#1 Saved post John Lock Book and other screen shots Page 1 thru 9
#3 John Locke Second Treatice of Civil Government "Of Property" Start Chapter 5:36
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DAY 27th |
PG here, 1.) Friday, March 7th, 2025, Chapter 5 "Of Property," Sections 47 and 51, Pages 22 and 23, and Day 26. Each day I will try to print one page of John Locke's ***The Second Treatise of Government and Letter Concerning Toleration*** that America's Homestead and House will be restored by God. Many are the ways that divide and separate people; it is called sin. There is only one road to restoration. Amos 3:3 How can two walk together unless they agree? You can never agree to disagree. That is lying to each other. You cannot be at peace, secure in your faith in God, or have any unity as a family, a country, etc.
Chapter 5: "Of Property." Man is in nature that Almighty God created for all living beings. God has created what is needed for life: health, freedom, and happiness for all living things freely! A man or a wild lion or squirrel bird picks a berry, a walnut, kills a deer, and puts his ***labor*** to it by picking it, applying force, and knowledge to use it for his life!

PG here 2.) It has become his personal property. Everyone has the right to life, food has life in it, trees are good for fire and building homes, water for life; clean air, to provide for himself and have personal property, land that provides for him. But not more than he can use. Greed is trespassing on others rights, freedoms, and pursuit of happiness and health. But taking more than what God has provided for him. His fair share of the earth God created for him. His God promised land. It is wrong to have more than you need, and it turns rotten and goes to waste. He has trespassed or discriminated against others. All men have the earth's common land. Men change this natural course by using money, ill-gotten gain, oppression, denying others their God-given rights, and usurping others rights.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, John Locke Chapter 5 Of Propertty, Section 47-51, Pages 22 and 23, Day 27 1.) PG here, Patriot Gallery, Resistance Chicks Mom. Resistance to tyranny or to liars is obedience to God's Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth. Jesus is the Truth. Explanation in modern terms of the Chapter "Of Property.". God created everything equally for men to build a house using his own 2 hands 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 on his own land and provide for himself using his land and property; even himself and his labor are his property. Raise herds of animals, grow crops, and have a family. Everything is multiplying because of obeying God's Spirit of Truth. As it is written in Dueteronomy 28,. Obey God and your crops, children, and animals will multiply "48" ***an hundred families, but there were sheep, horses and cows, with other useful animals, wholsome fruits,*** 2.) 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12.......that ye increase more and more,
11 And that ye study to be quiet, and to meddle with your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. 12 That ye may behave yourselves honestly toward them that are without, and that nothing be lacking unto you.
PG here. I worked at a bank in 1980. They used fiat dollars, but we took in silver dollars equally with paper fiat dollars. It never dawned on me that one was real money and the other was an IOU. The Federal Reserve and the bank where I worked were completely broke. The silver dollar has worth; the paper is a scam, a worthless piece of paper. That the bank was lying and deceiving everyone. It isn't a bank; it has no money! This bank had no real money to pay me. I was never paid. Paper printed up by a machne isn't real wealth; it was a lie. The Holy Spirit of Truth told me it is unfair and unjust.
3.) Thread on John Locke The End of Chapter 5 "Of Property". I made this post yesterday: Arcadia Economics We the people "have to do this" to fix what FDR did. Make it right. God makes things right. Justice, repentance, salvation. Salvation is: demand from the government our great-grandfather's gold and silver coins back. Then we demand the farm land back. Watch for PG's John Locke post on Property, Life, Liberty, and Happiness. Exodus 3:22 1599 Geneva Bible
22 For every woman shall ask of her neighbor, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment, and ye shall put them on your sons, and on your daughters, and shall spoil the Egyptians.
John Locke lived in a time just like today. A few men owned all the land by greed, murder, thievery, and breaking the Ten Commandments of God. By selfishness, they stole the property that all men have a right to have to provide for themselves and to obey their rightful King, Savior, and Lord.
