Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Laws Written by God in the Minds and Hearts of Men are Infallible

 Deep Words that come from the 

Holy Spirit are holy, pure refined, 

Elegant, dignified, and sophisticated

 ...   Our enemy is those who desire to enslave us to their sins, be their slaves. Clean their homes, mow their lawns, carry their drinks, clean their shoes, feet,  grow their food, make their clothing, feed their horses, shovel their horse and animal stalls, and build their houses. nurse them when their evil lifestyles make them sick. They are old before their time 

@timomalum I have no enemies. I am We the People. I am the government. These 2-bit thugs broke the law. The laws of God that I live by and all others must live by will bring all men to justice. If they have done nothing wrong they can defend themselves in a fair, just court of law.  I get my authority from God, I don't care what they say. 

Laws written by God in the minds and hearts of men are infallible

Latin: Leges a Deo scriptae in animis et cordibus hominum infallibiles sunt

Clarification: Laws written by God in the minds and hearts of men are infallible. By the rebirth of the infilling of God's Holy Spirit. The Transformation is done miraculously by God. A man forgiven and restored to a none fallen state of being. Is then one with God. Reconciled to God. 

@timomalum God did not give them permission nor did the Constitution, Nor the Laws Nature and Nature's God. The People did not consent to this sham. So when judged for their crimes they can not say it was legalized by Congress. No one can legalize sin and breaking of the Ten Commandments which is the foundation of all civilized laws.

Isaiah 66:2

For all these things My hand has made, and so all these things have come into being [by and for Me], says the Lord. But this is the man to whom I will look and have regard: he who is humble and of a broken or wounded spirit, and who trembles at My word and reveres My commands. ***Speechless,*** Daunting, Breathtaking, Gasping! Tremble At the Site of a Fearfully Holy God.   SASNAK video 

Isaiah 2 1599 Geneva Bible 2 The Church shall be restored by Christ, and the Gentiles called. 6 The punishment of the rebellious and obstinate. 2:1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw upon Judah and Jerusalem, 2 It shall be in the last days, that the mountain of the House of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it. 3 And many people shall go, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for the Law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and rebuke many people: they shall break their swords also into mattocks, and their spears into scythes: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn to fight anymore. 5 O house of Jacob, ***come ye, and let us walk in the Law of the Lord.***

7 Their land also was full of silver and gold, and there was none end of their treasures: and their land was full of horses, and their chariots were infinite.

8 Their land was also full of idols; they worshipped the work of their own hands, which their own fingers have made. 9 And a man bowed himself, and a man humbled himself: therefore spare them not.
10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust from before the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his Majesty.

Trembling at the Word of the Lord

Charles Haddon Spurgeon May 1, 1884Scripture: Isaiah 66:2

deigned   God lowers himself like bending over, do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity. To speak or have anything to do with us. Dear friends, rejoice that the Lord, in infinite mercy, has deigned to utter the words of my text, since they serve as a most comfortable evidence to God’s people. There is a song the Jubilee singers used to sing, which begins, “Swing low, sweet chariot.” I am sure I do not know what the singers mean by the expression; and so I give it a meaning of my own, and say that I am right glad when a promise swings so low that I can get into it. Surely a promise from God is a chariot lined with love, drawn upward by winged steeds, which bear our hearts aloft; and it is a mercy when it swings as low as this text: “To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.”

16:00- 21:00  A Governor will be exposed, The wealthy will lose everything, even their homes. The love of money, fiat is the root of all evil. Will be their downfall. Lady in Purple,  A big change in stature, There are many who have been hidden Those called by God's name have not bowed the knee, will come out of the dark places they have been hidden in rocks.   Harvest coming in, 

 No longer Vagabonds,  The prosperity of my people will turn around, no longer the rear but the front. Needs met by my Word. 
Above not beneath, Lend to many,
Gold coins are the only money. Horses are the only transportation. 

