Friday, May 12, 2023

IYAR 16/May 7th 2023 The Day Manna Fell from Heaven by Christine Vales


God poured out his spirit on all flesh
 Easter to Pentecost  April 22 through May 28 2023   50 Days  Exodus 16,  Psalms 119:24,103,  Proverbs 3:2, 4,  John 6:63

1 minute to 4 minutes
 Bread From Heaven. A food superfood tasted like honey. 

Manna meaning the Word of God

Jesus' Words are spirit and life. 

Peace, abundance, favor, understanding, healing, refreshment, safety, security, prosperity, protection,  welfare, refreshes bones, health to naval. 

Exodus 16, wait alone with God receive from him. And he will speak to you.

Read the Bible also.  

Christine Vales 

Thanks for tuning in !

Join in on the discovery of God's prophetic calendar and watch His prophetic timing unfold in real-time in your life! These chalkboard and other video teachings are the companion lessons connected to “His Appointed Times- Hebrew/Gregorian Calendar /Journal & Study Guide” by Christine Vales. The New 2023 Edition of "His Appointed Times" and other prophetic resources for the new year by Christine Vales are available now in our online shop here…

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Government? They do serve God, so they break all the Ten Commandments. Just put up a blog the Lord gave me. As Christians we use The real government power and authority in us through the anointing tt comes from God living in us. We make all men submit to Divine laws, no one is above God's law! IYAR 16/May 7th, 2023 The Day Manna Fell from Heaven by Christine Vales If you watch any of it watch the second half. Powerful, and anointed, God sets the captive free. You don't know what you do not know. I was stunned to see how Christianized the world was before Satan's children took over the Monetary System enslaving everyone. God set me free from Monetary Tyranny. Come listen to God so that God can set you free from monetary slavery.

All men must repent. Live according to the principle written within as children. We have to hold men accountable to the highest moral standards. The highest moral standards only come out of The Body of Jesus Christ, the Christian Religion. Strong men and women internally. Voluntarily but this is Why. The religion of Satan Kills steals murderers is sexually attacking children, turning humans into commodities, slaves. PG here. I do not listen to anyone unless the Lord confirms what they say to my soul and spirit. Tucker: Yes, the finance said he is a "Voice for God." Not every word he says. But what the media is doing? He is teaching the truth on how to get your ***soul back*** from their programming. It's like a "101 beginning course" on morals, God, and why we need a Christian Nation. You will have corruption without a "religious" community of Americans. Religion in its good meaning. "Belief". Belief in God. Everybody believes something or everybody as a religion ***a moral belief***. The Founding Fathers said ***religion and law*** are twins sisters. Whatever the religion of the people will be, that is the law of the nation. Then they said after studying all religions Christianity is the best.

PG here. I appreciate everyone loving this stuff, President Trump wants to bring all this to the open. As Christian, Constitutionalist, honest person please be open that all technology leads to the same end. Imprisonment of all people World Wide. It is good vs bad, yin yang, China, Eastern religions. Religion is beliefs. Both sides 

whether free or exceptional it is from the devil. All of it. It harms humans because it is not natural. The body, and life on earth are harmed by technology. Right now the internet this technology we are using is harming us. Mentally, and physically. 

Thomas means Twin. religion and the law are twin sisters. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are twins. Whatever the religion is is the law.

“Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. Far from 

being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these 

two sciences run into each other.”

– James Wilson, United States Founding Father, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Signer of the Constitution, 2nd most active speaker at the Constitutional Convention speaking 168 times, Original Justice of the United States Supreme Court appointed by George Washington, “Of the General Principles of Law and Obligation.”

Civil religion is ethos of a society that undergirds a common good

By extension, religion can be defined as the “careful observance of a binding divine rule.” Civil religion is the bond that unites a people under the same laws and rules and provides a sense of inclusion, belonging, identity, unity and structure, worth, confidence, transcendence, and purpose. It is the ethos of a given society that sometimes enables citizens to sacrifice their lives for the common good.

Easy way to Build a smokehouse. Two videos with two ways to use it. Smoked Chicken and Strawberry candy.

Add Trays to your smokehouse for drying foods.

***Fear of others*** keeps people in bondage as ***servants to them***. That person is ruling you. Ruling by fear. (Property taxes, Income Taxes, fiat counterfeit money, CBDC rule by fear) President Trump lives in the media's head, that is all they talk about. They hate him. But if they truly hated him his name would not be mentioned. Whose name do you mention more often? Who is making you afraid because of their plans you think will harm you? Whose name do you speak for? Trump? Elites? WEF? Globalist? Get everyone out of your head. If you want to save the country. There is only one name above them All. That is why America had a revolution, in 1776. The King of England wasn't in their head. Americans did not fear the King. They lived every day seeing how they could obey Jesus above all other voices. Their lives depended on God helping them. So, Help me, God. Fear God, obey so he can help you. Your end goal should be a long life and living Eternity in heaven. Fear of men eternity in hell.

1.) *** Whoever makes you angry is controlling you.*** You are under their influence. Wayne Jet wrote a book called ***The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now*** by Wayne Jet. {Economic depressions have caused. This book identifies specific actions to cause, deepen and prolong the Great Depression of 1929-1940. And, it
names the culpable officials and the private interests which influenced them. The mercantilist economic system imposed by America's small circle of the dominant elite is examined from colonial days to 2011, with emphasis on FDR and the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve, the SEC, the US dollar, and the financial crashes of 2000 and 2008.}

Graft: to splice into a tree a branch from another tree. The fruit of America's foundation are justice, peace, love, the whole truth, kindness, sincerity, morality, low crime, honesty, and trust between neighbors, all good things that come from God. People knew the gospel, knew God which resulted in the pursuit of happiness from the original Tree. But Evil people started grafting in darkness, Satanism, witchcraft, and black tree branches. Producing bad fruit in everyone's lives, everywhere in society.

PG here.

2.) See this scripture from James 1
James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be as the ***firstfruits*** of his creatures.
19 Wherefore my dear brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
20 For the wrath of man doth not accomplish the righteousness of God.
21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness, and superfluity of maliciousness, and receive with meekness ***the word that is grafted in you,*** which is able to save your souls.


We need to keep our minds on Jesus Christ in the Gospel. God loves me, he sent his son to die be buried, and is risen from the dead, for the punishment or payment of our sins. Then he fills us with his word, laws, love, power, and life. The Holy Spirit. God will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed of me, Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 26: 3 You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.
We can see these people as the small people they are and how big God is and easily does justice for all, everyone. Stop them, all their works of darkness, and take off the grafts that get their strength, and life from the original real tree of Liberty. We will bear good fruit for God. All will see God's power, God will Glorify himself. God's goodness.
***Today You'll be in Paradise 50 days Easter to Pentecost Series*** April 9th 2023 thru May 28th 50 Days From Easter to Pentecost.
Jesus expounded the Word of God and their eyes were open. Follow Along: An opening message: PG here, Patriot Gallery, Leah, and Michelee's Mom received from God today. Wisdom from God is so important. God is bringing us into his system, his Kingdom on earth. Jesus would have us heal the education we received and experiences we've had so we have divine wisdom. A Wisdom where everyone turns looks and says, "Oh My", that is God speaking! Following that anointing are signs, wonders, healings, life from the dead, happiness, and Liberty. God poured out his spirit on all flesh. Bread From Heaven. A food superfood tasted like honey. Manna meaning the Word of God Jesus' Words are spirit and life. Peace, abundance, favor, understanding, healing, refreshment, safety, security, prosperity, protection, welfare, refreshes bones, health to naval.

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