Friday, March 21, 2025

#5 John Locke Second Treatise of Government with A Letter Concerning Toleration Starting with Chapter 7

 PG here, I STARTED A NEW BLOG TO HOLD MORE OF THE JOHN LOCKE SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT Thumbnails and Commentaries. #5 John Locke Second Treatise of Government with A Letter Concerning Toleration Starting with Chapter 7

#1 Saved post John Lock Book and other screen shots Page 1 thru 9

#2 John Locke Civil Government Starting with Chapter 3, section 20 and 21

#3 John Locke Second Treatice of Civil Government  "Of Property" Start Chapter 5:36

#4 John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government "Of Property" End of Chapter 5

A Letter Concerning Toleration is in a separate blog.

Extra Addition John Locke's Government Treatise: A Letter Concerning Toleration

All 5 blogs are linked to this page plus A Letter Concerning Toleration.

1.) PG here, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, Chapter 7: 77, 78, and 79, Pages 35 and 36, DAY 38, Of Political or Civil Society. By consent, for mutual benefits towards each other. The real reason for marriage to be until death do us part can be found in the animal kingdom of birds of prey. It is a necessity. They are carnivores. The female needs the male to help hunt for food. In humans, the woman needs to stay home and raise their children. Females are not physically strong enough to hunt and plow fields. The Bible tells us in

Genesis that a male is to plow the field. Women are not made to do hard labor or work outside the home. ***Only slave women do that.*** The male is to be home or near home to feed, provide for, teach, and protect his family. Male and Female are to: Own land, own a plow to till the soil, own a horse for transportation, have gold and silver coins for money. " Get a job is not in the Bible. Except for slavery or endentured servitude.
PG here, 2.) sect. 77. God having made man such a creature, that, in his own judgment, it was not good for him to be alone, put him under strong obligations of necessity, convenience, and inclination to drive him into society, as well as fitted him with understanding and language to continue and enjoy it. The first society was between man and wife, which gave beginning to that between parents and children; to which, in time, that between master and servant came to be added: and though all these might, and commonly did meet together, and make up but one family, wherein the master or mistress of it had some sort of rule proper to a family; each of these, or all together, came short of political society, as we shall see, if we consider the different ends, ties, bounds of each of these.

PG here. March 20, 2025, Day 39, Pages 36 and 37, Sections 80, 81, 82, Chapter 7
 ***Of Political or Civil Society.*** Man and Wife, Procreation, Children, Married for Life.

PG here, Scripture, Repatriation, Jubilee Cancellation of Debt, Repatriation is the act of returning a person or thing to their country of origin, citizenship, or the place they came from, and can also refer to the return of human remains, cultural items, or assets. ....... Americans now must be returning the land to the original owner before the land was stolen by property and income tax. US criminals were defrauding and robbing the people. The "Our Father," forgive us our trespasses. Trespassing is real. You do it every day and do not know you are trespassing. Go make to your own country, your own nation. God told me, "Ohio is my country, my nation." "Our laws come from Almighty God." People in Texas do not just want illegals out but also Californians. In all the states, people are upset about foreigners moving into their state, from other states, countries, corporations, the federal governments, etc. In Ohio, a law was changed by election by planned parenthood interfering in our voting. They lied in advertising and had the Ohio State Secretary lie on the ballot. Ohioans did not know what they were honestly voting for. Abortion and gender surgery, sexually mutilating innocent children, and legalized sexual relationships between adults and children. Sex trafficking. Pedophilia. Trespassing is living, on, working on land—God did not give it to you. Deuteronomy 15 The Year for Canceling Debts 15 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed. 3 You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your fellow Israelite owes you. 4 However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, 5 if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. 6 For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations, but none will rule over you. Leviticus 28:8-55 ........8. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan. 12 For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields. 13 “‘In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.

