Isa 58:6 "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Isa 58:7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
This Reformation Day: Destroying Political Correctness- Burning It At the Stake
1 Corinthians 3:9-151599 Geneva Bible (GNV) Geneva Bible was written by the very hand of the Holy Spirit by very honest men who lived a life of sacrifice in order to keep the Word of God pure and Holy- please refer to footnotes copied at the end of article for a "Holy Spirit" explanation of the words in the Bible so God may enlighten your understanding of his "WILL!.
9 For we together are God’s [a]laborers: ye are God’s husbandry, and God’s building.
10 According to the grace of God given to me, as a skillful master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon: [b]but let every man take heed how he buildeth upon it.
11 [c]For other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
12 [d]And if any man build on this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, timber, hay, or stubble,
13 [e]Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by the fire: and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.
14 If any man’s work, that he hath built upon, abide, he shall receive wages.
15 If any man’s work burn, he shall lose, but [f]he shall be saved himself: nevertheless yet as it were by the fire.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (contrary to what you have been taught) are laid on the foundation of the Bible, more specifically- the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The foundation that all men are created equal and are endowed by God, their Creator, with absolute, unalienable rights. Those rights are based on Nature. Nature meaning: they have the right to love God and obey God.
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The Bible is the Blue Print for Building on the Foundation of the Gospel |
When "the people", love and obey God then God blesses them according to Deuteronomy 28 with land, a marriage, children, fruitful herds and crops etc... God provides them (and their families) with water and food off the land. Each man should own land, and if need be, build a house with their own two hands on that land. Doing this on land that they have the right to grow their own food, raise animals, get married and raise a family.
Land, Water, food, Family
That is the definition of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. According to Nature and Nature's God. Humans are born with needs. Water, Air, Food, and most importantly the most basic of Human needs is LOVE. God's love being the most important kind of love- the next is the love of a Father and Mother, then the love of a spouse and the love of Children. Without love there is no life, liberty or pursuit of Happiness.
We see this all around us. Men are forced by a few "corporations"; The United States of America Inc., a Corporation called IRS, a Corporation called Federal Reserve and a Corporation called Serco. These corporations suck all the wealth, land and freedom from each individual citizen in the States. They live in a 'District'. They run their corporations, not from a State, but from a District; The District of Columbia.
1.)The United States of America is a Corporation
The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871, which controls only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not affect people in the sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control / jurisdiction of the United States corporation. The United States of America is different from the "United States" [corporation].
The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ or United States Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark.
The US corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not affect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788.
There are 2 United States, one formed in 1787, the collection of the several sovereign states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories. Others may can give you specific references and explain this further. Here is an outline of the concepts.
It's time to destroy this separate entity called the District of Columbia because it isn't written in the Constitution for a District to exist. A area of the country that these corporations hide in darkness as an enemy robbing America. They are not under a state government like the rest of the citizens.4.)Serco is the Biggest Company you know nothing about that made you it slaves!
These Corporations, 1.The United States of America Corporation it even has a trade mark, 2.The IRS Corporation, 3.The Federal Reserve Corporation and 4. Serco Corporation the biggest company running all of government), These Corporations make up their own laws and their own money, like the EU: The Paper Dollar. They use this to reign as tyrants over the people who live in States.
With this dollar they refuse men the right to love and worship God. A person loves and worship God by obeying God and His Word. An Action and words. The Bible specifically says every transaction a Christian makes must be done by a piece of Gold or Silver as it written in the Constitution. If you use anything other than Gold and Silver to buy and sell, you are disobeying the Constitution and The Bible, God.
3.) The Federal Reserve is a Corporation
As you look around, you do not see the love for God or a love for people. Everything Americans do is based on the "the Satanist organization of the Illuminati". These Satan worshipers have used the "Power of Satan" to cause men to sin;
2.)The IRS is a Corporation
In their worship services to the Devil they do murder/sacrifice Human beings on alters to call forth Demonic powers in order to cast a spell on the minds of people. This powerful spell (which is calling on demons to enter them and hep them), gives the American people the delusional perception of the imaginary value of fake (paper) printed dollars made by these corporations to run their businesses. They do not use Biblical, Moral, or Constitutional legal tender: Gold and Silver. The enemies which robbed all citizens of all their God given, natural human rights, since 1913 are going to be tried!
