2023

PG here. Rant against Cancel Culture which is Satanism Witchcraft used by all governments to keep people in bondage to their masters the ***Warlords.*** Bankers, Counterfeiters, Money changers, Black magicians, illusionists, mental, emotional and lies are written on white papers, plans they make, computers programmers ***Oe is it?*** I make so many mistakes like this. It is so easy to fix to ***Or is it?***. I pray people will tell me when I make mistakes. so I can fix them. People think it would hurt my feelings, or they get angry about mistakes. I pray people will tell me so I can fix them. Jesus does. Jesus will tell me so I can fix them. 

Jesus with his spirit tells us our sins and then gives us room and even helps to fix our errors. He is a very good teacher, gentle, kind, patient, and forgiving. The public school takes that away from us, salvation through Jesus Christ and forgiveness of our sins. Because the State-run communist schools use the opposite Labels, discrimination, stereotypes, color of skin, age, sexual orientation, filth, dirt, and condemnation. You see the results of witchcraft in the people they raised with counterfeited fake phony pretend monopoly money. Very poor people these teachers are they have never been respected by using honest good money like gold and silver coins. They have never known God's forgiveness. Their rulers treat them like they are mere dogs in heat and dirt and they act like the state-owned slaves they were treated like.. Look at Cancel Culture. It is Satanism, witchcraft. No forgiveness. We need to return to help people know it is ok to error then go ba😇ck and fix it. "You do not know what you do not know".

Comment: Ohio has the first 15 min. city in the U.S. Reply: That is not Ohio, We the people are Ohio. Like a church building or hierarchy is not the church. We are separated from sin and sinners. They are breaking the laws of God by living in cities. Most men should own land, farm, and use only gold and silver coins. Ohio is a free country. Almighty God set us free. We are grateful to God who set us free. I am confessing the Truth free from lies. Liars like this are illegal. Satan was stripped of his power when Jesus died on the cross. Satan and his followers have no power and no authority. They are under, "We the people" who get our rights, power, and authority from obeying God's Holy Spirit within us. These evil men are under God and must submit to him like everyone in Ohio. Satan and those controlled by sin in them must obey the commandments of God repent, confess their crimes, have God deliver them from sin or programming by witches=public school, and turn away from sin. Serve Almighty God. In Jesus' name. (Take it up with him, speak to him, I speak for him.)


I have the sword of the spirit of the living God within me! No fear! Power, love, and sound 
mindedness.. The government, we the people, do not carry the sword in vain. PG here. Actually, I found God's Holy Spirit cleansing my mind of all the lies the fiat fake, phony, counterfeited money created in my mind. God cleansed my mind of the filthy lies of the Devil as a child. As a child I was baptized with water, God filled me with power and life, and love in his Spirit of truth. He also wrote his laws on my mind and heart. The Truth is destroying the double-mindedness of Witches, public school teachers, TV programming, oil companies, and bankers programmed in me. Satan in men is being destroyed. Lies in their minds that evil has controlled men. James 5 the whole chapter. The love of money is the root of all this evil. 

Witch Hazel
is kind of like an American Ivermectin or turmeric.  I do not think it kills parasites? Who knows?       Kills Bacteria, reduces swelling, mild sedative, and stops bleeding. The Native Americans used this plant as medicine. As a tea even. Ask your community and local area if you can purchase the seeds or a plant. The perfect plant for homesteading.
Seeds take two years to germinate. 

Trust the Government when government points to God's creation to heal. The Bible says in Revelation 22 that in heaven there is a river that runs through the leaves has healing in them. Why will the nations need healing in the New Jerusalem? The New Jerusalem is God's kingdom within each man on earth. Pray for God's Kingdom to come his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Progressive machines, technology ***means*** lying and deceiving giving people not real money but counterfeited to cheat them then you are definitely doublemindedness because you love the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 because Satan brought you sin, but you are trying to love God at the same time. And use his power and principles to obtain the world and worldly successes
God gave you power over all the power of the devil, nothing shall harm you. You just have to repent and come back to God. Farm to meet your daily needs, use horses for transportation gold, and silver coins for money. Like the Amish and God, you can feel and know the power God has given you. You'll know the power of your anointing calling to subdue everything that lifts its head above the knowledge of God. God gives you his power. You'll walk and talk with God. The two of you work together to vanquish fears and tell the Truth.