Lynette Zang @Zang Enterprises. ***The Next Financial Crisis Is Already Here*** Do not let 1933 and 1965 happen again. Stop it! Yes, something you control. It is time to reverse the curse. Each person who can turn in their fiat for gold and silver coins. "We The People" have all the power to stop the counterfeiting of money by these criminals. Each person who can, starts selling their gold and silver coins for the fiat to those in their neighborhood or community. Reverse what FDR did. He started stealing from every American. Took the gold coins gave men fiat, pieces of paper. It was a crime. In 1933, FDR stole our rightful gold; in 1965, Johnson started to steal our rightful silver coins. In 1965, the banks started taking in the silver coins, but they never gave them back. "We The People" do the reverse. Like a bank, take in fiat pieces of paper and give people gold and silver back.

(or viz without a full stop) is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning "it is permitted to see". It is used as a synonym for "namely", "that is to say", "to wit", "which is", or "as follows".

DAY 40 

Only Jesus—his very being, his words, his Holy Spirit—can bring peace to our souls. No one is or can be coerced into perpetual debt slavery to any institution or other person. It may be temporary voluntary by consent. No income taxes, no property taxes, no counterfeit money, which is a debt instrument, a note, or an IOU. No one can force others to pay for cars, gasoline, or roads. That would be personal slavery for life. Only horses can be used as transportation. 
PG here, March 21, 2025 Day 40 Section 83, 84, and 85, Chapter 7 Of Political or Civil Society
DAY 40  

Foundation is Marriage is based on a man and woman in ***a perpetual state*** of contract, an obligation until death do us part. For Life. For the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Man reconciled unto God into the Garden of Eden to walk and talk to God and to procreate, bringing forth a godly seed. Go forth, take dominion of the earth, and multiply. It is a mutual commitment for life that cannot be entered into lightly, but both must be called by God. God by himself, joining the two together by the love and power of the Holy Spirit as one. In this first paragraph, the magistrate or government cannot interfere in this relationship or call of God. Man and wife are above government in a holy relationship with God.

 The only reason for joining in political or civil society is ***the preservation of property.*** A man is above the animals because he can plow a field, raise herds of animals, domesticate a horse for transportation, and dig a well to provide for his needs at the moment while setting some aside in a barn as a storehouse for his future needs. To fulfill the call of God on his life with his wife and children. Sect. 83. For all the ends of marriage being to be obtained under politic government, as well as in the state of nature, the civil magistrate doth not abridge the right or power of either naturally necessary to those ends, viz. procreation and mutual support and assistance whilst they are together;.................................

Conjugal society could subsist and attain its ends without it; nay, community of goods, and the power over them, mutual assistance and maintenance, and other things belonging to conjugal society, might be varied and regulated by that contract which unites man and wife in that society, as far as may consist with procreation and the bringing up of children {(or viz without a full stop) is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning "it is permitted to see". It is used as a synonym for "namely", "that is to say", "to wit", "which is", or "as follows".} Sect. 85. Master and servant are names as old as history, but given to those of far different condition; for a freeman makes himself a servant to another, by selling him, for a certain time, the service he undertakes to do, in exchange for wages he is to receive: and though this commonly puts him into the family of his master, and under the ordinary discipline thereof; yet it gives the master but a temporary power over him, and no greater than what is contained in the contract between that state be considered as any part of civil society; the chief end whereof is ***the preservation of property.***

To be cont.
@Resistancechics PG here, Good morning. It is Saturday, March 22, 2025. Tomorrow is my birthday. Chapter 7, sections 86 and 87, Day 41, of about 100 pages of John Locke "Second Treatises of Government" founded on the master command to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Set at liberty those who are bound with chains and fetters; set the captives free. Heal the sick, lay hands on the blind, and they shall see; raise the dead. Freely you have received; freely give this anointing, the power of the forgiveness of sins and setting man free from sin to others. The message of good news from Almighty God, who alone can forgive sins and restore man from a life of crime (sin, harming others, trespassing on others rights, lands, property, and families), making him sound-minded and whole again. A message of Jesus the Redeemer, Savior, Messiah, Lord, and King. Who brings help, hope, freedom, liberates (liberty,) and happiness in this life and the eternal life. (Life to Come). People are having a hard time using their phones to read these thumbnails or memes. For those people, I have the pdf on this blog where you can go read it directly from the book itself. I give the page number and section we are reading that day on each post.