These evil people built their illegal Empires out of paper dollars on the foundation of America: the Gospel on Jesus Chris,t the Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution- our foundation which is aid in the hearts of the American people. It shakes and convulses against the weight of this slavery- what these evil men built, is right now being "burnt".
As Scripture testifies:
12 [d]And if any man build on this
foundation, gold, silver, precious stones,
timber, hay, or stubble,
foundation, gold, silver, precious stones,
timber, hay, or stubble,
13 [e]Every man’s work shall be made
manifest: for the day shall declare it,
because it shall be revealed by the fire:
and the fire shall try every man’s work of
what sort it is.
manifest: for the day shall declare it,
because it shall be revealed by the fire:
and the fire shall try every man’s work of
what sort it is.
14 If any man’s work, that he hath built upon,
abide, he shall receive wages.
abide, he shall receive wages.
15 If any man’s work burn, he shall lose,
but [f]he shall be saved himself: nevertheless yet
as it were by the fire.
but [f]he shall be saved himself: nevertheless yet
as it were by the fire.
1599 Geneva Bible Footnotes:
- 1 Corinthians 3:9 Serving under him: Now they which serve under another, do nothing by their own strength, but as it is given them by grace, which grace maketh them fit to that service. See 1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 3:6, and all the increase that cometh by their labor, doth so proceed from God, that no part of the praise of it may be given to the under servant.
- 1 Corinthians 3:10 Now he speaketh to the teachers themselves, who succeeded him in the Church of Corinth, and in their person, to all that were after or shall be Pastors of Congregations, seeing that they succeed into the labor of the Apostles, which were planters and chief builders. Therefore he warneth them first, that they persuade not themselves that they may build after their own fantasy, that is, that they may propound and set forth anything in the Church, either in matter, or in kind of teaching, different from the Apostles which were the chief builders.
- 1 Corinthians 3:11 Moreover, he showeth what this foundation is, to wit, Christ Jesus, from which they may not turn away one iota in the building up of this building.
- 1 Corinthians 3:12 Thirdly, he showeth that they must take heed that the upper part of the building be answerable to the foundation, that is, that admonitions, exhortations, and whatsoever pertaineth to the edifying of the flock, be answerable to the doctrine of Christ, as well in matter as in form: which doctrine is compared to gold, silver, and precious stones: of which matter, Isaiah also and John in the Revelation build the heavenly city. And to these are opposite, wood, hay, stubble, that is to say, curious and vain questions or decrees: and besides to be short, all that kind of teaching which serveth to ostentation. For false doctrines, whereof he speaketh not here, are not said properly to be built upon this foundation, unless peradventure in show only.
- 1 Corinthians 3:13 He testifieth, as indeed the truth is, that all are not good builders, no not some of them which stand upon this one and only foundation: but howsoever this work of evil builders, saith he, stand for a season, yet shall it not always deceive, because that the light of the truth appearing at length, as day shall dissolve this darkness, and show what it is. And as that stuff is tried by the fire, whether it be good or not, so will God in his time by the touch of his Spirit and word, try all buildings, and so shall it come to pass, that such as be found pure and sound, shall still continue so, to the praise of the workman; but they that are otherwise, shall be consumed, and vanish away, and so shall the workman be frustrated of the hope of his labor, which pleased himself in a thing of nought.
- 1 Corinthians 3:15 He taketh not away hope of salvation from the unskillful and foolish builders, which hold fast the foundation, of which sort were those Rhetoricians rather than pastors of Corinth: but he addeth an exception, that they must notwithstanding suffer this trial of their work, and also abide the loss of their vain labors.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Our Gold is in Switzerland. The CIA has it hidden there.
