Monday, December 26, 2016

Government is a religious action!

The exercise of Government is my religion, it is my act of worship!

    For a Christmas present, God gave this truth: Government is not a business! Government everywhere is "a religion". It is not a state run religion. It is by the people and for the people who are Christian in nature (meaning abide by the morals of the Bible. My government is my religion, it is my religious right, duty, and responsibility. It is how I worship God, by Acknowledging God in "everything." 

A government cannot be incorporated. It is an "act" of morality, an "act" of our agreement, an "act" of man to man. It is how I agree to treat my fellow man. We agree in God, we agree all rights come from God, we agree all rights come from nature and nature's God. We agree all laws must be wholesome for the public good. We all stand before God, Who seals this covenant, God is the witness between us. It is an act of worship.…/merry-christmas-ha…

What you "see" today and for the last 100 years or so as a government, isn't. It is a business. Like every other business in the United States, it is subject to the laws of the real government which is: My agreement with everyone else in the country: I declare: The Declaration of Independence that "ties/binds", America's government to the morals put forth by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Constitution. George Washington is a "constant" President of: the Constitution. He actually has authority today that we all must submit to!
A business, a corporation,  cannot tax people. A business cannot "punish people". A business cannot make laws for people outside of the business itself. But this particular business is completely illegal and cannot operate in America!
Copy pasted:
The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.
A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten acre parcel of property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has no legal authority to do so.
This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this quasi-corporation known as the United States Federal Government attempts to make laws, to impose laws on the states or on the people that have not been authorized by the states of the people, operates illegally.

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