Soon right after I was watching Jim with Horses and saw the Lady in purple! 2:12-5:00

A new but used hay baler. The old one just threw a plunger into the teeth gathering the hay into the shaft to be baled. Way too much trouble, time, and effort to fix. 

Gold coins are money, Silver coins, and Horses are our transportation. Period. 
Free everyone from bad guys who made up the whole system. Holding people in bondage, illegally. Treating people as their slaves! 

Give back to man something to fight for every day.
 Farming is a wholesome good, agricultural life. 
But it is a fight every day. A worthy Fight! 

Land, animals, family, husbands, wives, and children. Love for them gets you out of bed every day seeing to their clean healthy sound minds, morality, and providing for their needs. Be just like God your Creator, Father, and Husband give them responsibilities, not hard tasks like a taskmaster that is too much, too hard to do, but are equal to their growth.  Have them take on more and more responsibilities as their minds, spirits, and physical bodies grow.  
Making sure God, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is working in them and through them empowering them, speaking and leading them every second.  So as to not harm the weaker vessels. All their power, authority, and understanding is given to them from the Holy Spirit.  

Warning, Warning Trigger Warning Warning 
A Head

I am not talking about the Age of Aquarius which is where almost all occults since the beginning of time come out of.                         
           Wave Lengths, Vibes, Frequencies,
 sound, music, dimensions,  harmony, portals into other dimensions, Electronics, and Radiation kills all men. 
A Rejection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the corner Stone of the founding documents, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution.

A New religion started In 1775 side by side the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the proclamation of Liberty for All.  The Jubilee brought by Jesus Christ reigning in the hearts and minds of men. 
A rejection of self-evident laws: Laws written by God in the minds and hearts of men are infallible. Where men are equal and endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights. 
Trying to live a farming life without God will not work. 

Instead of a bike made of gold, provided by your good Father God, your Creator, redeemer from the fall of man, you have a normal bicycle. 
Men become a woman without a husband. In my dream and try to kill their ex-husband and steal the children from God and their own biological parents to sacrifice them to satisfy the father. The Father of all the lies they believe and make up.   Their religion is unstable so the laws are always changing, evolving they call it. According to the arbitrary whims of men, their circumstances. https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2023/07/dream-divorse-cusdoty-new-jerusalem.html

 What is the philosophy of the agrarian period? https://www.almanac.com/what-age-aquarius
The higher-class hierarchical society is where a few rule over the masses.
What does Dei mean in religion?
(Latin: God, god, godly; deity, divine nature)

No Guilt For Sin
No Punishment
Man can do No Wrong
Man in A Fallen State
Is god.

PG explanation. Man is "DEI" god. An occult, an idea, a religion, a belief system based on what you can only see and experience. Specifically and scientifically dividing and separating elements of the earth's nature and discovering what properties they have. Then exploiting them, for selfish, manmade consumption, sensual, prideful, lust-filled, mental obsessions. Wizardry, witchcraft, superficial. Of this earth only.  With no morality, no absolute truth. Hierarchical structure devolves into. Tyranny. 
What is the philosophy of the agrarian period? 
Agrarianism is social philosophy or political philosophy which values rural society as superior to urban society, the independent farmer as superior to the paid worker, and sees farming as a way of life that can shape the ideal social values.

Man is god.   

Does not need a god, yet he has just made himself a god. All from Observation of the earth. Scientifically studied and proven. Man can solve all problems himself corporately, collectively, through socialism, and communism. New Agers, occultists, eastern religions. Satanist. Think of India with many, many gods. Chemistry, snake poisoning, many ways of worshipping a god, praying for help from a higher being. Cheap labor forces due to a hierarchical society.
Those who are socially, economically
have Rigged, engineer, controlling
society, benevolent overseers,
wizards, witches, thieves, con, artists, and liars.
Listening to the doctrines of demons

What To Expect In The Age Of Aquarius
December 30, 2020 by Diana Raab
Excerpt from Article
When I learned that we were about to enter a new era–the Age of Aquarius–all I could think about was the song of the same name from the musical Hair, which I saw at least half a dozen times back in the ’60s. At the same time, I had memories of the psychedelic shops I visited growing up in the suburbs of New York, as well as the thrill I felt when my parents allowed me to attend Woodstock.

