Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Contracting With CBDC, Fed Now Use Your Power to Shut Them Down!

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July 24, 2023, You may need to close your bank Account. You are agreeing to "All the new changes" Contracting With CBDC, Fed Now just by continuing to use it. Federal Reserve Act all over again. The New World Order has you in a contract, just like your Birth Certificate legally! Common law can not save you if you use your bank Account. The government just sold your personal possessions, body, mind, labor, etc. to the New World Order. You become their slave! The way out become your own bank. Only owning and using gold and silver coins will establish your sovereignty. Obey the Constitution, obey the Bible. Only gold and silver coins are legal tender. Demand all men use Honest Money. Call these people criminals, counterfeiters. Be responsible, and do your duty, It is your God-given right! Shifting Your Bank Accounts to Fed Now Without Your Knowledge - by Lynette Zang

PG here. Public Notice: Too Bad X * is unconstitutional. When people are positioned in a coffin they cross their arms. Death. Then you have crypto which means death. Americans are given the right from God to REPENT from sin and the punishment is death. Repent from Death: Satan's servants must flee evil and are to receive LIFE, LIBERTY, and FREEDOM from God's grace and merciful forgiveness. Then filled with his Holy Spirit. Become Saints, children of God Almighty full of life, free from sin, and evil. Now equipped by God to do works of Almighty God, no longer works of Darkness. All men have the right to live with people who love them, care about their eternal souls, and live with people they can trust to be honest, sincere, morally upright God fearing good people. Trustworthy. no traitors in our mist, traitors to the Right TO life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness Jesus Christ's Salvation brings all FREEMEN! No one is free to do evil but is bound by the Constitution, by duty, responsibility, and right to live under our God-given laws

FREE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. LOVE GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. THE RIGHTFUL Government is founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, life, death, and resurrection from the Dead. Destroying Death on the Cross! Death, crypto, etc. are all antithetical to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Shut it all down. Citizens arrest. In Jesus' Name. America is Jesus, The Christian People, and God's country, creation. Through the shed blood of Jesus. Satan, all demonic forces, the Spirits of Death summoned have no right in America and must leave. NOW! An enemy of the people. A lethal enemy of the people, a mortal enemy. Counterfeiters of all types, kinds of evil fake phony, illusional, deceit-filled money. All perversion of the good, wholesome, clean laws for the innocents, and protection of the public good. Must stop immediately. Only gold and silver coins are money. antithetical: Directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible. "people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine"

Repent that your souls might be saved by God from the sin of counterfeiting and using counterfeited money.

Elon's ***X*** Only propagandist will be given boosting, Osrisi Risen Symbol, Satanist Alister Crowley, International, Golden Dawn, Pagan gods, Secret Societies, Black Mirror, monitors, Witches mirrors.


Hugo Talks



Sharing some of the URGENT messages that we believe God is speaking to the nations at this current moment.

You are surrounded by food and medicine right out your back door. Nature. Cancer prevention and flu, colds, plague??? (Antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antitumor effects of pine needles (Pinus desiflora))Cardiovascular health, antioxidant, immune function (Comparison of methods for proanthocyanidin extraction from pine (densiflora) needles and biological activities of the extract). Point to their potential usefulness in cancer prevention." Enough Vitamin C to cure scurvy And don’t boil them. Boiling not only destroys vitamin C, but it also releases more terpenes.

Catherine Austin Fitts, Carolyn Betts, and Polly Tommey

Deep State Tactics

Who is controlling the government? A Government that is secret.

15 Part overview

#1 Faith, Hope, and Love

Your power comes from From Niow Abideth

Faith, Hope, and love that comes from God.

#2 Health outside the system, be your own doctor. Herbs, biology books, homeopathic medicine

The Health Care system is used to poison people. Avoid City Water. It is poisoned. Obey the Bible dig your own well. Drink water out of your own well.

# 3 24 hours: Communication, Surveillance

Government shuts you down, and out of jobs, banks, etc., tap the phone, follow and watch you.

#4 Mind control, Military grade neurological Weaponry. It exists. Find out how to protect yourself.

Manipulation, confidence games, and pornography break your down and get you to go to underage actors. To control you.