For today's post for tomorrow, God gave me the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have to add definitions of older words for a good understanding of these sections since they are no longer used today. Because people knew these words, they would fight against their slavery. If they grasp that they are living as slaves. Internally, from God, their father, the truth is in them. Around the world, men know they have all the rights of free men through Jesus Christ, and God is their Father. Their fathers are not mere men who are acting as masters, task masters, as in slavery in the Land of Egypt. Today's hierarchical society is called the elitist, globalist, cabalist, or oligarchy. Evil men since the beginning of time have been trying to conquer the world: Rothschilds, Rockefeller, like Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Venetians, Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, etc. 

***The number one thing you can say about God is that he is a judge and a Father of his family.*** The whole body of Christ, the church, ecclesia, {the Greek original word meaning assembly, called out ones, congregation,} "ecclesia" for those using that older term. John Locke uses the term The "pater familias," who was the oldest living male in a household, could legally exercise autocratic authority over his extended family. The term is Latin for "father of the family" or "owner of the family estate." Roman law and tradition (mos majorum) established the power of the pater familias within the community of his own extended familia. In Roman family law, the term "Patria potestas" (Latin: “power of a father”) refers to this concept. He held legal privilege over the property of the familia and varying levels of authority over his dependents; these included his wife and children, certain other relatives through blood or adoption, clients, freedmen, and slaves. To be cont.

DAY 41

To be cont. @Resistancechics PG here, Good morning. For Sunday, March 23, 2025. Chapter 7, sections 86 and 87, Day 41, of about 100 pages of John Locke Second Treatises of Government. "pater familias," In Roman family law, the term "Patria potestas" (Latin: “power of a father”). The oldest living male in a household could legally exercise autocratic authority over his extended family. Jesus Christ is the "Paterfamilias." (sect. 86 (and the family is as much a family, and his power as paterfamilias as great, whether there be any slaves in his family or not). This is why the Bible stresses the only begotten of the Father. The Son of God. Through submission to his Father until death. He was given all power and authority over the family of God. The power and authority here are the greatest any man can have. So many men try to usurp this power and authority from the People, God's children, the Sons of God on earth. We each have in us the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit making their home within us. Rev. 21. ....The Pope, Supremacy. Papal supremacy is the doctrine of the Catholic Church that the Pope, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, is the visible source and foundation of the unity. Vicar of Christ. The King of England, the Divine Right of Kings. Which John Locke refuted in another book. It is the right to be Jesus Christ representative in the church through Peter. Wikipedia: 1536, Henry had broken with Rome, seized assets of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and declared the Church of England as the established church with himself as its head. The new Oath of Supremacy that nobles were required to swear gave the Queen's title as supreme governor of the church rather than supreme head, to avoid the charge that the monarchy was claiming divinity or usurping Christ, whom the Bible explicitly identifies as Head of the Church. Jesus Christ is alive and well, and he is the head of all men. ...The Mother and Father both have equal power and authority from God, representing Jesus as head led by his love, compassion, and Holy Spirit within her. reference below. The meat of it all. Each of us has the right to justice from God. The right to live free, enjoying all the rights and privileges of the law of nature. Uncontrolled by others, which is witchcraft. Each man has with God in him the right to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty, and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men. He has the right to punish anyone who has injured him, to judge and punish those breaking the Ten Commandments or trespassing against him. If he is convinced of the crimes, even unto death to defend himself and his property. When entering into a political or civil society, the community or one's peers act as an umpire between men. The people must be the representatives of a man's natural right to defend himself. The man does not lose his rights or power from being in a natural free state but has someone representing him. sect. 86 he has no legislative power of life and death over any of them, and none too, but what a mistress of a family may have as well as he. ... no absolute power over the whole family, who has but a very limited one over every individual in it. But how a family, or any other society of men, differ from that which is properly political society, we shall best see, by considering wherein political society itself consists. .. Sect. 87. Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom, and an uncontrouled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by nature a power, not only to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men; ..87. Those who are united into one body, and have a common established law and judicature to appeal to, with authority to decide controversies between them, and punish offenders, are in civil society one with another: but those who have no such common appeal, I mean on earth, are still in the state of nature, each being, where there is no other, judge for himself, and executioner; which is, as I have before shewed it, the perfect state of nature
DAY 42

