Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Opening For "Today You'll be in Paradise 50 days Easter to Pentecost The Eagle"

 PG here, Patriot Gallery, Resistance Chicks Channel. I am Leah, and Michele's Mom
 You are Watching JoshwhoTV 
Link to blog. https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2023/04/april-18-2023.html An opening message I received from God.
April 25, 2023

You are Watching JoshwhoTV 
Genesis 1: 2  The earth was formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.

1st point Midlife Crisis is not a Midlife Crisis.

Throw off the Old Youth

Be rejuvenated, A new Start new growth.

Just like the Eagle.  

https://judeochristianclarion.com/teaching-moments/spring-up-o-well/ (pic to the left)
America is being resuscitated. Throwing off the old growth, allowing for new growth out of the roots, out of the foundation. America is founded on the word of God, of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Just like in Genesis. The Spirit of the Lord Hovers over the Earth. The Earth was without form and void. 

God spoke and the "Holy Spirit" caused creation to come to life. That same Holy Spirit is bringing everything on the planet back in alignment with creation, reconciling the World back to God. 

Minds elevate by the knowledge of the Most Intelligent Being God. Learning from him, seeing his mighty power protecting and providing for Them. 

Ready our hands for War. 

Body in unity, tied together, Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses. They won the war.

By the Hand of GOD! (Pic to the right)   https://www.pinterest.com/taahbear/by-the-hand-of-god/

What does the eagle represent in Scripture?
In Exodus 19:4 and Deuteronomy 32:11 the eagle represents God and his loving care towards Israel. In both descriptions we read about God bringing his people out of Egypt and into Canaan as if on the wings of an eagle.


    God is our Eagle   An Eagle protects her young. Israel out of Egypt is a new Nation. 
 According to Exodus 17:13–16 in the Bible, Jehovah-nissi is the name given by Moses to the altar which he built to celebrate the defeat of the Amalekites at Nissi 
The great general, the perfect protector, the LORD was with them. The very name used in Scripture is Jehovah Nissi - "the Lord is my banner".
The Lord is our Banner, connection, contracted with God who wins the War, the Lord the Conqueror. 
Jesus, God fights and wins through us, we receive the bounty. 

New Sprouts or Shoots off a dead Satanic tree. 

A comment left on this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xOIx9bPrWkI2/


PG here When all is gone, lost. Men will remember, what God said and written out of the founding father's actions, men inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Constitution, in the Bible, and the annuals of time. To create a new Nation, a more perfect Union of men. With love for God and Brotherly love towards one another. In Unity with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The church, or body of Jesus Christ. Who is head over his government? The rightful King over all Men.  Land, promised land, farms for everyone.  God told Abraham, and all men to use only gold and silver coins as legal tender. America or a few men 
broke the laws God has given men. America became a communist atheist State County. With no one allowed to have their own free will. 
But all men are obligated to obey the Federal Reserve Act law! England, London. City States who have no loyalty but to destroy anything good, Godly, Moral, and Upright. 
 Instead of the Constitution. Satan has been reigning through the worst possible of men. Rockefeller became King over America instead of men mining for real gold it was black gold men mined for. Men set up an idol. Like Baal, Bathophlet, Rockefeller, and Ford, Carnegie became America's god. Greed.   Enslaved all men under a few dictators. Tyrants who have stolen everything, the promises, and blessings of God. 
They, you, we are now disobeying The laws of nature and nature's God. God is merciful but he is just and fair. Federal Reserve Banking system broke God's laws. The laws I just described above.  Crime does not pay. Admit you broke the law and you deserve your punishment. 
You'll lose everything willingly or unwillingly. Until men are back to using horses for transportation. All are men willingly building their own homes with their own two hands and their own barns. The only way to have land and a farm is in obedience to God's Holy Spirit. Which is the Spirit of Truth. You can not save what God did not create, or what men built without God. James 5. The whole chapter "Woe to you rich men who counterfeited money." Obedience to God's Holy Spirit, calling on God to save you, the name of Jesus, and being led by the word of God that the Holy Spirit reminds you of, is the only thing that can save men.

I'm writing and recording a blog on this subject. Think about the eagle he gets rid of his youth and new growth comes out of it. Or a man in a midlife crisis goes back to trying to find his youth again. You have to break ties with the evil of America's sinful last century in order for it to grow back corrected. We have to go back to the 1900 century destroy the evil treason, and treachery, and go back to the farmland. 95 % of men are to be Famers. free independent men. The right way of doing things. Morally correct.  Americas were robbed of by Robber Barons. Get our Independence, Life, Liberty, and Happiness back. Get our real blessings of God back. Gold and Silver coins are a blessing of God. He increases our wealth. 

Excerpt from: My Kidneys Instruct Me IYAR 5783 May, 2023 Christine Vales:  I accidentally skipped over reading this part. 

Know James 5.. All of it. This is pure Evil. Satan. Jesus can protect you. Jesus destroyed Satan's hold on your life when he died on the cross. He paid for you. for All men! Call on his name. Jesus will Liberate you. You become a free man and Satan can not enslave you to sin with them. You choose to use only gold and silver coins in obedience to The Bible, Jesus, and the Constitution. If you have ever heard someone say, "I plead the Blood of Jesus." A court term. 

Satan says, "I own you." You sinned! In a court of law. You say No! You do not. I am filled with the Holy Spirit of God. I renounced counterfeiting money, I denounced Satan, and I repented. I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Jesus is my King. He destroyed Satan. He destroys any power or authority you had over me. When you sin you deserve to die. You are a slave to sin. Then in that system, or kingdom you have a hierarchy of people. You must obey the one who is more powerful than you. But Jesus is the door out of that system. Receive his Holy Spirit, God gives you power over all, over all the power of the enemy. They must repent and become like us. They have to stop counterfeiting money. They must use gold and silver coins in hand. That we can see.

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