Sunday, April 14, 2024

It's All About The Digital Currency And Counterfeiting Money!

 On Video:  Bitchute:


PG here 13:00-16:16  minutes Lynette said something that changed everything. The dollar is worth zero. It wipes out all fiat dollars. Anything given it's value based on the dollar, anything you can only convert to dollars when the dollar is gone, dollar wiped out anything you have accumulated, all the wealth based on dollars goes away. If you take that back to the creation of the Federal Reserve, which is unconstitutional,. Everything that can only be converted into the dollar, or the gold back, ( lies ), which are worth zero,.

 All wealth is gone unless it was literally bought with God's constitutional money, gold, and silver coins. God showed me my Uncle Charlie bought his land and built his house with his own two hands, all done based on Christian Principles. In the 1930's, he was sinned against, but what he did was without sin. It is still his house and land. Jesus gave the land to me, so I am the legal owner of his farm. I also have a dresser built in the 1920's; it is mine without sin.


I might be talking to the wind. Someone wants to know the right way to live on this earth. We have been wrong for over 100 years. A life without tyranny or being dominated by other people. I seek wisdom from The God who created all of us. Surely he knows exactly how we were created and how we should live. One of the most important things we need is the Truth. God is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus is the truth. We only get this truth from God dwelling in us or from others who are anointed by God to speak for him, in his name. A word from God today: If 2 people make a baby, both parents are responsible before God to watch the child, teach the child, and protect the child 24/7/365 until they are adults. Make sure the child only learns the truth. Show them that the truth from God, is right and the opposite, lying, is harmful. Examine how lies are not good for anyone. Even the one telling the lie is harmed. Then, when God decides that they have come of age and are ready to bear fruit, they will be joined by the same spirit of truth. Being a spouse for the rest of their lives. Married couples have children of their own. 

In Mark 10:13-16, we see Jesus valuing children. He defends them and shows them his favour. Jesus underlines this in his words in Matthew 18:5. Jesus puts himself on the same level as the child saying “whoever receives a child in my name, receives me.“ We find the opposite in Matthew 18:6, where Jesus warns those who do not care for those who are vulnerable: “anyone who causes these little ones to stumble, it would be better to have a millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” The Clewer Initiative is fighting modern slavery.


What does the Bible teach about child protection and safeguarding?


The Clewer Initiative

April 10, 2024   PG here. Good Word. All men are created by God equally, with unalienable rights. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unanimous Declaration of Independence. It explained why the Congress on July 4 “unanimously” (by the votes of 12 colonies, with New York abstaining) had resolved that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states.” Romans tells us to obey the truth, to obey Jesus word, and to obey the government. All of that is in the Declaration of Independence. We have no right to tolerate wickedness because men will suffer when wickedness is tolerated. 

April 11, 2024  

PG here 1.) Why would someone say, "Are you calling me a liar?". I was very tormented with fear today because I believed a lie. I thought it was circumstance. It seems right in my eyes. At the end of today, I received clarification, and the fear was expelled. This is why people hate, shun and even punish those who tell lies. Soon, in May, we will celebrate Pentecost. The covenant of Jesus Christ with man. His promise to give men the Sprit of Truth. Write his laws, his word, and the whole truth in our hearts and minds. If you are led by the Spirit, you will not sin, just like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Not just any truth, but the truth revealed by the Father and Son, the Holy Spirit of Truth. God is love, and Jesus is love; they can not sin, or lie. It is worse than being called a racist; all the names men call each other. To be called a liar is the worst thing in the entire world. It is hatred for your fellowman. No one can be in a public office if they are liars. Lies cause torture, fear suffering. To be in a public office or department, men must have the Holy Spirit, the truth, and great wisdom and understanding that come from the Whole Truth.

Children's Constitution, Constitutional Money, Soap Making, Small Homesteading

2.) PG here is an example of most liars today: A group of politicians, podcasters, and influencers say they believe abortion is wrong and must be stopped. They call themselves pro-life. They tell some people we must compromise this sacred truth. Life begins at conception, according to the truth: the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and God himself said it. They lost the election because of their stance on abortion. Mike Lindell, a Spirit of Truth, as much as he possibly can be. He has spent millions of dollars to prove the election is rigged. But why is he fighting for a liar? The liars need to repent for lying. Get their Truth through repentance and receive the Holy Spirit of Truth. Get the truth from God, our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. No one can trust a word they say. If you go online, you will quickly find out who the liars are. 

April 13, 2023

PG here. Saturday, April 13, 2023 Rockefeller, with some help from other evil people, put all of us under spells. He used his stolen wealth to buy Americans into slavery. Believe me. There is a power to break those spells. God loves us; he sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins on the cross. He paid the price for our sins. We humbly ask God to forgive our sins, and we forgive those who have sinned against us. If we confess our sins: counterfeiting money is what Rockefeller used as the binding spell. One spell to rule everyone. James 5. If we confess this sin, God is faithful to forgive us. The truth from God saves our souls from these lies. God fills us with himself, his Holy Spirit of truth. Let the truth set you free. Truth comes from God' holy, pure, honest Spirit within you. Today's word: You need to eat, you need a shovel, a hoe, a rake, seeds, and dirt. You have to plant seeds, raise animals to feed yourself. You do not need Rockefeller's counterfeit money, the grocery store, or businesses. You need God. You need the Truth. Only gold coins and silver coins are money. God's Spirit can help you stop lying. He will give you the truth to speak. God gives you the anointing power of God to save your fellowman.

April 13, 2024  The Evil Python trying to squeeze the life out of all of us always starts a war when changing their con game on counterfeiting money using fiat illegally. Lives lost, in war, the numbers of dead are just numbers to them to meet their goals. Conquering the World.

April 13, 2024 YouTube took this video down as soon as I shared it. This person, JP Cortez, goes around with his partner. Go by Austrian economists Misses just like Ron Paul and Rafi Farber. Go to each state to legalize gold and silver as legal tender.

The original Post: Great video All of us should call all political figures in or out of office and call them "liars.". The worst human being on earth is a criminal on purpose to steal, liars. Tell them to stop. Right Now. The video shows all the rigging they are doing to control the population and the world, and to take all you have! Share these facts with them. Only gold and silver coins—no gold backs—are money.

Sunday April 14, 2024  World News

Comments I made:  The Declaration of Independence is the Truth! All Rights are self-evident. We can not tolerate tyranny, despotism, or arbitrary laws made by men. Our Creator's laws are the only laws. People suffer when evil is tolerated: lies, arbitrary man made laws. We live by the laws of Nature and Nature's God. Basically we live like animals, without invention of men. Lies. 2 Parents, have children who farm and use horses, Collect waters, raise children, teach them how to provide for themselves off the land. Sew and making our clothing no businesses, no fake fiat conning everyone. Stealing all our freedoms.

TAG: SGT,Petecost May 19,Resistance Chicks World News Headline,Gold and Silver coins,Child Protection and Safeguarding,2024,Corn,The clewer Initiative,Grow Your Food,JP Cortez, Lynette Zang, Emerald Fox, Gee Whiz Weekends 

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