Monday, November 18, 2013

A Christian, a Communist, and a Socialist...Who comes up with the Best Governmental System

3 men get together to create the world's most perfect governmental system to date. One is a Christian, one is a Socialist, and the other is a Communist. 

They all agree in the distribution of wealth. They believe that those who are rich should help the poor, however they disagree in how to go about it.

The Christian says that they should teach people the principles of Jesus and the Bible. He said that Jesus taught to give in secret and not let your right hand know what your left hand was doing. The Christian pointed to the Bible's command that pure and undefiled religion was to take care of the fatherless and widow. He said that children should be taught to read the Bible and learn Biblical principles of giving and taking care of his fellow man. He said that the rich should be ridiculed if they did not help their fellow man and that days of prayer and fasting should be nation wide for God to bless their new country. In this way there would be very few poor people and those who were poor would be taken care of by people whose hearts were moved by God. The Christian said that each man should provide for himself through the blessings of God and that God would judge those who did not help their neighbor in need. However, he said that the government's job was not to take money from one to give to another.

 The Socialist said that those ideals were all fine and good but he would pass laws that made people give to the poor. He did not like the idea of teaching people the Bible but believed that the goodness of humanity would flow from laws that took money from people by force. He believed that the rich should get richer and then the government would take that money from the rich and redistribute it to those the government deemed worthy. The Socialist believed in creating as many governmental programs as possible because people, in general, are not smart enough or intelligent enough to provide for themselves. The Socialist said people need those in the country who are smarter to tell them how to spend their money. The Socialist said that the government should take care of the needs of the people by regulating them as much as possible.

The Communist told the Christian and the Socialist that they still believed too much in the intelligence of the people to do the right thing on their own or make laws on their own. The Communist believed in going into people's homes and taking their money by force. He said the Socialist did not go far enough by just enacting laws to take people's money but that all homes and land belonged solely to the government and would be dolled out to Comrades close to the party. The Socialist said he would fine or put people in prison if they didn't pay the government what the government demanded but the Communist said that he didn't go far enough. He would kill those who did not give up their land and wealth to the government.

The Socialist said the government would offer to pay for abortions and contraceptives whereas the Communist said he would force women to have abortions and cut men's testicles off. The Christian was appalled at this idea and said that God promised the fruit of the womb as his reward.

Seeing that none of them could see eye to eye, the 3 men went their separate ways.

The ForeFather's Monument in Plymouth, MA, outlines the principles of true freedom

The Christian founded Plymouth, MA and sowed seeds for the first free government in the history of the world. His ideals that Law, Justice, Education, and Morality should all flow from Faith in the Word of God lit a light and birthed the greatest nation in the world. The Christian's government allowed men and women to work their own land without fear of government intrusion. The Christian's country flourished and grew and the Word of God was spread to all. The Christian's government encouraged all to read and write and one, a Mr. John Adams, said that it would be harder to spot a comet then meet an illiterate person. The greatness of the Christian's country has never been matched simply because of the principles taught that men and women should be encouraged to give but not forced, thus keeping a person's wealth in their own hands but making it clear that giving and kindness were not just expected of a Christian citizen, but required by God for His blessings.

French Revolutionary Guillotine

The Socialist went back to Europe where Greece and Iceland went bankrupt and people have very little freedom and liberty. The Socialist set up guillotines and chopped off the heads of wealthy people in a violent revolution. The Socialist country's wealth is distributed by the government and people have little say over when, how, and where their charity is going. The Socialist created a people who look to what the government and others can give them and look to the government to solve all their problems. The government cannot solve all problems, so people are depressed and constantly demanding more and more from a system that has no more to give

The Communist went to Russia, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and China. He set up a government with so little value for human life that he taught his people to use children as a human shield. He trained men and women that their was no god and outlawed all mention of God and Church and the Bible. The Communist went into people's homes and stole everything and put several families in giant apartment buildings and demanded each person do the work the party told them to or die. The Communist taught people to forcibly take men and women and lay them on a table and cut babies out of their wombs and cut their manhood off. The Communist does not just take 40-50% of a person's paycheck, the Communist believes all the work a person does belongs to the state. The Communist does not allow one ounce of freedom of thought but blocks out all outside internet links so that the people eat, think, breathe what the party tells them too. In Communism, no one is allowed to believe and think on Jesus.

Read here about the sadness of one woman's forced abortion

Paul in a letter to Timothy sums up the principle of giving that this country was founded upon. Not everyone will follow it but all should be taught to and many will! :) 

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

America is great. America is free. The real America that is. Socialist and Communistic ideals have crept in and taken away what made this country so great. But I do not fear. You see, we went to Plymouth. I saw the foundation of this country. The lie that is America right now will not stand. Speak the Truth, the Truth will prevail!

Watch this movie and find out where our country started!!!

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