4.) PG here, Jesus Christ, the very word of God. God created all things for good. For the use of everyone in common.
John Locke saw the oppression of the masses of people. The oppression was making all men ill. John blamed it on the idea that man came up with gold and silver coins as money. Which is NOT from the spirit of truth. John's own family wealth and being a jurist, Judge, cause him to look only at the past without knowing God created the gold and silver coins as money. God said the gold therein is good. Genesis. God said the gold and silver are his property, not man's.
Haggai 2:8 God said he would increase men's gold and silver wealth if they obeyed him. Gold and silver coinage is a creation of God as money. It was not an invention of man.
5.) PG here, cont. John Locke began writing the Second Treatise of Government before 1683 and revised it during his exile in the Netherlands. It was published anonymously in 1689. What he saw from the elites, the lords, their masters, and what we see from the elites, our task masters, is the same. Oppression, without God's morality, a clean conscience, and obedience to God's gospel of Jesus Christ. Who are men outside the kingdom of God? You'll have to read ***A Letter Concerning Toleration*** for the Christian part. Page 2 out of 40: the salvation of souls; yet, nevertheless, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lasciviousness, idolatry, and such-like things cannot be denied to be works of the flesh, concerning which the apostle has expressly declared that “they who do them shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
PG here cont. 6.) These evil men were not landowners; bankers are not banks. FDR, Federal Reserve, Telephone Company, Ford, Carnegie, inventors of machines, cars, skyscrapers, and Nixon were trampling on the rights given to all men by God. This is what the main text of "Of Property" is all about. Equality among men. John Locke blamed the inequality on the invention of greed by the use of gold and silver coins. He leaves out of his thesis injustice, oppression, usurpation of God-given rights that cause evil to subjugate others as indentured servants, peasants, and slavery. Which it is written in my country's constitution to be illegal. ***There shall be no slavery in this state, nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime. Article I, Section 6 | Slavery and involuntary servitude Ohio Constitution/Article I Bill of Rights*** https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2025/03/extra-addition-tjohn-lockes-government.html
PG here Sunday, March 9, 2025. "Of Paternal Power". In the first paragraph, John changes the name Paternal, meaning Father's Power, to Parental Power, meaning Father and Mother share equal Parental Power as written in the old and new Testament. God is our sole authority for everything pertaining to Life, Liberty and personal possessions. The right to your own property is written in the Declaration on Independence as "the pursuit of happiness." The reason is that anyone who has their rights trampled on... will be very unhappy, being offended, robbed, assaulted, and oppressed by another person. His God-given rights being infringed upon by another without just cause. "Merry does the heart good like medicine." Happiness is the road to good health. Misery is a very unhealthy state of being denied your rights, property, and happiness. Slavery, perpetual debt slavery by taxes and other means, denied freedom, property, land to farm to provide for himself, and indentured servitude were one of the first topics John Locke addresses in this book. Friday's post or reading of John Locke's The Second Treatise of Government was an extra deep topic to understand. I took two days on one post because of the depth of reading on "Of Property."
DAY 28 |
Reading for today. PG here Sunday, March 9, 2025. New Reading: "Of Paternal
Power", Father's sole power. John has changed this in this chapter to "Of Parental Power" Father’s and Mother’s equal power as it is written in the Old and New Testaments of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, passed down by generations for thousands of years. Written history is plain for all to read in God's inspired Holy Bible for themselves to see that this is God's honest Truth.
Chapter 6, sections 52 and 53
Page 23 and 24
Day 28
DAY 29 |
March 10, 2025Chapter 6, sections 54, 55, and 56
Page 24 and 25
Day 29
Sect. 54. Though I have said above, Chap. II. That all men by nature are equal, I cannot be supposed
to understand all sorts of equality: age or virtue may give men a just precedency: excellency of parts and
merit may place others above the common level: birth may subject some, and alliance or benefits others, to pay an observance to those to whom nature, gratitude, or other respects, may have made it due: and yet all this consists with the equality, which all men are in, in respect of jurisdiction or dominion one over another; which was the equality I there spoke of, as proper to the business in hand, being that equal right, that every man hath, to his naturalfreedom, without being subjected to the will or authority of any other man.