To Mr. McConnell; I don't mind being corrected either. So here are some corrections for you. Please think about it. First the anger of man doesn't do the righteousness of God. God's will is always done in the love and power of God, by the Holy Spirit. God doesn't need China to help him. China has enslaved a whole continent of people. Murdered millions of it's own people murders Buddhist and takes their organs out of live people for organ transplants for the wealthy!They will do the same to the American people. Gold and silver coins are the only Constitutional currency. God never gave anyone permission in his word to use pieces of paper that say backed by gold. He said weigh gold and silver and pay people with pure gold and silver exactly like the money law says in the 1792 money law. if you mess with it you die! The problem with gold back is the holders of the gold and the printers of the paper can lie. Just like America did. America gave out more paper than they had gold to back it. China will just do what the original people did with this system. It's a failure. Once you turn to God as a sinner God transforms people into Saints we are now new creatures called saints, we are no longer sinners but Saints, read the Bible. If you read the Declaration of Independence: we live by nature and natures God. Industry is another way of enslaving men. The Founding Fathers fought for men to own land, live free, and farm. No bosses. China enslaves all it's people in businesses. Healthiest life is farming. The most healthiest people on the planet are the Amish or Mennonites. Who live by the word of God which in Deuteronomy 28, God blesses those who obey him with land crops, animals, families, not a "job". No vaccines, no pharma, no electricity, they live by God and natures God! How much is China paying you? I do say Muslims are innocent of 9-11. But Saudi Arabia enslaves people especially women and they do believe in pedophilia. marrying a girl at 6 and raping her at 9 which Mohammed did is pedophilia. Muslims enslave people to Sharia law. They have filtrated the governments around the world enforcing sharia law and raping women where ever they go. They rape boys in Afghanistan. Testified by service men who were told not to interfere. God told me to listen to George Washington who wrote the laws pertaining to gold and silver. President George Washington was bullet proof. The Indians couldn't kill him. They knew God was with him! The Declaration of Independence is the word of God in action. The Constitution is the word of God in action. I'm sure I'll think of more ways I can help you know God's Truth, love and power of his Holy Spirit. Some times those who are whistle blowers spend so much time studying the enemy they forget to study God and his ways. Thx, enjoyed your interview on Crowd Source.
To Mr. McConnell; I don't mind being corrected either. So here are some corrections for you. Please think about it. First the anger of man doesn't do the righteousness of God. God's will is always done in the love and power of God, by the Holy Spirit. God doesn't need China to help him. China has enslaved a whole continent of people. Murdered millions of it's own people murders Buddhist and takes their organs out of live people for organ transplants for the wealthy!They will do the same to the American people. Gold and silver coins are the only Constitutional currency. God never gave anyone permission in his word to use pieces of paper that say backed by gold. He said weigh gold and silver and pay people with pure gold and silver exactly like the money law says in the 1792 money law. if you mess with it you die! The problem with gold back is the holders of the gold and the printers of the paper can lie. Just like America did. America gave out more paper than they had gold to back it. China will just do what the original people did with this system. It's a failure. Once you turn to God as a sinner God transforms people into Saints we are now new creatures called saints, we are no longer sinners but Saints, read the Bible. If you read the Declaration of Independence: we live by nature and natures God. Industry is another way of enslaving men. The Founding Fathers fought for men to own land, live free, and farm. No bosses. China enslaves all it's people in businesses. Healthiest life is farming. The most healthiest people on the planet are the Amish or Mennonites. Who live by the word of God which in Deuteronomy 28, God blesses those who obey him with land crops, animals, families, not a "job". No vaccines, no pharma, no electricity, they live by God and natures God! How much is China paying you? I do say Muslims are innocent of 9-11. But Saudi Arabia enslaves people especially women and they do believe in pedophilia. marrying a girl at 6 and raping her at 9 which Mohammed did is pedophilia. Muslims enslave people to Sharia law. They have filtrated the governments around the world enforcing sharia law and raping women where ever they go. They rape boys in Afghanistan. Testified by service men who were told not to interfere. God told me to listen to George Washington who wrote the laws pertaining to gold and silver. President George Washington was bullet proof. The Indians couldn't kill him. They knew God was with him! The Declaration of Independence is the word of God in action. The Constitution is the word of God in action. I'm sure I'll think of more ways I can help you know God's Truth, love and power of his Holy Spirit. Some times those who are whistle blowers spend so much time studying the enemy they forget to study God and his ways. Thx, enjoyed your interview on Crowd Source.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Corruption of Government, Who is it? Abel Danger's Field McConnell on Las Vegas, Paddock, Pedogate, 911 and JFK
Everything you could know about anything corrupt in the world.