The song was originally associated with the astrological sign Aquarius, representing a constellation of stars. It was also connected to a revolution of sorts, a shift in global thinking and way of being. More recently, there was a significant astrological shift connected to the Age of Aquarius. Many people believe that December 21 marked the official beginning of this age, and it was also the winter solstice and the day when the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurred. This only happens every 20 years or so; however, during the recent event, the planets got closer than they’ve been in 800 years.

There are no absolute morals, everything is always changing, and evolving into some kind of higher ascension. One World government. One World Religion. One World Belief System. it only works if all men believe in it. Men accept their roles in society. Men even make personal sacrifices for the good of all people.

Highly Ascended people make the decisions for those who have not Intellectually and Spiritually ascended to their higher form of being "Task Masters".  

Jesus said do not Go by what you see, hear, observe, feel, your own understanding, what you have read or have been taught, or limited knowledge. Live not by sight but by Faith. 

Alert! 🚨Scott Kesterson of BardsFm called me today and told me I had to listen to the episode he did live on Thursday. In it, he does something that he has never done before. He offered for anyone who is struggling with an addiction to pornography, including the worst kind, to send him an email, and he would call them and pray with them to get them delivered. My jaw dropped when he told me this. 😲 He told me to extend this to the Resistance Chicks family! You guys, PLEASE, listen to this episode, and if this applies to you and you need to be set free, email Scott.
Scott@Bardsfm.com (please be respectful and do not abuse that email if this doesn't apply to you). God's hand of Justice and judgment is about to sweep across this nation, his hand of Grace is reaching out at this moment, but do not be confused, if you do not repent and turn from your ways right now that hand of judgment is coming on you. 

Reach out and turn and repent NOW, (the kind of repentance that ends addiction, not just slows it down to once every few months). God is not playing games. When it came to slavery in the South, Abraham Lincoln said, "I tremble when I think that we serve a God that is just and his Justice does not sleep forever." His Justice has been asleep and it is about to WAKE UP!


13:32-17:50   Looking to the past to repent, heal, get rid of baggage, weights on your mind. Healing lightens your load and strengthens you for the mission. Most of us were hurt, harmed, and sinned against. Let God correct them in your memory, where they had a true change of heart and apologized, and make amends for what they did to you. Amends, fix the damage, and restore you to the sound you were before it happened. Forgive us forgive those who sinned against us. Deliver both from evil. In God's Kingdom, he wipes away every tear. 
Rebuke of Science and Exalt the Greatness of the Nature of God
23:56- 27:22
Time, Space, and Matter were created.   In the Beginning. That is the start of time. God is outside of Time. He just is. Exist.

Personal Note:  It isn't that hard for God to fix everything
We need to do one thing whether we are; sick plagued, tormented, emotionally overwhelmed, poor, homeless, broken, addicted to food, lazy, alcohol, drugs, porn, main, violent temper, angry, harmful to yourself and others, etc. Know was all planned by the above New Agers. People who are limited by Time, space matter.  The situation we are in was socially engineered. We need to go to God outside of Time, Space, and matter to get his help inside of time-space matter. 
ONE THING: Each person, James 5, confesses to counterfeiting money with the Fed. 

Adam and Eve failed to believe in God and lost their minds and their souls. Men became savages.  When Moses with the leadership of God's Spirit led men out of slavery, savagery, and barbarism, there were those who would turn back to savagery and slavery. 

It was bad men who did whatever they wanted. Alister Crowley's teachings, New Agers teaching.  God had to wipe the people out. Only Noah heard the voice of God and was saved, Lot was saved he listen to the Angels of the Lord. They believed in God.  Heard God's Voice.