Sect. 55. Children, I confess, are not born in this full state of equality, though they are born to it. Their parents have a sort of rule and jurisdiction over them, when they come into the world, and for some time after; but it is but a temporary one. The bonds of this subjection are like the swaddling clothes they art wrapt up in, and supported by, in the weakness of their infancy: age and reason as they grow up, loosen them, till at length they drop quite off, and leave a man at his own free disposal.
56. Adam was created a perfect man, his body and mind in full possession of their strength and reason, and so was capable, from the first instant of his being to provide for his own support and preservation, and govern his actions according to the dictates of the law of reason which God had implanted in him..........
.........all parents were, by the law of nature, under an obligation to preserve, nourish, and educate the children they had begotten; not as their own workmanship, but the workmanship of their own maker, the Almighty, to whom they were to be accountable for them.
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Day 30 |
March 11, 2025, MondayChapter 6, sections 57, 58, and 59
Page 25 and 26
Day 30
Adam was born perfect with the highest intelligence. The law of reason was within him. But after the fall of Adam and Eve, their children were born without this higher intelligence. It took Jesus to redeem us from this fallen state of our minds. The law of reason is good. A law is not bondage but freedom from sin, ignorance, debauchery, and corruption that harms others and even harms yourself. Self-explanatory: Men must have laws to govern each other. Freedom is freedom, Liberty, from others harming themselves or using violence against others. The law is not what Alister Crowley, the Satanist high priest, has taught people: "Do whatever you want." Men must have a clear notion of punishment if they sin; Do harm.
Children who are born are not complete in their perfect mental capacity, so God has directed parents to teach their children about his laws and percepts. Children are under their parents God-given anointing authority that comes from God. They are to be guided by their parents in the laws of reason, the laws of nature, until they reach a state of maturity. Become full-grown adults, and then the child is equally free like their parents.
57. Adam's children, being not presently as soon as born under this law of reason, were not presently free: for law, in its true notion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent agent to his proper interest, and prescribes no farther than is for the general good of those under that law:...............
where there is no law, there is no freedom: for liberty is, to be free from restraint and violence from others; which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told, a liberty for every man to do what he lists:(for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?) but a liberty to dispose, and order as he lists, his person, actions, possessions, and his whole property, within the allowance of those laws under which he is, and therein not to be subject to the arbitrary will of another, but freely follow his own.%2060%20%2061%20%2062%20Of%20Paternal%20Power.png) |
DAY 31 |
March 12, 2025, Wednesday,
Chapter 6, sections 60, 61, and 62
Page 27 and 28
Day 31
Chapter Title "Of Paternal Power" (Father)
John Locke Changes that to Of Parental Power (Father and Mother) Equally
PG here, every day I am printing one page of John Locke's Second Treatise of Government and a Letter Concerning Toleration. A VERY SHORT BOOK. IT SHOULD BE DONE IN AROUND 100 DAYS, MAYBE A LITTLE MORE. Our rights, freedoms and Republic come from the understanding of how and why God established governments.
It explains man's involvement, giving his consent to enter into a covenant or contract with others for the protection of their life, liberties, freedoms, and property.