To Mr. McConnell; I don't mind being corrected either. So here are some corrections for you. Please think about it. First the anger of man doesn't do the righteousness of God. God's will is always done in the love and power of God, by the Holy Spirit. God doesn't need China to help him. China has enslaved a whole continent of people. Murdered millions of it's own people murders Buddhist and takes their organs out of live people for organ transplants for the wealthy!They will do the same to the American people. Gold and silver coins are the only Constitutional currency. God never gave anyone permission in his word to use pieces of paper that say backed by gold. He said weigh gold and silver and pay people with pure gold and silver exactly like the money law says in the 1792 money law. if you mess with it you die! The problem with gold back is the holders of the gold and the printers of the paper can lie. Just like America did. America gave out more paper than they had gold to back it. China will just do what the original people did with this system. It's a failure. Once you turn to God as a sinner God transforms people into Saints we are now new creatures called saints, we are no longer sinners but Saints, read the Bible. If you read the Declaration of Independence: we live by nature and natures God. Industry is another way of enslaving men. The Founding Fathers fought for men to own land, live free, and farm. No bosses. China enslaves all it's people in businesses. Healthiest life is farming. The most healthiest people on the planet are the Amish or Mennonites. Who live by the word of God which in Deuteronomy 28, God blesses those who obey him with land crops, animals, families, not a "job". No vaccines, no pharma, no electricity, they live by God and natures God! How much is China paying you? I do say Muslims are innocent of 9-11. But Saudi Arabia enslaves people especially women and they do believe in pedophilia. marrying a girl at 6 and raping her at 9 which Mohammed did is pedophilia. Muslims enslave people to Sharia law. They have filtrated the governments around the world enforcing sharia law and raping women where ever they go. They rape boys in Afghanistan. Testified by service men who were told not to interfere. God told me to listen to George Washington who wrote the laws pertaining to gold and silver. President George Washington was bullet proof. The Indians couldn't kill him. They knew God was with him! The Declaration of Independence is the word of God in action. The Constitution is the word of God in action. I'm sure I'll think of more ways I can help you know God's Truth, love and power of his Holy Spirit. Some times those who are whistle blowers spend so much time studying the enemy they forget to study God and his ways. Thx, enjoyed your interview on Crowd Source.
To Mr. McConnell; I don't mind being corrected either. So here are some corrections for you. Please think about it. First the anger of man doesn't do the righteousness of God. God's will is always done in the love and power of God, by the Holy Spirit. God doesn't need China to help him. China has enslaved a whole continent of people. Murdered millions of it's own people murders Buddhist and takes their organs out of live people for organ transplants for the wealthy!They will do the same to the American people. Gold and silver coins are the only Constitutional currency. God never gave anyone permission in his word to use pieces of paper that say backed by gold. He said weigh gold and silver and pay people with pure gold and silver exactly like the money law says in the 1792 money law. if you mess with it you die! The problem with gold back is the holders of the gold and the printers of the paper can lie. Just like America did. America gave out more paper than they had gold to back it. China will just do what the original people did with this system. It's a failure. Once you turn to God as a sinner God transforms people into Saints we are now new creatures called saints, we are no longer sinners but Saints, read the Bible. If you read the Declaration of Independence: we live by nature and natures God. Industry is another way of enslaving men. The Founding Fathers fought for men to own land, live free, and farm. No bosses. China enslaves all it's people in businesses. Healthiest life is farming. The most healthiest people on the planet are the Amish or Mennonites. Who live by the word of God which in Deuteronomy 28, God blesses those who obey him with land crops, animals, families, not a "job". No vaccines, no pharma, no electricity, they live by God and natures God! How much is China paying you? I do say Muslims are innocent of 9-11. But Saudi Arabia enslaves people especially women and they do believe in pedophilia. marrying a girl at 6 and raping her at 9 which Mohammed did is pedophilia. Muslims enslave people to Sharia law. They have filtrated the governments around the world enforcing sharia law and raping women where ever they go. They rape boys in Afghanistan. Testified by service men who were told not to interfere. God told me to listen to George Washington who wrote the laws pertaining to gold and silver. President George Washington was bullet proof. The Indians couldn't kill him. They knew God was with him! The Declaration of Independence is the word of God in action. The Constitution is the word of God in action. I'm sure I'll think of more ways I can help you know God's Truth, love and power of his Holy Spirit. Some times those who are whistle blowers spend so much time studying the enemy they forget to study God and his ways. Thx, enjoyed your interview on Crowd Source.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Clandestine CIA Operation like Las Vegas? Nov. 4th, 2017? Large Comet 96P/Machholz/Lasco C3/Possible Solar Collision
If you watch movies you know Hollywood can do anything in a movie and make it seem real. I sometimes think BP Earth here is a CIA plant. They maybe using him to be building this up for the false flag Nov. 4th, 2017 of a Homeland Security drill for a solar emergency! On the same day the CIA will be doing a clandestine action of their own through their puppet organization antifa, called the day of Rage. Question everything!
- kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
"she deserved better than these clandestine meetings"
synonyms: secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, closet, backstairs, backroom;
hush-hush"their clandestine meetings"
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Live Video: Infowars And Roger Stone Drop Truth Bombs In Times Square!
Meme $5,000 winner Alex Jones for location sing song.
Impromptu Preaching by grabbing people off the street for interviews.
49:00 minutes to 52:00 Man running for Congress in PA compares Railroad monopoly to internet , goggle, FB monopoly. Internet and these other sites are not an individual business. The government gave them the programs to start all of it after the government stole a lot of the patents from the patent office. Government also gave/gives them financial support so the government can regulate as a utility like it did the railroads.
Transgender Wo(Man) Convicted Of Raping A 10 Year Old Girl In The Restroom
Transgender is just another word for pedophile. Transgender bathrooms is legalization of pedophilia! Muslim believe in pedophilia so lgbtq who 80% are pedophiles, along with very perverted people, witches, chemist, etc. abortionist, Satan worships who believe in child sacrifice basic barbaric, savages, encourage and support Islam. 90% of Washington DC, MSM, intelligence agencies, public schools, child protective services, (taking over by pedophiles), the Supreme Court, democrats, courts, lawyers, and Hollywood!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
What the Hell is Happening Here at Hooters/Las Vegas on Oct. 1st (NEW VI...
Some swear Words
Benjamin Franks video also posted on Blogger: Mandalay Bay Las Vegas MGM Aftermath Perspective
Benjamin Franks video also posted on Blogger: Mandalay Bay Las Vegas MGM Aftermath Perspective
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath perspective from MGM Grand
Some swear Words.
This is Benjamin Franks video: Mandalay Bay Las Vegas MGM Aftermath Perspective
How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created
Admit it, you love Star Trek! "Fire Phasers"! What is a phaser? A beam of hot light! Turned up really high! Phasers are great until your government becomes a "dictatorship" and the points the phaser at you! DEW! Directed Energy Weapons. Forget green energy, they plan on genociding all the White people! What ever meets their goal of population control down to 500 million people.
Friday, October 20, 2017
"An Open Secret" Documentary: Hollywood's Pedophiles Exposed; PLUS Drag ...Solutions living by Godly Principles
Help the cause, love your neighbor as you love yourself= demand Constitutional money for pay! Gold and silver coins! Strip the globalist/Satan/Evil people of their delusional/.Illuminati demonic power: They use and abuse and hypnotize People! Demand all people be paid in gold and silver coins! As the Bible demands!
Everyone has been created by God and have unalienable rights from God to be treated fairly and justly by being paid with something that actually has real "solid" material value! If you buy something for someone and you spent your gold or silver coins = then you showed your love and respect for the other person.
Start farming, growing things! It is the best mental health pill in the entire universe! And living a peace filled Quiet life!
.......If people use gold and silver coins which are actually worth something. Reap what you sow! When people spend real gold and real silver which are valuable they will treat themselves and others like their worth something!
...............Paper Dollars are an illusion of wealth, power, importance, it's all an illusion/delusion Gold and silver are real! It's in the mind! Paper dollars have no value! It's the greatest lie men have ever believed! Worse than believing the earth is flat or that slavery is ok. People lose their minds and become obsessed! We need to stop treating people like they are worthless! To pay a person with fake money is the 'root" of this tree/slavery of men's souls their lives are taken from them and it is the root of all violence! We have no respect, no love for ourselves nor do we love and respect our neighbors. William Penn, Pennsylvania city of brotherly love they each had a farm, acres of land and used gold and silver coins! That's true freedom, truly living! That's the Life, Liberty and Happiness!
While illusion can be termed to be external, delusion can be called as internal. Delusion is a fixed belief, which can be either false or fanciful. Illusion is only distortion of the senses. While illusion is a physical phenomenon, delusion pertains to the mental aspect.
Solutions: Kick the Muslims out is a good start or make them give up pedophile, multiple wives, and the whole Koran! Then deal with pornography and kick it out.G rated is good for everyone! Then people need something to do: make them grow their own food, dig wells for their own water and raise animals for food. Or starve! Starvation is a real good motivator! It's from God! Fake money, easy lifestyles leads to this stuff! If men have to provide for themselves instead of fake dollars, governments and corporation A lot of this clears up real fast!
