Saturday, October 7, 2017

Route 91 on 10-1, 9-11-01, call 911

Click on link to facebook post.

Carrie Lavender
23 hrs
Omg, Las Vegas was the deep state/shadow govt Satanists' Human Sacrifice, just like 9/11. They do this because they are superstitious & believe it gives them omnipotent power over us. It is their deal with the devil. You can't make this stuff up.
Thanks for cluing me in: Albert BishaiMithrell BowermanEM Tailor, Zach Orcutt.

Just had to share, add "call 911". Is there devil? Then who else planned this? If there is a devil there is also a God. The men using phony money, which is divination, plain evil. Our Founding Fathers were good men, who knew bankers were evil, credit & debt is slavery to other men, it's evil,Satanist practice slavery!. This is why they specifically wrote and made slave owners sign this: you, I, all states & Federal government must only use gold and silver coins for money! Money isn't free. You just can't print it up, or use electricity:100111000 to make fake wealth. Bit coins are evil, Satanic! It's sorcery! A delusion, magic!

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