Thursday, September 28, 2017

Is Alex Jones Bad For Hating Evil North Korea?

Disagree with Alex Jones, Agree with Ron Paul Why?
Alex you are breaking the law just by using fiat money. The Constitution is the law, it's God's word, rebellion to rebellion is obedience to God.. Ron Paul has the right answer because he is more Constitutionally sound. We change the world by "Strength as an Example! Proofing our strength in justice! We need to be "morally strong!" It is the ONLY defense of any country! That is "real strength" that you and Ronald Reagan, Trump and the military industrial empire are missing. Judge Roy just changed the country with 2 or 3 million dollars because he is "morally strong." Fiat money doesn't fix anything! So Ron Paul is more Red Pilled than you. You depend on millions of dollars! Ron Paul has been teaching gold and silver every day of his life you have no idea how important is to be Constitutionally right! Ron Paul is against all Wars! He is against American troops in any other country, even in America. The army is to be disbanded in peace time! Wars protect those who should not be protected and they make a lot of money on wars!
............It's just gambling to them. Wars are sport, like football and their teams, of Globalist, elitist killing millions of innocent people, around the world, most of them Brainwashed people who have no free will, are slaves to the system of corruption fake fiat dollars built. NK threatening America, we deserve to die, over 50 million abortion, murdering people around the world, causing the immigration or refugee crisis, rapes all over Europe, Islamic State conquering the western world, our own government changing every law to sharia laws, we paid for it!
.............We have no moral ground to stand before God and defend ourselves against NK. A Pastor from OK once says he isn't afraid of a fight, he'll just use his size 12 shoe. About 6'4" 250lbs. I'm in the audience, well I'm woman, 5'5" 125 lbs. I need to put my "Faith in God" and you should too if your are going to call yourself a leader! Real leaders like George Washington, put their faith in God and made sure their men were free from sin, right with God! Gideon won a war with just 300 righteous men! Before going into a fight. George Washington fought a lot of wars. He always made sure "his cause" was just, right, fair! America can not say that!
.......We can not even put a weak, sick Satanist, blood drinking voodoo loving child of the devil, women in jail. Judge your own people first. Talk big once Hillary is in jail, bankers are in jail, The Federal reserve is destroyed! The IRS is destroyed! All the alphabet, jail! Justice in America first! There is so much injustice in America it makes everyone sick-literally! Take care of your own People dying of cancer due to GMO's, chem trails, poisoned water, school children molested in Kindergarten!-Through high school. The bible is very clear. Rebuild America but keep a sword in your other hand. Let them come to you. Nehemiah rebuilding the Temple! Liberty of the American from property taxes so they can live free! Talk big when Americans and "our lives, land, gold and silver" isn't owned by insane homosexual, cannibals, pedophiles! That's is a "God," good, right just cause!

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