Thursday, October 19, 2017
NEW! Las Vegas Shooting Details Prove it was a HOAX, Trump Rivals, Codes...
A very different analysis! Introducing new technology!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Patent Theft Steals From All Americans Technology vs Life & Freedom
Great show, wonderful info, shared it on all of our media sights. One question for you and your Aim4Truth? The Word of God is the Truth, The Holy Spirit is the Truth, Jesus is the Truth. What about God? What do you think God thinks about all of this? God is the opposite of this technology. people are much healthier outside working on their land raising animals and growing food. Technology, no matter, electrical currents, is very harmful to human beings, animals, food and the environment. There is no power that can stand against the power of God. All this technology is a result of people being taken off their land that God gave their forefathers and forced into "jobs", slavery, with the use paper money that has no value, since the conception of the Federal Reserve. Real money is gold and silver coins. What about the Salvation of mankind's souls, lives, through Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord and King? In the end there will be no technology. Just a horse out in the pasture, families living off the land like the founding Fathers. In the last century mankind messed with things God told them not to do. Rocket fuel for space exploration as an example was the result of a man worshiping the Devil. RocknRoll the same, CIA, Fake dollars, all caused by sin. So all this technology is from demonic realms. God told me he saved the power of electricity for himself and human beings have no right to the power of electricity or other powers of this earth all that is wizardry, witchcraft. The Bible is the same yesterday today and for ever. No mention of electricity. Do you know what the Amish have that we don't have? "Love", the power of God, health, land, skills to live independent, morals, principles, ethics, so much more that technology can never give man.Technology is cold, inhuman, without emotion. Think about it. We strive everyday to be off the grid and live with nature and according to the rights, morals and ethics of nature's God Jesus Christ. God gave all power to the name of Jesus Christ. Expose these people shut them down and everything they created!
direct opposites,
internet control,
technology is slavery
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Insider: Secret Program Bigger Than Manhattan Project Finances Breakaway...
Cathrine Austin Fitts! Great Woman! We are trusting God for a miracle, Farms for everyone. Free food, water, air, life! Free from chemicals, free from bad health, smarter, more relaxed lots of LOVE! Loving the land, husband wives actually loving each other, loving children, loving grandparents, loving our neighbors. Justice, Honesty, trusting one another again!
.............This lady is a great mind and knows what she is talking about!!! Probably the most honest person out there. Does she have faith in God? Yes, but she doesn't believe like we do. We lean towards, Amish,early American Quakers. But she gives hope in the world for justice and fixing the problems without miracles. Maybe she will become the next Fed Chairman, she is quite qualified. She hates crypto currency because it is fiat.,She hates fiat currency also.
SAME VIDEOSMonday, October 16, 2017
Sunday, October 15, 2017
God's Laws Are Perfect! The Universe Travels Through Time and Space By The Scientific Laws Of God

No one, absolutely no one can defy the Laws of God!
You Do Reap What You Sow!
America has run the world using fake, crony Capitalism. Which is unfair, unjust, and tries to fight the Laws of God. Men took the wide, easy path of just printing up their own wealth- fake money- after they stole all the truly God scientific legal tender- gold and silver coins! The wide path leads to destruction!
Isaiah 58 Ministries October 15, 2017
Pastor Leah Faith
All scientific Laws that men quote or "discover" are, in fact, God's Laws. Gravity, Mathematics, Astronomy, and so forth. Other scientific laws of nature are the laws of Justice, Mercy, Kindness, Wisdom, and the like. The Commandments of God are the scientific Laws of the Universe. These laws can not be broken without serious consequences, Consequence to the earth and to the life on earth!
53:00 minutes
On Friday's show, Mike Rivera kind of discovered this. His wife was doing the show with him and they were telling all the horrible news around the world. Mike reflected for a moment and pronounced: "For those who believe in some celestial being out there controlling the Universe. He must be awfully mad, because so many people have broken his laws. All these problems, death, destruction, famine, mayhem, are caused because men have broken his laws; do not steal, do not falsely accuse others, do not murder, do not lie, etc." (not an exact quote)
Americans, for God to heal the country, we have to lose everything we own or received because of fake money. We will lose friendships, land, positions, authority, savings, etc.
