Saturday, December 12, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah In Him was Life and that Life was the Light of Men

Isaiah 58 Ministries                                                          December 12, 2015
Pastor Leah "Faith"

Scriptures: John 1:4, 2 Timothy 1:7

                          This is the Power of God to Heal!

There is so much power in falling in love with Jesus and knowing He loves you. Every time I feel low, or feel my wounds, or I face a test, I just meditate on the love of Jesus. It gives me strength, because I know He cares about me. I know He is concerned with my well being. I know He knows what's best for me.

I have so much to say about this.                       First:

It absolutely gives you "STRENGTH"! Meditating that Jesus loves you 

in God's love, not the world's, gives you Supernatural 

Strength to do what God has called you to do. It also gives you boldness!

Meditating on God's love does everything. It is God's road to fulfill the promises of God in your Life:  All the Promises of God.

It heals your life to it's original design, purpose, and plan God has for you.  It heals from birth onward.

       Your entire life healed and made whole! 


      After reading Marcus' post I started doing just that. Mediating on God's love for me. God brought back memories of times when his light shined on my life.  With that,  memories that haven't yet been healed, started coming up. I went back into the memory and meditated on Jesus' love for me, God's love for me. God's power, wisdom of his Holy Spirit, God's love strengthened me and showed how to "make it right" with the love, power, and wisdom of God.

God is "all Powerful". There isn't a force more powerful than God's power. Anytime in your life where the devil got the victory, Go back and let God's love get the victory.

The Beginning
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing that exists came into being. 4In Him was Life, and that Life was the Light of men. 5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it.

 I have heard many stories from adults who were molested as children.  Those events changed everything about them. I have been confused as to how one brings healing to these kinds of memories so the person returns to a state of mind as if it never happened.  Here is the answer!!  

The problem I (and most Christians) have is that we stay in a state of mind, of learning, of being taught by an experience or by people who did not have the "light" of God.  

     The light of God is; his wisdom, power, love and the knowledge of his will for yourself and everyone around you.

      Early in my life I would stay away from Christians sometimes because I thought they could read my mind and would try to heal me.  It's true.  When God lives in a person that person knows everything about you. Not that they do, God in them does!!!  

Jesus Christ was "anointed" by God to heal. As you meditate on God's love the "anointing" rushes in and starts to heal your mind and give you back the Holy Spirit: God did not give you a spirit of Fear: but of Love, 
power and a

"sound mind" full of wisdom.

2 Timothy 1:7(NKJV)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

                                                                               You have to admit the truth: the church, you, and I are living defeated lives!!
Evil people are in power and everyone suffers because of it. 

People Glorify "God" and "good" when the righteous are in power.
If we were following Jesus the way our "forefathers" followed God, then everyone in America would 

be saved! 

America would be 


morally upright, no one could find fault with her!

Evil people are in power and everyone suffers because of it. Americans are perverted and profane, exceedingly immoral, murders, 

In the year 2015 with wicked in authority. I have heard deceived Christians say that America is great and powerful because of God's hand upon her.  Not so, it's because of corruption.

No one is glorifying God!

During the last hundred years America has been under the authority of wicked, evil men. 

.  Your mind and conscience is built by these men.  What you believe to be true was pre-designed by these "architects" of an entire society's mind under their dictatorship!

   As we come back to God and do as men like Marcus are doing we have to be ready for anything God shows us we are thinking, that would be a sin. Everything we thought to be the truth has to be changed.  Everything you think you know is a probably a lie.  You could be married to the wrong person.  You might be exceedingly poor even though you think you have property, money, etc.  God had us give it all up. Everything we had was "ill-gotten" gain! Unrighteous.The same thing happened throughout the Bible: men getting rid of foreign wives; Peter had to eat with "gentiles", give up a secure job as a successful commercial business man. Instead of working every day, Peter was either walking, listening to Jesus, or sitting around talking about God.  This must have sounded very lazy to Peter who used to get up every day and probably worked 12 to 14 hours a day!

Picture of Christ found around the world

What did Peter do with his changed life:
        The whole earth was "saved and reconciled to God."  Study history of different countries: At one time almost everyone on 7 continents had converted to Jesus Christ.

14th to 20th Century
God's Plan
God lived through Jesus and Peter. God helped Peter with every word he spoke. God did this through him and God planned on working through you every day of your life since you were born:

Your Life is a Part of God's Plan

                                                   Reconcile the entire world unto God.

IN The End

Be Ready for Anything!

Jesus in Hanukkah

menorahDid you know that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah? In John 10, Jesus used this ancient holiday as an occasion to teach about His deity and His position as the Messiah. Hanukkah points to Jesus and his miraculous mission here on earth. It is a holiday that is also a celebration of God’s protection of the Jewish people 165 years before Jesus. During the celebration of Tabernacles and Hanukkah, which is also called “the Festival of Lights”, Jesus proclaimed, “I am the Light of the World.” Understanding Hanukkah and Jesus' use of this holiday will enhance both the witness and worship of your church.
In this exciting message we will explain the history of Hanukkah, how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah today and how Jesus used this special festival to point to His mission here on earth. We will light the Hanukkah menorah together and thank God for Jesus, the real reason for the season.
This message is especially relevant during the Christmas/Hanukkah season in November and December.
Learn why if it were not for Hanukkah, we never would have had a Christmas!

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