Friday, February 16, 2024

The Miracle Tree, The Apple does not Fall far From The Tree, a Seed, Watered, Planted and Grows.

Read Outloud on Video: 
Bitchute Pt2
PG here. For Presidents Day. Not a boring Presidents Day but actually very powerful. The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is here.
Celebrating Presidents Day is to be grateful to President George Washington, the Christians who started a country where all men are equal and not for Sale. 

A country where slavery is illegal for the foundation of America. 
The blog compares those who worship Satan who are full of murder, and bloodthirsty, and those who are saints. Colonialists brought The Gospel of Jesus Christ, high moral standards, Civilization, and Justice

Welsh Farmers Revolt! Canadian Freedom Convoy 2nd Anniversary World News 2/18/24

Africa 1:50:00-2:00:000 hours.   Black People and leaders are the same warlords. Who kidnap boys and force them to kill using military weapons. All calling for the murder of White people and selling children as slaves out of bags.

A Day of Solemn Thankfulness to God, and Gratefulness to George Washington Look up to him as an example to follow as Mothers, Fathers, and leaders. A Day of  Prayer, Fasting. Studying The history of George Washington in his own words, deeds, and actions. (The Founders Bible advertised below takes you directly to the original documents of George Washington and other Founding Fathers. Download it)  
George Washington
 lived a life of Faith equal to King David, and Moses, if not more. He knew God intimately. He was chosen by God for this undertaking, the task of birthing a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, loyal only to God.  God's chosen. Like King David. 
Nostalgic Sign

1 Peter 2:9 NIV -
But you are a chosen people, a royal

But you are a chosen people, 
a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 
God's special possession, 
that you may declare the praises of him 
who called you out of darkness

Modern Sign 

February 17th, 2024 At Midnight  PG here The Lord opened my eyes to see how much Power, Authority, wisdom, and knowledge President George Washington HAS. The Anointing of God gave George Washington this. His body died but his Spirit is still alive. He is alive. The words he spoke and wrote, and his signature are as if God himself said them, and signed the bills, laws, etc. George Washington carried the mantle of Jesus Christ on his shoulders. Government Officials are there as servants of God. Study George Washington. Governments are ordained by God to be his ministers on the earth. {It isn't a government if it isn't doing the ministry of justice that comes from God. If they are not completely honest good Godly honorable men. A Criminal evil person, corrupted is not a government but a fraud, pretender, and hypocrite. (a hypocrite is a liar and a deceiver) and must be thrown in jail for breaking the law by usurping the legitimate governing power of the people. }
And the existing authority is ordained by God. RSV. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is NO authority except from God, ......

Heed President George Washington's words and obey them. They come from the very Holy Spirit of God necessary for running a country, a nation, a Union of Countries, States, and Nations joined in the unity of the Holy Spirit of God. 
All men are under submission to God, his word which is the Holy Bible, Men are Under submission to God by being submissive to the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Men  Full of Love, and justice with no prejudice to men's estate in life. But All men are equal under God. With Brotherly love towards one another. 

We the People need to walk in George Washington's anointing Speak his words, and quote what he says. Because they carry the weight of history, the weight of Almighty God's anointing, Power, and Authority, Words that are sanctified by God.  WORDS ORDAINED because George Washington was sanctified and justified to be a righteous man of God. God upholds the words of his servants.   

Men must fear President George Washington who signed the 1792 Coinage Act for God. As God's representative. In the year of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 
verses πŸš«πŸš«πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ˜¨China's The Year of the Dragon.🚫🚫

George Washington was like King  Solomon. Who can lead such a great Union of Nations? He sought God's Holy Scriptures and Wisdom from the Holy Spirit. He prayed for God himself to help him in everything he did.
We quote George Washington because he walked in the Kingdom of God within him. His words are from scripture and prayer.  Specifically for the rights of men in America. Not Switzerland, Brazil, Russia, Japan. He was given the responsibility of a shepherd just for the Union of the States, and Nations here on this continent. He is a King and High Priest of Almighty God. 

We The People should know We can not govern without God

We bring God's will on this Continent "The Kingdom of God" on earth with the Holy Spirit-inspired words from the leadership of Jesus Christ our King, Lord, and Savior living within each of us. We take the word of God and apply the word to our lives, and our place in society. As Fathers, Mothers, Children, Husbands, Wives, and Children. We represent each other as a Family. Not shaming each other with words that do not come from studying the Bible in prayer and seeking God's will and good favor on our lives, families, and fellowman. 

Look at Congress the Military Joe Biden, The CIA, the FBI, the FDA, the NSA, all of it. The Treasury Department, The State Department all of it. Business, Corporation the UN. Seeing Satan bring mass murdering, poisoning people, deceiving, causing mass starvation, homelessness, drug addiction porn addictions,  manipulating, and enslaving people around the world. They see all men as their slaves. They live these lives of debauchery and depravity like the young men in the Senate chambers. According to The scripture above they are not a government. They are a tyranny.  Pirates! Usurpers, Invadors, treasoners: Men committing treason and Satanists worshipping Satan.  They are wicked that God creates and ordains governments to punish.

And the existing authority is ordained by God. RSV. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is NO authority except from God, ......

It is licentiousness not to
Be grateful to God
For President George Washington
and not to look up to him
and fear him. 

And The President of Ukraine's shamefully depraved life and mind. Shame has brought God's wrath on them. Hunter Biden is the Poster Boy of their lack of self control addiction and vile criminally filthy dirty abusive life. Abusing women and even children. As he abuses himself. The Children show forth the inside of their Fathers. Ugliness and depravity.
Choose this day whom you will serve. Which Fathers you will study and follow. Which do you look up to and model your lives after. 