May 6, 2023

Good info except for the Great Tribulation. That does not line up with scripture. Jesus destroyed Satan's power by dying on the cross, his power to deceive, and gives us power from the spirit of truth to open people's eyes to the truth.

The coronet follows the form laid down by King Charles II in 1677 by having just one arch rather than the traditional two arches or four half-arches of British monarchs' crowns to show that the Prince of Wales is inferior to the monarch but outranks the other royal princes and dukes.[4] Though based on this traditional design, the coronet has a futurist look that was popular in the 1960s, and it was created by the eccentric designer Louis Osman.

In the centre of the arch is a monde (which is actually a gold-plated ping-pong ball)[5] engraved with the Prince of Wales's insignia by Malcolm Appleby, surmounted by a plain cross. Orbiting the monde are thirteen square diamonds set in platinum arranged as the constellation of Scorpio – the Prince of Wales's star sign. Within the 24-carat textured gold base is a purple velvet cap lined with ermine. Around the base are four crosses and four abstract fleurs-de-lis in 22-carat gold (mined in the Mawddach Valley in Merionethshire, it was the last Welsh gold held in stock by Johnson Matthey) sparsely decorated with diamonds and emeralds.[6] The diamonds on the base are intended to represent the seven deadly sins and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.[7] In total, the coronet has 75 diamonds and 12 emeralds – white and green being the national colours of Wales – and weighs 1.36 kilograms (3 lb).[8] It measures 26.5 centimetres (10.4 in) tall and 28.8 centimetres (11.3 in) in diameter at the widest point.[9]

The heavy and priest-like golden robes King Charles III will wear for his Coronation have been revealed.

During the service, the King will put on layer upon layer of glittering vestments, some of which were created for his great-grandfather George V.

Prince William will help during the service by placing a ceremonial robe on his father.

Behold I saw Satan fall like lightning. Very good. Spot on. The Lord told me, "He reserved the power of electricity for himself." He did not give men the right to use electricity. When men use electricity they are in rebellion against God. Yes! Absolutely true.. Applause! Applause! "Horses are our transportation."


Good Watch, The Best and latest of Tucker Carlson. "He speaks for God." Tell the truth. You receive this power that comes into you. You will no longer be fearful. Only gold and silver coins are money

Do Not say I am Spartacus? I am Charles! Cease and Desist this illegal Activity. No one can give anyone the right to sin and enslave others. There are no such laws legalizing depravity. Just lies on burnable paper. Laws are written within the free conscience of men. Self-evident by the Holy Spirit of God. All laws come from God who sent his very own son to die and shed his blood so all men are free from sin, free from Satan. Freeman. Charles French word for freeman. No one owns another person.


***A cease and desist letter is a written notice in which the sender requires the recipient to stop an illegal or allegedly illegal activity. The letter can come from an individual, an attorney, or it can be an order or injunction issued by a court or government agency (in which case it's considered to have legal power.)***

PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks, Leah's mom, Patriot Gallery. 1.) Whatever name you give it, our enemy is Satan. Those who worship death. Lies deceit etc. Jesus destroy Satan when he died on the cross. We must assert our right to self-government. Let all men know that the right was given to us, it comes from Almighty God. According to the Ohio Constitution in 1851 We the people retain all political power and Authority, through the working of the Holy Spirit of God in us. According to the Bible, God Almighty, we are representatives of God as Kings in our government. God ordained us as his chosen people a Royal Kingdom, a Holy Priesthood to shine the light of God's love, justice, and peace on the earth. Of Jesus Christ's kingdom, there shall be no end. How do they do it? Do you have access to a printing machine where you can do whatever you want because people believe your counterfeited money is legal? (BUT it is not legal. It is illegal.) God decides what is legal money not mere men like Rothschild's.
Kings and Priests Podcast

