Thursday, December 29, 2016

Islam conquering Europe and America since it's Conception in 600 AD Still Going Strong!

Your country is being invaded! Learn history before it repeats itself!
And maybe not judge the crusaders so badly. You see Islam had been conquering the Christian Middle East, forcing everyone to become Muslim or die! Stealing their land, murdering, enslaving, Christians, turning men and boys into eunuchs for 700 centuries, beheading, cutting off fingers, hands, feet, arms, legs, etc. before the crusades and enslaving them. They still do!
Islam came about around the 7th century, 600 years after Christ, after Christianity had spread through the Middle East, Russia, and Europe
The first thing Islam did was start to invade other countries. That is what Islam does, conquers and invades countries.
It has been silent since the 1800's, (most of your pirates were Muslim, trading in black slavery) because the Christian Western world defeated them ending slavery.
Islam has had more African black slaves than any other civilization and has never outlawed slavery. Since 1900's Islam has been patiently strengthening itself to conquer Christian lands again, back now with a vengeance.
Islamic people know their history and are proud of  conquering Christian lands and enslaving people. We do not know our enemy!. Since they are invading our country murdering us, we better find out more about them. 

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