Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Farming is too hard!

 The blessings of God, in Deuteronomy 28 for obeying Gad. Our government was formed to secure these blessings of God, the blessings of Liberty.  
 Comments made to people who question gold, silver coins as the only money,and  farming has the healthiest life and way to raise children. , The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution is made for everyone owning their land and farming. 

My Comment to this picture about March is National Stop Blaming White People Month!

Right! You blame Government who had you believe a piece of paper is actually worth something when the Constitution plainly says gold and silver coins ONLY.  Nothing hard, a two year can understand that. Then Blame the government for taking you off a farm, stealing the family farm where you would learn to love and depend on God. Love everything you need to know, learning  to naturally provide for yourself and love you children at home all day children love their parents all day, grandparents aunts uncles cousin all living near, knowing them loving them, going to church together praying together thank God for everything, so much more.
Blame your government for stealing from you parents and putting you in a cold hard critical institution surrounded by mean children, brainwashed dumbed down for 12 to 13 years. Your mind completely broken.  You must obey the masters who control every part of life! Leaving you lonely and empty inside...Atheist  So much more!.
  My comment:  Jesus told me you can buy a bag of flour, 4-5 lbs, a bag of salt, a bag of sugar 3 bags with a silver "dime," 3 flour sack size bags only cost a silver dime, to make bread, that how low the silver prices are and how much money is taxed, money is taxed more than it's worth. A man's weekly salary use to be 2 to 5 silver dollars. Fiat as messed up all of society, fiat is a con...God is going to make men honest again..... Honest man, he is going to make them they will have to be....Honest.... Flour grows itself the easiest grain to grow! It is so easy, hardly any work involved. Salt you jut dig out of the grown, just shipping cost, sugar is the hardest.....we have made maple syrup it takes a lot....

Someone's comment...I get your point but Farming isn't all that constantly fight the weather, pests and diseases and repairing equipment. Not counting the long hours in season and finding a market for your produce. Walking your land is great but a weekly paycheck is a whole lot easier, take it from one who knows.

   My Comment:  I use to believe what you just said, it was brainwashed into me by what I heard I had no real experience but public school and jobs to base things on. To me You buy everything. But it's all poisoned even the water!!!We learn something new all the time that we can go without or make ourselves, grow ourselves, etc.
You've been taught to believe. 2/3 of the American people have less than 1,000 in savings. What if you don't have a job? With a farm you are putting 12 hours a day into building, raising animals. 

We started with 3 Kune Kunes in 5 years w have had well over 100 piglets. Farms multiply. Equipment. Go back 150 years, no traitors...Very well made equipment! Very very strong horses oxen. They live on grass! so do pigs, chickens horses. You only know the horror stories people have told due to fake fiat dollars, those who want to keep Americans in slavery.. God provided everything. You've have probably never had the Holy Spirit helping you. Once I was cutting wood with a hand saw. The Spirit moved through me and it was like cutting butter with a knife!

As God leads, we say, :"Man we are 100 years behind," Our great grandfathers had it easy,, they were raised to learn these things, we don't have an old man of wisdom and experience to ask. So it's harder but some day we will be the old man with wisdom and experience.

We have Red, Black, golden  Raspberries, They spread like weeds, so do Blackberries, Grapes, Cherries, peaches, nectarines, and strawberries, blueberries need a little more care.  

My Comment:    We have a lot of fruit trees, Our pear tree has been giving us 30 to 50 quart jars of pears every year for 3 or 4 years. We build out building, very strong out of pallets, white wash them each year, keeps bugs out, they will last for 50 years! Some day you won't trust these evil men and their inventions.  You'll have  a much fuller, happier, healthier, more fulfilled life surrounded by loved ones instead of strangers. School did that. When we grow up we are use to be surrounded by strangers we don't even miss our families!!  

God said I now "MY PLANS" for you, man'e control over everything prices, cost everything is slavery, awful, you are just raised in it so there is nothing wrong with it. You don't know what you are missing. You work on your land seeds multiply 1,000 to 10,000 % you'll have a great retirement that you pass on to your children. God made life to multiply much much more than income or interest or whatever you think you or savings is for retirement. 

There is nothing more healthy for husbands, wives, children, grandparents than farming, getting your hands dirty and petting and holding animals, especially baby animals. There is sex, life, death, predators all aspects of life on a farm. Children learn all they need on a farm. Men have to protect their families and animal and train the animals, teaching their children as they work. Every day is different, everyday is new, you are never bored never lonely...All and the wonder of seasons, our yard is an orchestra, every week a new flower springs forth it's wonderful, exciting....

A comment made in rebuttal:  I owned and ran a commercial orchard....we also raised poddy calves. Started it from bare ground....huge difference from backyard trees to a commercial orchard.

My comment: Absolutely. Big Ag has destroyed everything.....Natural, normal. I know a lot of people who can not make it "making" money farming. Heart breaking stories, same in France Farmers killing themselves. They leave God and gold and silver out and use electricity, telephones, trucks, pesticides, God's not in it. Anything done the worlds way will destroy anyone. I'm talking about 1890 style, Amish style, but we do have to destroy that fake petro dollar. A young man should start small enough to provide for himself. then add to it each year, a wife, then a child, + + + +. When God blesses you with extra give to the poor, then  sell what is left.

And inherit your land from your grand Daddy and NO PROPERTY TAXES.    You don't lease from the gov. what you own, like a hat, pair of jeans, land, etc. 

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