Without these established laws of nature and nature's God, men will always be at war with one another. The Declaration of Independence before the world has a witness of the Truth and rights to firm this government. Covenant between one another. Our Constitution was inspired by God and made by men who are servants acting on God's behalf on earth. Is a PEACE agreement? Under Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
These 3 sections apply to why one man, being an heir to a monarchy or kingdom, cannot make arbitrary rules and laws as a tyrant for all others. A monarch's child is born—a child equal with all men. Thus is subject to education, tutorship and the laws of nature that all men are sworn before God to obey.  |
DAY 32 |
PG here Day 32, Chapter 6 Farming. "Of Paternal Power", Sect. 63, 64, half of 65, pages 28, 29
1.) PG here, Day 32, Chapter 6 Farming. "Of Paternal Power", Sect. 63, 64, half of 65, pages 28, 29
With the propagation of education as a "god", the sole means of providing for oneself. The old ways that are the right ways have been discarded by a spoiled, rotten generation. All children should be raised with a solid foundation. "Make a child work; as soon as they are able, they should start providing for their own substance." What does that mean? The God of the universe, who loves us everyone and created all things you see, gave me a vision. I was about 2 or 3 years old, and my mother asked me to go pick up sticks for the fire. She was going to be cooking. As I went out the back door, she said, "The land provides for us." And I looked to God on a very bright, sunny day. "God gave us the land to provide for us."
2.) PG here Every child should have this basic foundation. Chickens, herds, sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, crops, water out of a well. It is not slavery to have a child provide for their substance; it is raising them correctly, milking cows, making butter, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, education, teaching training skills, learning responsibilities, and the rewards of working to provide for yourself. A child raised on a farm will never go hungry for the rest of his life. sewing, making clothes, woodworking, making furniture, raising animals, crops, biology, etc. So much can be learned at home from very good parents. But never without learning to read and make use of God's Holy word, the Bible. It's a book on farming
DAY 33 |
PG here 1.) John Locke The Second Treatice of Government, Chapter 6, sect. 66 and 67 "Of Paternal Power"
Treat your parents with honor
after you are free and equal.
Day 33 Page 30
Sect. 66. But though there be a time when a child comes to be as free from subjection to the will and command of his father, as the father himself is free from subjection to the will of any body else, and they are each under no other restraint, but that which is common to them both, whether it be the law of nature, or municipal law of their country; yet this freedom exempts not a son from that honour which he ought, by the law of God and nature, to pay his parents. God having made the parents instruments in his great design of continuing the race of mankind, and the occasions of life to their children; as he hath laid on them an obligation to nourish, preserve, and bring up their offspring; so he has laid on the children a perpetual obligation of honouring their parents, which containing in it an inward esteem and reverence to be shewn by all outward expressions, ties up the child from any thing that may ever injure or affront, disturb or endanger, the happiness or life of those from whom he received his; and engages him in all actions of defence, relief, assistance and comfort of those, by whose means he entered into being, and has been made capable of any enjoyments of life: from this obligation no state, no freedom can absolve children.
But this is very far from giving parents a power of command over their children, or an authority to make laws and dispose as they please of their lives or liberties. It is one thing to owe honour, respect, gratitude and assistance; another to require an absolute obedience and submission. The honour due to parents, a monarch in his throne owes his mother; and yet this lessens not his authority, nor subjects him to her government.

PG here, 2.) Sect. 67. The subjection of a minor places in the father a temporary government, which terminates with the minority of the child: and the honour due from a child, places in the parents a perpetual right to respect, reverence, support and compliance too, more or less, as the father's care, cost, and kindness in
his education, has been more or less. This ends not with minority, but holds in all parts and conditions of a man's life. The want of distinguishing these two powers, viz. that which the father hath in the right of tuition, during minority, and the right of honour all his life, may perhaps have caused a great part of the mistakes about this matter: for to speak properly of them, the first of these is rather the privilege of children, and duty of parents, than any prerogative of paternal power.
