Friday, March 21, 2025

#2 Page 10 pdf Extra Addition John Locke's Government Treatise: A Letter Concerning Toleration


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Day #1... Extra Addition John Locke's Government Treatise: A Letter Concerning Toleration

A Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke 

Translated by William Popple [1689] 

eBooks@Adelaide Concerning Toleratin PDF.pdf

DAY 19

DAY 19, March 21, 2025, Page 9b of 40, Pages based on pdf

***A Letter Concerning Toleration,*** Author John Locke. Concerning Toleratin PDF.pdf

Extra Addition to John Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government. The second half of the book is A Letter Concerning Toleration. The first book on government is founded on this letter. Real, true Christianity is biblical. It is not today's Christianity.

I will only mind those that contend so
earnestly for the decrees of their own society,
and that cry out continually, 

They cry, The Church, The Church! 

It is not made up of arbitrary rules, laws, and doctrines—false teachings of mere men because evil men are counterfeiting money.

The Bible does not give the church the right to persecute others.

I.E., fire, sword, and compulsory punishments if they join their faith and live by their doctrines.......The end of a religious society (as has already been said) is the public worship of God and, by means thereof, the acquisition of eternal life...... The church cannot get people to give what they have to them. .........Nothing ought nor can be transacted in this society relating to the possession of civil and worldly goods.... ..... That punishment is for the magistrate..... For force belongs wholly to the civil magistrate, and the possession of all outward goods is subject to his jurisdiction.........

Men join civil or political government for the protection of their possessions and property.

Arms or weapons of the church are......The arms by which the members of this society are to be kept within their duty are exhortations, admonitions, and advices. If by these means the offenders will not be reclaimed and the erroneous convinced, there remains nothing further to be done but that such stubborn and obstinate persons, who give no ground to hope for their reformation, should be cast out and separated from society.

DAY 20 PAGE 10b OF 40

Sunday, March 23, 2025, Good morning, PG Here. "A Letter Concerning Toleration," by John Locke, 1689. This is the explanation of our first Amendment rights to freedom of religion. Free to worship where and how you choose. Not freedom of any religion. The religion (a set of beliefs, idealogy) must be in the bounds of a Christian society under God within the Kingdom of God on earth. According to the Declaration of Independence, all men must acknowledge Almighty God as our creator and men's rights that come from God through Jesus Christ. Everything in the world comes from ***God,*** our creator. Government is a work of the Holy Spirit of God. It is a ministry, being a servant of the people, a calling. You must be called by God in the ministry of the work of operations, administration, facilitation, settling disputes between people, executing justice, making laws and punishments that are from God that are fair and just, equally applied to all men, etc. Punishment must convict men of their sins and crimes. Put convicted by the Holy Spirit criminals away from others so they do not harm anyone else. This isolation from society will have them think about the wrong they did and how it harmed others. Knowing they are not coming out of punishment until they know what they did was wrong, show real, true remorse. Prove to have become a man of his word, then swear to never harm someone else. Repenting, turning men away from a life of crime to God, is what criminal punishment is for. ..Laws, rules, and administrations: The word ministry is in administrations that are based on men's free rights according to nature. If they were free on a mountain, no one else would be around them. According to the laws their Creator has put in place to feed and clothe them and to go forth to populate the earth, providing for their offspring as men and wives for life. ..The people in the government are a part of the church. The office of administration and operations comes out of men's hearts that worship God freely in the congregation,{an assembly of citizens, the ecclesia, the separated ones, the church,} at home with their families, every day work, and calling. It comes out of their love of God, worship of God, and faithfully following his commandments to preach the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Propagation of; The earlier fathers called ***the furtherance of the Kingdom of God*** on this earth. Jesus being our King, and we are in his kingdom. Revelation 21: The New Jersusalem. The seat of God on earth. It is within us. John Locke has been distinguishing between the government and its rights to punish men and actually take their property from them if they receive it illegally. Also as a punishment for harm to others. The church does not have compulsory power like the government or magistrate. The worst punishment is excommunicating a person. No one will talk to the person any more, nor can he worship God with them. John Locke; "For all force (as has often been said) belongs only to the magistrate, nor ought any private persons at any time to use force, unless it be in self-defence against unjust violence." Luke 17:21 1599 Geneva Bible Jesus is speaking: 21 Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 12:28 But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Colossians 1:13 He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son, 1 Corinthians 4:20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 20 For the kingdom of God consists of and is based on not talk but power (moral power and excellence of soul).
Day 21