Overlay subliminal messages: TV controls since 1984, in music also.

Read a book. It is called Black Mirrors, monitors, Witchcraft is control

#5 Brand, and Social Prestige, Social Status

Get Rid of all of it. It actually is a ball and chain dragging you down. The higher up the Deeper into sin, guilty of things would not think of, and immorality. Further from God.

#6? ??Catherine Austin Fitts Just reported that the deep state gets men to see for just a second and then gets men to click on it, porn, child porn, etc. Now the government keeps control files on pastors Mayors, and governors, then they pull it out when they want the person to do things for them.

37:00 minutes

#7 Government has control files on people, Mayor, reporters, and Cabinet members, destroy people.

The 7 deadly sins, gluttony, greed, etc.

#8 Can be used to control. Personal Benefits, Health Care Plans, Vacations, dark benefits: one is actually sex slaves.

#9 Financial incentives. If you play ball. Free money from the government harms everyone, being bought off. Hunter Binder is illegal benefits

Evil trying to completely control every financial System. Everything.

Financial Transaction Freedom

#10 Legal Constitution, Government disobeying the Constitution on everything. Your mind is a part of the infrastructure they need to control.

#11 Legal Warfare, IRS, investigating any errors you have made, they will make something up.

#12 Culture and Consumerism getting people to buy all the new products, designer clothes, hairstyles, etc. Always spending money, buying all the time, buying expensive cars, homes, cell phones, and vacations. Thinking and acting materially.

#13 Cyber Security: Causing the internet systems to hiccup. You do not have trouble if you are on the right side. Online Sabotage.

#14Data Beast Operations, Covert Operation the Darkside, Deep State Corporate Contractors

Day 1 Person gets Fired,

Day 2 Credit Card offers 30% interest payment, drug dealer shows up, a real-estate con, steals your home, turned into Child protective system, the church,

#15 Operation Gladio, Covert Operation, NATO OPERATION, Physical Harassment,

Solari Report suffered 18 audits, smear campaigns, Physical harassment, and technocracy using every person as a human resource, and assets. Communism tells everyone what life is going to be.

Keep technology away from every child. Pay snitches to make things up about you. Falsify evidence.

#16 The beatdowns. A neighborhood having trouble, Fire Department, City Council, and Local Guys getting whooped. All having trouble. Build local strength economy, Local business, people, organize.

#17 Hard Times, Deep State coming at the whole global economy. Hard Times come and go. Do not give in.

PG here.

This happened in 1930, 1970. Go for the root. Their main artery. They do not have God you do. Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual, and powerful. They will bleed out. Repent of having anything to do with counterfeiting money. James 5. Woe unto the counterfeiters, 14, 15, 16, 17 tells you to confess your participation in counterfeiting money. Using it is a sin. Know that only gold and silver coins are money. God is faithful, he will deliver you from the counterfeiting scam. Save your entire life. Stat again with God you'll have so much more, Think what each Amish man and family have. With growing food, raising animals, milking cows, and doing everything yourself, it is easier and you actually keep all your own labor. No debt or usury, All profit.


1:18:00 UFO Files, CIA involved go to UFO conferences to find people to groom into bringing out the UfO threat.

There is a War inside the CIA and others about when, who, and how to introduce Alien Threat. To take control over The World. Bobby Inlan brought forth alien craft, Intelligence knows what the crafts are and who is flying them in the 90s.

Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board 1991-1993,

Intelligence Agents are the best trained LIARS, Satanists. Occult Satan worshippers. UFO Espionage. Call anything they attack, and kill them saying they were not humans but they were Aliens.

1:33:00-1:41:00 President Trump knows a great deal about the UFO Files because of his Uncle John Trump. Tesla projects.

It is Space Force not Aliens.

1:42:00-1:56:00 More on Telsa, Space Force put UFO Files under the Executive Branch, John Trump was a part of the Manhattan Project, Tesla, and Deep State Dark Secret Government. Demonic, CIA, Black Budget, An Act!

Trump is "A Facade". A small elite group works behind him.

New Technology is ancient technology, China, occultism.

Aleister Crowley, Jack Parson, NASA, Fake UFO stuff, Fallen Angels, Interdimensional beings.

UFO exposure, Is about Blackout Mail

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