We just need to believe in God.   Jesus, the inspired word of God. 
When the temple was destroyed in AD, The blood made a river so many were slaughtered, the people saved from that massacre heard Jesus say, "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by enemies head to the hills" and they were saved. 

In America, some fell back into slavery, savagery, and barbarism after A Glorious salvation by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit from 1620 through 1900. Living by the self-evident laws of God. 

Scheming, plotting to put men back under their slavery system. Why? So
they can do whatever they wanted
Infants, babies, 2 and 3-year-old spoiled rotten children. They did not like the chains and disciplines of a moral law protecting every person equally. Or doing their own work farming, independently on their own land. Farming was slavery so they ran into the cities. 
Took over the government and have been making laws to please their lust, greed, and sinful natures.

Enslaving everyone else in one manner or another. Breaking down a moral, just, fair, and peaceful society with violence. 
Throwing temper Tantrums. Using Trick or Treat they learned when Halloween was legalized in 1950: ***Kill, steal, and destroy.*** made children spoiled rotten. They grew up. Did havoc on society till today.  This is why Halloween was illegal. 
"Give me what you have, what I want, candy, or I will harm you and your property." 

July 31, 2023
God is a spirit.  The Spirit of Truth. A Kingdom in and of itself outside of time, space, and matter.

God is the Light. The very existence of heaven, paradise. The Bible says we live in him. You can not see or enter the kingdom of God with what you know, think, see, hear, or perceive. 
  It takes eyes and hears that God gives a person in his miraculous transformation from sinner to saint in the temple of our being where God lives now by his spirit. 
Why is everyone sinning even though we have been transformed? 
Instead of getting a Word from the unseen to using God's given word which is absolute power and authority. The Power and Authority will transform what we see and hear. 
We have allowed charlatans, con artists, preachers, and teachers of the gospel to water down the power and authority God has. Get rich schemes, give until it hurts, and name it to claim it. Confession of the word,  Without mention of honesty, purity, cleanliness, farming, and wholesomeness. Good stewards of the land, gold, and silver coins are money, men mind their own business, farm, tends to flocks, herds, and feed their family off the land.   

Most importantly have nothing to do with anyone who lacks the power of God. Pretending to be good, morally upright, even healing the sick, cast out demons in the name of Jesus.
 But Jesus tells them, "I never knew you."  
August 1st, 2023 
They never Liberated anyone from oppression or tyranny. No, they embraced their evil ways.  Pastors, evangelists, prophets, and teachers,  joined with the tyrants and copied their behavior.
There is no such thing as a Maga Church, No Maga Government. Maga means Magic. No such thing as corporate 5,000-thousand-strong churches. There are no incorporated churches. or governments. It is fraud. Then the vilest took over and are  Lording over everyone, taking, destroying, experimenting, and murdering freely with no opposition. 

The church is the people. The government is the people.  God open the eyes of their hearts, understanding. John Lock, William Penn, and All the Found Fathers had eyes to see and ears to hear what the hope of their calling is. Men were liberated by these good men.  Each man has their own land, farm, working for themselves, independent of others. Equal, living by the laws of nature and nature's God. Men reconciled back to God in paradise, the Garden of Eden. God in them, working with them.  

You can not see with your natural eyes the Authority of God. But that power outside of time, space, and matter created all you do see hear, and understand. 
When your understanding comes from outside this plane you can not be lied to. 
The truth, natural laws God writes on the heart and minds from the Holy Spirit. Where God exists. 
God's kingdom within each person. Those reconciled back to God the Father and Creator are sound-minded. This perfect love cast out fear,  gives understanding, comforts the soul, heals every injustice, and fixes everything. No one can be tempted by others to join them in their self-deceptions and delusional states of mind. Can not be tempted to believe the stories, religions, and beliefs others just make up. 
Example. A checkbook. Someone made that up. It is not real money, it is counterfeited.  Based on fraud, con, lies, and deception. A dollar is silver 10 pieces of silver are equal to one piece of gold $10. 
Pieces of paper are notes, bills, and debts, not money.
The corporate government and corporate churches lied! 
The church is the people. The government is the people. Not businesses! 
Light. Jesus is the light of the World, God loves me! HE Fills me with his Holy Spirit, himself, his kingdom, the New Jerusalem is now within me.  And the TRUTH!

