Friday, May 25, 2018

Ruling Class Part 2 Why? Internet Censorship Pilgrims The Invention of the Printing Press

Books Tell You Why
Ruling Class Part1
Excerpt from a Blog on Rare Books
By Leah DobrinskaNov 27, 2014.
This idea was perilous; at the time, allegiance to the Church of England was mandated by law. 
Consequently, the separatists sought asylum in Holland. They settled in Leiden after a brief stint in Amsterdam. It was there that the Pilgrims  attempted to create a stable life for themselves. However, they remained outsiders and were plagued with the constant threat of punishment under English law for their separatists beliefs.
The illegal printing press, operated by William Brewster - a forerunner in the separatists’ cause - was the source of many of the Pilgrim’s troubles; however, it was also the way in which they propagated their beliefs. 
Brewster printed religious pamphlets that expressed sentiment in direct conflict with that of the Church of England. The documents circulated throughout England, spreading the separatists message and furthering their cause. Two of the most notable works printed by the “Pilgrim Press” are Perth Assembly and De regimine Ecclesiae Scoticanae brevis relatio, both by David Calderwood. Calderwood was a Scottish thinker whose works were overwhelmingly critical of King James I.
Pilgrims_Addison_InventoryAs a result of these publications, Brewster was hunted by the English ambassador to Holland and the Secretary of State in London. Brewster managed to hide for over a year, but his silent partner, Thomas Brewer, was not so lucky. He was jailed for his role in the printing. Although Brewster escaped, his house was searched and his printing types confiscated.

       Censorship isn't new. With the invention of the Printing Press information that was forbidden was available to everyone and then, or because of this, the ruling class lost their power over the masses. 
The Bible is what everyone wanted to read. The Pilgrims were one group of people printing Bibles, pamphlets, and hiding them in grain sacks and other crates imported  into England from Holland! If caught they could be hung.
    It was against the law to print the Bible and distribute it. The ruling class knew they were losing their power, losing their ability to lie to people.
     We are in the middle of the same thing. Look at the history of the printing press. Eventually the individual man knew the Bible and knew God's will. The ruling class was no longer the ruling class. The same thing is happening now with the advent of the internet. Nothing can replace the Bible. The Bible is about seeking the Truth. Separating honest people from liars!
        The Bible teaches  men to seek the "Truth".    In all things people are seeking the"Truth".
The whole Truth.  Liars, rulers tell partial Truth  or a twisted version of the  Truth which means they liemake up propaganda  to control people.

Look at Don Lemon  lying saying  President Trump is a liar.   
 “It was a tough call the first time I ever had to call the president a liar,” Lemon said. He noted that all Oval Office leaders shade the truth or assert falsehoods that they believe to be true. “But to go out and lie to people knowingly is something different,” Lemon said. “We saw what happened with Nixon when the President does that. … I finally had to get to the point where we said ‘The President lied about this.'”
      This whole paragraph is a lie!
If people no longer believe the lies of the elite controlling group they will lose everything.  

John Locke (1632-1704), Physician and Philosopher

John Locke a Physician who studied his modern times of 1600's and while helping the sick he realized the people he was helping were suffering because of the oppression of the land owners of England.  John Locke recognized the need of each family to own their own land and grow their own food.   This is where the people of England coined the expression of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.  This is also  called, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  All of this came from studying the Bible.
Mankind's hope is in knowing God.  
Psalms 42:5            
Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.
My soul is downcast within me;
    therefore I will remember you

   Each person needs to learn to talk to themselves, like King David.
David  talked to himself!  What's wrong? Why are you sad?  He encouraged himself. We can be our very best friend.

 The Power of God can and does  save our soul from lies, public school indoctrination, Military Industrial Complex media propaganda that rips our minds in many pieces, and  fractions it. Jesus came to heal our minds of Emotional pain and suffering causing us to be sick,  broken, unhappy. We need God's loving power of the Holy Spirit that created us in the first place to heal our minds and bodies once oppression, lies have broken down our sound minds from childhood.
                   We need to become children again. You must have the Faith of a child.
   How did the Bible give people Liberty, Life, Happiness. It was the truth: God loves us, he sent Jesus to die on the cross so  our sins are forgiven, now we can go to God and ask him to help us.
  The King of England,  the Catholic Church, the Church of England were too powerful, too strong.The people couldn't free themselves. 
    We need God to help us with everything.  Jesus die to set us free from oppression. Satan's power over our minds is the lies we have been told.  We receive the power of God's Holy Spirit that leads us into knowing the Truth. The Truth, sets us Free. 
  Jesus Christ is the Word of God, but no one can just use the word of God separated from the Holy Spirit or the name of Jesus. 
   The Bible and the power of God's word is open through Faith  in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit who draws us close to God. God's love of his Spirit makes a circle of love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit working as one in our minds unlocks the spells of rebellion/witchcraft, Satan, liars, have put on our minds. Lies binding us up inside ourselves never able to be set free.
                                        God sets us free from the power of sin.  
  Alex Jones thinks we entering a new Dark Ages when in actuality we are coming out of a mini dark Ages of the 1900's.  The Printing Press with the Bible written in the language of the People brought men out of the Dark Ages. The Internet also is bringing men out of the Dark Ages.
Year of Jubilee 
Cancellation of Deb
(The dollar bill  is an instrument of debt)
 Return the Land to the People! 

Resistance Chicks
Published by Leah Svensson
Lawyers think they are perfect. Do you think like God? All laws come from God. I will think like William Blackstone, Sir Edward Coke, John Locke, John Adams great men, great lawyers.…/sir-edward-coke-on-th…/
William Blackstone: There are no laws above God's laws! The rights of men come from God. The Commentaries on the Laws of England[1] are an influential 18th-century treatise on the common law of England by Sir William Blackstone, originally published by the Clarendon Press at Oxford, 1765–1769. The work is divided into four volumes, on the rights of persons, the rights of things, of private wrongs and of public wrongs.

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