 We have a responsibility as Kings and High Priests to apprehend these people and make them cease and desist. First in the Spirit. resist the devil he will flee. Counterfeited money. There are not enough gold and silver coins for them to print whatever they want. Wake everyone up that "fiat is counterfeited" is not real money. James 5 tells everyone to repent and confess and ask God to forgive All Americans for using their counterfeited money. He promised in James 5 to forgive and heal all of us. When in prayer plead the blood of Jesus. Jesus paid the price for all men to have life and life more abundantly. These evil people must stop. Satan must stop. He has no right to enslave or imprison anyone under him. It is in the mind. Jesus died to save our souls from the devil's lies and mind control. People have the right to live by the truth.
PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks, Leah's mom, Patriot Gallery. 

2.) Only gold and silver coins are money. Everyone needs to farm and use horses. Satan has no power when we stand in Jesus' Name pleading Jesus' death paid the price for everyone's sins and freedom from sin, from Satan. Satan must let people go. Evil men must let all of us go. They must cease and desist. When you confess or plead the blood of Jesus you are stating where your power and authority for self-government comes from God. The authority to uphold God's written law is within us. 

The Ohio Constitution. God set us free not to do whatever we wanted and sin, (rob, steal, kill), We have been liberated to LIFE, HAPPINESS, and FREEDOM TO SERVE GOD to live by every word of God. To cause men to repent of their sinful lives and turn to God and obey God. In Ohio, all our laws come from God. Ohio is my Country. We are a Sovereign Nation. In Jesus' Name. Jesus gave us all power over all the power of the enemy. 

PG here, masfaith3, Resistance Chicks mom, Patriot Gallery. 2.) Only gold and silver coins are money. Everyone needs to farm and use horses. Satan has no power when we stand in Jesus' Name pleading Jesus' death paid the price for everyone's sins and freedom from sin, from Satan. Satan must let people go. Evil men must let all of us go. They must cease and desist. When you confess or plead the blood of Jesus. In Jesus' Name. Jesus gave us all power over all the power of the enemy. ***A cease and desist letter is a written notice in which the sender requires the recipient to stop an illegal or allegedly illegal activity. The letter can come from an individual, an attorney, or it can be an order or injunction issued by a court or government agency (in which case it's considered to have legal power.)*** 


I Am Charles, Easter April 9th, 2023 Pentecost May 28, 2023
David Knight, Witch Hazel, Catherine Austin Fitts, LASER WEAPONS, Alex Jones, Bob Fletcher, SwampWars, ITM trading, Lynette Zang, Declaration of Covenant, Cease and Desist, Thomas Summers, Zach Odom, Hugo Talks, 2ndA, Cease and Desist, Mike Adams, Bo Polny
Read Along:
Do not be deceived but think. Everyone is lifting up "Tesla", not God, not Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived. PG here, everywhere I turn I hear about Nikola Tesla. Not Jesus Christ or God. (UN, CIA, and Rockefeller's men are introducing a false Savior.) You know who got his things, all his information? CIA. The Deep State. MIT. No one is quoting God when quoting Tesla because Tesla was not a Godly-inspired man. Most of your information can be found in Nazi's science, China's Forbidden City. Occult practices. Based on observation of the Universe but not based on the Word of the Creator. Not based on Faith in God. Or America would be Christian. Based on "Frequencies" which again is Buddhist Monks. CHINA. People looking for an Ascension into higher beings transformed beings, Transcendental meditation. This is all Eastern Religions. Quantum is Also. All Demonic, wizardry, witches, psychics, mystics. 
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