PG here, 1.) Monday, March 24, 2025, Chapter 7, Political or Civil Society, Sections 88 and 89, Day 42 John Locke's, ***Second Treatise of Government*** along with ***A Letter Concerning Toleration.*** If you have been studying, praying, reading, and meditating on these 2 theses, which are the anointing of the Holy Spirit by God, you are feeling what I am: changed mentally. Mentally and morally raised to higher standards. Since 1998, I have prayed the "Our Father" Morning and Night. I told myself if I continued every day, one day I would understand it. I did so because I trust Jesus Christ above all men. And I know by the Holy Spirit God exists and rewards those who love him. AMPC Hebrews 11:6

But without faith, it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]. These two books put and used together give us "Heaven on Earth."

..This is a nation of people who came together who were individuals in the state of nature. Like on an island, no government. But because people do harm others, we need to join together in the kingdom of God on earth. Men in unity of the Holy Spirit. In 1776, we joined society to protect our personal property and liberties given to men by God. Our Creator Jesus mentions in the "Our Father." 

We can only trust those who have turned from sin, turned from crime. We can only live together with those who believe in God and seek him for peace between themselves and God. Those who will seek peek with the neighbors. Coming together under the kingship and lordship, Salvation of Jesus Christ. Honest and sincere, working on their own land using honest money. "Men must be saved by Jesus Christ" is the voice I heard at 2 years old. I am 65 as of Sunday, 

March 23, 2025. At the time, I did not know what it meant. It means we are all born with the desire and want to sin. Sin is fun, enjoyable. But in the end, you die or you kill someone with your sin. The end of sin is death. The next I knew Jesus had set me free from sin, and my Father had turned me into a saint. I was so grateful. I started obeying the first commandment. "I loved God and worshipped him." "I love Jesus." All around 2 and 3 years old. I was filled with love! Then While looking back at my childhood, Jesus told me to "love your neighbor" and "love one another." Jesus said, "William Penn is your teacher." William Penn established the city of Philadelphia (the city of brotherly love). Where liberty was born) in 1776. William Penn and John Locke were friends. William Penn did with other Quakers what John Locke is speaking on. They both believed these truths" (from the Declaration of Independence), what John was stating in his book. 

PG here Thread 1.) John Locke section 89......"the legislative thereof, to make laws for him, as the public good of the society" ...This is used in the Declaration of Independence."The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good." Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Chapter 7 "Of Political or Civil Society," "Second Treatise of Government" by John Locke, pages 40 and 41, Day 43, sections 90 and 91 start with the words "civil society." The mere understanding of civil society was found in yesterday's reading in Section 89. All men are in "a state of nature." PG here, 2.) Men alone by themselves "to defend" themselves and their property: their freedom, labor, personal belongings, wives and children, land, herds, crops, duties, responsibilities, worship, and love of God, his beliefs, i.e., his happiness. Others in "a state of nature" would try to take what he has and enslave him under their arbitrary authority and use them as they please. Just like a man uses an animal and puts a bit in it's mouth to carry the man's weight. ...One man will try to do to another man, as the one without God is lazy and will not take care to do what God asks of him in the garden of Eden. To till the soil, dominate the earth, be god stewards of the animals and crops, then go out and multiply, have offspring, and raise them under God's authority to populate the earth.

3.) Men enter a contract, a compact, an agreement between them and God, submitting to God first for all laws, rules, fairness, and justice to protect each other in a civil society. Nothing is arbitrary. . All men must be under the laws of God. Or the "Laws of God" Laws of nature and nature's God (Declaration of Independence) are above all men. Then men are no longer in "the state of nature" but join a society and have the society's protection of their property.

