Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Q anon 5/15/18 "Pain Coming"

Do not fear have Faith in God! Look, open your eyes. What is God doing? Around the World!
Gold & Silver is Money, Farm! You get to love all, Healthiest food, most fulfilling lifestyle, happiest healthiest children full of love, lots of children, lots of animal babies, It's a wonderful life!
Cancellation of all debts! Return to the land, return land, free land back to the people open your eyes God is moving!
​2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Year of Jubilee World Wide! God is moving Awake of sleeper Christ will give you light! God is setting the captive/oppressed free! Brexist, Trump, AFD, everywhere
A lot of channels have been sleeper cells of CIA, building trust on the internet so when the time was right these trusted names and faces will turn everyone into cryptos. .
Everyone teaching crypto becomes demonic, underneath is an evil violence ready to kill if you disagree!
What's is a focal point of all of this: they killed Kennedy because he would limited the mobs lucrative money scam of paper dollars! Silver Dollar,silver half-dollars, quarter, dime, Gold Eagle. you own the land not the few, not corporations. The earth is for each person to grow their own food. The earth is equally everyone's right to have a piece of God's earth!
Each person pursuit of happiness is owning land. Why? When you have land you grow food your family and your grand children will never be hungry, a lot healthier so you don't need health insurance, or afraid of going hungry, getting sick because evil men, without God or talking about God, use fear to force you into slavery.! You are Afraid if you are not growing your own food! God wants you to feel safe every day. Why? So no one can force you to work for them because that is the definition of slavery. It isn't a job, it's slavery!
Use your Constitutional power and authority by simply telling the truth. Don't lie for these oligarchs! Stop saying, "yesir master". you are free, free from sin, don't lie, tell the truth!
Constitution is based on men paying an honest wage of gold and silver.Without gold and silver coins no one can be prideful about their Constitutional duty.. DJT has to clean government out and live long enough to convert to the Constitution from slavery to the Federal Reserve, which made America a Oligarchy, not a Constitutional government. A few unelected men have been owning and running the country since 1911!
a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.
"the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president"
a country governed by an oligarchy.
"the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century"
government by oligarchy.
God can help us if we the people take our God given power and Authority given to us by the Holy Spirit and the Constitution and tell the Truth. Constitution. one dollar is a silver coin called Liberty. period it's the Truth. Don't lie! 10 of these silver dollars equal a $10 dollar gold coin called an Eagle! That is the truth! Use your Constitutional power and authority by simply telling the truth. Don't lie for these oligarchs! Stop saying, "yesir master". you are free, free from sin, don't lie, tell the truth!
You have to budget with gold and silver, no socialism, no communism, Farms! No giant monopolies of Corporations! Individuals have individual rights! Each person individual has a say in government.
Where is the church of 1950's, 60's? Using credit. Disobeying God. Disobeying the Constitution Gold and silver is money. God said not to be in debt. A dollar bill is a debt to the Federal Reserve
Where is the church today?Why are homosexuals teaching their dogma in schools to 5 year olds? (Molesting children) We are disobeying God just like are grandparents, parents,
Our Great Great grand parents obeyed God, they used Gold and silver, refused debt!
So Simple a child understands do not sin, obey God and God will be with you and bless you it isn't hard!
Let the holy Spirit Lead you the anointing, the power of God. Since 1998' we followed God he brought back to our inheritance our great grandparents land. Get your life right with God repent! #TheGospelofJesusChrist the power of God to America's Salvation!

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