Wait don't panic! God wants to give you freedom and the "Best" life has to offer. You have no idea what was stolen from you! No eye has seen, nor has it enter into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him: The Truth, Real honest laws, Justice. America hasn't seen this since for the 20th century! Men from the south- Democrats, racists, slave owners etc... have been planning to take power over America since they lost the Civil War! The KKK was a distraction. Everything they did was done in the name of "progress". American's lost huge farms, the "family farm", land, property, gold, silver, real wealth, families, morals, ethics, peace, security, churches, skills, talents, mental abilities and so forth...
Men working for themselves, in their own business- like being a blacksmith, mercantile/general store owner, carpenter, individual freedom and so much more all lost these things in the name of "progress."
The 1900's can be best thought of as the second dark ages. The Theme was: "You can't fight Progress." Another name for progress is "slavery"!
Penn Lost everything.
His Father was Second to the King of England! He lost it all! He turned his back on power, slaves, and the best of everything!
William Penn was the son of Sir William Penn, and was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker, and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Wikipedia
You Do Reap What You Sow!
America has run the world using fake, crony Capitalism. Which is unfair, unjust, and tries to fight the Laws of God. Men took the wide, easy path of just printing up their own wealth- fake money- after they stole all the truly God scientific legal tender- gold and silver coins! The wide path leads to destruction!
Isaiah 58 Ministries October 15, 2017
Pastor Leah Faith
All scientific Laws that men quote or "discover" are, in fact, God's Laws. Gravity, Mathematics, Astronomy, and so forth. Other scientific laws of nature are the laws of Justice, Mercy, Kindness, Wisdom, and the like. The Commandments of God are the scientific Laws of the Universe. These laws can not be broken without serious consequences, Consequence to the earth and to the life on earth!
53:00 minutes
On Friday's show, Mike Rivera kind of discovered this. His wife was doing the show with him and they were telling all the horrible news around the world. Mike reflected for a moment and pronounced: "For those who believe in some celestial being out there controlling the Universe. He must be awfully mad, because so many people have broken his laws. All these problems, death, destruction, famine, mayhem, are caused because men have broken his laws; do not steal, do not falsely accuse others, do not murder, do not lie, etc." (not an exact quote)
Americans, for God to heal the country, we have to lose everything we own or received because of fake money. We will lose friendships, land, positions, authority, savings, etc.
Wait don't panic! God wants to give you freedom and the "Best" life has to offer. You have no idea what was stolen from you! No eye has seen, nor has it enter into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love him: The Truth, Real honest laws, Justice. America hasn't seen this since for the 20th century! Men from the south- Democrats, racists, slave owners etc... have been planning to take power over America since they lost the Civil War! The KKK was a distraction. Everything they did was done in the name of "progress". American's lost huge farms, the "family farm", land, property, gold, silver, real wealth, families, morals, ethics, peace, security, churches, skills, talents, mental abilities and so forth...
Men working for themselves, in their own business- like being a blacksmith, mercantile/general store owner, carpenter, individual freedom and so much more all lost these things in the name of "progress."
The 1900's can be best thought of as the second dark ages. The Theme was: "You can't fight Progress." Another name for progress is "slavery"!
Penn Lost everything.
His Father was Second to the King of England! He lost it all! He turned his back on power, slaves, and the best of everything!
William Penn was the son of Sir William Penn, and was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker, and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Wikipedia
Born: October 14, 1644, London, United Kingdom
Died: July 30, 1718, Ruscombe, United Kingdom
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Genesis |
The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus, Jesus is the power of God, Jesus is the Word of God, Jesus is the Truth! Jesus is the Law of God, so that we can "hear" from the indwelling Holy Spirit leading us into all Truth. With the Holy Spirit, Satan, sinners, governments, will not rule over you. Sin will not rule over you! You become a "Holy" person, a saint.
Live the narrow way, doing things for yourself: Growing your food, collecting your own water, raising animals, making clothes, etc.
The Constitution guarantees your God given right to do this: Life, Liberty, Property, the Pursuit of Happiness!
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
11 To make it your ambition and definitely endeavor to live quietly and peacefully, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we charged you,
12 So that you may bear yourselves becomingly and be correct and honorable and command the respect of the outside world, being dependent on nobody [self-supporting] and having need of nothing.
Jesus delivers us from this world along with the things and enjoyments of this world. Then we hear God; we receive from God: land, friendships by the hand of God, gold and silver as money... When things come to you by the "hand of God", "by having faith in God", using the "power" of God, no one can take it from you!
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