When in Prayer today Saturday Morning February 17th, 2024. I felt the power of this man. God explodes out of everything do does. When He was young before age 13. He was a man
 at 13 years old.  He had A Great Education. Learning the Bible growing up. Probably learned many languages. Greek, Latin, and Hebrew to translate the Bible to go to college, Bible Seminary. Like his contemporaries at the time, I assume. He spent his early adult life in the wilderness spending a lot of time alone with God.   Like King David. the shepherd, He had to fight mountain lions, bears, and savages! Thieves, the French, and Indians. Wild animals like snakes, wolves, and others I do not know.   

He had to put his Faith and Trust in God and put into practice what he learned safely in his home growing up. Learning to defend himself, kill to feed himself and he learned to fight battles to defend his fellow man. 
George Washington received from God the ability to be a true Godly good honest man. Having all the characteristics of HONOR. A gentleman and a Military officer. Filled with the spirit of Truth. His handshake and his word are his bond! God in him helping him, guiding him. God kept all his promises to President George Washington. All he accomplished was God working in him and through him.

George Washington was Born on February 22, 1732, and Abraham Lincoln was Born on February 12, 1809

Men do not die but have eternal life. 

The Founders Bible can be purchased and downloaded online. You can order from Resistance Chicks we have a couple cases left. If you would like them signed let us know. 

PO Box 107, Milford, Ohio 45150

The Founders Bible Trailer

Founders Bible By David Barton and Brad Cummings'_Day

Presidents' Day
, officially Washington's Birthday at the federal governmental level, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of February. It is often celebrated to honor all those who served as presidents of the United States and, since 1879, has been the federal holiday honoring Founding Father George Washington, who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War, presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was the first U.S. president.[1]

The day is an official state holiday in most states, with names including Washington's Birthday, Presidents' Day, President's Day, Presidents Day, and Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday.[2] The various states use 15 different names. Depending upon the specific law, the state holiday may officially celebrate Washington alone, Washington and Abraham Lincoln, or some other combination of U.S. presidents (such as Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who was born in April).[2]

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 (N.S.). Washington's Birthday was celebrated on this date from 1879 until 1970. To give federal employees a three-day weekend, in 1968 the Uniform Monday Holiday Act moved it to the third Monday in February.[3] The day soon became known as Presidents(') Day[4] (the presence and placement of the apostrophe varies) and provides an occasion to remember all the U.S. presidents, to honor Abraham Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays together, or any single president of choice.[2]

As many states and cities followed suit, some states that had been celebrating Lincoln's birthday on February 12 combined the two into Presidents Day. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, preserved the Unionabolished slavery, bolstered the federal government, and modernized the U.S. economy.

February 16, 2024

Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) Β· X

Very Long interview. Opening Statement. through 11:32.  The bottom line is that we live in a Miltary Police State. Everything the government does, Corporations, Democrats, -Republican parties public schools, etc. It is all under Satan. Military Industrial Complex. By definition mass murderers. Killers. 

Elon Musk is the biggest Defense Contractor. This is the 2nd time I am sharing this interview. I had not watched it in its entirety yet. I ask you to go down to the Steve Kirsh clip.  I wrote who murdered these people? 

(One man lost 15 people, 4 in one day.)  I wrote first-degree murder. It goes through the top. Not, "goes to the top, to the President" but through. To heaven's Satanic realm where men murder for fun. Who murdered these people?, I asked. The interview tells us that. 

But This interview misses the Why? The worship of False gods. The worship of idols. Elon Mush, (spineless) and The Pendagon, (Pentagram)  work together with Demons to make what Cliff High calls "himself" half-pass human. (miss spelled on purpose) Men call it evolution. 

God created the earth Perfect! God can not error or sin. He can not make mistakes. He is Right! God is Perfect. Holy.  There is no evolution. This is all demons trying to take over the souls of men using technology.

Play a short video. 1:23  Murder in the First Degree! Goes through the Top! Who Are they? Baphomet, Demons, false gods.

Play a Short video.  1:53 We just started adding this to our diet. The Moringa Tree is called the Miracle Tree! But it isn't a tree. In the mustard family, You can grow it for its beans!

Lynette Zang 

Banks are losing 30% to 70% of market value in the last 2 years. The Fed wants to make banks borrow money. Like the Gangsters. ***We will make them an offer they can't refuse.*** Hold onto your silver! To retain your wealth. Silver right now is a deal, very cheap, on sale! Blowout Sale! About 90% off its real value.

Arcadia Economics  


1873 is happening again. Banks are not taking out loans because they are drowning in bad loans. Lynette said in the new video. Rafi. said the Fed wants to make Banks borrow money.

The next guy here confirms this.

Opening to 1:20. John Hopkins University and Reagan. So I do not trust this guy. History has proven Universities are Easily bought off. Lie! Do Fraudulent work like global Warming, Political Correctness, DEI, Wokeness, etc.

Opening -1:30 Tesla Locked her in and backed into a river drowning her.
Mitch mcDonald's sister-in-law dies in a car accident drowning? Angela Chao, She was CEO, head of the Foremost company. Shipping. Cargo. A Cartel. Connect to Hunter Biden. Board of Bank of China. China Bank. CEO of a shipping company? "Die in Water"... My guess. I'm too cynical. Deep State. She is too big to die in a car accident. The Defence Department sent condolences to legitimize her death. Planned her death because banks were folding. Getting out of the public and going into hiding. Plus Brics are going live!

Canada, Mining Companies buy back program. .

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