4.)...Section 89: Where-ever therefore any number of men are so united into one society, as to quit everyone his executive power of the law of nature, and to resign it to the public, there and there only is a political, or civil society. And this is done, where-ever any number of men, in the state of nature, enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government; or else when any one joins himself to, and incorporates with any government already made: for hereby he authorizes the society, or which is all one, the legislative thereof, to make laws for him, as the public good of the society shall require; to the execution whereof, his own assistance (as to his own decrees) is due.

5.) And this puts men out of a state of nature into that of a commonwealth, by setting up a judge on earth, with authority to determine all the controversies, and redress the injuries that may happen to any member of the commonwealth; which judge is the legislative, or magistrates appointed by it. And where-ever there are any number of men, however associated, that have no such decisive power to appeal to, there they are still in the state of nature
New Thread, New Picture. PG here 1.) Page

29/81 pdf John Lock 
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Chapter 7 "Of Political or Civil Society," "Second Treatise of Government" by John Locke, pages 40 and 41, Day 43, sections 90 and 91 start with the words "civil society." The mere understanding of civil society was found in yesterday's reading in Section 89. All men are in "a state of nature." They join society to protect their property. Mind, soul, body, labor, family, land, possessions from those who would rob them and enslave them. {monarchy: Central Banking, Central Federal Government, one source of government made by the hands of man is not a civil government but a dictatorship. It is not a civil government at all.} No one has agreed to it or given their consent.

PG here New Thread, New Picture. 2.) Sect. 90. Hence it is evident, that absolute monarchy, which by some men is counted the only government in the world, is indeed inconsistent with civil society, and so can be no form of civil government at all: for the end of civil society, being to avoid, and remedy those inconveniences of the state of nature, which necessarily follow from every man's being judge in his own case, by setting up a known authority, to which every one of that society may appeal upon any injury received, or controversy that may arise, and which every one of the society ought to obey;* where-ever any persons are, who have not such an authority to appeal to, for the decision of any difference between them, there those persons are still in the state of nature; and so is every absolute prince, in respect of those who are under his dominion. PG here New Thread, New Picture. 3.) (*The public power of all society is above every soul contained in the same society; and the principal use of that power is, to give laws unto all that are under it, which laws in such cases we must obey. Unless there be reason shewed which may necessarily enforce that the law of reason, or of God, doth enjoin the contrary, Hook. Eccl. Pol. l. i. sect. 16.) Sect. 91. For he being supposed to have all, both legislative and executive power in himself alone,there is no judge to be found, no appeal lies open to any one, who may fairly, and indifferently, and with authority decide, and from whose decision relief and redress may be expected of any injury or inconviency, that may be suffered from the prince, or by his order: so that such a man, however intitled,Czar, or Grand Seignior, or how you please, is as much in the state of nature, with all under his dominion, as he is with therest of mankind:

PG here New Thread, New Picture. 4.)for where-ever any two men are, who have no standing rule,and common judge to appeal to on earth, for the determination of controversies of right betwixt them, there they are still in the state of* nature, and under all the inconveniencies of it, with only this woful difference to the subject, or rather slave of an absolute prince: that whereas, in the ordinary state of nature, he has a liberty to judge of his right, and according to the best of his power, to maintain it; now, whenever his property is invaded by the will and order of his monarch, he has not only no appeal, as those in society ought to have, but as if he were degraded from the common state of rational creatures, is denied a liberty to judge of, or to defend his right; 

PG here New Thread, New Picture. 5.) and so is exposed to all the misery and inconveniencies, that a man can fear from one, who being in the unrestrained state of nature, is yet corrupted with flattery, and armed with power. (*To take away allsuch mutual grievances, injuries and wrongs, i.e. such as attend men in the state of nature, there was no way but only by growing into composition and agreement amongst themselves, by ordaining some kind of govemment public, and by yielding themselves subject thereunto, that unto whom they granted authority to rule and govem, by them the peace, tranquillity and happy estate of the rest might be procured.