Laws are not written on paper, lies are.  Laws are written in the hearts of minds of men and it is self-evident around the world. 
2 Governments, 2 churches, 2 belief systems. One made by God the other made by man. 
God is our leader, our Father.  


Earth Sky Astronomy branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

There should be a clearcut answer as to when that will happen. When will the sun be in front of Aquarius at the time of the very equinox? When will the Age of Aquarius begin?

But there are no clearcut answers. Various interpretations give different answers to this often-asked question. It is Astrology

Astrology is a range of divinatory practices, recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century, that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of celestial objects.How did the Age of Aquarius enter popular culture?

The Age of Aquarius in the U.S. is associated with the hippies of the 1960s and ’70s, and now with the New Age movement. In both cases, the arrival of the Aquarian age has been associated with … well, harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding. And that brings us to the 1967 smash-hit musical “Hair,” with its opening song Aquarius, by a musical group called the 5th Dimension. The song opened with the lines:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius


Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical is a rock musical with a book and lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado and music by Galt MacDermot. The work reflects the creators' observations of the hippie counterculture and sexual revolution of the late 1960s, and several of its songs became anthems of the anti-Vietnam War peace movement. The musical's profanity, its depiction of the use of illegal drugs, its treatment of sexuality, its irreverence for the American flag, and its nude scene caused much comment and controversy.[1] The work broke new ground in musical theatre by defining the genre of "rock musical", using a racially integrated cast, and inviting the audience onstage for a "Be-In" finale.[2]

Hair tells the story of the "tribe", a group of politically active, long-haired hippies of the "Age of Aquarius" living a bohemian life in New York City and fighting against conscription into the Vietnam War 

bohemianism, unconventional lifestyle or subculture, followers of which prioritize community living and artistic endeavors while rejecting certain constraints of mainstream society, such as money and social etiquette.

Hair’s covering of taboos such as nudity and bad language no doubt has had an impact on its success, the overt and unashamed message and social commentary is the key to its longevity and integrity. Numbers like Hare Krishna and The Flesh Failures provide eerie semi-religious choral sections which give the show yet another dimension. Themes of liberation, embracement of sexuality, and breaking away from the status quo fill the show with purpose and meaning. Despite the hippie connotations that everything about Hair has, the message is clear and is absolutely relevant in the 21st Century.
All Traced back to Aleister Crowley, "Do as thou wilt". Satanic worship.  Og The Beetles other top Rockn Roll Groups. 

Programming Society for the ***Deep State***. Breaking down the strength of any nation's defenses.  Christianity, religion, sound-mindedness, good moral laws, justice, complete havoc, Breaking down all pillars of  
 Morality, worldwide. Lastly, the result was Central Banking printing money completely out of thin air, removing any traces of Christianity through the tyranny of the judiciary, ACLU, public schools, government employees, TV Radio, Main Stream Media, and news networks. A full-on assault on America and its freedoms.  People lost more independent freedoms and were forced to be dependent on the State for everything. The State controlled everyone by giving corporations and themselves more powers and more rights than the people. 
You will find most of what you believe today was programmed by this New Age Satanic occult.   Your Christianity today is mixed with these occult beliefs even your speech.   

Why was Hair the musical so controversial?

The musical Hair was written to be controversial, to shock traditional theatregoers with its frank depiction of drug use, nudity, and sexuality, and with its gleeful use of obscene language.

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