March 24, 2025,  Page 11a out of 40 according to pdf  Day 21

PG here. denizen: inhabitant or occupant of a particular place. "denizens of field and forest" 2.a foreigner allowed certain rights in the adopted country. Monday Night: March 24, 2025, page 11a of 40 pages on the  pdf. 
Excommunication is stopping a person from worshipping and taking the Lord's Supper, communion with the particular group of people. Outside this society, this person cannot be harmed in life, liberty, property, or even in service. Those matters of punishment are the purpose of political or civil government, which the magistrate is to attend to. Knowing this person has done you no harm. He is in error in his salvation; he will suffer every day; he will be miserable in this life and in the afterlife for eternity. 
Day 22

March 25, 2025, 11b of 40 pages, 
according to pdf 
Day 22, 

March 25, 2025, 11b of 40 pages, according to pdf Day 22, ...the mutual toleration of private persons differing from one another in religion.... No one has jurisdiction over another person of a different religion., not even when the civil magistrate (as it sometimes happens) comes to be of this or the other communion. For the civil government can give no new right to the church, nor the church to the civil government. What I say concerning the mutual toleration of private persons differing from one another in religion, I understand also of particular churches which stand, as it were, in the same relation to each other as private persons among themselves: nor has any one of them any manner of jurisdiction over any other; no, not even when the civil magistrate (as it sometimes happens) comes to be of this or the other communion. For the civil government can give no new right to the church, nor the church to the civil government. So that, whether the magistrate join himself to any church, or separate from it, the church remains always as it was before—a free and voluntary society. It neither requires the power of the sword by the magistrate’s coming to it, nor does it lose the right of instruction and excommunication by his going from it. This is the fundamental and immutable right of a spontaneous society—that it has power to remove any of its members who transgress the rules of its institution; but it cannot, by the accession of any new members, acquire any right of jurisdiction over those that are not joined with it. And therefore peace, equity, and friendship are always mutually to be observed by particular churches, in the same manner as by private persons, without any pretence of superiority or jurisdiction over one another. 

PG here: Excerpt from page 5b, of 40 according to the PDF. Day 8, Monday, March 10th, 2025

It is a reminder of what we are learning, our true freedoms, and what we are fighting for. A society free from wickedness, filthiness, dirty-minded people, and slothfulness. We turn from and fight to be a good, honest society. More importantly, wholesome for the common good, happiness, fairness, justice, and equality of all men. Which comes from Almighty God to those who have turned from a life of crime, sin, licentiousness, dirty-mindedness, and lying. Men who have turned to God to be cleansed from all dirtiness of mind, soul, and body, all corruption, and defilement of the flesh.

These good, clean, pure people join and unite in society to love one another, for it is our Christian moral right, duty, and responsibility to worship God freely and protect ***The commonwealth seems to me to be a society of men constituted only for the procuring, preserving, and advancing of their own civil interests. Civil interests I call life, liberty, health, and indolency of body; and the possession of outward things, such as money, lands, houses, furniture, and the like.***

#1 Extra Addition John Locke's Government Treatise: A Letter Concerning Toleration

Today's reading will take today and tomorrow to write about. It is about supposing, as an example, happenings in two churches in the 1600s. In Constantinople and who has the rights and responsibilities in the church.

Today's reading is 12b of 40......excerpt: the one of Arminians, the other of Calvinists—residing in the city of Constantinople. Will anyone say that either of these churches has right to deprive the members of the other of their estates and liberty (as we see practised elsewhere) because of their differing from it in some some doctrines and ceremonies, ..................

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