Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Patent Theft Steals From All Americans Technology vs Life & Freedom

Great show, wonderful info, shared it on all of our media sights. One question for you and your Aim4Truth? The Word of God is the Truth, The Holy Spirit is the Truth, Jesus is the Truth. What about God? What do you think God thinks about all of this? God is the opposite of this technology. people are much healthier outside working on their land raising animals and growing food. Technology, no matter, electrical currents, is very harmful to human beings, animals, food and the environment. There is no power that can stand against the power of God. All this technology is a result of people being taken off their land that God gave their forefathers and forced into "jobs", slavery, with the use paper money that has no value, since the conception of the Federal Reserve. Real money is gold and silver coins. What about the Salvation of mankind's souls, lives, through Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord and King? In the end there will be no technology. Just a horse out in the pasture, families living off the land like the founding Fathers. In the last century mankind messed with things God told them not to do. Rocket fuel for space exploration as an example was the result of a man worshiping the Devil. RocknRoll the same, CIA, Fake dollars, all caused by sin. So all this technology is from demonic realms. God told me he saved the power of electricity for himself and human beings have no right to the power of electricity or other powers of this earth all that is wizardry, witchcraft. The Bible is the same yesterday today and for ever. No mention of electricity. Do you know what the Amish have that we don't have? "Love", the power of God, health, land, skills to live independent, morals, principles, ethics, so much more that technology can never give man.Technology is cold, inhuman, without emotion. Think about it. We strive everyday to be off the grid and live with nature and according to the rights, morals and ethics of nature's God Jesus Christ. God gave all power to the name of Jesus Christ. Expose these people shut them down and everything they created!

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