The nourishment and education oftheir children is a charge so incumbent on parents for their children's good, that nothing can absolve them from taking care of it: and though the power of commanding and chastising them go along with it, yet God hath woven into the principles of human nature such a tenderness for their off-spring, that thereis little fear that parents should use their power with too much rigour; the excess is seldom on the severe side, the strong byass of nature drawing the other way. And therefore God almighty when he would express his gentle dealing with the Israelites, he tells them, that though he chastened them, he chastenedthem as a man chastens his son, Deut. viii. 5. i.e. with tenderness and affection, and kept them under no severer discipline than what was absolutely best for them, and had been less kindness to have slackened. This is that power to which children are commanded obedience, that the pains and care of their parents may not be increased, or illrewarded.Da
DAY 34 |
PG setting up "Thread of
Paternal Power, meaning Father's authority. John Locke changed to "Of Parental Authority of Power"" Because the Bible does. The foundation of Government is parents. "Of Parental Power" and authority. To disobey a parent who is obeying God is to disobey the law and the government. This is taught so strongly in the Bible. In the Old Testament it is equal to adultery. If a child refuses to submit to a parent's divine God given anointing of the Holy Spirit, in the Old testament they are to be put to death. For the protection of the family and society. Most Baby boomers should be charged with rebellion and sentenced according to this law. The pilgrims in Plymouth Mass. had it printed into their law books.
Sections 68, 69, and 70 set up a foundation and summarize what we have learned in the last 34 days reading John Loke.
Thread PG here: 1.) Saturday, March 15, Day 34, Chapter 6: 68, 69 and 70, page 31, "Of Paternal Power"
Parents, Mother and Father have a right, a duty, and a responsibility to teach and train their children. It is a God-given obligation. Because of this, children are to obey their parents until they come of age and are able to totally provide for themselves. The parent no longer has dominion over a child. The parent cannot treat the child as a boy or girl any longer. Honor is different than obedience. Jesus Commands Children to honor their parents in the ten commandments. Because of the fragility of childhood, children must and need to obey their parents. Parents have a divine authority, an anointing from God to rule over their child only for the child's health and well-being, under God to teach and train in the ways of the Lord.
Honor of parent is a stronger obligation of gratitude for the benefits of childhood. It obliges children to take care of the parent when they are elderly.
2.) Today's society neglects divine commandments and rules. "Get a job ' and serve others to your harm—the harm of your family, spouses, children, elderly parents, even neighbors, extended family, and the community—and to provide for someone else is the opposite of serving God and obeying him. Property Taxes do all this harm and are in servitude to witchcraft: roads, government interests, the greedy, businesses, itself, and public schools. In today's society, no one can obey God's commandments. It is an ungodly system of indentured servitude to the extent of slavery. I have heard it a lot of times. "I have to put my parents in a nursing home". Or "I have to put my children in daycare, public school, etc..". . I have to work, get a job; I cannot obey God." Thread John Locke. PG here, 3.) Yesterday we talked about man's responsibility to provide for him self. Earn his own substance starting at 2 to 3 years old. Land is for everyone to gat married, raise children, grow food and animals. Horses for transportation. gold and silver coins are money. What is happening that people can not obey God? The use of counterfeit money to kill, seal and destroy the population by the evilest. With paper fiat counterfeit gold and silver derivatives, they institutionalize everything. Marriage, raising children, caring for the elderly. It is called many names. Communism, collectivism, Marxism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, monarchy, tyranny, etc. Turning the natural things of life into a business. All cold and unnatural. The Borg. Satan is the head.
PG here 4.) No life, No freedom, no Liberty, and no pursuit of happiness which comes from obeying God and God alone. There is no longer a Godly love for one another, no loving your neighbor as yourself, or elderly parents. The businesses ran today are all unconstitutional. Business does not have rights under God to institutionalize every one.
Men must serve God, not other men. ***Using the law to give businesses equal rights with individuals is THE CAUSE. The courts betrayed their rights, duties, obligations, and responsibilities to protect the people. Stabbed everyone in the back.*** Judgements came down out of bribery and the self-interest of the business. The government became an unconstitutional business. The government is by the people for the people, acting as the hands of God, protecting the individuals rights to obey God, not the other way around.