PG here New Thread, New Picture. 6.)Men always knew that where force and injury was offered, they might be defenders of themselves; they knew that however men may seek their own commodity, yet if this were done with injury unto others, it was not to be suffered, but by all men, and all good means to be withstood. Finally, they knew that no man might in reason take upon him to determine his own right, and according to his own determination proceed in maintenance thereof, in as much as every man is towards himself, and them whom he greatly affects, partial; and therefore that strifes and troubles would be endless, except they gave their common consent, all to be ordered by some, whom they should agreeupon, without which consent there would be no reason that one man should take upon him to be lord or 30/81 judge over another, Hooker's Eccl. Pol. l. i. sect. 10.)

Dutch colonized "Ceylon". The name was changed to Sri Lanke when the British took it over. 

Dutch Ceylon (Sinhalaලන්දේසි ලංකාවTamilஒல்லாந்த இலங்கை) was a governorate established in present-day Sri Lanka by the Dutch East India Company. Although the Dutch managed to capture most of the coastal areas in Sri Lanka, they were never able to control the Kingdom of Kandy located in the interior of the island.[1] Dutch Ceylon existed from 1640 until 1796.

In the early 17th century, Sri Lanka was partly ruled by the Portuguese and partly by Sri Lankan (primarily of Sinhalese origin) kingdoms, who were constantly battling the Portuguese. Although the Portuguese were not winning the war, their rule was oppressive to the people of those areas controlled by them. While the Portuguese were engaged in a long war of independence from Spanish rule, the Sinhalese king (the king of Kandy) invited the Dutch to help defeat the Portuguese. The Dutch interest in Ceylon was to have a united battle front against the Iberians at that time.he 

..British took over Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) from the Dutch in 1796, during the wars of the French Revolution, and gained full control of the island in 1815 after conquering the Kingdom of Kandy. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2025, Chapter 7, Sect 92 and 93, Pages 41 and 42, Day 44
John Locke writes a sentence with Ceylon in it. Ceylon was a Dutch colony from 1640 to 1796. The Dutch East Trading Company.
Britain took over in 1796.
In sections 92 and 93, John Locke is talking about kings. There is no need for a king in a civil society. The Bible shows us in the Old Testament that governments are men entering into society to protect their "Promised Land." All men need land to grow their crops, raise animals, raise families, and have long, happy lives while obeying God. God created the land and all man needs; then he told man to dominate the earth and to multiply. (Yes woman it is a sin, [punishable by death,] not to have children.) The land, animals, food, rain are all gifts from God. FREE gifts from God. In America everyone has the right to own land to provide for himself and his family. The government can not tax land or property (labor is your property) because they do not have the right to own land. or people in indentured servitude or slavery.

God set up judges in the Old Testament to tell the people what God's word is. What God's laws are and to judge between men. For the protection of property.
God told the people, If you have a king, he will think he is above the law, and he will rule harshly and take your property, tax all your wealth, and take all you have, even your wife and children. Exactly what the anarchistic American states and federal governments have done. Once they turned their backs on God and a high moral standard.
Fiat dollars are unjust and unfair, making the government above all and the dollar "BILL, DEBT, CREDIT, and CONSUMERISM KING.

Tomorrow we will learn men are better in a state of nature than in a society that has become anarchy, with the strongest ruling. Evil men are ruling, taking anything they want, and enslaving everyone. There is no one to appeal to. This is an absolute monarchy. You can not speak against it, or it is off with your head.
Jesus is King, Savior, and Lord. He set us free from the tyrannical oppression of one man over another. No one is above the LAWS of nature and nature's God. No one is above God or God's laws. That is what the fiat dollar does.
Horses are for our transportation only; gold and silver coins are money. These facts and truths are to be obeyed. But the fiat system is fraud and stealing, and it's a horrible, murderous machines. The Bible speaks of the evil inventions of man. Thank you, Jesus.

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