Tuesday, March 1, 2016

God, The Bible, His Word is Infallible, Constant: Contrarily: Men are arbitrary, not constant, not trust worthy.

The Bible is a book of constants, flawless principles. A complete set of morals giving the foundation of all civilization.

When legislators act  contrary to the trust put in them and  use force to end the freedoms of the people which they were elected to protect...When they invade the property of the people....When governments make themselves Masters, "lords", dictators, "arbitrarily" making laws and decision. They are in rebellion too rightful authority.  They are in, what John Locke describes as "a State of War with the people".

Laws and decisions must be based on a flawless, constant foundation of morals and principles. An example of this is Mathematics. Mathematics is a constant set of laws and Principles.  We see public schools trying to change the mathematics facts, principles, and constants.
What does it lead to: Wrong answers, wrong equations, wrong calculations, wrong assumptions.

Math becomes very, very difficult to do and understand.

So it is with laws, governments, carrying out and upholding the law. Government officials, judges, businesses, lawyers, etc. do this all the time. They twist  words, meanings, definitions, purposes, into tiny little pieces and the point of law, justice is destroyed. This too is rebellion. People at War against  "The People" who they have sworn to protect but instead are betraying this trust.We end up with wrong assumption, innocent people are punished and robbed. We end up with wrong conclusions and the guilty go free. While the victims suffer lose of life, liberty, and property. The criminals become victims and the innocent become criminalized.

Laws and decisions must be based, not on the arbitrary thinking and feelings of men and women. For human feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are never "secure", constant, and cannot be trusted.

The Bible is not just a book but a book on government made by God. It is consistent. It does not contradict itself when an intelligent mind reads it as a whole in context of rational civilization
growth but also it's  fall into temptation of sin. When read in context that God does not sin. God's written Word, the Bible is  infallible but men are fallible.

The Bible is a book of constants, flawless principles. A complete set of morals giving the foundation of all civilization.
  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    "an infallible sense of timing"
  1. based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
    "his mealtimes were entirely arbitrary"

God is flawless, constant. Men are inconsistent, not trust worthy, arbitrary.
Laws and decisions must be based on a flawless, constant foundation of morals and principles.
The Bible is a book of constants, flawless principles. A complete set of morals giving the foundation of all civilization.
No one will ever be smart, intelligent, honest, trust worthy, and not a criminal until they know and understand this book. It is a companion of God, a companion of Jesus Christ, a companion to the Holy Spirit. Explaining Salvation of our souls almost perfectly. The Bible is a book on government of and for farmers.
A paraphrase explanation of the book in modern terms:The Bible is a book of constants, flawless principles. A complete set of morals giving the foundation of all civilization.
When legislators act contrary to the trust put in them and use force to the end the freedoms of the people which they were elected to protect. When they invade the property of the people. When governments make themselves Masters, "lords", dictators, "arbitrarily" making laws and decision. They are in rebellion too rightful authority. They are in a State of War with the people.
Laws and decisions must be based on a flawless, constant foundation of morals and principles. An example is Mathematics. Mathematics is a constant set of laws and Principles. We see public schools trying to change the mathematics facts, principles and constants.
What does it lead to: Wrong answers, wrong equations, wrong calculations, wrong assumptions.
Math becomes very, very difficult to do and understand.
So it is with laws, governments, carrying out and upholding the law. Government officials, judges, businesses, lawyers, etc. do this all the time. They twist words, meanings, definitions, purposes, into tiny little pieces and the point of law, justice is destroyed. This too is rebellion. People at War against "The People" who they have sworn to protect but instead are betraying this trust.We end up with wrong assumption, innocent people are punished and robbed. We end up with wrong conclusions and the guilty go free. While the victims suffer loos of life, liberty and property. The criminals become victims and the innocent become criminalized.
Laws and decision must be based, not on the arbitrary thinking and feelings of men and women. For human feelings, thoughts, beliefs are never "secure", never constant and can not be trusted.
The Bible is not just "a book" but a book on government made by God. It is consistent. It does not contradict itself when an intelligent mind reads it as a whole in context of rational civilization growth, recognizing maninds fall into temptation of sin. When read in context that God does not sin. God's written Word, the Bible is infallible but men are fallible.
The Bible is a book of constants, flawless principles. A complete set of morals giving the foundation of all civilization.
incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, precise,accurate,
meticulous, scrupulous
"an infallible sense of timing"
never failing; always effective.
"infallible cures"
synonyms: unfailing, unerring, guaranteed, dependable, trustworthy,
reliable,sure, certain, safe, foolproof, effective;
Men are arbitrary.
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
"his mealtimes were entirely arbitrary"
synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, unpredictable; More
(of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.
"arbitrary rule by King and bishops has been made impossible"
synonyms: autocratic, dictatorial, autarchic, undemocratic, despotic, tyrannical,authoritarian, high-handed; More
(of a constant or other quantity) of unspecified value.James God is like math. Constant, unchanging, perfect set of laws, principles. Perfection!

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