Monday, September 11, 2017

9-11 Why does God allow Suffering? 2017

God as put scientific laws in the Universe that even God can not break!
If you are in sin, and do not turn to him: in Faith, in the Spirit, in Truth, in his love and his power of his spirit, (the spirit of truth,) God can not answer your prayers and people suffer!
The Bible Liberates, ends suffering and sets men free when read correctly!
If God exists and is so powerful why doesn't he stop all pain and suffering?
After that question is asked most people draw the simplest conclusion instead of investigating the Universe for the Truth! We just figure, "Well, I guess God doesn't exist after all!" It's all made up to comfort simple ignorant peasants who don't understand science and they need religion to give them answer instead studying science.
Science actually proves the existence of God!
9-11 will be our scientific example.  The twin towers fell and other buildings fell like building 7 because of the "sins of men". It was a controlled demolition planned, executed, paid for, by CIA and Saudi Arabia!  The lies following were planned, executed ad paid for by the CIA and Saudi Arabia.
  Image result for twin towers If it were a crime to lie and deceive people to murder and the punishment was death, they wouldn't get the help they needed to carry out this murder of  a death sentence on the people in the planes and in the buildings!
to carry out this murder and get away with the wars and continuous murders, (death sentence on innocent people) in tImage result for 9-11 twin towers attackhe Middle East we have today  If it were a crime for government officials not carry out the death sentence on every person involved and the punishment were death for not upholding the law they wouldn't get the help from government
Below picture: "Religion and the law are twins" is a scientific absolute, they need each other exist! One doesn't exist without the other! 
It's equal to the scientific law of gravity. It is irrefutable!
Image result for founding Fathers: religion and the law are twin sisters
Another Crime switching the Bible as law in America 
 replacing it with the Koran. 
  People suffer because men disobey the laws of science God has made and put into the universe. When God's scientific laws are adhered to and obeyed, the law ends suffering!
The Declaration of Independence tells us:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are,(tolerated)), sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The founding Fathers taught us the religion, The Bile and the Law are twins like these towers! Written in the Bible is the death penalty for these judges, lawyers, governors, President, Congressmen, etc. Who cooperated in all of this with a foreign government! The heads of State are accountable to the people for this murder! And for the continuous murders!  They know this and want to get rid of the Bible and replace it with the Koran. The Koran lets them get away with these acts of murder The Bible instead holds them accountable for the planning execution and deaths that have followed. Another Crime switching the Bible and replacing it with the Koran. 

Written within the pages of the Bible are all the answers we need. And the power, authority and moral justifications to bring men to account and execute judgement of death upon them! It's very scientific and more perfect than science itself. Science has been made into a "manmade religion" to most people. Liars use it to twist the "Truth" of real scientific facts and evidence. Liars twist History, math, almost everything to push their corruption onto a people without the knowledge of what's written into the Bible.
Every dictator keeps the "Truth" of what's written in the Bible out of the hands and minds of "The People". Hitler burned Bibles, Islam burns bibles, Marxist burn Bibles, Communist burn Bibles, Capitalist burn Bibles.
The Bible is the most dangerous book in the world to tyranny, dictators, businessmen who enslave people.  It exposes the "Truth' and it exposes the "sins" of evil men!
These dictators know if the laws of God are applied correctly they can not be Greedy and enjoy their sin any longer!

9-11 will be are scientific example.  The twin towers fell and other buildings fell like building 7 because of the "sins of men". It was a controlled demolition planned, executed, paid for, by CIA and Saudi Arabia!  The lies following were planned, executed ad paid for by the CIA and Saudi Arabia.

People suffer because men disobey the laws of science God has made and put into the universe. When God's scientific laws are adhered to and obeyed it ends suffering!

People suffer because of the sins of man.

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