Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pilgrim "Matthew"

Isaiah 58 Ministries                                                                            Thanksgiving 2013

Pastor: Leah Svensson

Special Guest: Matthew Stoskopf

                                 The Pilgrim  "Matthew"

Just in case you missed it yesterday, here is our Thanksgiving video from our pilgrimage to Plymouth. If this holiday does anything for you I would suggest reading the pilgrims writings for yourself as most of what we were taught in school are just a rewriting of history. These people had to stay in faith for God to bless each step they made. Several were relatively well off in England, however to sell and leave their homeland for Holland meant selling off their homes, their businesses, and their farms. The one thing that I've read that I have yet to get an original source on is that William Bradford's family wasn't supportive of his "extremist" Christian views. Around every turn in the bible is seemingly the concept of sin and sickness.  It is written that the wages of sin is death.  Even if you aren't the one sinning you can become sick as a result of others sinning against you.  At age 12, already orphaned by both his parents and grandparents, young and sickly William began searching for answers. He started pouring through the bible and received his salvation through the true Word of God.  Early on he became acquainted with the ministry of Richard Clyfton and John Smith who went on to form separatist churches.  

Now living with his Uncle, less than ideal you can be sure, at age 18 he took that first step of faith and left for Leiden Holland.  Though he had inherited the family farm from his father, he was eventually able to recover some of it as a means of provision for himself and his new bride.  Despite this sure, successful livelihood, he chose to work as a virtual slave for a company in Holland to pay the bills. Why did they all move? God told them to, as bibles were illegal in England. We preach a lot on getting alone with God and not letting outside influences pull you away from the anointing. Nowhere do you see letters or diary entries from William Bradford toward his evil uncle. 

The pilgrims, not having had the bible for very long were in Holland trying to get set free from the brainwashing from their government, and their society. England was so tyrannical that they sailed over to destroy their bible printing press, throwing them in jail. Can you imagine that? 
The pilgrims thought their livelihood in Gods new world would be fishing. However a leaky boat left them one short. They were quickly learning that you can't trust sinful people and questioned whether their boat was intentionally over loaded and had too heavy sails put on deliberately, thus the leaking. They were so close to God and had such complete faith in their deliverance that they didn't worry about it anymore. They thought it would be far better to possibly die in an unknown land with no boat or means of return but obedient to God.

At the start of the voyage one sailor started saying absolutely filthy things to them. Who knows what all perverted things were said to their women and children. He said he would probably throw half of them overboard before they got there. Well the good Lord saw fit to make him sick, and he was the first one thrown overboard. God paved the way for these people. We hear a lot about the white man referring to Indians as savages, but they were friends. I contend that if you walk through any mall or public place, the ones without Christ are in virtual stages of nudity. When you see their ways they are savage. The average Abercrombie or Holister customer looks savage. Who would pay $100 for a pair of jeans already ripped or a blouse that doesn't cover anything? No daughter of mine will be allowed out of the house dressed like that. The only one who will see them that way will be their ever loving, God given husbands.

That is why the disciples went around showing people the love of Jesus which is a love they had never known. Just like there are evil people they left in England (Bradford sure never meantioned writing his family) or their anti-Christ government, or Church of England, the Indians had their own natives they were open to being set free from. These were people who they were in constant fear of. These were Indians clearly not interested in living peacefully. One by one our Indian friends got saved as the pilgrims were as close to God as the biblical prophets.  Like Elisha, when someone was sick or prayers were needed for favorable weather for crops God answered.  They said wow, when we pray to our god nothing happens. I like your God, he saved us from sure death.  The ones who had visions of Jesus on a cross must have said, "see, I told you I knew what I was talking about!" They were as anyone humble and open are, ready willing and able to cling to any real answers they are finally given.

A king cannot own land just because he says he does. Only God can give land. So when you read about the pilgrims wanting profits it is about finally being free. They were living independently, yet as indentured servants or slaves to the crown and evil English business people. Not only did they do the honorable thing in paying off their debts, which I don't believe they had to under God, they bought the land from the Indians as well. They were lied to and cheated every step of the way, in England and still owned up and paid the Indians for the land they were using. To pay twice for land is nothing short of a class act. Do you know what? The stories you hear about Indians having their land stolen well, if you aren't open to God He will move someone else in there, it is just that simple.

At their arrival there were hundreds of Indian languages. This goes back to the tower of Babel, and God broke up the languages as to prevent sinful people from building blasphemous cities. If you look to the east every small island group it seems has a different language. As for Americans, the pilgrims paid their way. They paid for it through their blood, sweat, tears, and many deaths early on. In of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford wrote of praying that the dutch wouldn't follow them to America when the time came. Well, they did come, and the atheists and sinful people ultimately did steal the Indians land, and founded New York City among other blasphemous places. Going out we drove well around New York City as it is extremely sinful to this day.

So when I think of savages I think as much about the greedy white atheists raping and pillaging as I do native americans taking scalps. Less than 150 years later in the late 1700s John Adams writes about how the Lord established this country for the peaceable living of farming. He said God created Massachusetts perfect for it, yet no one is farming there anymore. He was making a call then for what we are saying now. The world's system is brainwashing and it is insanity to have all our money stolen for tyrants to use for unprofitable ventures. Hmmm, I just read a Thomas Jefferson quote on that. As for Adams, he would say as I am now to say a prayer and dig into all those wonderful Thanksgiving dishes. Now realize that it is our own God given duty to provide that from our own homes, even city ones with small yards.

It was such a dream to be able to take that trip to Plymouth with such wonderful people: my God given family. Leah and Michelle have been living for this their whole lives, so I was in awe of their anointed commentary. As for jc, I can't say enough about her. Everyday such utter brilliance and eloquence just Spirit flows from her to anyone blessed enough to be in ear shot. I just need to humbly apologize for any time I was out of the anointing and said the wrong thing, or was cold in any way. She deserves far more than I am able to deliver on a daily basis. I throw out starting a sawmill periodically as means to provide for this wonderful family, and be the God fearing man that they have never had. I am one man and I can afford that. Just think of all those

pilgrims selling everything to merely get a one way ticket over to America. Later on in Plymouth at one point a carpenter and his crew of 3 or 4 sailed in. He said hey, this thing is full of extra wood if you need a boat. According to Bradford many men said I want to help, count me in! Just think about that.  All they needed was a sawmill. If they could have started one of those in Holland, allowed Jesus to provide the carpenter training, and boom, free Mayflower. They could have brought it over, set it up on the God given "Town Brook" to cut trees for their homes. These hundred however many people would have given anything for one sawmill. Yet I can afford one. It is a real humble and uplifting thing. The world would say that I cannot afford a farm or ranch in Ohio. However if he brought me here then He will provide. If you have read this far then God bless you. Oh yea, and send me a message if you know of any cheap farm acreage that could be my promised land.

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