DAY 35 |
Sunday, March 16, 2025, Day 35, Pages 32 and 33, Sects. 71, 72, and 73. PG here. First, what I have witnessed and can testify about those in government. Politicians are sexually perverted, married more than once, have multiple sex partners, are horrible parents, have children by more than one wife or husband, and cannot be trusted with the upbringing of another parent's children. They have no anointing, no God-given power or authority. They usurp power and authority using counterfeit laws and rules leading to counterfeit money. They just print as they need it.
***Impossible.*** They are lawbreakers, not government servants of God nor the people. The government has no right and no business being a parent of the people. Training, teaching, raising, dominating, demanding obedience of any American. The government has no parental power or authority to raise you. Only a Mother and Father can raise a child according to the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ. God is where all power and authority come from. Men must reclaim their God-given anointing, power, and authority as Mother and Father over their children. Protect your child parents from others trying to lead your children away from you and away from God. Reclaiming Parental Rights from Business and Government. Fathers must end abortions of their children. The child has two parents. The man asks a woman to marry him to carry his children. The child is not solely in the womb hers to massacre or murder as she wants.
Digital copy from this electronic book: https://
english.hku.hk/staff/kjohnson/PDF/LockeJohnSECONDTREATISE1690.pdf  |
DAY 36 |
PG here. March 17, 2025 John Locke: Day 36, Page 33, Sect 74 plus Hooker's Eccl. Pol. lib. i. sect. 10.) Sect 74. To conclude then, tho' the father's power of commanding extends no farther than the minority of his children, and to a degree only fit for the discipline and government of that age; and tho'that honour and respect, and all that which the Latins called piety, which they indispensably owe to their parents all their life-time, and in all estates, with all that support and defence is due to them, gives the father no power of governing, i.e. making laws and enacting penalties on his children; though by all this he has no dominion over the property or actions of his son: yet it is obvious to conceive how easy it
was, in the first ages of the world, and in places still, where the thinness of people gives families leave to separate into unpossessed quarters, and they have room to remove or plant themselves in yet vacant habitations, for the father of the family to become the prince of it;* he had been a ruler from the beginning of the infancy of his children: and since without some government it would be hard for them to live together, it was likeliest it should, by the express or tacit consent of the children when they were grown up, be in the father, where it seemed without any change barely to continue; when indeed nothing more was required to it, than the permitting the father to exercise alone, in his family, that executive power of the law of nature, which every free man naturally hath, and by that permission resigning up to him a monarchical power, whilst they remained in it. But that this was not by any paternalright, but only by the consent of his children, is evident from hence, that no body doubts, but if a stranger, whom chance or business had brought to his family, had there killed any of his children, or committed any other fact, he might condemn and put him to death, or other-wise have punished him, as well as any of his children; which it was impossible he should do by virtue of any paternal authority over one who was not his child, but by virtue of that executive power of the law of nature, which, as a man, he had a right to: and he alone could punish him in his family, where the respect of his children had laid by the exercise ofsuch a power, to give way to the dignity and authority they were willing should remain in him, above the rest of his family
2.) Hooker: (*It is no improbable opinion therefore, which the archphilosopher was of, that the chief person in
every houshold was always, as it were, a king: so when numbers of housholds joined themselves in civil societies together, kings were the first kind of governors amongst them, which is also, as it seemeth, the reason why the name of fathers continued still in them, who, of fathers, were made rulers; as also the
ancient custom of governors to do as Melchizedec, and being kings, to exercise the office of priests, which fathers did at the first, grew perhaps by the same occasion. Howbeit, this is not the only kind of regiment that has been received in the world. The inconveniences of one kind have caused sundry others
to be devised; so that in a word, all public regiment, of what kind soever, seemeth evidently to have risen from the deliberate advice, consultation and composition between men, judging it convenient andbehoveful; there being no impossibility in nature considered by itself, but that man might have lived without any public regiment, Hooker's Eccl. Pol. lib. i. sect. 10.)
1.) PG here, March 18, 2025 Chapter 6: 75 and 76, Page 34 and 35, DAY 37 Paternal Power vs Political Power
The conclusion of chapter 6 "Of Paternal Power," which John Locke changes to Parental Power at the beginning of the chapter. Paternal, meaning Father. The belief of men in this time period. John states this is wrong. According to the Word of God, God in the Ten Commandments has given equal power and authority to Father and Mother. And throughout the Bible. Adam was born man and woman. God took out his rib-creating woman. 1. No one has a right to rule and dominate others because of “Hereditary ”. 2. Reclaiming parental rights and high priest rights from business and government. 3. The father and mother of the family are priests as rulers in their own households. 4. All government is to be servants of almighty God, able to make laws and judge with divine, Godly wisdom for fairness and justice.
PG here 2.) If you look at governments around the world throughout history, it is of a natural consequence that those who rule or govern come from the same family lines. The children naturally learn from their parents the ropes—the ins and outs, who to get to know, who to please, etc.—to gain and keep political power. But this is not how God designed government. Only in a corrupt, crooked, counterfeit, criminal government like the Catholic Church through the centuries, Israel or Islamic, Protestant American governments, the Chinese government of Buddha, Confucius, etc. All governments have a religious belief. It is where their morals and principles come from, from which they gain their rights.
A lot of people around the world blame the Jewish people for political dominance; others blame Sharia law and Islam; others blame the forbidden fruits of the forbidden city in China,
PG here 3.) The Flower of Life; worship science, astrology, astronomy, Ying and Yang; humanitarian beliefs based on the theory of evolution coming from a proven liar; Darwinism that all men are sexual perverts and survival of the fittest, forced on public school children without their consent; the phony protestant and phony Catholic Churches who do not represent Jesus Christ but their families past down generational political power and authority.
Unfairly and unjust systems made by the arbitrary whims of men. They have no real substance. They are all counterfeits of the one true religion, one true God, and one true government. They are devoid, empty of the meat or cire of government. Leaving out man's natural right to rule himself and his own family. (Man meaning mother and father.) According to the dictates of the conscience before an almighty God, whom they will give an account for on the day of judgment. (When they die). All men must serve God and God Alone.
Thread 4 of 4
PG here. 4.) John Locke: The basis of the social and political philosophy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The most important political theorist in Western history. "{In Congress, July 4, 1776, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and ***to assume among the powers of the earth,*** ***the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,*** a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.}"
1.) PG here, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, Chapter 7: 77, 78, and 79, Pages 35 and 36, DAY 38, Of Political or Civil Society.
By consent, for mutual benefits towards each other.
The real reason for marriage to be until death do us part can be found in the animal kingdom of birds of prey. It is a necessity. They are carnivores. The female needs the male to help hunt for food. In humans, the woman needs to stay home and raise their children. Females are not physically strong enough to hunt and plow fields. The Bible tells us in Genesis that a male is to plow the field. Women are not made to do hard labor or work outside the home. ***Only slave women do that.*** The male is to be home or near home to feed, provide for, teach, and protect his family. Male and Female are to: Own land, own a plow to till the soil, own a horse for transportation, have gold and silver coins for money. " Get a job is not in the Bible. Except for slavery or endentured servitude.
PG here, 2.) sect. 77. God having made man such a creature, that, in his own judgment, it was not good for him to be alone, put him under strong obligations of necessity, convenience, and inclination to drive him into society, as well as fitted him with understanding and language to continue and enjoy it. The first society was between man and wife, which gave beginning to that between parents and children; to which, in time, that between master and servant came to be added: and though all these might, and commonly did meet together, and make up but one family, wherein the master or mistress of it had some sort of rule proper to a family; each of these, or all together, came short of political society, as we shall see, if we consider the different ends, ties, and bounds of each of these.
Day 39 March 20, 2025, Day 39, Pages 36 and 37 Section 80, 81, 82 Chapter 7 of Political or civil society. Man and Wife Procreation Children Married for life. |